Unknown2009-06-22 06:45:08
@ Arix =/ oh well, if it's not butter knives again tonight then we'll know it's not you.
I'm for voting Daganev also. Vote Daganev
I'm for voting Daganev also. Vote Daganev
Arix2009-06-22 06:46:25
That would be illogical. It's probable that the killer just grabbed the first thing lying around. For some reason that was a butter knife
Daganev2009-06-22 06:54:16
QUOTE (rika @ Jun 21 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not a "ninja-lynch" if the person has already been defending themselves (poorly). And you were probably the most aggressive against Casilu. Hypocritical much? Vote: Daganev
There. Is. Nothing. Hypocrticial.
I. Was. Agressive. Against. Casilu. When. She. Was. Being. Elusive. And. Unhelpfull.
When. She. Claimed. To. Get. Random. Info. You. Should. Have. Backed. Off. Not. Push. For. The. Lynch.
It. Is. A. Ninja. Lynch. When. You. Don't. Even. Discuss. The. Claim!
Solanis. Why. Are. You. Voting. For. Me?
Arix2009-06-22 06:57:55
Could just be going along with Rika, but who knows
Daganev2009-06-22 07:02:37
QUOTE (rika @ Jun 20 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Meh. No one wants to go for Arix and Casilu was on my list so I might as well unvote and vote: Casilu.
1.5. Hours. After. Casilu. Claims. Rika. Wrote. This.
Rika. Wrote. This. Thinking. She. Would. Lynch. Casilu. With. It.
After. I. FOS. Rika. She. Votes. For. Me.
Kira. Atleast. Tried. To. Have. Some. Sort. Of. Discussion.
So. I'm. Torn. Now. Between. Voting. For. Rika. Or. Kira.
Since. Solanis. Seems. To. Just. Want. To. Follow. Rika. I. Will. Assume. They. Are. Aligned.
Vote. Rika.
Rika2009-06-22 07:02:46
QUOTE (Arix @ Jun 22 2009, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could just be going along with Rika, but who knows
That is one of the most unhelpful posts I have seen this game.

Unknown2009-06-22 07:07:12
I don't think it's a ninja lynch, the pressure was building so slow. Yes, the train at the end was sooort of quick (over several hours) but from judging on previous days, you would have been around from the time that Casilu claimed to the lynch.
You were the most aggressive against Casilu. You trying to shift it to Kiradawea is suspicious.
You were the most aggressive against Casilu. You trying to shift it to Kiradawea is suspicious.
Rika2009-06-22 07:09:31
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 22 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1.5. Hours. After. Casilu. Claims. Rika. Wrote. This.
Rika. Wrote. This. Thinking. She. Would. Lynch. Casilu. With. It.
After. I. FOS. Rika. She. Votes. For. Me.
Kira. Atleast. Tried. To. Have. Some. Sort. Of. Discussion.
So. I'm. Torn. Now. Between. Voting. For. Rika. Or. Kira.
Since. Solanis. Seems. To. Just. Want. To. Follow. Rika. I. Will. Assume. They. Are. Aligned.
Vote. Rika.
Rika. Wrote. This. Thinking. She. Would. Lynch. Casilu. With. It.
After. I. FOS. Rika. She. Votes. For. Me.
Kira. Atleast. Tried. To. Have. Some. Sort. Of. Discussion.
So. I'm. Torn. Now. Between. Voting. For. Rika. Or. Kira.
Since. Solanis. Seems. To. Just. Want. To. Follow. Rika. I. Will. Assume. They. Are. Aligned.
Vote. Rika.
Yeah... after someone gives their roleclaim and defense, that's what voting is meant to do. Lynch them. Or are we not actually playing mafia? Casilu was on my list and since no one else wanted to go after Arix (who, by the way, just dodged our attempts to find out what power he got), I went with the vote. I had read her claim and didn't believe her (how the hell does the hobo role fit with this setting?).
I didn't even give the last vote. I knew I was on vote six because Myrkr didn't count Shaddus' unbolded votes. If anything, the one you should be going for is Shaddus, who had ample time to think about what he was doing.
And I didn't vote for you because you were voting for me. That's just dumb. I was voting for you because you were being hypocritical about Kiradawea.
Arix2009-06-22 07:09:47
QUOTE (rika @ Jun 22 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is one of the most unhelpful posts I have seen this game. 

Then you are a very selective reader. I suppose ignoring your own posts helps
Unknown2009-06-22 07:10:14
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 22 2009, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1.5. Hours. After. Casilu. Claims. Rika. Wrote. This.
Rika. Wrote. This. Thinking. She. Would. Lynch. Casilu. With. It.
After. I. FOS. Rika. She. Votes. For. Me.
Kira. Atleast. Tried. To. Have. Some. Sort. Of. Discussion.
So. I'm. Torn. Now. Between. Voting. For. Rika. Or. Kira.
Since. Solanis. Seems. To. Just. Want. To. Follow. Rika. I. Will. Assume. They. Are. Aligned.
Vote. Rika.
Rika. Wrote. This. Thinking. She. Would. Lynch. Casilu. With. It.
After. I. FOS. Rika. She. Votes. For. Me.
Kira. Atleast. Tried. To. Have. Some. Sort. Of. Discussion.
So. I'm. Torn. Now. Between. Voting. For. Rika. Or. Kira.
Since. Solanis. Seems. To. Just. Want. To. Follow. Rika. I. Will. Assume. They. Are. Aligned.
Vote. Rika.
I don't know how you got the idea that Rika voted for Casilu thinking it was a lynch (when it wasn't). Her voting you after you FOS her is pretty weak/irrelevant.
And haha, when people go "Vote person for crappy reason" you don't say a word, but if it's a vote against you, then OH CRAP assume that that person is just following someone.
Daganev2009-06-22 07:11:12
QUOTE (Solanis @ Jun 22 2009, 12:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think it's a ninja lynch, the pressure was building so slow. Yes, the train at the end was sooort of quick (over several hours) but from judging on previous days, you would have been around from the time that Casilu claimed to the lynch.
You were the most aggressive against Casilu. You trying to shift it to Kiradawea is suspicious.
You were the most aggressive against Casilu. You trying to shift it to Kiradawea is suspicious.
Huh? I'm. Never. Around. On. Fridays. Or. Saturdays.
Kira. Should. Have. Known. Better. Than. To. Not. Unvote. If. She. Thought. Casilu. Was. A. Jester.
I. Found. That. Suspicious.
But. After. The. Tag. Team. Of. You. And. Rika. On. Arix. And. Your. Tag. Team. Of. You. And. Rika. On. Me. I. See. A. Pattern. And. My. Vote. Stays.
I. Will. Be. Aggressive. Towards. Anyone. Who. Posts. Unhelpfull. Or. Nonsense. Information.
But. I. Am. Suspicious. Of. Everyone. Who. Posted. After. Casilu. Claimed. And. Did. Not. Unvote.
Aerotan2009-06-22 08:14:44
Now that it's been pointed out, it IS kind of suspicious that you're following her vote. We were all kind of off on Casilu. I really hope she's okay in there...Anyway, we were all off on Casilu, but then, the odds are sort of against us, so I'd have been surprised had we caught a doctor day one. Hopefully she wasn't the only one of us who gets information at night, and whoever else does just didn't get anything useful.
Though, Bali, seriously, chill. Have we heard from Esano or Kiradawea yet today?
Though, Bali, seriously, chill. Have we heard from Esano or Kiradawea yet today?
Esano2009-06-22 08:36:53
No, you haven't. Not from me at least.
And Daganev really struck me as the most aggressive on Casilu yesterday. Trying to put suspicion on Kiradawea again, with very little support. I presume by 'push' he meant 'did not unvote'. I also don't get this part:
I haven't seen anything as to the doctors' motives, nothing about them wanting to keep people alive as suspects. Anyone able to shed some light on the situation? I myself know nothing as to the doctors' motives; I assumed they wanted to keep us around because we're patients. And if he's using 'scum' to refer to an SK or similar, I still don't see why they would want to keep Konton alive ... and didn't Arix basically admit to it as being that night's power? Or was that a joke?
And Daganev really struck me as the most aggressive on Casilu yesterday. Trying to put suspicion on Kiradawea again, with very little support. I presume by 'push' he meant 'did not unvote'. I also don't get this part:
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 22 2009, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lastly. I. Think. Konton. Was. Killed. By. One. Of. Us. Because. Scum. Would. Keep. Konton. Alive. As. A. Suspect.
I haven't seen anything as to the doctors' motives, nothing about them wanting to keep people alive as suspects. Anyone able to shed some light on the situation? I myself know nothing as to the doctors' motives; I assumed they wanted to keep us around because we're patients. And if he's using 'scum' to refer to an SK or similar, I still don't see why they would want to keep Konton alive ... and didn't Arix basically admit to it as being that night's power? Or was that a joke?
Rika2009-06-22 08:58:06
Who did you target last night Arix?
Kiradawea2009-06-22 08:59:18
Gimme time to wake up. I like to sleep in late.
And honestly. Push for Casilu after a legit claim? I didn't. I became anxious that she might be a Jester because weak defense like the one she was exhibiting is usually only reserved for Jesters. Frankly, I didn't believe her claim. It had no tie-in to her earlier behaviour and seemed like a last ditch effort to hide under the radar for at least another day. I was certain that she was either Jester or Scum so I didn't unvote, for two reasons. The first being that I thought it was too late (because I thought Shaddus had voted, which would've made it seven votes and thus a lynch.) and the second being that if she was scum, then lynching her is a good thing. If she was jester, then there's no way to know that Myrkr included a vig. And relying on a SKer or scum to eliminate the jester is foolishness.
Was I the first to put pressure on Casilu? Yes.
Was my initial reasoning for lynching Casilu way off? Yes. She was no drug addict.
But it's pretty clear that I wasn't the only one who found her purposefully evasive, unhelpful and random.
And honestly. Push for Casilu after a legit claim? I didn't. I became anxious that she might be a Jester because weak defense like the one she was exhibiting is usually only reserved for Jesters. Frankly, I didn't believe her claim. It had no tie-in to her earlier behaviour and seemed like a last ditch effort to hide under the radar for at least another day. I was certain that she was either Jester or Scum so I didn't unvote, for two reasons. The first being that I thought it was too late (because I thought Shaddus had voted, which would've made it seven votes and thus a lynch.) and the second being that if she was scum, then lynching her is a good thing. If she was jester, then there's no way to know that Myrkr included a vig. And relying on a SKer or scum to eliminate the jester is foolishness.
Was I the first to put pressure on Casilu? Yes.
Was my initial reasoning for lynching Casilu way off? Yes. She was no drug addict.
But it's pretty clear that I wasn't the only one who found her purposefully evasive, unhelpful and random.
Kiradawea2009-06-22 09:04:45
To clarify on the "Push for Casilu after a Legit Claim? I didn't" line above me. By that I mean that I did not push any further for her to be lynched (unless you consider suggesting that she's a Jester to be "pushing" for a lynch), I just kept my vote there. And even then, I did not consider Casilu to have a legit claim.
Arix2009-06-22 09:29:08
I was actually commenting on Myrkr's use of a butter knife as a murder weapon. It struck me as silly. I was also commenting on Solanis' remark about knowing it wasn't me if the next kill did not involve a butter knife, because Myrkr
could easily read what he said and put whatever weapons she wants in the killers hand the next night
could easily read what he said and put whatever weapons she wants in the killers hand the next night
Arix2009-06-22 09:31:40
And I didn't target anyone myself. My powers and their targets are determined at random. Which makes sense to me, but also annoys the crap out of me
Rika2009-06-22 09:33:41
QUOTE (Arix @ Jun 22 2009, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And I didn't target anyone myself. My powers and their targets are determined at random. Which makes sense to me, but also annoys the crap out of me
How convenient for you. Unvote. Vote: Arix
Esano2009-06-22 10:12:29
I see what Daganev meant now ... eugh, I must have looked stupid there. Kept Konton specifically alive as people were suspicious of him and Shaddus for posting in blue together; not keep people in general alive and drugged rather than stabbed with a butter knife.