Kagato2012-04-13 14:42:01
lemme put it this way - this is a preliminary essay. The BIG one that makes up the majority of my mark for the year is 15,000 words - though that one is more of a complex report than an 'essay'
Lendren2012-04-13 15:33:22
That's what writing's all about. It's a hell of a lot harder to reduce than produce. Producing a first draft is always like frolicking in an enchanted glade - producing a second draft is like drowning puppies in a well.
The only problem with your analogy, Jack, is that according to the image of yourself you choose to portray on the forum, you would prefer drowning puppies in a well to frolicking in an enchanted glade, and find it easier, too. :)
Unknown2012-04-13 17:30:52
Lendren should be a Pyromancer.
Because he just dropped a sick burn.
Because he just dropped a sick burn.
Unknown2012-04-13 18:31:14

Neos2012-04-13 18:49:04
I really need a job and need my laptop fixed. :\\
Stangmar2012-04-13 18:55:56
You could study hard and become a Rocket Scientist. I understand there is demand for that job.....
....In North Korea! :D

....In North Korea! :D

Jack2012-04-13 20:01:23
The only problem with your analogy, Jack, is that according to the image of yourself you choose to portray on the forum, you would prefer drowning puppies in a well to frolicking in an enchanted glade, and find it easier, too. :)
That's why I'm such a great writer. B)
Lilia2012-04-14 08:37:01
Talk about an emotionally exhausting day. I think I have experienced the full spectrum in the past 16 hours.
Unknown2012-04-15 04:33:33
I have discovered that my paypal will now allow me to instant transfer from my bank account.
This is a very bad thing for my bank account, especially since I did not realize this whatsoever and put through a couple of payments, one accidentally, thinking it was coming from a prepaid credit card.
This is a very bad thing for my bank account, especially since I did not realize this whatsoever and put through a couple of payments, one accidentally, thinking it was coming from a prepaid credit card.
Unknown2012-04-17 14:48:55
I have seriously fallen behind on my work. I realize with every additional day of me not going back into art overdrive mode I'm digging a big despair hole I'm scheduled to fall into in about a week or two, but spring break offered me a taste of freedom and I haven't quite convinced my brains to quit going back for seconds because the buffet table closed a week ago seriously what is wrong with you.
Whoa, weird, sorry. Drifted too far into weird metaphor zone.
Whoa, weird, sorry. Drifted too far into weird metaphor zone.
Aldani2012-04-17 23:00:45
It turns out that vegetable oil is 500% more effective at removing wood stain from hands than acetone or isopropyl. It would have been nice to know that before the 15 minute acetone bath my hands took. :( Could not Google with stain on hands.
Ytran2012-04-18 05:06:46
Clearly you should have googled before coating your hands in wood stain.
Unknown2012-04-19 00:12:31
Pile of problems. Health-related one being tendonitis with my wrists and elbows. I can't take a break from the computer. So doomed.
Unknown2012-04-19 00:23:51
My sister is going to be moving back in at home with the baby. Noooo.
Unknown2012-04-19 00:36:38
My sister is going to be moving back in at home with the baby. Noooo.
There's only one solution.
You must collect every egg carton, scrap of foam, and sharp object available to turn your quarters into a soundproofed child-unfriendly area.
Unknown2012-04-19 00:59:20
There's only one solution.
You must collect every egg carton, scrap of foam, and sharp object available to turn your quarters into a soundproofed child-unfriendly area.
My computer (and thus where I spend 99% of my waking hours) is unfortunately located in open space, preventing me from properly putting myself into baby-avoidance quarantine. Mostly I'm unhappy about the fact that we already don't have enough room for me, my mother, and my brother in this house, and now she'll be moving back in plus bringing all the baby things with her. I'm not sure where she expects to put them, considering even when she just comes over for an evening with the baby, our entire first floor becomes a treacherous maze of baby materials. There's no spare room for this.
Ytran2012-04-19 01:53:38
Unknown2012-04-19 04:27:59
My computer (and thus where I spend 99% of my waking hours) is unfortunately located in open space, preventing me from properly putting myself into baby-avoidance quarantine. Mostly I'm unhappy about the fact that we already don't have enough room for me, my mother, and my brother in this house, and now she'll be moving back in plus bringing all the baby things with her. I'm not sure where she expects to put them, considering even when she just comes over for an evening with the baby, our entire first floor becomes a treacherous maze of baby materials. There's no spare room for this.
You need a refrigerator box and a flashlight then too.
Sylphas2012-04-19 09:01:15
You guys overcomplicate everything. Just eat the baby.
Unknown2012-04-19 13:37:54
You guys overcomplicate everything. Just eat the baby.
This isn't Glomdoring.