General Dissatisfaction Thread

by Noola

Back to The Real World.

Unknown2012-05-21 07:26:46
After I got 2 1/2 hours sleep the previous night my toddler wouldn't go to bed last night and I ended up falling asleep with her around 8.30. No Lusternia for me but I did get my longest sleep in months!
Unknown2012-05-21 14:29:52
Most recent episode of NCIS. :'( Goddamnit.
Arsalil2012-05-21 16:20:09
After I got 2 1/2 hours sleep the previous night my toddler wouldn't go to bed last night and I ended up falling asleep with her around 8.30. No Lusternia for me but I did get my longest sleep in months!

This sounds like a rave to me! Yay for a good night's sleep!! :D
Unknown2012-05-21 16:40:48
Ha, yes. Mild dissatisfaction offset by good sleep. The lack of sleep the previous night was from playing Lusternia till stupid o'clock so it all evens out. :)
Unknown2012-05-21 17:33:57
BLaarghghgghg why did I sign up for summer classes? I WANT TO FLAKE!
Unknown2012-05-21 20:12:40

BLaarghghgghg why did I sign up for summer classes? I WANT TO FLAKE!

Summer classes always seem like a good idea until you realize they make summer break not exist anymore.
Razenth2012-05-21 20:13:43
They're good practice for real life.
Unknown2012-05-21 20:15:32

They're good practice for real life.

Man, college is all about avoiding real life. :(
Unknown2012-05-22 02:17:59

They're good practice for real life.

Quoted for unfortunate truth.
Knorrith2012-05-22 03:00:05
Ugh. Just when I thought I couldn't get more mad my mom gives people my address and voluntells me they are coming to fix the wiring and crap. I know these people. If I wanted them to know where I lived I would have told them myself. I'm not going to be able to show my face anymore. Poor person in wealthy circles in this town? I'm gonna have to move now.
Lawliet2012-05-22 21:28:10
Grr, stupid stomach not agreeing with the rest of me.

Within the last few days I've had two problems with it. Either I've been starving but the rest of me has wanted to throw up at the sight of food or I've not been hungry but the rest of me is like, "Eaaaat damn yooouuuuu." :(
Stangmar2012-05-22 22:50:35
That's sort of what having an ulcer feels like. There were times were I was really hungry but felt full, or where I had just eaten and was feeling hungry.
Unknown2012-05-22 23:08:56
After eating nothing all day, all I ate for dinner was a small bowl of sauerkraut, because the thought of eating meat tonight was off-putting and the only other thing that was made was pork. And I wonder why I'm unhealthy.
Harkux2012-05-22 23:23:12
Captain Crunch.

You are delicious. In fact, I believe you are the most delicious among all cereals. No other cereal can ever compare to you.

Ytran2012-05-23 12:52:17
Do not wake me up needlessly at 0730 I know my own goddamn work schedule thank you very much and no I do not need to open today and I was going to sleep but now I am awake and there is no going back.
Unknown2012-05-23 15:18:56
I woke up after barely sleeping from being goddamn hungry, so ok, I came downstairs and made food. That was 3 hours ago. Why didn't I ever go back to sleep? I am TIRED.
Unknown2012-05-23 16:09:28
This class. It is long. I already know this material.

Praise muted games on my laptop.
Unknown2012-05-24 09:18:12
Yesterday, I woke up around 11 or 12. I painted, I walked around, I was really tired when I came home. Laid down to sleep at around midnight. It's 6am. I haven't slept yet, aside from a couple of times where I drifted off for a few minutes.
Kagato2012-05-26 00:37:49
Dunno what is going on, but there is no electricity at work. No electricity = no computer = no work, so I am getting paid to pretty much sit around talking, but am bored stiff
Unknown2012-05-26 22:25:54