Stangmar2011-09-03 16:33:08
Prayers are with you. Cancer is a terrible bitch. My best friend was diagnosed with cancer(had a long name, can't remember what type) when we were seniors in high school. He was fortunate and they got rid of it. May you get well too.
Unknown2011-09-03 16:47:52
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Sep 3 2011, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So it wasn't an auto-immune disease, I have pancreatic cancer. This in itself isn't too annoying as I'm apparantly in the very lucky 20% of people where it's operable but the surgery is going to put me out of commission for three months and there's six months of chemo on top of that... So I don't get to go to Uni next year, wouldn't be able to catch up after that.

Unknown2011-09-04 00:39:31
I return from my grandmother's house, exhausted after having spent all afternoon surrounded by children attempting to topple me like a colossus.
Unknown2011-09-04 01:05:41
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Sep 3 2011, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I return from my grandmother's house, exhausted after having spent all afternoon surrounded by children attempting to topple me like a colossus.
Use your colossal strength to throw them in the air and catch them when their parents aren't looking!
Krackenor2011-09-04 01:19:55
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Sep 3 2011, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Use your colossal strength to throw them in the air and catch them when their parents aren't looking!
And make sure that when you drop them, you make them think it's their fault so they develop massive senses of inadequacy and shame. Then, 40 years down the road, they might turn out to be failed writers with anger management problems who accept jobs as caretakers of remote New England hotels (which just so happen to be haunted) just to make ends meet. And then the black guy dies...OR DOES HE?!
Neos2011-09-04 01:21:57
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Sep 3 2011, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And make sure that when you drop them, you make them think it's their fault so they develop massive senses of inadequacy and shame. Then, 40 years down the road, they might turn out to be failed writers with anger management problems who accept jobs as caretakers of remote New England hotels (which just so happen to be haunted) just to make ends meet. And then the black guy dies...OR DOES HE?!
I swear you have some sort of vendetta against me. I'm watching you.
Krackenor2011-09-04 01:23:45
I just guessed your past and predicted your future, didn't I?
Casilu2011-09-04 01:32:43
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Sep 3 2011, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just guessed your past and predicted your future, didn't I?
If we team up, we can drive Neos insane.
Krackenor2011-09-04 01:36:19
I've got 9:36. How about you?
Casilu2011-09-04 01:40:13
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Sep 3 2011, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've got 9:36. How about you?
Which timezone is Neos in?
Unknown2011-09-04 02:24:46

Fuyu2011-09-05 09:19:37
I wish I knew how to use make-up so my face doesn't get all shiny in front of a cam. I feel so un-pretty and insecure in the midst of all the school-girl cosplayers. I feel so old, too. :|
I wish no one touched my strawberries without my permission. I bought them for myself and only touched two pieces, which I shared. Now the pack has lost half of its contents without my knowing. Bad people, it's our house, even, not theirs. >:(
I wish I knew how to read double-messages and such, but I'm not cultured to be aware of such things..
I wish no one touched my strawberries without my permission. I bought them for myself and only touched two pieces, which I shared. Now the pack has lost half of its contents without my knowing. Bad people, it's our house, even, not theirs. >:(
I wish I knew how to read double-messages and such, but I'm not cultured to be aware of such things..

Unknown2011-09-05 13:40:34
QUOTE (Fuyu @ Sep 5 2011, 06:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wish I knew how to use make-up so my face doesn't get all shiny in front of a cam. I feel so un-pretty and insecure in the midst of all the school-girl cosplayers. I feel so old, too. :|
I wish no one touched my strawberries without my permission. I bought them for myself and only touched two pieces, which I shared. Now the pack has lost half of its contents without my knowing. Bad people, it's our house, even, not theirs. >:(
I wish I knew how to read double-messages and such, but I'm not cultured to be aware of such things..
I wish no one touched my strawberries without my permission. I bought them for myself and only touched two pieces, which I shared. Now the pack has lost half of its contents without my knowing. Bad people, it's our house, even, not theirs. >:(
I wish I knew how to read double-messages and such, but I'm not cultured to be aware of such things..

1. There are some girls who play, and we likely know how to fix it. What kind of make up are you using? And age doesn't matter!
2. No comment there other than horde them in your room like I do with my food. >.>
3. Double messages as in the read between the lines concept? If so, you're totally not the only one.
Fuyu2011-09-05 17:50:25
QUOTE (Kayte @ Sep 5 2011, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. There are some girls who play, and we likely know how to fix it. What kind of make up are you using? And age doesn't matter!
2. No comment there other than horde them in your room like I do with my food. >.>
3. Double messages as in the read between the lines concept? If so, you're totally not the only one.
2. No comment there other than horde them in your room like I do with my food. >.>
3. Double messages as in the read between the lines concept? If so, you're totally not the only one.
1. Erm. Maybelline's aqua gel foundation in natural beige. Most of the items I use are from Maybelline, or the occasional Chanel/Guerlain/Dior if I happened to have something my mom sent loitering around my paint bag. I tried looking at all the pictures others took of me (taking note of all those made by people who knew how to use their cam and tweak the pics) and noticed that, in normal lighting, my face looked too plain. It was as if I had no make-up on. Well, I keep the blush-on, eyeshadow and lip gloss/lipstick minimal and only go heavy on the eyeliner at times. As it was, only the eyeliner appeared present, and it wasn't really obvious. Dark lighting (e.g. usual mobile phone cameras, bad lighting shots) had my face looking brown, and shiny where the blush and the shiny base of the eyeshadow palette I used should be. And, about the age thing..I just remembered being "labeled" a late bloomer last Sunday because I started cosplaying and attending conventions three months ago, and I'm 20. Well, the upside is I do get the occasional age misconception (lower than my real age), due to my height and voice.

2. I kept them at the store's fridge. Now no one should be able to just up and grab them at their leisure. >:)
3. Yeah, and the fact that I can't grasp some slang (both locally and when I'm interacting with you guys) especially when they're aimed at me. The culture differences and the fact that I don't really have an extensive social circle doesn't help. I'm adapting right now but you just can't easily shake off the feeling that you're left out and struggling to understand especially during the initial stages. ._.
Unknown2011-09-05 21:24:21
Christ. You lost a game, you can literally join a new one in under a minute. Quit cursing at me and learn how to play your race.
Unknown2011-09-06 01:29:44
Food... bleh. Why is it that I want to be a chef and yet I don't want to eat?!
Neos2011-09-06 01:53:20
I'm reaching new levels of boredom. Even with all my iPod games, the few books I have available, and being able to catch up on Doctor Who every now and then, I'm still bored as all hell. I need my damn laptop back. :/
Stangmar2011-09-06 13:18:27
The A/C in our apartment broke over the weekend. It's going to be hot this week......
Seraku2011-09-06 20:05:17
Just got some hard-hitting news. My mom called me and said she's putting our dog to sleep. Utterly shocked at this cause my dog is still in good health I asked why. Apparently my dog has been having skin problems due to being in a cellar-apartment with the dampness. So my mom said that she just couldn't afford the vet bills. I'm kinda upset over it because my mom never asked me for help or let me know of this sooner. I talked her out of putting her to sleep, which I'm relieved, but now I'm all worked up over it. 

Unknown2011-09-06 20:11:24
Life, it is very rude of you to shove my memory blank spot into my face like that.
Hearing stories about myself that everyone else in my family remembers and just being very confused is really weird. I like finding things from my childhood and being reminded that things besides the scattered memories I do have actually happened, and seeing that I was apparently a pretty awesome kid, but hearing other people tell stories is just...vaguely off-putting. And it makes me think of all the other problems I have stemming from the same thing(s) that caused my memory lapse. Frustrating. Wonder how different life would be if my head wasn't so screwed up.
Hearing stories about myself that everyone else in my family remembers and just being very confused is really weird. I like finding things from my childhood and being reminded that things besides the scattered memories I do have actually happened, and seeing that I was apparently a pretty awesome kid, but hearing other people tell stories is just...vaguely off-putting. And it makes me think of all the other problems I have stemming from the same thing(s) that caused my memory lapse. Frustrating. Wonder how different life would be if my head wasn't so screwed up.