Xenthos2011-10-10 16:54:22
Oh no! Where's my little tagline thing? Why do I show up as Gender: Female next to my posts? Why would that ever be relevant to what I am posting? >:( and am I allowed to change this to gender: androgynous?
EDIT: OH HI THING THERE YOU ARE. I did not see you there, tagline thing. I can't see anything. I need skin that is not light text on white pls.
I am posting this here because this is where my whines go.
You can make it gender: "Not Telling". It's in your settings.
Unknown2011-10-10 18:19:59
You can make it gender: "Not Telling". It's in your settings.
Really, I would like people to be able to see "ah yes Phoebus really is a girl" if they check my profile, but I have to question its placement next to every post when there's so little other information there now! It just seems weird. Is it weird to think that's weird?
Then again I'm also strange in that I wish the amount of posts someone had/their location also didn't show up. I think what it comes down to is that I don't like there to be a lot of information about the poster stuck on each post they make, and that there has been a change (no! my beloved status quo!) has caused it to get to me all fresh and new again.
Saaga2011-10-11 10:26:44
Where does a wee little Lusternian go to rant these days?
Ah-ha. Here goes: My rant concerns the abundance of Real Life in contrast to my dwindling e-life. My days at the Uni are long and eat up all my creativity. That's all.
Ah-ha. Here goes: My rant concerns the abundance of Real Life in contrast to my dwindling e-life. My days at the Uni are long and eat up all my creativity. That's all.
Unknown2011-10-11 18:49:37
Team presentation tomorrow in Spanish. Despite reminding my groupmates multiple times to e-Mail me, call me, or communicate in some way, I have received nothing from them. This is why I hate it when I'm told I have to work with someone on something.
Unknown2011-10-12 05:36:32
Team presentation tomorrow in Spanish. Despite reminding my groupmates multiple times to e-Mail me, call me, or communicate in some way, I have received nothing from them. This is why I hate it when I'm told I have to work with someone on something.
I was the same way. I usually vetoed the agreement and did my own damned project.
Unknown2011-10-12 12:26:57
I was the same way. I usually vetoed the agreement and did my own damned project.
If they don't want to do anything and sabotage their grade, that's fine.
But I'll be damned if I'm going to let them drag me down. I'm talking to my professor and as far as I'm concerned, have no good reason not to sell them down the river to keep my grade from getting tanked.
They've had two weeks to so much as say "Hi! This email address is the one you were looking for.", and I'm the one who ended up writing the conversation anyway, since neither of them pay any attention in class.
Unknown2011-10-12 16:49:02
Class starts in a half hour, but it still doesn't feel like class day yet. Don't wanna go in... but when class is only once a week, it kinda feels like a dick move to skip, yaknow? And I like the class. I am just so not feelin' it today. So I know that even though I'm definitely going in, I'm also definitely not going to be able to focus as much as I should, and my work is probably going to suck a bit.
This probably would not be as much of a problem if the class wasn't a four hours long art class with media I'm not accustomed to.
This probably would not be as much of a problem if the class wasn't a four hours long art class with media I'm not accustomed to.
Tervic2011-10-12 19:38:59
You know what is annoying me right now? Being taunted with MSPA-related material a la Phoebus Sig, while the actual comic has not updated in over a month. Not even with snarky silly fillercrap. Absolutely unacceptable.
EDIT: I also hate the sheer caloric intake I must maintain in order to remain sane. It's ridiculous. I had planned to delay dinner by 3 hours because of theater tech last night, but an hour into the rehearsal I was bodily tossed out the door and ordered to go eat.
EDIT: I also hate the sheer caloric intake I must maintain in order to remain sane. It's ridiculous. I had planned to delay dinner by 3 hours because of theater tech last night, but an hour into the rehearsal I was bodily tossed out the door and ordered to go eat.
Unknown2011-10-12 21:59:03
You know what is annoying me right now? Being taunted with MSPA-related material a la Phoebus Sig, while the actual comic has not updated in over a month. Not even with snarky silly fillercrap. Absolutely unacceptable.
HINT: read the news updates under the comic. ETA on the EOA is 10/25. For your convenience, I will just put that here. Because I feel like it.

1 0 2 5
Posted on 10 Oct. 2011 by Andrew
While I'm still doggedly updating that progress bar, and will continue to, I'm now shooting for a concrete date to post the animation. I should have it up on 10/25.
It's dragged on longer than I wanted it to for a variety of reasons. I'll talk about the process a little after I'm done. There's a good chance I'll finish before 10/25, but if so, I'll hold off posting it until that date. Considering the significance of the number, and the time already spent waiting, at this point it would be kind of lame if I ended up posting it on 10/22 or something. I've planned to hit key dates before, like 4/13, and fell too far behind with the project and missed the date. But this is the first time I've run so late with a project that it actually LANDED on a key date I wasn't shooting for in the first place.
Bonus news: there will be an album released on that date as well.
Unknown2011-10-12 22:09:32
HINT: read the news updates under the comic. ETA on the EOA is 10/25. For your convenience, I will just put that here. Because I feel like it.
Buuuttt I want it noooooowwwwwwww /whine
Tervic2011-10-12 22:18:44
Buuuttt I want it noooooowwwwwwww /whine
Exactly this. I am impatient. My appetite for MSPA has gone unsated for too long. I fear there will be a gluttonous feast upon the content when it is finally released, culminating in my head going kerboomy.
Unknown2011-10-12 22:19:57
Go read Finders Keepers untill it comes out.
Jack2011-10-12 23:34:02
Had a plumbing problem for the two weeks I was on holiday. Just a steady drip, drip, drip from the ceiling which happened to be in the most inconvenient locale in the house - right above the computer. The tower's fine, but the monitor and keyboard were complete write-offs, necessitating borrowing my cousins old (and exceedingly crappy) ones until I can buy replacements. More importantly, the desk was screwed from water damage, so that's gone too.
Goddamn. I wouldn't have minded so much if the plumbing issue itself wasn't so inconsequential - the plumber spent about five minutes sorting it out and only charged £15. The only bright side is that the warped location on the ceiling looked like a boob. Heh... boob.
Goddamn. I wouldn't have minded so much if the plumbing issue itself wasn't so inconsequential - the plumber spent about five minutes sorting it out and only charged £15. The only bright side is that the warped location on the ceiling looked like a boob. Heh... boob.
Unknown2011-10-13 02:24:14
Had a plumbing problem for the two weeks I was on holiday. Just a steady drip, drip, drip from the ceiling which happened to be in the most inconvenient locale in the house - right above the computer. The tower's fine, but the monitor and keyboard were complete write-offs, necessitating borrowing my cousins old (and exceedingly crappy) ones until I can buy replacements. More importantly, the desk was screwed from water damage, so that's gone too.
Goddamn. I wouldn't have minded so much if the plumbing issue itself wasn't so inconsequential - the plumber spent about five minutes sorting it out and only charged £15. The only bright side is that the warped location on the ceiling looked like a boob. Heh... boob.
This is why computers need awnings!
Unknown2011-10-13 13:25:49
I hate my mind some times. So much. Had a crappy dream that scared the living daylights out of me and woke up in panic.
Unknown2011-10-13 14:15:33
Unknown2011-10-14 03:29:52
Being a little bit drunk is kinda like being normal but with a side of extra typos so I am gonna go do something that doesn't require typing
Ytran2011-10-14 03:32:52
Dennis Ritchie died. :(
Unknown2011-10-14 05:25:17
Tomorrow, I work 10am to 1am in order to help deal with the iPhone 4S being launched. ._. It's almost 3am. I have to get up in about 6 hours. Life is... awesome?
Casilu2011-10-15 06:26:23
I think I've become addicted to using the terminal in Ubuntu for some reason. I've just started doing it for tasks I could easily do without it.