Unknown2012-03-16 00:50:57
o_O He stuck his finger in twice?
Warm weather's bringing out carpet beetles. *hiss*
Warm weather's bringing out carpet beetles. *hiss*
Unknown2012-03-16 00:54:41
I hate having to do strenuous activities. Working too hard literally gives me a headache, which makes me worthless for two days straight.
Unknown2012-03-16 01:01:08
o_O He stuck his finger in twice?
Warm weather's bringing out carpet beetles. *hiss*
He did it four or five times actually. :mellow:
Ytran2012-03-16 01:14:46
If only water had some sort of visual and/or auditory cue while boiling...
Xenthos2012-03-16 01:16:34
If only water had some sort of visual and/or auditory cue while boiling...
You just want to make life too easy for chefs.
Admin, please deny this report, it is clearly unnecessary.
Ytran2012-03-16 01:52:28
Foiled again. :(
Eritheyl2012-03-17 07:46:40
Veterinary hospitals make me so angry.
I understand that you're technically a business, but charging me $150 at the door just to let me check my cat in to your establishment is not the kind of treatment I was expecting. And then to pay on top of that to have the doctor perform a one-minute examination, just to present us with 'Well you can't afford to take care of your pet, the best we can do is euthanize him' - not the best way to start one's day.
Also, much anger towards the owners of now-healthy pets that decided to skip paying their bills for said hospital, which forced them to deny us that option.
Killing my cat is a 'more sensible solution' than politely asking doctors to wait for their money, I love society.
I understand that you're technically a business, but charging me $150 at the door just to let me check my cat in to your establishment is not the kind of treatment I was expecting. And then to pay on top of that to have the doctor perform a one-minute examination, just to present us with 'Well you can't afford to take care of your pet, the best we can do is euthanize him' - not the best way to start one's day.
Also, much anger towards the owners of now-healthy pets that decided to skip paying their bills for said hospital, which forced them to deny us that option.
Killing my cat is a 'more sensible solution' than politely asking doctors to wait for their money, I love society.
Unknown2012-03-17 10:44:56
That's horrible, I'm sorry. It's rubbish to have to make a choice between paying crazy amounts or losing your cat, and worse not to even be given that choice.
Unknown2012-03-17 17:23:30
Veterinary hospitals make me so angry.
I understand that you're technically a business, but charging me $150 at the door just to let me check my cat in to your establishment is not the kind of treatment I was expecting. And then to pay on top of that to have the doctor perform a one-minute examination, just to present us with 'Well you can't afford to take care of your pet, the best we can do is euthanize him' - not the best way to start one's day.
Also, much anger towards the owners of now-healthy pets that decided to skip paying their bills for said hospital, which forced them to deny us that option.
Killing my cat is a 'more sensible solution' than politely asking doctors to wait for their money, I love society.
Wow that's terrible. :(
Kayaldiyah2012-03-19 15:14:07
I love being approached by my manager as soon as I get into the office on a Monday morning, with him telling me I'm going to have to spend my day helping other departments out while my work gets more and more behind. :(
Near2012-03-19 20:41:22
Why can I not find Braille transcription software for OS X -anywhere-? Every time I think I find something I can't find a download link to it, and all the websites are broken. :(
Unknown2012-03-20 03:34:32
Renegade in ME2 was amusing, but ruthless. Dirty Harry style.
Renegade in ME3 is a psychopathic, backstabbing scumbag.
Renegade in ME3 is a psychopathic, backstabbing scumbag.
Ytran2012-03-20 03:37:57
Renegade in ME3
which is entirely and utterly unforgivable.
results in you shooting Mordin or ending up with Wrex dead or making Tali jump off a cliff
which is entirely and utterly unforgivable.
Unknown2012-03-20 03:43:41
Yeah. I've gone back and I'm doing an ME2 Paragon game because, well.
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
Unknown2012-03-20 09:23:07
One day when I have time, I'm going to get all three Mass Effect games and just play through them in a straight shot. I'm a sucker for games where your choices have consequences and change how things go. I just also happen to be one of those people who don't tend to play games til years after they come out.
Unknown2012-03-20 13:27:05
Hunting with the Celest squad, and when I went to IceWynd with just Saoirse, I saw her kill Wind and the ice beasties...

Made me very sad. :(
Edit: Excorcable love? :C

Made me very sad. :(
Edit: Excorcable love? :C
Near2012-03-20 14:05:26
Edit: Excorcable love? :C
o Excorable damage now does more base damage against mobs, equivalent to
the increase seen in PvP damage.
Unknown2012-03-20 15:12:08
One day when I have time, I'm going to get all three Mass Effect games and just play through them in a straight shot. I'm a sucker for games where your choices have consequences and change how things go. I just also happen to be one of those people who don't tend to play games til years after they come out.
Just don't -finish- ME3. You'll regret it. Let Maurader Shields get you.
Ytran2012-03-20 16:23:15
Just don't -finish- ME3. You'll regret it. Let Maurader Shields get you.
I totally just realized the thing about the ending that has been pissing me off most without realising it. When I was playing through ME3, I told Chakwas that we'd wait to get totally smashed together until after we blow up the Reapers and save the everything. Now this can never happen. ;_;
Unknown2012-03-20 17:12:05
I totally just realized the thing about the ending that has been pissing me off most without realising it. When I was playing through ME3, I told Chakwas that we'd wait to get totally smashed together until after we blow up the Reapers and save the everything. Now this can never happen. ;_;
;-; I didnt even realized that! Wow another promise I break. FUUUUU