Unknown2010-03-12 20:37:04
QUOTE (Urazial @ Mar 12 2010, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Similarly, someone putting cole slaw might be irrational depending on who you ask.
Putting cole slaw where? "putting cole slaw" makes no sense as you don't state where, or what you are putting cole slaw on.
Lendren2010-03-12 20:37:06
Edit: Rant withdrawn. It is, as always, a mistake to express anything unhappy here.
Urazial2010-03-12 20:41:51
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Mar 12 2010, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Putting cole slaw where? "putting cole slaw" makes no sense as you don't state where, or what you are putting cole slaw on.
Ah, quite correct. I had meant putting cole slaw on a hot dog.
Lawliet2010-03-12 21:03:17
QUOTE (Sarvasti @ Mar 12 2010, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Putting cole slaw where? "putting cole slaw" makes no sense as you don't state where, or what you are putting cole slaw on.
You don't want to know where he puts his cole slaw o.0
At any rate, suddenly a comparison springs to mind in reguards to raiding nowadays.
Imagin if America, or some other large country lashed out at their enemy by rolling up to their main city or most important landmark, killed twenty civillians and then got the hell out of dodge.
Likewise, doesn't it seem rather silly that an org here will port into a cities or forests important plane, kill a load of angels/ladies/daughters/probably not demons and then run away? It does no lasting damage whatsoever, it's just there to be spiteful.
Even worse is when you get kick-and-run, which is the equivalent of one man in a tank opening up his hatch, pulling out a pistol and shooting one person in the face, and then being air-lifted to safety.
The point here (There is one actually, so there) is that as likely as it is to screw over Celest I miss things like nexus world constructs, it could deal lasting (though not too permenant) damage to an org and added some flavour, kick raids are getting annoying, stir it up!
Unknown2010-03-12 21:12:16
Urazial's re-inventing the kick-and-run by adding in the demesne trap. He's like a spider in a web... who's proactive about finding dinner. So, there's that, at least.
Xavius2010-03-12 21:16:53
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Mar 12 2010, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The point here (There is one actually, so there) is that as likely as it is to screw over Celest I miss things like nexus world constructs, it could deal lasting (though not too permenant) damage to an org and added some flavour, kick raids are getting annoying, stir it up!
Org influence! If you have no villages, there's a chance that your affluent/impoverished working class/whatever NPC citizens start to worry about their economic security and revolt. If you can actually influence that city/commune before the natives do, working through guards, statues, enemy status, congluting defenders, and lopsided Avenger issues, you get to levy a tax (but not install your own guards or unenemy your citizens).
Urazial2010-03-12 21:22:48
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Mar 12 2010, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You don't want to know where he puts his cole slaw o.0
At any rate, suddenly a comparison springs to mind in reguards to raiding nowadays.
Imagin if America, or some other large country lashed out at their enemy by rolling up to their main city or most important landmark, killed twenty civillians and then got the hell out of dodge.
Likewise, doesn't it seem rather silly that an org here will port into a cities or forests important plane, kill a load of angels/ladies/daughters/probably not demons and then run away? It does no lasting damage whatsoever, it's just there to be spiteful.
Even worse is when you get kick-and-run, which is the equivalent of one man in a tank opening up his hatch, pulling out a pistol and shooting one person in the face, and then being air-lifted to safety.
The point here (There is one actually, so there) is that as likely as it is to screw over Celest I miss things like nexus world constructs, it could deal lasting (though not too permenant) damage to an org and added some flavour, kick raids are getting annoying, stir it up!
At any rate, suddenly a comparison springs to mind in reguards to raiding nowadays.
Imagin if America, or some other large country lashed out at their enemy by rolling up to their main city or most important landmark, killed twenty civillians and then got the hell out of dodge.
Likewise, doesn't it seem rather silly that an org here will port into a cities or forests important plane, kill a load of angels/ladies/daughters/probably not demons and then run away? It does no lasting damage whatsoever, it's just there to be spiteful.
Even worse is when you get kick-and-run, which is the equivalent of one man in a tank opening up his hatch, pulling out a pistol and shooting one person in the face, and then being air-lifted to safety.
The point here (There is one actually, so there) is that as likely as it is to screw over Celest I miss things like nexus world constructs, it could deal lasting (though not too permenant) damage to an org and added some flavour, kick raids are getting annoying, stir it up!
I do agree with this. Unfortunately, this is what happens with the huge, huge amount of whining that goes along with conflicts. Some of it is justified, some just sour grapes, and inevitably decisions come out of delivered with a heavy hand. But who knows, these decisions (such as the ongoing disgruntlement with order affinity), might be indicative of things that are to come and might end up being positives.
Kiradawea2010-03-13 01:03:37
Why must I lag so whenever I visit Hallifax.
Eventru2010-03-13 03:53:04
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 12 2010, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why must I lag so whenever I visit Hallifax.
Because the Commissariat for Hallifaxian Security is downloading your computer's harddrive and uploading it to their secret mainframe, so they know who you REALLY are.
(Be afraid... In Communist Hallifax, the programs download you...

Fania2010-03-13 05:10:15
Stepping down from Guild Admin is nice. I was told I was in office for 38 years (Over a year IRL... been in office longer than any other Aqua... dunno if that's good or bad). Was just given a high honour in my guild, too.
Good times.

Lehki2010-03-13 07:24:16
Leading a bunch of Seren's around to find Yirit, then realizing that he's a new quest that none of the Seren's want to do. Felt kind of bad for the admin doing it till Viynain popped up to do it.
Lawliet2010-03-13 07:36:44
QUOTE (Fania @ Mar 13 2010, 05:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stepping down from Guild Admin is nice. I was told I was in office for 38 years (Over a year IRL... been in office longer than any other Aqua... dunno if that's good or bad). Was just given a high honour in my guild, too.
Good times.

I swear it was longer than that, I thought you were GA when I stepped out the portal two years ago, if you weren't who was?
Meaha2010-03-13 07:51:55
mmm chocolate crackle icecream... either I'm really just a heffalump or it makes everything totally better.
Lorina2010-03-13 08:11:43
Bwhahaha ME attempting to PK someone on Prime. Wow. I am soooo bad at it.
Ronny2010-03-13 08:21:59
QUOTE (Lorina @ Mar 13 2010, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bwhahaha ME attempting to PK someone on Prime. Wow. I am soooo bad at it.
Well, I just got killed by a manakill once and an egokill on Celestia. I don't even know how to survive anymore!
Jack2010-03-13 08:22:04
QUOTE (Urazial @ Mar 12 2010, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ah, quite correct. I had meant putting cole slaw on a hot dog.
I thought it was a metaphor for semen... actually, I guess it still could be.
Jinx2010-03-13 09:25:49
I swear it was longer than that, I thought you were GA when I stepped out the portal two years ago, if you weren't who was?
It was most likely Kalila since between both she and Fania they've covered slightly more than the last sixty years of the guild. I have a chart listing all the guild leaders throughout the modern age. Just bug me about it some time.
Xenthos2010-03-13 20:50:30
Quest design.
6 eggs per spawn.
Completely random which you get.
The guy who you have to turn them in to also has a random algorithm for what the next egg will be.
All of this means that you can give him maybe 1/2 eggs out of 6 every spawn.
It looks like the number of eggs he wants is based more upon the thought that you should be able to give him 6 every round, but you just cannot.
All of this means 4 hours on the same quest getting absolutely nowhere fast, thus far. And still counting. Gr.
6 eggs per spawn.
Completely random which you get.
The guy who you have to turn them in to also has a random algorithm for what the next egg will be.
All of this means that you can give him maybe 1/2 eggs out of 6 every spawn.
It looks like the number of eggs he wants is based more upon the thought that you should be able to give him 6 every round, but you just cannot.
All of this means 4 hours on the same quest getting absolutely nowhere fast, thus far. And still counting. Gr.
Everiine2010-03-13 21:16:09
QUOTE (Lehki @ Mar 13 2010, 02:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Leading a bunch of Seren's around to find Yirit, then realizing that he's a new quest that none of the Seren's want to do. Felt kind of bad for the admin doing it till Viynain popped up to do it.
Ooooo, I'm catching up!
Talan2010-03-13 21:49:30
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Mar 13 2010, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All of this means 4 hours on the same quest getting absolutely nowhere fast, thus far. And still counting. Gr.
On the up side, when we are done, we will maybe get Chymerotoo. RIP, Chymero