Seraku2011-06-28 22:03:28
Tired as all hell because of my grandmothers cold. Just when I start to drift off to sleep she goes into a violent coughing fit that sounds phlegmy and disgusting, (its just a normal cold and I know she can't help it), which snaps me back awake. Again, I know she can't help it so I can't say anything. But im losing quite a lot of sleep because of it.
Everiine2011-06-28 22:08:39
QUOTE (Reiha @ Jun 28 2011, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dan Savage is my idol <3
He lives here and I have yet to meet him :/
He lives here and I have yet to meet him :/
This the radio host?
Unknown2011-06-28 22:17:17
I had the follow-up appointment for my wrist today, and it was not good news. Well, it is fully healed, which is good. I can type normally and move it around freely and stuff again. But...I was told that the pain probably isn't going to go away. Basically, this means that all of the things I enjoy doing are now going to hurt me to do for any extended periods of time.
What's this mean for me and Lusternia? Well, I'm stubborn and lack any non-computer hobbies, so I won't be gone. But I won't be able to play for as long as I used to anymore without ending up with a very unhappy hand/wrist. If someone messages me, I have the IRE toolbar and I'll see it and be able to log in if I need to, but I'm probably not going to be standing around goofing off if there's no reason for me to be there.
What's this mean for me and Lusternia? Well, I'm stubborn and lack any non-computer hobbies, so I won't be gone. But I won't be able to play for as long as I used to anymore without ending up with a very unhappy hand/wrist. If someone messages me, I have the IRE toolbar and I'll see it and be able to log in if I need to, but I'm probably not going to be standing around goofing off if there's no reason for me to be there.
Daraius2011-06-28 22:58:36
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jun 28 2011, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This the radio host?
He writes a sex advice column and has a podcast. I listen to him because I find him highly entertaining.
Daraius2011-06-28 22:59:20
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jun 28 2011, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had the follow-up appointment for my wrist today, and it was not good news. Well, it is fully healed, which is good. I can type normally and move it around freely and stuff again. But...I was told that the pain probably isn't going to go away. Basically, this means that all of the things I enjoy doing are now going to hurt me to do for any extended periods of time.
What's this mean for me and Lusternia? Well, I'm stubborn and lack any non-computer hobbies, so I won't be gone. But I won't be able to play for as long as I used to anymore without ending up with a very unhappy hand/wrist. If someone messages me, I have the IRE toolbar and I'll see it and be able to log in if I need to, but I'm probably not going to be standing around goofing off if there's no reason for me to be there.
What's this mean for me and Lusternia? Well, I'm stubborn and lack any non-computer hobbies, so I won't be gone. But I won't be able to play for as long as I used to anymore without ending up with a very unhappy hand/wrist. If someone messages me, I have the IRE toolbar and I'll see it and be able to log in if I need to, but I'm probably not going to be standing around goofing off if there's no reason for me to be there.
Find a good voice-to-text program? This will be Phoebus in raids.
Everiine2011-06-28 23:14:15
QUOTE (Daraius @ Jun 28 2011, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He writes a sex advice column and has a podcast. I listen to him because I find him highly entertaining.
Oh right, I believe I am thinking of Michael Savage.
Unknown2011-06-29 00:43:46
I always wanted to code a system where I could be like "GODDAMNIT" in the middle of a raid and it would touch mantle or diag or something... just... every swearword is a different key thing in my system. >.>
Unknown2011-06-29 02:15:38
I can't imagine trying to say some of my aliases out loud. 

Stangmar2011-06-29 05:58:03
Ugh, I'm beginning to hate college. I FINALLY got my corrected FAFSA submitted, and now the college has 'selected' me for dependent student verification. This means I have to print out a sheet and fill it out and mail it off to them to ensure that i'm not lying on my taxes or on my FAFSA and then they'll consider me for student aid.
I've always told people, if you want to feel like you're being audited without actually being audited, fill out a FAFSA.
Oh, and I've been helping my best friend do his FAFSA because he's not bright enough to, and he's got divorced parents which makes it much more complex. And there's tons of information that he doesn't even know! He can't remember if he registered for the Selective Service! FML
Also, work sucked today. Working at the gas station, had customers breathing down my neck all day. And then some prick decided he was going to blast diarrhea ALL OVER THE WALLS IN THE BATHROOM!

I've always told people, if you want to feel like you're being audited without actually being audited, fill out a FAFSA.
Oh, and I've been helping my best friend do his FAFSA because he's not bright enough to, and he's got divorced parents which makes it much more complex. And there's tons of information that he doesn't even know! He can't remember if he registered for the Selective Service! FML
Also, work sucked today. Working at the gas station, had customers breathing down my neck all day. And then some prick decided he was going to blast diarrhea ALL OVER THE WALLS IN THE BATHROOM!
Arel2011-06-29 06:18:25
QUOTE (stangmar @ Jun 28 2011, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've always told people, if you want to feel like you're being audited without actually being audited, fill out a FAFSA.
If you want to feel like bureaucrats without souls or any compassion are intruding on incredibly personal parts of your life, fill out the dependent student verification.
Unknown2011-06-29 21:38:52
My sister told me she's pregnant. All signs point to it being real, but I just can't make myself believe it. I've seen ultrasound pictures with her name on them, but I can't accept it being true. She drinks, she smokes, she doesn't even have a boyfriend. She can't afford to put new tires on her car even though they're worn down to the point of the threads showing. I don't think I can believe it because I don't want her to be a mother. She's known apparently since April, and she's still been chain smoking since then. I just...auuugh. >_<
Llesvelt2011-06-29 22:26:32
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jun 29 2011, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My sister told me she's pregnant. All signs point to it being real, but I just can't make myself believe it. I've seen ultrasound pictures with her name on them, but I can't accept it being true. She drinks, she smokes, she doesn't even have a boyfriend. She can't afford to put new tires on her car even though they're worn down to the point of the threads showing. I don't think I can believe it because I don't want her to be a mother. She's known apparently since April, and she's still been chain smoking since then. I just...auuugh. >_<
Ytran2011-06-29 22:46:19
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jun 29 2011, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My sister told me she's pregnant. All signs point to it being real, but I just can't make myself believe it. I've seen ultrasound pictures with her name on them, but I can't accept it being true. She drinks, she smokes, she doesn't even have a boyfriend. She can't afford to put new tires on her car even though they're worn down to the point of the threads showing. I don't think I can believe it because I don't want her to be a mother. She's known apparently since April, and she's still been chain smoking since then. I just...auuugh. >_<

Unknown2011-06-30 00:08:51
Yaaay for patch week. >.< Being D/C'd every few mins. Not only that but having the instance you're trying to do be reset? Priceless.
Unknown2011-06-30 03:26:39
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Jun 29 2011, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yaaay for patch week. >.< Being D/C'd every few mins. Not only that but having the instance you're trying to do be reset? Priceless.
Mage nerfs. I'm just going to play my priest as my main from now on.

Unknown2011-06-30 09:01:02
There is a small bump on the tip of my tongue from when I burnt it on some coffee. Why, why, why is my first instinct to try to bite it off? What is the logic behind the thought process of "this hurts, so I will SINK MY TEETH INTO IT". It's probably from the same idiot part of the brain that wants to pick at scabs and pull at hangnails. It never ends well, you know it never ends well, and yet you feel relentlessly compelled to do so.
Unknown2011-06-30 11:58:43
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jun 30 2011, 06:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is a small bump on the tip of my tongue from when I burnt it on some coffee. Why, why, why is my first instinct to try to bite it off? What is the logic behind the thought process of "this hurts, so I will SINK MY TEETH INTO IT". It's probably from the same idiot part of the brain that wants to pick at scabs and pull at hangnails. It never ends well, you know it never ends well, and yet you feel relentlessly compelled to do so.
I know, right?

Stangmar2011-06-30 18:10:14
I finished filling out my Dependent Student Verification form, along with attached copies of my parents' 1040, Extension, and W2's. I faxed the paperwork into the financial aid office at the college, and they called me and rejected it because it came in 'sideways'. How the hell does a fax come sideways? There is only one way to stick it into the machine. I'm guessing the f*** up is on their end, and if they aren't smart enough to work a fax, I don't know if this school is worth the $$$ to attend.
They want copies of my parents' SSN cards, and all sorts of verification. In short, they're essentially accusing me of lying on my application.
Also, when they called me to tell me this, they called my old cell phone number. Fortunately for me, my sister is the one who has that number instead of some random other person. I have already updated my cell # on the school's records, so to me this is a violation of FERPA. I've worked for the school before at the testing center, and i'm pretty sure calling a number that is not on the student's information to tell him about his financial aid requirements is illegal.
Government employees are such a PITA.
From what it sounds like, what I'm probably going to end up doing is just staying at my job for the next year and saving up and reapplying next year for a different university.
They want copies of my parents' SSN cards, and all sorts of verification. In short, they're essentially accusing me of lying on my application.
Also, when they called me to tell me this, they called my old cell phone number. Fortunately for me, my sister is the one who has that number instead of some random other person. I have already updated my cell # on the school's records, so to me this is a violation of FERPA. I've worked for the school before at the testing center, and i'm pretty sure calling a number that is not on the student's information to tell him about his financial aid requirements is illegal.
Government employees are such a PITA.
From what it sounds like, what I'm probably going to end up doing is just staying at my job for the next year and saving up and reapplying next year for a different university.
Stangmar2011-06-30 18:35:50
Another rant. I'm trying to use Spybot to immunize my laptop, but it says I have to be an administrator to do so. I'm the only user. How the hell am I not the administrator?
you Microsoft.

Diamondais2011-06-30 18:48:27
Right click and hit Run program as administrator or whatever it is