Unknown2012-02-19 02:39:07
I am twitch angry today. Happy to rage in under two seconds. Why must my brother be an inconsiderate fool?
Lehki2012-02-19 22:18:49
Sick and had to call out from work today after spending most of the night unable to sleep. ):
Also slipping in and out of a weird dream where I was walking around Orgimmar for some reason, and my church was holding a mass in the Auction House, and I was trying to go unnoticed by them while looking for something. Then some friendly vampires telling me something about an update to vampires in Skyrim so you could catch the disease from friendly interactions with them. And then some kids at a school being mean to each other. And one of them turned out to be some evil little girl who brainwashed people, and turned other little kids into evil stoner teenagers. And then I was Goku. Trying to Kamehameha them didn't work. Woke up after somebody called me and told me I needed to deliver some letter to deal with her, but not where the letter was.
Apparently I need to spend less time on anime and video games? Skyrim was the only one I've even played/watched recently. WTF brain?
Also slipping in and out of a weird dream where I was walking around Orgimmar for some reason, and my church was holding a mass in the Auction House, and I was trying to go unnoticed by them while looking for something. Then some friendly vampires telling me something about an update to vampires in Skyrim so you could catch the disease from friendly interactions with them. And then some kids at a school being mean to each other. And one of them turned out to be some evil little girl who brainwashed people, and turned other little kids into evil stoner teenagers. And then I was Goku. Trying to Kamehameha them didn't work. Woke up after somebody called me and told me I needed to deliver some letter to deal with her, but not where the letter was.
Apparently I need to spend less time on anime and video games? Skyrim was the only one I've even played/watched recently. WTF brain?
Neos2012-02-20 00:03:26
And then I was Goku.
Not a huge DBZ fan, but confused as to how this isn't a rave.
Eritheyl2012-02-20 00:09:18
Lehki:Clearly, the time has come to realize your destiny.
WTF brain?
Lehki2012-02-20 04:30:40
Not a huge DBZ fan, but confused as to how this isn't a rave.
Okay maybe that one part of the whole thing is rave worthy. xD
Clearly, the time has come to realize your destiny.
There is one they fear. In their tongue he is Kakarot! Son Goku!
Unknown2012-02-20 04:53:24
Bow before the prince of all Saiyans.
Unknown2012-02-20 07:34:53

This is what I'm stuck doing instead of Lusternia. I AM SO SICK OF EARS. GO AWAY EARS.
Seraku2012-02-20 10:07:42
This is what I'm stuck doing instead of Lusternia. I AM SO SICK OF EARS. GO AWAY EARS.
Start drawing lusternian race ears? (Good luck with dracs and mugwumps)
Ytran2012-02-20 10:40:07
Being sick ruins my already ill-defined sleep schedule so much. :(
Unknown2012-02-20 10:46:02
Start drawing lusternian race ears? (Good luck with dracs and mugwumps)
If you can find me an actual reference photo for real live people, I'll draw them. Otherwise, no dice.
Unknown2012-02-20 13:59:46
If it's any consolation those are really well drawn ears.
Lendren2012-02-20 14:11:30
If you can find me an actual reference photo for real live people, I'll draw them. Otherwise, no dice.
For the furry races, you can use photos of the equivalent animal. Lion for aslaran, wolf for loboshigaru, etc.
Unknown2012-02-20 16:00:55
If you can find me an actual reference photo for real live people, I'll draw them. Otherwise, no dice.

Now draw us a Dracnari ear :P.
Jack2012-02-20 16:36:00
i've had dreams that start this way
Ssaliss2012-02-20 18:49:12
You have dreams about lizard-ears? Interesting...
Jack2012-02-20 19:03:41
(that's the joke, LOL)
Unknown2012-02-21 15:42:01
Noo, I spilled some coffee on my nice white scarf. :(
Arsalil2012-02-21 18:01:42
Noo, I spilled some coffee on my nice white scarf. :(
This is why I NEVER buy any sort of white clothing. It will inevitably get something spilled on it. I'm sorry!
Unknown2012-02-21 22:11:27
Lawliet2012-02-21 23:24:11
My dog has decided to join in with family tradition and get an auto-immune disease, which makes his claws very likely to fall out. Fixing it takes £300 of medication, which of course we've gotten and now have to give him. We have an expensive, sad dog :(