Unknown2012-06-02 01:00:19
My new computer not being built until Sunday.... ;-; All the parts are here and waiting to be built but we've got stuff to do tomorrow and dad's like "You want me to build it now or build it right?"
...it takes like a half hour. Drop the motherboard in, drop the processor in, and the rest of it is just snap down sockets.
Unknown2012-06-02 01:20:47
...it takes like a half hour. Drop the motherboard in, drop the processor in, and the rest of it is just snap down sockets.
It takes more than half an hour, even if you know what you're doing.
Then there's the brief period of time when it's not working and you think you've broken everything. Always a debug step.
Ytran2012-06-04 01:49:28
Days where nothing can go right. *flop*
Unknown2012-06-07 01:14:12
Days where nothing can go right. *flop*
Here! Distract yourself with a poofy kitten!

Ytran2012-06-07 01:15:13
Kittens make things worse, though. D:
Stangmar2012-06-07 14:26:30
I just got word that my grandmother passed away last night at the age of 94. We've been planning her 95th birthday party for the 19th, which will now be her funeral.
It is a relief to know though that she is no longer suffering. She was pretty much confined to her room for the last few years.
It is a relief to know though that she is no longer suffering. She was pretty much confined to her room for the last few years.
Unknown2012-06-08 07:43:25
Last Friday, I had one of my normal episodes of my ear clogging itself up and making me unable to hear well out of it. It usually takes about a week for me to fix it myself, and I like to avoid going to the doctor when I can. It started to hurt (which was unusual) on Tuesday night, so I went to the doctor on Wednesday, they checked and it wasn't infected, the pain was probably just my ear drum under pressure, but they fixed the clog for me so everything was good, and I went home happy and able to hear. Hooray, yeah?
Well, I thought so. My ear was still hurting. Then late late Wednesday night my insides were on fire, which by this point I know means I've got another infection in my insides. Awesome, so make a doctor's appointment two days in a row, cause I can't just let that go unchecked (partly because bad news, partly because holy hell pain). Stay up til the doctor is open to make an appointment for as early as possible...find out there are none until Friday morning.
That sucks but ok it's just one day. I'll just try to spend most of it sleeping. Not too big of a deal since I'm not drinking coffee to avoid irritating my insides further. Ew, sleeping on my right side still hurts because of my ear, I hope that stops hurting soon. Oops I woke up at 3:30am in tears because my ear was in pain even though I wasn't sleeping on that side, and...it appears to have swollen itself shut. Awesome. Fantastic. I guess it's infected after all. F'ing ear.
Now it's taking me a really long time just so I can eat a piece of bread because chewing is making my ear into a screaming pain vortex. It's not even like I'm trying to eat something hard! It's bread! Not even the toasty kind. Arrgh. And I feel like I've got a fever. Which wouldn't surprise me considering I've got two extremely painful infections going at once.
Everything is pain.
Well, I thought so. My ear was still hurting. Then late late Wednesday night my insides were on fire, which by this point I know means I've got another infection in my insides. Awesome, so make a doctor's appointment two days in a row, cause I can't just let that go unchecked (partly because bad news, partly because holy hell pain). Stay up til the doctor is open to make an appointment for as early as possible...find out there are none until Friday morning.
That sucks but ok it's just one day. I'll just try to spend most of it sleeping. Not too big of a deal since I'm not drinking coffee to avoid irritating my insides further. Ew, sleeping on my right side still hurts because of my ear, I hope that stops hurting soon. Oops I woke up at 3:30am in tears because my ear was in pain even though I wasn't sleeping on that side, and...it appears to have swollen itself shut. Awesome. Fantastic. I guess it's infected after all. F'ing ear.
Now it's taking me a really long time just so I can eat a piece of bread because chewing is making my ear into a screaming pain vortex. It's not even like I'm trying to eat something hard! It's bread! Not even the toasty kind. Arrgh. And I feel like I've got a fever. Which wouldn't surprise me considering I've got two extremely painful infections going at once.
Everything is pain.
Unknown2012-06-08 19:11:04
My 360 just redringed.
Stangmar2012-06-08 21:13:20
My 360 just redringed.
Unknown2012-06-08 21:28:14
I have one of those too. One of the old first gen ones with backwards compatibility as a matter of fact. Most of my games are 360s though, since I used to be able to get stuff through the MS company store at a massive discount.
Unknown2012-06-08 22:00:30
You can usually contact Microsoft for information on how to get it repaired. Ours was a launch box which lasted many a moon, and until its disc reader started failing after a good five years of significant use had only red-ringed once; when it did, we were able to get it repaired for free by requesting a "coffin" box and mailing it off. They sent us a card good for a free month of Gold, too!
Fania2012-06-08 22:44:04
Still tired and sore from being sick Sun-Tues. Baby David is now sick and he's not sleeping well at night. All this and I haven't had time to work on my illustration or had a few minutes of clarity for over two weeks now.
Unknown2012-06-08 22:45:48
You can usually contact Microsoft for information on how to get it repaired. Ours was a launch box which lasted many a moon, and until its disc reader started failing after a good five years of significant use had only red-ringed once; when it did, we were able to get it repaired for free by requesting a "coffin" box and mailing it off. They sent us a card good for a free month of Gold, too!
Yeeeeah, this is not a launch xBox. I will not be able to get this free-repaired.
Stangmar2012-06-09 03:07:14
I have one of those too. One of the old first gen ones with backwards compatibility as a matter of fact. Most of my games are 360s though, since I used to be able to get stuff through the MS company store at a massive discount.
That's what mine is as well. My best friend bought it when it first came out. Had a 60 GB hard drive. Play's PS2 games. He gave it to me last year after experiencing the yellow light of death. He decided he'd rather buy a slim than pay to have this one repaired. I bought a $20 heat gun and some thermal paste, and fixed it myself.
Unknown2012-06-09 05:16:25
He gave it to you? Those things are worth a lot of money.
Stangmar2012-06-09 07:38:20
I don't think he's arrived yet at a comprehension of the value of a dollar. He's much less hesitant to waste money than I am.
Even with the repair, I get the feeling it may be on it's last leg anyhow.
Even with the repair, I get the feeling it may be on it's last leg anyhow.
Unknown2012-06-09 15:20:13
Stuck in bed in pain and trying to browse the forums on my phone... I can't see likes (I have grown so attached to the likes) and there's no quick way to skip to the last page in a thread that I can find. I am pressing next soooo many times. Also there's the whole unbearable pain thing. That too. Tbh I'm making this post just to see how posting from the phone goes and so I have something to do besides lie here.
Edit: well, found a way to get to the latest post immediately, but it wasn't there til I logged in. :( don't I feel silly now. (What wait phone why did you autocorrect "silly" to "silky"?)
Edit: well, found a way to get to the latest post immediately, but it wasn't there til I logged in. :( don't I feel silly now. (What wait phone why did you autocorrect "silly" to "silky"?)
Xenthos2012-06-09 16:45:52
It is trying to soothe you.
Ytran2012-06-10 02:17:04
I am dissatisfied by the fact that I do not have a spare $35000-ish for this.
Stangmar2012-06-10 02:30:16
I can't believe there's anybody out there who spends that kind of $$$ on that.