Neos2012-03-22 17:04:18
I'm so old, that's five years after I started. I need to grow a beard to feel my age.
and also because i love beards
You and Shiri both.
Also, who doesn't love beards?
My dissatisfaction: I no longer have regular access to a comp, again. Though, that may end up changing next month, depending.
Jack2012-03-22 17:08:18
Shiri, but only 'cause his testosterone stores were plundered by Galvatron.
Lawliet2012-03-22 20:24:45
I really need to get motivated and start doing things, but I've gone too long doing nothing, got a bad habit to break... Gonna pick up the books and start studying again... In five minutes >.>
Jack2012-03-22 23:39:31
I really need to get motivated and start doing things, but I've gone too long doing nothing, got a bad habit to break... Gonna pick up the books and start studying again... In five minutes >.>
Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so is tomorrow.
Unknown2012-03-24 00:34:59
People are just askin for ridiculous prices on the ME3 collectors edition codes. All I want is the N7 weapons, but people want like 50 bucks for a code. I could just get my refund on ME3 and then buy a collectors edition for 20 dollars more, but 4 guns, a robot dog that does nothing, and a sweatshirt are not worth 10 dollars.
Unknown2012-03-24 02:08:11
Stupid mumble server, and stupid company. I'm all payed up, any my server is active, but continues to refuse connections. Ruined our game.
Razenth2012-03-24 02:10:37
>: (
I wanted to explore my newly found elven supremacist tendencies!
I wanted to explore my newly found elven supremacist tendencies!
Lehki2012-03-24 02:22:27
>: (
I wanted to explore my newly found elven supremacist tendencies!
You were already this close to getting smacked upside the head with robo-hand last time!
But yes, much disappointment. D:
Unknown2012-03-24 03:50:08
I think I have started to entirely hate and no longer want to log in on Lusternia due to a few choice people who have decided to kick me exactly where it hurts.
Unknown2012-03-24 04:03:40
I think I have started to entirely hate and no longer want to log in on Lusternia due to a few choice people who have decided to kick me exactly where it hurts.
But we LIKE you in Magnagora! Don't leave us!
Unknown2012-03-24 04:12:14
But we LIKE you in Magnagora! Don't leave us!
I just assumed everyone hated me there too. :( I'm entirely in a really grumpy, depressed mood, and am going to take myself away from these forums for now.
Razenth2012-03-24 05:50:44
I hear Aetolia has AMAZING interpersonal RP if that's what you're looking for. Not so much interorg RP though.
Unknown2012-03-24 14:27:39
I think I just need a break to decide what I want to do. That, and, well, I don't get trolled in Minecraft.
Unknown2012-03-24 15:27:18
I get trolled in minecraft. I was building my haus in the sky when it crashed, and the floor to my glass house in the sky disappeared. :(
Lehki2012-03-25 14:56:23
Had a dream last night about our dog that died a few years ago while I was away at college. In the dream he was extremely old and sick and we were talking about putting him down. WTF brain. ),:
Unknown2012-03-25 20:53:44
Severe pain in my guts. Like someone put a bunch of shuriken in my insides and set it to spin cycle. So basically this is how my day has gone: 

Unknown2012-03-27 04:42:16
I have the strangest urge to go play an Animal Crossing game.
Unknown2012-03-27 23:01:10
Sometimes I dislike facebook, because it makes me realize that people are completely bonkers, and not in a good way. I try my best not to be a judgmental person but holy crap rational human beings do not work this way.
Shiri2012-03-28 16:25:55
Shiri, but only 'cause his testosterone stores were plundered by Galvatron.
What does that even mean...?!
Lehki2012-03-28 16:40:28
What does that even mean...?!

I think he means this flamboyant looking mofo stole all your manliness.