Kiradawea2010-01-14 18:35:20
My dear lord... Just... Oh dear. Okay. Gimme time to get home and I'll get right to it.
Razenth2010-01-14 18:38:16
Bit late for that.
Unknown2010-01-14 18:38:32
QUOTE (Atellus @ Jan 14 2010, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Strangely enough it feels very similar to a cycle that I witnessed in Achaea with Shallam. Height of power, influence, and activity followed by some event that causes the leadership to take the city in a different direction followed by all the infighting that causes which is followed by a decline and a weird mix of apathy and zealotry.
Except Celest has never been the height of anything except lulz.
Atellus2010-01-14 18:44:44
QUOTE (Azoth Nae'blis @ Jan 14 2010, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Except Celest has never been the height of anything except lulz.
Something can be at the height of its power but still not be the most...
eh nevermind.
Shiri2010-01-14 18:48:26
Azoth missed the part where Celest actually was top, too.
Also, that drama looks hilarious, I don't even remember the last time I saw a CDF-war like that in Serenwilde...oh wait, yes I do, it was Narsrim.
Also, that drama looks hilarious, I don't even remember the last time I saw a CDF-war like that in Serenwilde...oh wait, yes I do, it was Narsrim.
Rodngar2010-01-14 18:48:42
I don't think Gods should have such a strong presence in cities - nor do I think they should have as strong a presence as Eventru does in general in game. However, I appreciate the amount of work done by every god and if they have fun doing what they do interacting with cities.. well, eh. Can't stop 'em.
Celest had it coming it seems, and this whole mess is one that is far beyond some aetherhunting incidents, as far as I've gathered. I'm hoping nothing happens so ruinous as to bring the Administration down from the clouds to intervene - it was a mess that wasted their time that could have been used on far more profitable, worthwhile things and they still could have intervened by simply nixing those that did it wrong in the most gruesome of ways (a nice Divine ousting) to set an example. They made a mistake that cost a lot of other players their satisfaction from what it seems.
Celest had it coming it seems, and this whole mess is one that is far beyond some aetherhunting incidents, as far as I've gathered. I'm hoping nothing happens so ruinous as to bring the Administration down from the clouds to intervene - it was a mess that wasted their time that could have been used on far more profitable, worthwhile things and they still could have intervened by simply nixing those that did it wrong in the most gruesome of ways (a nice Divine ousting) to set an example. They made a mistake that cost a lot of other players their satisfaction from what it seems.
Shamarah2010-01-14 19:05:15
Celest is totally getting better. We really lost nothing of value from that little exodus, none of those people even did anything.
Xavius2010-01-14 20:15:08
Jaamil is 20% of Celest's defensive team. Geralden might not have been the sharpest crayon in the box, but he meant well and was active. Aleria was a very sweet girl who didn't need to be at the end of anyone's sledgehammer. Perhaps more importantly, Celest doesn't have the people to spare, and it's now down seven.
I also don't think it's fair to pin this on Eventru. Eventru's order != Eventru. Wait to see if Eventru actually antagonizes the situation beyond "renouncing" his patronage before adding him to the pile of blame.
Anyways, even ignoring the exodus of people more active than Shamarah, petty chain CDF's or CDF/counter CF slap fights aren't good for anyone.
I also don't think it's fair to pin this on Eventru. Eventru's order != Eventru. Wait to see if Eventru actually antagonizes the situation beyond "renouncing" his patronage before adding him to the pile of blame.
Anyways, even ignoring the exodus of people more active than Shamarah, petty chain CDF's or CDF/counter CF slap fights aren't good for anyone.
Eventru2010-01-14 22:10:51
I'm going to suggest you all take it IC - if you're curious as to where Eventru sits on it, you could just go ask Him. Or His devout, I suppose.
Let's, for once, see how things unravel without forum pressure. Thanks!
My twit: Estarra's hurr look dun perty tudae.
Let's, for once, see how things unravel without forum pressure. Thanks!
My twit: Estarra's hurr look dun perty tudae.
Shaddus2010-01-14 22:34:41
QUOTE (Eventru @ Jan 14 2010, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My twit: Estarra's hurr look dun perty tudae.
It's a wig.

The best part of today was Geralden's public post. Let me see if I can sum it up in a twitter's worth of words:
Celest sucks because they won't let me hang out with their enemies. I should be able to do what I want.
I think my favorite people to pick on aren't novices, or people who troll, or even little emo children, but people who think Celest is supposed to be some pseudo-Christian society where we all love each other, wear white robes and hug our foes into submission.
Lorina2010-01-14 22:56:53
I do so love logging in now just so I can RN and LOL in my pants. It makes me a happy Lorina.
Unknown2010-01-14 23:39:09
No, Celest is supposed to be pseudo-Christian society where you burn heretics, preach about brimstone and hellfire, and publicly flog any who dare dissent.
If only...
If only...
Xavius2010-01-15 00:05:18
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jan 14 2010, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think my favorite people to pick on aren't novices, or people who troll, or even little emo children, but people who think Celest is supposed to be some pseudo-Christian society where we all love each other, wear white robes and hug our foes into submission.
Tytone Farain, Shepherd of Enduring Faith says, "Love thy enemy as one loves thy family, and thyself - the Light cannot be complete nor whole without the manifold blessings of Love, Redemption, Kindness and Joy."
The Powers that Be aren't helping the case against it.

Lorina2010-01-15 00:19:40
So like...anyone following Celest? I am at a loss for words right now. Lol. It is amazing how violence can escalate so fast! My head was spinning!
Xenthos2010-01-15 00:22:19
QUOTE (Lorina @ Jan 14 2010, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So like...anyone following Celest? I am at a loss for words right now. Lol. It is amazing how violence can escalate so fast! My head was spinning!
I was personally really amused by certain quotes from the person who has led Celest to where it is right now, heh.
(No, not Kiradawea. Can't really blame anything on a person who just barely took over-- it takes more time for a city to fall apart!)
Lawliet2010-01-15 00:26:01
What happened with the divine intervention in glom? I wasn't here at the time...
Xenthos2010-01-15 00:26:56
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Jan 14 2010, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What happened with the divine intervention in glom? I wasn't here at the time...
Zappings, shrubbings, meetings. It was an interesting time!
Lawliet2010-01-15 00:28:25
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jan 15 2010, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Zappings, shrubbings, meetings. It was an interesting time!
Was hoping for specifics

Harkux2010-01-15 00:41:02
Sorry, Hartstone, and sorry, Seren. I loved you, but I finally just got frustrated enough to give up.
Kiradawea2010-01-15 00:44:15
Maybe you'll get your own specifics soon enough. Such a nightmare this has turned into.