Unknown2010-04-16 17:13:21
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Apr 16 2010, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
EDIT: And I'm not saying EVERY non gaudiguchian, but why does enlightenment need to be restricted to gaudiguchians?
The same reason freedom is promised for Gaudiguchians, and not necessarily all people.

Aoife2010-04-16 17:28:52
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Apr 16 2010, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want the illuminati to accept non-gaudiguchians in their numbers. Kinda be one of the few guilds that would let rogues be members.
This seems like a bad idea, and freedom being the ideal or not, I imagine that the rest of Gaudiguch's officials would nip that in the bud - a super-secretive guild allowing the spread of information to outsiders?
Riluna2010-04-16 18:04:53
QUOTE (casilu @ Apr 1 2010, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Only afflict that stops snorting is broken nose.
For future reference, you can also add "broken bones" and "paralysis" to this list.
One of these days I will figure out how to run away from people and not die. I hope.

Unknown2010-04-16 18:34:54
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Apr 17 2010, 01:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want the illuminati to accept non-gaudiguchians in their numbers. Kinda be one of the few guilds that would let rogues be members.
Beyond the novelty, I don't see why this might be a good idea.
Something Lusternia does extremely well, obviously by careful and clever design, is to tie players to the game's cities and communes. This prevents their presence from being "wasted" as rogues. While people may well have their own reasons for wishing to be a rogue, rogues by definition do not contribute to the atmospheres of the cities, where all other players are concentrated. You may argue that a rogue does, in their own way, contribute to the atmosphere of the game. But newbie in-flow, most events, structured conflict mechanisms, and the fundaments of character stereotypes as a basis for roleplay are all strongly tied to cities. And Lusternia's population is small enough that even a single person can make a substantial difference, and, in turn, be missed. I think it's difficult to argue against the existing design.
Eventru2010-04-16 18:41:54
Well, if it's any consolation, the argument is pretty null and void, for several reasons - one, we're a while from the Illuminati coming out, two, there's no guarantee the people with opinions (on any side) are the ones who make that decision (since it's probably something all three GLs will want a say in) and three, it's better to take the general 'rogues by design are bad' conversation to a new thread than continue it here.
Unknown2010-04-16 22:38:13
QUOTE (Sidharta @ Apr 16 2010, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Beyond the novelty, I don't see why this might be a good idea.
Something Lusternia does extremely well, obviously by careful and clever design, is to tie players to the game's cities and communes. This prevents their presence from being "wasted" as rogues. While people may well have their own reasons for wishing to be a rogue, rogues by definition do not contribute to the atmospheres of the cities, where all other players are concentrated. You may argue that a rogue does, in their own way, contribute to the atmosphere of the game. But newbie in-flow, most events, structured conflict mechanisms, and the fundaments of character stereotypes as a basis for roleplay are all strongly tied to cities. And Lusternia's population is small enough that even a single person can make a substantial difference, and, in turn, be missed. I think it's difficult to argue against the existing design.
Something Lusternia does extremely well, obviously by careful and clever design, is to tie players to the game's cities and communes. This prevents their presence from being "wasted" as rogues. While people may well have their own reasons for wishing to be a rogue, rogues by definition do not contribute to the atmospheres of the cities, where all other players are concentrated. You may argue that a rogue does, in their own way, contribute to the atmosphere of the game. But newbie in-flow, most events, structured conflict mechanisms, and the fundaments of character stereotypes as a basis for roleplay are all strongly tied to cities. And Lusternia's population is small enough that even a single person can make a substantial difference, and, in turn, be missed. I think it's difficult to argue against the existing design.
Simply speaking, because it would un-couple the Illuminati's policies from Gaudiguches. While the Illuminati would be a part of gaudiguch, they would not be subservient to the whole.
Rather then inserting a long rant, I'll just stop at "I'm 16 and was raised to inherently distrust authority."
Felicia2010-04-17 01:58:13
I'm not sure it's a good idea to shoehorn ideas about the modern mythical Illuminati and/or the historical Bavarian Illuminati into Lusternia's Illuminati (guardian guild, right)?
In all likelihood, explorers will know where the guild hall is withina week five minutes, brand-new players will be allowed to join fresh out of the Portals (i.e., not just the ruling elite), they won't actually control the flow of civilization from the shadows, and the entire player base will be aware of their existence (and basic purpose) immediately.
It actually seems like an odd name for a standard guild, like "Emperors" or "Archmagisters"... it's a name bursting with connotations of power and the elite.
Edit: That being said, it's a cool name. But because of the name, apparently there's a sort of weird mash-up of various themes going on here that is somewhat bemusing, to me at least.
In all likelihood, explorers will know where the guild hall is within
It actually seems like an odd name for a standard guild, like "Emperors" or "Archmagisters"... it's a name bursting with connotations of power and the elite.
Edit: That being said, it's a cool name. But because of the name, apparently there's a sort of weird mash-up of various themes going on here that is somewhat bemusing, to me at least.
Everiine2010-04-17 02:15:43
The histories do paint that sort of picture for the Illuminati, though. Not as extreme, but the name does seem to fit.
Unknown2010-04-17 02:17:09
Before the opening of the Eternal Flame and the founding of the Gaudiguch, the Illuminati were known as a sect of primarily dracnari mystics. Their inner teachings were closely kept occult secrets, guarded zealously by a subsect known only as the Guardians of the Hidden Temple (the 'hidden temple' is often regarded as a metaphor for their spiritual teachings rather than an actual structure). Throughout ancient history the Illuminati went through periods of denying the existence of the Guardians to promoting them as a charitable arm of the sect. Unsubstantiated rumours often followed the subsect as being in possession of powerful relics and artifacts. When the Eternal Flame was opened, the Guardians of the Hidden Temple were refounded as the Templars, being a more overtly militant arm of the Illuminati, though still charged with the primary task of protecting the Secrets of Initiation. In time, the Templars took on more mundane guard roles and were eventually considered the military arm of Gaudiguch.
Just for the point of conversation, it seems both guilds are deeply built into the structure of Gaudiguch.
As to the names themselves, I like them. They have that certain flavor to them, without any actual connections to the historical groups, naturally.
Probably the closest thing to a connection is the "rumours of powerful relics" thing.
And Twits- Going to be at work during the "HAPPENINGS" thing. Stupid stuff happening on weekends.
Unknown2010-04-17 02:23:47
QUOTE (Rainydays @ Apr 17 2010, 02:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And Twits- Going to be at work during the "HAPPENINGS" thing. Stupid stuff happening on weekends.
I'm having to reschedule my trip to the puppy park to make these "HAPPENINGS". Estarra, you're making my puppy sad!

Diamondais2010-04-17 02:30:56
Silly work and overworking during mini events.
Felicia2010-04-17 02:36:07
QUOTE (Everiine @ Apr 16 2010, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The histories do paint that sort of picture for the Illuminati, though. Not as extreme, but the name does seem to fit.
Yeah, it's an interesting theme and a fine name. A lot of stuff from guild backstories doesn't manifest in actual gameplay, anyway.
"Illuminati" just has more powerful connotations than all the other guild names I've seen, though (that would be all of them, but I've no doubt subsequently forgotten over half of them by now).
Eventru2010-04-17 02:41:08
I suppose you'll just need to see how the illuminati turn out when they're released...
As for tomorrow, I'm fairly excited, but I guess we'll all just see...

As for tomorrow, I'm fairly excited, but I guess we'll all just see...

Rika2010-04-17 02:42:22
Why does it have to be early. 

Felicia2010-04-17 02:51:11
QUOTE (Eventru @ Apr 16 2010, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suppose you'll just need to see how the illuminati turn out when they're released... 


Aerotan2010-04-17 03:13:21
That would be just like the Illuminati.
"When are you opening?"
"We've been here the whole time, it is you who needed to open."
"When are you opening?"
"We've been here the whole time, it is you who needed to open."
Shaddus2010-04-17 03:25:14
Recieved a message about being discharged from one of my artisan cartels, come to find out it's now the Sentinel's clan. Sure am glad I only paid 50 years in advance for membership.
Casilu2010-04-17 03:46:56
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Apr 16 2010, 08:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Recieved a message about being discharged from one of my artisan cartels, come to find out it's now the Sentinel's clan. Sure am glad I only paid 50 years in advance for membership.
Ouch, how much was that?
Shaddus2010-04-17 03:49:14
QUOTE (casilu @ Apr 16 2010, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ouch, how much was that?
Not that much, but it's the idea of being kicked from it after I paid for so long in advance. No worries.
Unknown2010-04-17 15:45:47
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Apr 16 2010, 11:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not that much, but it's the idea of being kicked from it after I paid for so long in advance. No worries.
Demand a refund via form 12, as per page 6, subsection D, paragraph 2 of the Cartel Payment Plan.