Unknown2012-03-29 06:06:25
I need to take better care of myself.
Unknown2012-03-29 15:36:56
Ribcage pain. Why does my ribcage hurt? I haven't been in any fights, or any physical activities lately.
Jack2012-03-29 16:20:24
What does that even mean...?!
Sure, he needs Energon to power himself up - but how do you think he maintains such a manly, no-nonsense voice? You've been robbed, man.
Aldani2012-03-29 17:43:04
Kitten is back in surgery with the added bonus of an infection. :(
Ytran2012-03-30 04:11:38
I just asked a person out on a date... hang-out... thing for the first time ever and this should probably usually be a rave except now I am freaking out because that means it'll get seen and read and oh god aaaaaaaaaaaaaa /trying not to vomit
Unknown2012-03-30 04:13:43
I just asked a person out on a date... hang-out... thing for the first time ever and this should probably usually be a rave except now I am freaking out because that means it'll get seen and read and oh god aaaaaaaaaaaaaa /trying not to vomit
Relax, I believe in you. :D
Ytran2012-03-30 04:18:27
I am incapable of relaxing in even the least stressful of times. I think I'm aiming right now for not having a heart attack. I put my odds at around 50/50.
EDIT: Other dissatisfaction: My foot is now asleep from sitting on it.
EDIT: Other dissatisfaction: My foot is now asleep from sitting on it.
Unknown2012-03-30 05:23:09
Hey, you're alright. Freaking out is better then bolting or failing to ask in the first place! CONFIDENCE!
Near2012-03-31 02:32:48
You're braver than I am, good luck :D
Ytran2012-03-31 22:59:07
Hey, you're alright. Freaking out is better then bolting or failing to ask in the first place! CONFIDENCE!
That's what I'd been doing for the previous three months, so... >.>
Unknown2012-04-01 21:58:00
My normally extra comfy pajama pants have nearly fallen off like ten times today. :mellow: Why? How? It's not like I lost a bunch of weight over the past week. What foul witchcraft is this?
Razenth2012-04-01 21:58:42
You've gotten too sexy for your pants.
Unknown2012-04-01 22:04:14
You've gotten too sexy for your pants.
This strikes me as an extremely unlikely scenario. :rolleyes:
Unknown2012-04-01 22:49:39
The drawband/elastic on hem has gone bad?
Your dryer magically makes things GROW instead of shrink?
Your dryer magically makes things GROW instead of shrink?
Near2012-04-02 01:58:49
My dryer always liked melting/stretching elastic, so that could be it. I feel your pajama pain :wacko:
Stangmar2012-04-02 02:08:29
While you're at work, a fat guy is sneaking into your house and wearing your pajamas. This explains the stretching.
Jack2012-04-02 10:13:28
... is what the hypothetical thief would say
... is what the hypothetical thief would say
Unknown2012-04-02 16:13:44
I curse my father for giving me a sharp jaw. It is such a pain to shave. And people wonder why I look like a wolfman all the time.
Unknown2012-04-02 17:49:03
I hate being one of the only people I know with a car, because I am constantly getting asked for rides. I was home from one such trip less than five minutes before someone else texted me.
Unknown2012-04-03 00:25:54
Increased caffeine intake has caused coffee expenses to raise past acceptable levels. Trying to get myself back to a more reasonable amount per day is proving extremely difficult.
oh gawd i want another cup of coffee so baaadddd :(
oh gawd i want another cup of coffee so baaadddd :(