Unknown2012-04-08 20:03:57
Sheer Cold Articuno was great. Too bad it's illegal.
Unknown2012-04-08 20:50:15
You all seem to keep misspelling Zapdos. Weird!
Ytran2012-04-08 21:05:53
/agree Phoebus
Lehki2012-04-08 22:51:21
Okay but I think we can all agree that Mewtwo was simply the best legendary there ever was.
Near2012-04-09 00:04:05
Lehki, I'mma let you finish, but Mew is the best legendary Pokémon of all time.
Unknown2012-04-09 00:10:40
I'm just going to let you keep talking while my Lugia and Kyogre tear it up. Ptchoo.
Ytran2012-04-09 00:11:57
Lehki, I'mma let you finish, but Mew is the best legendary Pokémon of all time.
As if.
I'm just going to let you keep talking while my Lugia and Kygore tear it up. Ptchoo.
It doesn't count if you just make them up.
Lawliet2012-04-09 00:29:43
I'm gonna have to say that Mew was the best legendary.
Edit: Hah, and I just ran into mewtwo (didn't know he was in that cave) and caught him on my first attempt, this day's getting good! :P
Edit: Hah, and I just ran into mewtwo (didn't know he was in that cave) and caught him on my first attempt, this day's getting good! :P
Unknown2012-04-09 07:46:45
I think y'all have clearly gone crazy when everyone knows the bestest Pokemon EVER is Rapidash.
Unknown2012-04-09 14:27:35
All of you are wrong.

Best one-of-a-kind pokemon.

Best one-of-a-kind pokemon.
Stangmar2012-04-09 14:39:43
Fools, everbody knows the best Pokemon ever made is.

Ytran2012-04-09 14:52:22
Those are not legendaries.
Unknown2012-04-09 16:25:05
Do we count sub-ubers? Because I have some uber-statted pokemon that I like better then my proper ubers.
Lendren2012-04-09 17:13:40

Unknown2012-04-09 18:06:37
I need a new goddamn computer already. Can't play most of the games I have on it because my computer just can't handle it. :< Barely able to run league and I know I won't be able to play Gw2 when it comes out. Blllarrggllleee.
Seraku2012-04-09 18:35:49
I miss having a beard so much. But since I work at a police station I have to adhere to a dress code even as a civilian.
Unknown2012-04-09 18:43:53
I need a new goddamn computer already. Can't play most of the games I have on it because my computer just can't handle it. :< Barely able to run league and I know I won't be able to play Gw2 when it comes out. Blllarrggllleee.
Give us a budget and we'll give you a newegg list.
Unknown2012-04-09 18:51:57
Give us a budget and we'll give you a newegg list.
Already know someone who's willing to help me with that. :) Just gotta pester my dad about it.
Neos2012-04-09 18:52:31
Give us a budget and we'll give you a newegg list.
What can I get for $0?
Ytran2012-04-09 18:56:42
What can I get for $0?
A Newegg list.