Jack2011-10-15 06:41:06
This is why computers need awnings!
Computers need awnings for the style factor alone, dogg.
Unknown2011-10-15 08:11:45
Some :censor: took my 900+ sparkleberries or 30k's worth from my dead corpse.
Unknown2011-10-16 02:19:54
I think I've become addicted to using the terminal in Ubuntu for some reason. I've just started doing it for tasks I could easily do without it.
Me tooooo.
Casilu2011-10-16 02:25:22
Me tooooo.
Whatever, Tyler Durden.
Unknown2011-10-16 02:26:32
I have no idea what you two are talking about, but Casilu and Kayte working in sync scares me slightly.
Casilu2011-10-16 02:27:58
I have no idea what you two are talking about, but Casilu and Kayte working in sync scares me slightly.
We're using the command line. :P
Unknown2011-10-16 02:45:54
That's less terrifying. I do that myself when I can.
That's less terrifying. I do that myself when I can.
Unknown2011-10-16 22:00:57
I don't like facebooks new thing cuz I couldn't update my status. I am sad as I cannot find a copy of HoM&M6. :(
Casilu2011-10-18 03:16:23
My laptop battery stopped working suddenly.
Stangmar2011-10-20 04:38:00
Stayed up for hours last night and read 5 chapters in my Business Law textbook because of the midterm which was scheduled for today. Got to class and the teacher just taught us for the 50 minutes, and then announced that the midterm will be postponed until NEXT FRIDAY.
ARGH, I could have slept.

ARGH, I could have slept.

Casilu2011-10-21 00:10:02
I can't get internet through my damn small linux on my flash drive.
Unknown2011-10-21 03:56:41
Felt great. Ate food. Feels bad man.
Tervic2011-10-21 19:22:17
Go read Finders Keepers untill it comes out.
That only updates what, once a week? If that? Bah I say. BAH.
Unknown2011-10-21 20:06:04
I got into another accident today. Only this time it wasn't my fault (but it was still my car that got damaged. Not a scratch on the other person's car. Strange.)
Caffrey2011-10-21 23:03:27
NHS care...
Jack2011-10-21 23:27:39
NHS care...
Tacitly: the conservative cuts of the NHS.
Caffrey2011-10-22 00:02:23
Tacitly: the conservative cuts of the NHS.
Ohh no, you don't get away with that, even if I did vote Labour before the war...
Sorry but, NHS care was poor even before the cuts, and that is a Labour legacy, nothing Conservative about it.
Unknown2011-10-22 00:52:02
Politics are no-no! Take it to PMs gents!
Unknown2011-10-22 03:40:31
Reading some of the posts my fellow GW2 enthusiasts are making in the GW2 One thread on Mmo-champion. I mean really do you guys need to stoop that low and start making snippy comments about Mist of Pandaria that are basically in the same vein as ignorant jackass ToR fans are making about GW2? Ugh.
Unknown2011-10-22 13:40:52
The job that I was accepted for changed its mind to hire me due to a technicality and I am dangerously sick (cold + asthma = sucks). I guess on the plus side, I can now afford to get Idolm@ster on the PS3.