Turnus2012-07-12 19:31:31
Have you considered the possibility that he actually is a methhead serial killer?
Unknown2012-07-12 21:52:52
Have you considered the possibility that he actually is a methhead serial killer?
Eventru2012-07-12 21:58:42
When your hair is so bad that even I can tell you have bad hair, you are in desperate need of a hair change. On a totally unrelated note, how do I tell this guy I know that if he doesn't get a haircut soon, people are going to cross the street when they see him coming down the sidewalk? :unsure:
"Wow! I really love your hair. Very anti-establishment. It really speaks to me about your anti-Wall Street, anti-corporation beliefs. I'm right there with you man - if I was stronger willed I, too, would rebel against the haircare and and hair product industry. F@ck the vain and shallow perceptions of americans. Some people would say your hair needs some serious cutting, if not an entire shave - NO! DON'T BUCKLE MAN! This is just so awesome. Can I take a picture with it? Like, just it. You get on your knees, I'll pose with it, maybe my sister can take the picture? Man, I'm so jealous. Are you working on dreadlocks? That would be so rad. Should I save my bottlecaps for you, so you can fold them into your dreads? I think that would be really cool."
"Holy :censor:! You're going for the role of Medusa in that all-male casting, am I right?"
"Dude, that's so awesome. It's like you have a stuffed mongoose on your head, but it's sculpted from your own hair."
"Dude, I'm so proud of you. You're growing out your hair, making dreadlocks, then donating it to Bongs of Love, for the little baby indigent rastafaarians with cancer who can't grow their own locks, am I right?"
"HOLY :censor: - That is an AMAZING ent costume bro. I love the giant bird nest on your head. It'll look really cool once you get the rest of it on."
Kagato2012-07-13 03:00:05
My birthday in 6 days time... I'm getting OLD *cringe*
Also I have to work on my birthday as well. Nothing new there.
Also I have to work on my birthday as well. Nothing new there.
Lehki2012-07-13 15:05:18
I just missed my stop on the train and am now in the next town over from where I want to be. Going to be late to work and have to buy another train ticket. D:
And why did I miss my stop, you may ask? Because I was too busy giggling at Eventru being silly.
And why did I miss my stop, you may ask? Because I was too busy giggling at Eventru being silly.
Eventru2012-07-13 15:22:47
I just missed my stop on the train and am now in the next town over from where I want to be. Going to be late to work and have to buy another train ticket. D:
And why did I miss my stop, you may ask? Because I was too busy giggling at Eventru being silly.

My plan to ruin the economy has met its first victim...
Eritheyl2012-07-13 17:13:12
While making kettle corn at an amusement park is TOTALLY a respectable occupation...stuff hurts, bro.
My poor little arms e_e
My poor little arms e_e
Stangmar2012-07-13 18:51:06
Waiting is driving me up the wall >.<
My new phone is somewhere within a mile of my house.........
My new phone is somewhere within a mile of my house.........
Unknown2012-07-14 08:22:22
The crippling feeling of loneliness which comes and goes as it pleases, regardless of any substantial events in my life which may or may not cause it. :( I know the thing I need most is a punch in the face, yet all the people who'd be willing to indulge me are miles away. :lol:
Stangmar2012-07-16 03:30:23
One of my roommates used my phone to send texts to all of my female coworkers..........
it's going to be very awkward at work tomorrow.
it's going to be very awkward at work tomorrow.
Unknown2012-07-16 15:21:39
Voicing my unhappiness with my sleep being disrupted by baby loudness has resulted in me being told I should feel bad for being a baby-hater and that I am a terrible person. No, I don't hate the baby. What I have a problem with is people deciding "let's put the baby in the room right next to Allyson's and then ignore her for the next half hour, I have a show to watch". Sure, -you- are situated in the basement, but I am upstairs, hi. I exist. You are my problem, not the baby. Stop using your child as an "I can do whatever I want" defense.
Lawliet2012-07-16 20:02:32
Voicing my unhappiness with my sleep being disrupted by baby loudness has resulted in me being told I should feel bad for being a baby-hater and that I am a terrible person. No, I don't hate the baby. What I have a problem with is people deciding "let's put the baby in the room right next to Allyson's and then ignore her for the next half hour, I have a show to watch". Sure, -you- are situated in the basement, but I am upstairs, hi. I exist. You are my problem, not the baby. Stop using your child as an "I can do whatever I want" defense.
If it were me I'd probably end up hiding the baby, not by a huge amount or anything, just enough to make her worry and start checking on it more often.
Though I suspect it's too young to actually move around on its own so people might know it was you...
Ardmore2012-07-16 20:12:20
If I'm following this properly: it's your house. Grow a pair and put your foot down instead of complaining.
Caffrey2012-07-16 23:22:06
I am 32yo. *weep* There is NOTHING good about aging, besides being closer to death. Which is something of a mixed benefit.
Unknown2012-07-17 01:44:40
If I'm following this properly: it's your house. Grow a pair and put your foot down instead of complaining.
I live with my family. Sister recently moved back in with her infant child and is acting like she owns the place, and it's stressing all of us out. We've all talked to her about her attitude, but what are we supposed to do? Throw her out? She can't afford to live anywhere else, and we'd all appreciate it if she acted like less of a complete assbutt about everything, but she doesn't care. Complaining about it at least makes me feel a little less frustrated while it's going on. -_-
Ardmore2012-07-17 01:55:19
Ah, everything you wrote previous stated 'moving in with me' and I assumed you lived on your own. Hmmm... Yep, I'd definitely threaten to kick her out if she didn't smarten up. Just her, the kid could stay.
Lawliet2012-07-17 01:56:27
I live with my family. Sister recently moved back in with her infant child and is acting like she owns the place, and it's stressing all of us out. We've all talked to her about her attitude, but what are we supposed to do? Throw her out? She can't afford to live anywhere else, and we'd all appreciate it if she acted like less of a complete assbutt about everything, but she doesn't care. Complaining about it at least makes me feel a little less frustrated while it's going on. -_-
Any reason why you couldn't switch rooms so you're in the basement and don't have to put up with the child?
Ardmore2012-07-17 02:00:36
Or flush the kid down the toilet.
Unknown2012-07-17 02:07:17
Ah, everything you wrote previous stated 'moving in with me' and I assumed you lived on your own. Hmmm... Yep, I'd definitely threaten to kick her out if she didn't smarten up. Just her, the kid could stay.
Gad, I only wish I lived on my own, but that's not possible for a variety of reasons. My mom is way too lenient to throw
Any reason why you couldn't switch rooms so you're in the basement and don't have to put up with the child?
Yeah, it's a very small townhouse and the bedrooms aren't large enough to accommodate all the baby things. The basement was literally the only place we could fit her and all of her stuff, and we had to move a lot of things out for it.
Blah, I don't really want to turn this into "let's just talk about how annoyed Phoebus is over this sister/baby stuff all the time", but I don't have anywhere else to complain about it that my sister won't see! Sorry. I'll try to bring it up less. :( It's just what happens to be dominating my life at the moment.
Ardmore2012-07-17 14:19:35
Nono, it's ok. I just thought you owned the house, but I see you're in a bind. That's what this place is for: complain your heart out. It certainly makes me feel better and I hope it helps you too!