Lawliet2011-06-11 08:59:41
I'm VERY annoyed at myself right now. So last night we all went out, I somehow got extremely drunk after not drinking that much at all and threw up so I went home, during the night (I don't remember this) I appear to have thrown up on my computer, so the keyboard doesn't work anymore. So now I'm using a new keyboard (cost me £8, bleh) which I'm not really used to yet.
More importantly my computer is a laptop, so I had to move my laptop back and now every time I use it the keyboard part is going to be taunting me
More importantly my computer is a laptop, so I had to move my laptop back and now every time I use it the keyboard part is going to be taunting me

Casilu2011-06-11 17:41:10
I hate when I'm talking to someone and they suddenly get mad at me when I thought everything was fine. I never have any idea wtf I did and it usually just leaves me confused.
Daraius2011-06-11 20:30:39
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Jun 10 2011, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My ps3 doesn't have enough room on the hard drive to accept my free gifts...Damn you Daraius!
Well, my PS3 took like 36 hours to download inFAMOUS.

I only got to play it for a few minutes before work. Want to zaaaap!!
Ilyssa2011-06-12 05:22:05
Too many "excused" absences from school this year so it's summer school for me. Lolwut.
Unknown2011-06-12 14:30:52
QUOTE (Ilyssa @ Jun 12 2011, 01:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Too many "excused" absences from school this year so it's summer school for me. Lolwut.
Wait, excused? So you would have been better off just playing hookie?
Unknown2011-06-12 14:48:21
Ugh wow depression. ;-; wtb a guild that actually knows what its doing and can raid!
Unknown2011-06-12 16:05:31
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Jun 12 2011, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ugh wow depression. ;-; wtb a guild that actually knows what its doing and can raid!
Heh. It's that very problem that made me give up serious WoW raiding. I got to LK25 way too many times and then had us fall apart.
Unknown2011-06-12 16:39:53
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jun 12 2011, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heh. It's that very problem that made me give up serious WoW raiding. I got to LK25 way too many times and then had us fall apart.
I'd happily have traded places with you. Most of my guilds have been with idiots who aren't willing to understand actually knowing your class and putting time and effort into your character doesn't equal being an elitist/having no life. Current guild has only killed Halfus (very recently), Magmaw and the Toxitron group. Magmaw they've gotten down, Toxitron's group takes like...3/4 wipes. The RL/GM doesn't bother to read up on the strats and when I basically laid out the strat for valiona/theralion he and his sister both ninja logged because they're assholes and don't like it when someone basically shows them up. About all I can do is sit there, facepalming. I'm not very good at finding guilds just because I'm really scared to apply and I'll write it up and whatnot but not send it. I basically follow my friends into guilds and they're all doing their own thing and I can't expect for them to me. It just....getting really frustrating right now. I love wow but I just wish I could find some place that is solid and able/willing to progress.
Unknown2011-06-12 16:43:49
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Jun 12 2011, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd happily have traded places with you. Most of my guilds have been with idiots who aren't willing to understand actually knowing your class and putting time and effort into your character doesn't equal being an elitist/having no life. Current guild has only killed Halfus (very recently), Magmaw and the Toxitron group. Magmaw they've gotten down, Toxitron's group takes like...3/4 wipes. The RL/GM doesn't bother to read up on the strats and when I basically laid out the strat for valiona/theralion he and his sister both ninja logged because they're assholes and don't like it when someone basically shows them up. About all I can do is sit there, facepalming. I'm not very good at finding guilds just because I'm really scared to apply and I'll write it up and whatnot but not send it. I basically follow my friends into guilds and they're all doing their own thing and I can't expect for them to me. It just....getting really frustrating right now. I love wow but I just wish I could find some place that is solid and able/willing to progress.
I recommend first letting the GM know why you're frustrated. Then if you don't quite get the response you were looking for, politely bid adieu to you fellow guildies and /gquit. Make a post up on your realm forums with relevant information about how you're looking for a good raiding guild and that you're willing to ook up the strats, watch the videos, and if needed, bring your own Pots, Food and Repair-Gold. Take the initiative and find somewhere that works for you, not somewhere that you feel obligated to stay at despite the fact that it's obviously not getting you what you're looking for with your $15 a month.
Unknown2011-06-12 16:52:39
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jun 12 2011, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I recommend first letting the GM know why you're frustrated. Then if you don't quite get the response you were looking for, politely bid adieu to you fellow guildies and /gquit. Make a post up on your realm forums with relevant information about how you're looking for a good raiding guild and that you're willing to ook up the strats, watch the videos, and if needed, bring your own Pots, Food and Repair-Gold. Take the initiative and find somewhere that works for you, not somewhere that you feel obligated to stay at despite the fact that it's obviously not working too well for you.
Yah, friends in teh guild with me (who are officers no less) have already tried talking to him about problems with "the raiding" of our guild. He basically ignored them. He and his sister just don't like anyone basically telling them they're wrong.

---and I'm a whiny mcwhinerton my gosh. probably doesn't help I've been feeling like crap lately.
Unknown2011-06-12 17:38:34
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Jun 12 2011, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yah, friends in teh guild with me (who are officers no less) have already tried talking to him about problems with "the raiding" of our guild. He basically ignored them. He and his sister just don't like anyone basically telling them they're wrong.
Bold = my main problem. I'd do that if I wasn't such a fucking panzy. I also like to think I am a pretty decent raider as I do all of basically what's require for raiders (except for theorycrafting....i r teh suck with numbers). I have the "essentials" with me always. I too much of a scaredy cat to actually find myself a better home. 
---and I'm a whiny mcwhinerton my gosh. probably doesn't help I've been feeling like crap lately.

---and I'm a whiny mcwhinerton my gosh. probably doesn't help I've been feeling like crap lately.
Download RAWR. That'll make Theorycrafting about 50x easier. And if you're afraid, why not talk with your friends in the guild and see if you can sucker some of them into taking the dive with you?
Ytran2011-06-12 18:22:40
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jun 12 2011, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait, excused? So you would have been better off just playing hookie?
Too many unexcused absences and she's have been declared truant instead, most likely.
Unknown2011-06-12 18:34:17
Packing sucks. I hate moving.
Everiine2011-06-12 19:20:05
QUOTE (Kayte @ Jun 12 2011, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Packing sucks. I hate moving.
Within a week, I found out I needed to come down to Mississippi, found an apartment willing to do a three-month lease, packed what I could, stored what I couldn't, and drove the 12+ hours down here the day before starting my program. I agree, it sucks.
Unknown2011-06-12 20:54:08
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jun 12 2011, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Within a week, I found out I needed to come down to Mississippi, found an apartment willing to do a three-month lease, packed what I could, stored what I couldn't, and drove the 12+ hours down here the day before starting my program. I agree, it sucks.
...yeah. The major thing I don't like is leaving stuff behind. But, I'm going home, get to sort through the rest of my stuff and decide what I want to move with at the end of the summer. I cannot wait to get settled down somewhere, because even after I move again at the end of the summer, it won't be a permanent residence, only for a year or so again.
Reiha2011-06-13 04:39:16
Fell asleep for six hours in the middle of the day... :X
Unknown2011-06-14 02:12:14
And my temper has just been terrible lately.
Everiine2011-06-14 03:40:42
Got me a rootkit. No idea how. Can't get it to go away completely

Reiha2011-06-15 04:10:41
QUOTE (Kayte @ Jun 13 2011, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And my temper has just been terrible lately.
Mine never goes away

Unknown2011-06-15 05:36:06
QUOTE (Kayte @ Jun 13 2011, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And my temper has just been terrible lately.
You are still a wonderful person that should be happy-angry instead of sad-angry.