Unknown2012-05-01 04:01:36
My sick/'wounded' dog is driving me crazy. We just CAN'T stop him from screwing with the bandages and stitches with what we've got, and I think he's getting legitimately sick from it now. Not fun for any parties concerned, and I feel like a really terrible pet owner.
Stangmar2012-05-03 00:40:17
I'm a failure. I just got a C for my final grade in Marketing. This is going to wreak HELL on my GPA. My scholarship is toast. I may be finished as far as college goes, unless I can find some damn good employment.
Unknown2012-05-03 01:22:26
Writin a essay. Only needs to be four pages, but I'm writers blocking my brains out.
Aldani2012-05-03 04:29:11
Though I am sure this is a common sentiment, I do not get paid enough for my job. Today, I got to count how many condoms were stuffed into a backpack. It was 97. Then I got to write an incident report about how many condoms I found in the backpack. It was still 97. That is 97 more condoms than I had planned to interact with in my lifetime.
Unknown2012-05-03 05:00:51
Though I am sure this is a common sentiment, I do not get paid enough for my job. Today, I got to count how many condoms were stuffed into a backpack. It was 97. Then I got to write an incident report about how many condoms I found in the backpack. It was still 97. That is 97 more condoms than I had planned to interact with in my lifetime.
The important question is, were they still in the wrappers, or...
Aldani2012-05-03 05:06:13
Thankfully, yes.
Ytran2012-05-03 05:09:25
/typical witty/snarky comment
Unknown2012-05-03 05:11:03
Thankfully, yes.
Oh, see, that's not so bad then. Condoms are your friends! They're your friends. Whoever had this backpack was just...extremely prepared for emergencies? I don't know.
Aldani2012-05-03 05:12:07
Oh, see, that's not so bad then. Condoms are your friends! They're your friends. Whoever had this backpack was just...extremely prepared for emergencies? I don't know.
Given where I work, whoever had this backpack is probably going back to prison very soon.
Unknown2012-05-03 05:18:40
Given where I work, whoever had this backpack is probably going back to prison very soon.
I'm almost afraid to ask what your job is.
Lawliet2012-05-03 09:21:41
I'm almost afraid to ask what your job is.
I'm not!
Aldani, what do you do?!
Stangmar2012-05-03 14:20:00
Oh, see, that's not so bad then. Condoms are your friends! They're your friends. Whoever had this backpack was just...extremely prepared for emergencies? I don't know.

Unknown2012-05-03 16:23:33
Warning for foul language/NSFW/yeah this is... pretty tame but yeah: http://www.lolwtfcomics.com/upload/uploads/1315922230.jpg
Aldani2012-05-03 16:48:57
I work at a residential re-entry facility, i.e. a halfway house for federal felons who are 1-6 months from being released.
Unknown2012-05-03 18:29:36
Ordered an SATA external enclosure, got an IDE one. Gnargh.
Ssaliss2012-05-03 18:38:59
Pre-ordered Diablo III Collector's Edition six months ago, and have been saving little by little every month since then (which has been a challenge at times, considering I'm unemployed and basically on wellfare). Today the shop I ordered it from called and said they wouldn't be receiving any Collector's Editions because of a screwup between Blizzard and the company they order their games from. And since it's this late, all other game stores around are already fully booked for their collector's editions :(
Neos2012-05-05 14:01:08
I am displeased by the forced switch over to the Facebook Timeline.
Stangmar2012-05-05 15:32:24
I'm holding out. I may be the last survivor. Everybody else I know is on timeline now.
Unknown2012-05-05 15:35:04
I already switched a week or so ago. My reasoning:
1) A lot of things I wanted to do kept telling me I needed Timeline, and I was sick of skating around it.
2) I realized it wasn't really that big of a deal.
It's kinda ugly and awkward but in the end it's just what a change in what your facebook profile looks like.
1) A lot of things I wanted to do kept telling me I needed Timeline, and I was sick of skating around it.
2) I realized it wasn't really that big of a deal.
It's kinda ugly and awkward but in the end it's just what a change in what your facebook profile looks like.
Unknown2012-05-05 15:38:48
Hum. I don't really know what Timeline is. I only use the mobile Facebook site from my phone (not the app) and haven't noticed a change.