Kiradawea2009-07-08 15:55:11
QUOTE (daganev @ Jul 8 2009, 03:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Only. Problem. With. Kira. Is. That. She. Has. A. Viable. Claim. And. Esano. We. Have. Nothing.
Though. It. Is. Possible. That. Someone. With. A. Avoidance. Issue. Would. Also. Be. Trying. To. Kill. Us.
Though. It. Is. Possible. That. Someone. With. A. Avoidance. Issue. Would. Also. Be. Trying. To. Kill. Us.
Now really? THAT is reaching. I'm Avoidant, not Anti-social or Schizoid. All I want is to be left alone cause you guys can't ever say anything nice about me.
Roleplay aside, Zynna, can you base your suspicions on anything? Let me make it clear that me and Daganev are in no way whatsoever related. And "sorry we lost Solanis"? What else was there to expect? We have no protector, and apparently no watchers or trackers either, so of course the scum would target Solanis.
I am a bit iffy though. There might be two scum remaining, not just one. I'll explain later, but right now I wanna pull out my list again. This time though, I'm only putting up the potential illnesses.
Aerotan: Lusternia-mad
Zynna: Nothing
Kiradawea: Avoidant
Daganev: Nothing
Shaddus: Bipolar?
Noola: Nothing
Esano: Hypochondriac
Noola seems to have some illness tied to specific words and Daganev to how he "speaks", but as far as I know, neither has revealed, nor confirmed speculation, about their role-name. Noola is pretty certainly a town, not because Solanis investigated her (though that certainly helps) but because she pulled a train off Esano (who would otherwise be an easy lynch) and nailed it on BaLi. Sure, it may be a "planned sacrifice", but I find that really hard to believe, in the same way I find it hard to believe that Esano Sedated himself. I can not give the same confirmation for Daganev. Shaddus, though I don't recall him outright stating "I am bi-polar", has certainly implied it.
Zynna is the only one I have absolutely nothing on. And I find that odd, especially since "yesterday" she was asked to reveal her rolename. I also just love how she quoted an earlier Deadline votecount, and not the last Deadline votecount where Solanis too voted for Deadline. It makes me iffy. Town never has to build a case against someone on false premises, and I'm starting to wonder if Solanis was of all things a naive cop.
Shaddus2009-07-08 17:27:17
So, vote for Zynna and force a claim?
Noola2009-07-08 17:39:53
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jul 8 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, vote for Zynna and force a claim?
Why? Wasn't she cleared by Solanis?
Kiradawea2009-07-08 17:53:34
It's just that. Noola and Zynna were patients according to Solanis. Hence there's a conflict between what I feel is a scummy attitude from Zynna, and the fact that a naive, paranoid cop sounds just too convoluted. That, and at this point, forcing an answer out of her is just gonna be a waste of time. She's the only one we know nothing about, so it stands to reason that if we're to make an apt decision, we need to know who she claims to be.
Kiradawea2009-07-08 18:02:17
I'd still be grateful if Noola and Daganev could name their illnesses, and that Shaddus could outright state that he is bipolar. I want to see how the illnesses add up.
Kiradawea2009-07-08 21:13:28
And I'm going to bed now. See you guys later.
Zynna2009-07-08 22:05:42
I wasn't going off of roleplaying in my last look of the past records but looking at the facts: voting patterns before we knew who anyone was.
The fact that you're trying to get info out of a confirmed townie to get the attention off of you makes you more suspicious.
I'd I had a vote it would be on Kira.
The fact that you're trying to get info out of a confirmed townie to get the attention off of you makes you more suspicious.
I'd I had a vote it would be on Kira.
Zynna2009-07-08 22:06:58
I know there's a typo in last sentence...meant "if". Silly predictive text.
Zynna2009-07-08 22:08:34
I know there's a typo in last sentence...meant "if". Silly predictive text.
Daganev2009-07-08 22:23:08
Kira. A. Few. Things.
1. I. Thought. I. Was. The. One. Who. Pulled. The. Train. Onto. Bali? I. Seem. To. Remember. Doing. A. Strong. About. Face. On. That. Issue. (Noticing. That. His. "Rage." Was. Not. Consistant.
2. Zynna. Told. Us. She. Was. Helpless. And. Noola. Told. Us. She. Has. A. Phobia. For. A. Certain. D. Word.
As. Far. As. I. Am. Aware. I. Am. The. Only. Person. To. Not. Give. A. Claim. So. I. Will. Do. That. Now.
The. Biggest. Problem. Is. That. My. Claim. Makes. Little. Sense. To. Me.
I. Have. OCD. Apparently. There. Was. A. Girl. Myrkr. Knew. Who. Always. Wrote. Like. This. Because. She. Thought. It. Was. The. Proper. Way. To. Talk./Write. And. She. Could. Not. Stop. If. She. Wanted. To. Thus. She. Had. OCD. (That. Makes. No. Sense. To. Me. But. That. Is. My. Role.)
Also. Kira. Remember. The. Doctors. Basically. Work. As. A. Cult. With. Killing. Powers....
1. I. Thought. I. Was. The. One. Who. Pulled. The. Train. Onto. Bali? I. Seem. To. Remember. Doing. A. Strong. About. Face. On. That. Issue. (Noticing. That. His. "Rage." Was. Not. Consistant.
2. Zynna. Told. Us. She. Was. Helpless. And. Noola. Told. Us. She. Has. A. Phobia. For. A. Certain. D. Word.
As. Far. As. I. Am. Aware. I. Am. The. Only. Person. To. Not. Give. A. Claim. So. I. Will. Do. That. Now.
The. Biggest. Problem. Is. That. My. Claim. Makes. Little. Sense. To. Me.
I. Have. OCD. Apparently. There. Was. A. Girl. Myrkr. Knew. Who. Always. Wrote. Like. This. Because. She. Thought. It. Was. The. Proper. Way. To. Talk./Write. And. She. Could. Not. Stop. If. She. Wanted. To. Thus. She. Had. OCD. (That. Makes. No. Sense. To. Me. But. That. Is. My. Role.)
Also. Kira. Remember. The. Doctors. Basically. Work. As. A. Cult. With. Killing. Powers....
Shaddus2009-07-08 23:17:52
I think Myrkr has a wierd way of making you express OCD 
Yes, I am bipolar. I have to post one day in red, one day in blue, one day in red, and so on. I also have to make one post a day where I sound VERY ANGRY, and one post where I sound very sad

Yes, I am bipolar. I have to post one day in red, one day in blue, one day in red, and so on. I also have to make one post a day where I sound VERY ANGRY, and one post where I sound very sad

Daganev2009-07-08 23:37:28
Tell. Me. About. It...
Noola2009-07-08 23:48:08
Well, different folks have different ways of expressing their OCD. You've seen Monk, right?
It'd be hard to express needing to touch all the parking meters you pass, or make sure all the coffee pots have exactly the same amount of coffee in them (by pouring caffeinated into the decaf pot to even them out) in forum posts. But, having to put a period between every word does kind of capture that same feeling, IMO.

Kiradawea2009-07-09 16:14:39
I'll have to disagree on the first point, because Noola changed the focus away from Esano, who couldn't defend himself, and onto BaLi. If she was a scum, she could have kept the focus on Esano. I had given up on defending him, but she didn't, which is what confirms her in my book.
Lemme see... this one. This is the post that confirms Noola for me.
I don't see anything that gives you, Dag, the same level of confirmation that this post gives. That is what I mean.
As for Zynna "helpless" may be many things. I know of no indication of what kind of helplessness though. From what I have seen though, it seems similar to Noola's as of yet unnamed condition. And because both are unnamed, there's no way to know if Zynna is faking it.
Because I am not aiming to get attention of me. I've invited it at all times because I have nothing to hide. You are the one who twists posts and information, lurks around and gets defensive the moment someone as much as glances in your direction. You are only "confirmed" insofar that Solanis has said that you are not a doctor. Your behaviour however is highly evasive, and I do not like that. Why did you quote the votecount (on deadline of all things) where I was grouped with Rika and BaLi (doctors), instead of the far easier to locate dayend votecount that included Solanis?
Daganev pointed out that this is a cult with killing power, and that is what I meant when I said earlier that there might be two scum remaining. I really doubt that the scum can both kill and cult on the same night. That would be far too powerful, and Esano has given us some insight in how oversedation works. Seeing that Solanis and Diamondais croaked on night one and three, it's not unreasonable to believe that someone was culted on night two. If Zynna isn't doctor, her behaviour makes it very likely that she was the one culted on the second night.
tl;dr Zynna is evasive. I don't like that. Unless someone gives me a compelling reason (that isn't "Solanis investigated her." I've already considered that, and I still don't like her attitude) she will be my first target.
Lemme see... this one. This is the post that confirms Noola for me.
QUOTE (Noola @ Jul 4 2009, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Vote Bali
Why? Cause Esano is still a scum victim and can't defend himself and between Bali and Shaddus, Bali's anger issues are easiest to fake. Unless someone really gives me a good reason to target Esano, I don't want to vote for someone who can't claim or anything.
Vote Bali
Why? Cause Esano is still a scum victim and can't defend himself and between Bali and Shaddus, Bali's anger issues are easiest to fake. Unless someone really gives me a good reason to target Esano, I don't want to vote for someone who can't claim or anything.
I don't see anything that gives you, Dag, the same level of confirmation that this post gives. That is what I mean.
As for Zynna "helpless" may be many things. I know of no indication of what kind of helplessness though. From what I have seen though, it seems similar to Noola's as of yet unnamed condition. And because both are unnamed, there's no way to know if Zynna is faking it.
Because I am not aiming to get attention of me. I've invited it at all times because I have nothing to hide. You are the one who twists posts and information, lurks around and gets defensive the moment someone as much as glances in your direction. You are only "confirmed" insofar that Solanis has said that you are not a doctor. Your behaviour however is highly evasive, and I do not like that. Why did you quote the votecount (on deadline of all things) where I was grouped with Rika and BaLi (doctors), instead of the far easier to locate dayend votecount that included Solanis?
Daganev pointed out that this is a cult with killing power, and that is what I meant when I said earlier that there might be two scum remaining. I really doubt that the scum can both kill and cult on the same night. That would be far too powerful, and Esano has given us some insight in how oversedation works. Seeing that Solanis and Diamondais croaked on night one and three, it's not unreasonable to believe that someone was culted on night two. If Zynna isn't doctor, her behaviour makes it very likely that she was the one culted on the second night.
tl;dr Zynna is evasive. I don't like that. Unless someone gives me a compelling reason (that isn't "Solanis investigated her." I've already considered that, and I still don't like her attitude) she will be my first target.
Zynna2009-07-09 16:43:20
I posted the earlier quotes that I did because I was reading through the thread again and when I saw a post that triggered a thought, I quoted it and included my thought. I think going back and analyzing the actions of what people did before anything was known about who was who is useful. You are welcomed (and encouraged) to do the same (and indeed you have when you quoted Noola above).
Although it's possible for someone to fake not being able to vote, it seems a silly thing to fake. There's no upside to disenfranchising yourself, and no, I'm not faking. I cannot vote -- not even for you.
I can't prevent you voting from me, but you won't learn anything new about me by doing so (unless you get the votes for a lynch). I'm already as confirmed as one can get as a patient and revealing more information about me will only help the scum, not the patients. So it's not happening. Oh, and yes, I do want to escape from here. I was not culted.
Time to move on and analyze those who have not been confirmed. That's where the doctor is hidden.
Although it's possible for someone to fake not being able to vote, it seems a silly thing to fake. There's no upside to disenfranchising yourself, and no, I'm not faking. I cannot vote -- not even for you.
I can't prevent you voting from me, but you won't learn anything new about me by doing so (unless you get the votes for a lynch). I'm already as confirmed as one can get as a patient and revealing more information about me will only help the scum, not the patients. So it's not happening. Oh, and yes, I do want to escape from here. I was not culted.
Time to move on and analyze those who have not been confirmed. That's where the doctor is hidden.
Kiradawea2009-07-09 18:36:51
No. Solanis said that you aren't a doctor. That is as much confirmation as we have from you. Being unable to vote is rather weak when compared to being unable to speak in some circumstances, or being forced to post in a specific pattern.
What I want is a name on your disease, right now, we have a list.
Aerotan: Lusternia-mad
Zynna: None
Kiradawea: Avoidant
Daganev: OCD
Shaddus: Bipolar
Noola: None
Esano: Hypochondriac
It also seems that powers are randomly distributed to roles. (Vig MPD, Paranoid Cop. Who'd have guessed that?) Even assuming that there are useful town powers out there, it'll be worthless to try and figure them out based on the diagnosis. At this point, the psych diagnose is useful for one thing. To see if there is someone that does not fit in.
And, for the sake of this not ending up to be another Arix/Celina relationship. It is nothing personal, but I do not like it when people try to build a case on faulty premises. If you're going to look for clues on who are scum, first gather all information at hand. In the Angels and Demons mafia, Narsrim used a similar method of brushing aside comments and giving misleading, or outright false claims. That is why I am so suspicious and want to pursue this as far as I can. Am I risking that I create a train on a townie? Yes, but I still want some things clarified before I want to look elsewhere.
What I want is a name on your disease, right now, we have a list.
Aerotan: Lusternia-mad
Zynna: None
Kiradawea: Avoidant
Daganev: OCD
Shaddus: Bipolar
Noola: None
Esano: Hypochondriac
It also seems that powers are randomly distributed to roles. (Vig MPD, Paranoid Cop. Who'd have guessed that?) Even assuming that there are useful town powers out there, it'll be worthless to try and figure them out based on the diagnosis. At this point, the psych diagnose is useful for one thing. To see if there is someone that does not fit in.
And, for the sake of this not ending up to be another Arix/Celina relationship. It is nothing personal, but I do not like it when people try to build a case on faulty premises. If you're going to look for clues on who are scum, first gather all information at hand. In the Angels and Demons mafia, Narsrim used a similar method of brushing aside comments and giving misleading, or outright false claims. That is why I am so suspicious and want to pursue this as far as I can. Am I risking that I create a train on a townie? Yes, but I still want some things clarified before I want to look elsewhere.
Daganev2009-07-09 18:40:52
Zynna. What. Is. Your. Condition's. Name?
Daganev2009-07-09 18:41:12
Myrkr. Are. You. Alive?
Noola2009-07-09 19:01:48
Oh, what the hell. Kira's got a point. Knowing our mental illnesses won't do any harm at this point. Might even help.
Mine is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (I didn't roleplay it cause by the time I realized folks were going to do that I'd already been posting normally
I'm fine unless certain words are said and then I freak out and can't talk for the rest of the day. The D word is only one of them, but the one most likely to be used.
Mine is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (I didn't roleplay it cause by the time I realized folks were going to do that I'd already been posting normally

I'm fine unless certain words are said and then I freak out and can't talk for the rest of the day. The D word is only one of them, but the one most likely to be used.
Unknown2009-07-09 19:42:33
QUOTE (daganev @ Jul 9 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Myrkr. Are. You. Alive?
Nope. Dead as can be. I'm posting from beyond the grave.
Are you looking for a deadline?