Unknown2012-04-03 02:02:46
Increased caffeine intake has caused coffee expenses to raise past acceptable levels. Trying to get myself back to a more reasonable amount per day is proving extremely difficult.
oh gawd i want another cup of coffee so baaadddd :(
Yeah, I pretty much drink coffee -right- up until 8:00. And then I want to keep drinking coffee, even though I can't.
Aldani2012-04-03 05:37:44
Why is it that things always go wrong at work when I am 5-30 minutes away from going home, resulting in me having to stay 30-90 minutes late to deal with things that I do not want to be my problem? Things do not go wrong every shift, but when they do, it is always after 2100.
Unknown2012-04-03 19:27:15
Man, I miss Toonami. :(
Though Toonami Aftermath soothes the pain.
Though Toonami Aftermath soothes the pain.
Lehki2012-04-03 20:28:35
Get to train station just as train pulls in. Discover I have forgotten my wallet. Figure I have just enough time to catch the next one if I hurry, so run back home then back to the station. Discover that the train schedule that had been the same every hour before 4PM changed at that point so the train was arriving two minutes earlier than I expected and it pulls out of the station as I am running up the platform towards it.
Unknown2012-04-03 21:35:12
People wantin to bring me back into WoW to raid with em again. I made the big time once guys, but that's just too time consuming for me right now.
EDIT: Also, how incredibly up-and-down I've been lately. This is disconcerting for someone who tends to baseline most of the time.
EDIT: Also, how incredibly up-and-down I've been lately. This is disconcerting for someone who tends to baseline most of the time.
Acrune2012-04-04 01:43:19
I dislike that either something with forums changed, or I'm suddenly clicking awkwardly, because instead of visiting the last post of a thread, I go to the last poster's profile by accident. So, if you see me in your profile, thats probably why :lol:
Unknown2012-04-04 03:45:29
I've been trying to ignore it, but my annual springtime depression is really kicking my ass. I'll start the day in a relatively good mood, and then the tiniest thing will send me right back into craptown. I'm not motivated to do anything, and my only answer to this lack of motivation is "give up." The only reason I haven't given up on everything I'm supposed to be doing is because I know I'd regret it once this crappy feeling wears off. But in the meantime, I'm stuck feeling like I'm incapable of doing anything.
Neos2012-04-04 12:02:48
I dislike that either something with forums changed, or I'm suddenly clicking awkwardly, because instead of visiting the last post of a thread, I go to the last poster's profile by accident. So, if you see me in your profile, thats probably why :lol:
Something like that happens to me every now and then, will be browsing a thread, go to click New Content, end up on someones profile.
Lendren2012-04-04 12:22:14
I've been trying to ignore it, but my annual springtime depression is really kicking my ass. I'll start the day in a relatively good mood, and then the tiniest thing will send me right back into craptown. I'm not motivated to do anything, and my only answer to this lack of motivation is "give up." The only reason I haven't given up on everything I'm supposed to be doing is because I know I'd regret it once this crappy feeling wears off. But in the meantime, I'm stuck feeling like I'm incapable of doing anything.
I recommend meditation, just a few minutes a day. It's crazy hard to do at first because it's the opposite of how our brains are wired and trained, but with a little practice you can find a version that works for you.
Unknown2012-04-04 14:53:10
I recommend meditation, just a few minutes a day. It's crazy hard to do at first because it's the opposite of how our brains are wired and trained, but with a little practice you can find a version that works for you.
I've tried several different versions before I found something that absolutely works for me. :)
Unknown2012-04-04 17:57:35
Google Apps Script requiring locks. Does not make sense. *shakefist* I'm not doing any crazy multi-threading.
*/divert* This meditation sounds interesting
*/divert* This meditation sounds interesting
Unknown2012-04-04 22:40:11
Penetration woes! I'm fighting medium and heavy tanks but I have almost no punch on this peashooter of a gun, and the BT-7 is too weak to survive an explosive round slugfest.
Kagato2012-04-05 19:30:12
Unpleasant stuff last night, looks like one of my apartment mates got himself into a bit of trouble, he came home absolutely drunk off his head with 1 flat tire on his car that looks like it has been SLASHED, plus on his way in he gave the landlords Mercedes Benz a decent whack, didn't dent it from the looks of it but it got a fairly hefty scratch on the corner so it will probably be expensive for him to repair.
Unknown2012-04-05 22:35:32
I want (and soon that'll change to need) a job, but I'm terrified to really try to find one again. It's always ended in disaster, because my anxieties get the better of me and I just have an awful breakdown and quit after no time at all. Not being able to work just makes me feel so useless, and I hate the fact that irrational fear controls my life.
Neos2012-04-05 23:02:08
I want (and soon that'll change to need) a job, but I'm terrified to really try to find one again. It's always ended in disaster, because my anxieties get the better of me and I just have an awful breakdown and quit after no time at all. Not being able to work just makes me feel so useless, and I hate the fact that irrational fear controls my life.
Same with the first sentence, but I've only held one job and somehow can't seem to land any of the ones I've applied to so far.
Unknown2012-04-05 23:04:01
Same with the first sentence, but I've only held one job and somehow can't seem to land any of the ones I've applied to so far.
I've had two jobs. One lasted a month. The other I quit after my first day.
Unknown2012-04-05 23:06:24
I've held no jobs, and despite sending out applications frequently, that's yet to change.
Stangmar2012-04-06 02:03:37
That's the sad irony, you can't get work experience unless you have work experience.
I'm grateful to have grown up in a small town where I knew the people that could get me jobs, so I've got a decent history. It's still difficult in this economy to find good work however. Right now i'm a part time tutor on campus, earning $7.25 an hour for 8 hours a week. It's not glorious.

I'm grateful to have grown up in a small town where I knew the people that could get me jobs, so I've got a decent history. It's still difficult in this economy to find good work however. Right now i'm a part time tutor on campus, earning $7.25 an hour for 8 hours a week. It's not glorious.

Unknown2012-04-06 02:57:36
I work in a call centre and have since August!
It has its good days and then it has today. Today made me cry at the end of it.
It has its good days and then it has today. Today made me cry at the end of it.
Near2012-04-06 03:31:22
Stomach cramps (yes, I'm a dude, I'm not used to this), not being able to find a job or even know what I'm doing when I get back to the US on May 1st. Two weeks of vacation and nothing to do but Lusternia.