Rodngar2010-05-17 20:57:17
On a side note, people who are novices and city rank one also do not have much clout anywhere, even in a city that idolizes all concepts of Freedom. It isn't an anarchy or a zoo, it is a city.
Razenth2010-05-17 20:58:03
QUOTE (Akraasiel @ May 17 2010, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Definition of Depressing: Coming back after a hundred year hiatus and finding that your character's life's dream had come true...
... and then realizing that it was essentially the antithesis of everything it should be.
... and then realizing that it was essentially the antithesis of everything it should be.
Unknown2010-05-17 20:59:16
QUOTE (Akraasiel @ May 17 2010, 08:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not a son or grandson, a distant descendant... seriously.
A core part of the character's RP for ages... and you're going to stick on this?
A core part of the character's RP for ages... and you're going to stick on this?
I informed you as ICly as possible to take the appropriate route for a historical family name. Do that, and nobody has any grounds to complain. Is it a lot of work? Yes. It is. But it should be.
Gregori2010-05-17 20:59:30
QUOTE (Felicia @ May 17 2010, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I keep hearing this, and now from someone who's looking upon the game with fresh eyes after a full three-year hiatus.
He wasn't on a three year hiatus, hell he wasn't even on one with Akraasiel. Hell last night he was on one of his alts aiding Glomdoring in Dairuchi.
Akraasiel2010-05-17 21:00:02
QUOTE (Razenth @ May 17 2010, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yet again I realize that TVtropes is the repository of the wisdom of all mankind.
Akraasiel2010-05-17 21:02:56
QUOTE (Gregori @ May 17 2010, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He wasn't on a three year hiatus, hell he wasn't even on one with Akraasiel. Hell last night he was on one of his alts aiding Glomdoring in Dairuchi.
Pardon? And where would you come up with that information?
Yes, I do have a Glomdoring alt. It was created when I returned to the realms and started playing Akraasiel again as a way for me to grow reaccustomed lusternia, and has been maintained because I rather enjoy the interaction with the commune and guild, thank you.
Gregori2010-05-17 21:05:19
oh oh oh here is my twit!
Being called a horrible dictator because I won't let morons say 'uck' with a capital 'F' and 'unt' with a capital 'C' in Gaudiguch. Oh and I call people out on pretending to be part of families they are not, Important, Prestigous familis of gaudiguch at no less. I mean if you want to pretend to be a Devoken hey go for it, nobody would care there.
People who think moving to Gaudiguch means free reign to let their inner stupid out need a quick wakeup call.
Being called a horrible dictator because I won't let morons say 'uck' with a capital 'F' and 'unt' with a capital 'C' in Gaudiguch. Oh and I call people out on pretending to be part of families they are not, Important, Prestigous familis of gaudiguch at no less. I mean if you want to pretend to be a Devoken hey go for it, nobody would care there.
People who think moving to Gaudiguch means free reign to let their inner stupid out need a quick wakeup call.
Felicia2010-05-17 21:11:08
QUOTE (Gregori @ May 17 2010, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He wasn't on a three year hiatus, hell he wasn't even on one with Akraasiel. Hell last night he was on one of his alts aiding Glomdoring in Dairuchi.
Well, there are two sides to every story, certainly. Most of the unsavory rumors about Gaudiguch probably come from social dissidents, but then that's to be expected. Still, I see these sorts of disagreements crop up involving Gaudiguch a lot more often than I do with other organizations.
I'm not trying to attack Gaudiguch per se... if the city is ruled by a tyrant and cronies IC, then so be it. It's only a problem when people expect something different.
Akraasiel2010-05-17 21:12:01
QUOTE (Gregori @ May 17 2010, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh oh oh here is my twit!
Being called a horrible dictator because I won't let morons say 'uck' with a capital 'F' and 'unt' with a capital 'C' in Gaudiguch. Oh and I call people out on pretending to be part of families they are not, Important, Prestigous familis of gaudiguch at no less. I mean if you want to pretend to be a Devoken hey go for it, nobody would care there.
People who think moving to Gaudiguch means free reign to let their inner stupid out need a quick wakeup call.
Being called a horrible dictator because I won't let morons say 'uck' with a capital 'F' and 'unt' with a capital 'C' in Gaudiguch. Oh and I call people out on pretending to be part of families they are not, Important, Prestigous familis of gaudiguch at no less. I mean if you want to pretend to be a Devoken hey go for it, nobody would care there.
People who think moving to Gaudiguch means free reign to let their inner stupid out need a quick wakeup call.
Whoa. Take a quick step back there. Look, I'm not upset with you the player. I'm a bit put out over the issue between the characters, but that's something I'll have to get over with. I'm trying to figure out now how in the world Akraasiel would react to something like this without cutting off the nose to spite the face. I'm weighing the short temper with his overriding obsession with the city and its well being.
It's a tough choice, because as a player I want to say 'screw it' and walk off, as I've only been back a short while, however I really think there's a story left in it for Akraasiel, and as a point of tension this works really well, especially if I can figure out some way to fix it IC. I just need to take a breather before logging back in and use the time to figure out how he should react.
Rodngar2010-05-17 21:13:51
QUOTE (Felicia @ May 17 2010, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, there are two sides to every story, certainly. Most of the unsavory rumors about Gaudiguch probably come from social dissidents, but then that's to be expected. Still, I see these sorts of disagreements crop up involving Gaudiguch a lot more often than I do with other organizations.
I'm not trying to attack Gaudiguch per se... if the city is ruled by a tyrant and cronies IC, then so be it. It's only a problem when people expect something different.
I'm not trying to attack Gaudiguch per se... if the city is ruled by a tyrant and cronies IC, then so be it. It's only a problem when people expect something different.
The city isn't run by cronies or tyrants. That is just the typical raving of somebody who is upset they cannot have their way. People are very quick to accuse people of tyranny in any IRE community because it is a very easy way to stir other people in to a frenzy and stupid leaders will let idiots have their way to save themselves the headache.
Frankly, if the city were ruled by cronies and a tyrant, it would not be in the sorry state it is in. I'd rather the dictatorship than the pile of slop we have now where people think that the RP and previous party animal history give them an excuse to act like idiots and do-nothings.
Eventru2010-05-17 21:18:01
Gods damnit, I'm going to ban TVTropes from the forums. I click one link and I'm sucked into it for hours.
I come back and the thread's full of vitriol.
Foul language to the degree of the infamous 'F' word or the 'C' word are not really allowed, and do violate HELP LANGUAGE RULES.
Tliwx is a historical family - there are no player descendants at this time, though players are welcome to form a family and apply through the proper channels to become the official Tliwx family. They can claim all they want, of course, that they are.
The rest of your argument should really be carried out IC - though, as someone pointed out, Freedom != anarchy. Chaos != disorder. Templar are a shining example of order in chaos. That does not mean I think Gaudiguch is going one way or another, or any such thing.
I come back and the thread's full of vitriol.
Foul language to the degree of the infamous 'F' word or the 'C' word are not really allowed, and do violate HELP LANGUAGE RULES.
Tliwx is a historical family - there are no player descendants at this time, though players are welcome to form a family and apply through the proper channels to become the official Tliwx family. They can claim all they want, of course, that they are.
The rest of your argument should really be carried out IC - though, as someone pointed out, Freedom != anarchy. Chaos != disorder. Templar are a shining example of order in chaos. That does not mean I think Gaudiguch is going one way or another, or any such thing.
Diamondais2010-05-17 21:18:13
I have a twit, totally unrelated to the previous because I don't care about it. 
Shiny new system I put together and I can't get any comments other than people saying it shouldn't do something it doesn't do.

Shiny new system I put together and I can't get any comments other than people saying it shouldn't do something it doesn't do.

Arcanis2010-05-17 21:19:25
Yes, we take pride in our leader that sits around most of the days refusing to answer questions and tells about the city, and who puts his hand down for trivial things such as swearing and wearing a family name, and lets not forget kicks citizens out for whatever he feels is unexceptable (Trace case here) and puts up a dictatorial role in his workings.
We are happy.....really!!!
We are happy.....really!!!

Felicia2010-05-17 21:19:48
Edit: Retconned to save self from Eventru's wrath. Oh, unintended embroilments and escalations, how I hate thee.
Gregori2010-05-17 21:22:11
QUOTE (Rodngar @ May 17 2010, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The city isn't run by cronies or tyrants. That is just the typical raving of somebody who is upset they cannot have their way. People are very quick to accuse people of tyranny in any IRE community because it is a very easy way to stir other people in to a frenzy and stupid leaders will let idiots have their way to save themselves the headache.
Frankly, if the city were ruled by cronies and a tyrant, it would not be in the sorry state it is in. I'd rather the dictatorship than the pile of slop we have now where people think that the RP and previous party animal history give them an excuse to act like idiots and do-nothings.
Frankly, if the city were ruled by cronies and a tyrant, it would not be in the sorry state it is in. I'd rather the dictatorship than the pile of slop we have now where people think that the RP and previous party animal history give them an excuse to act like idiots and do-nothings.
^__ this
I so badly want to put my foot down and impose real structure and real laws and crap. The two law system is a headache and a half. You get people who think Freedom means sit on your ass and do nothing, or sit on your ass and complain because the city isn't thriving while you sit on your ass, or people who pull crap and then say "It's not against either law and you trying to punish me for it is breaking the laws of me being free to do what I want."
Our own helpfile is ammo for these sorts of people. Our city being described as hedonistic and lacking social order means that if you even try and impose any form of capital punishment you are immediately branded as an enemy of freedom by the very people that in almost every other Org would have been ridiculed, berated, beaten, and kicked out without a moment's thought.
Rodngar2010-05-17 21:23:00
QUOTE (Arcanis @ May 17 2010, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, we take pride in our leader that sits around most of the days refusing to answer questions and tells about the city, and who puts his hand down for trivial things such as swearing and wearing a family name, and lets not forget kicks citizens out for whatever he feels is unexceptable (Trace case here) and puts up a dictatorial role in his workings.
We are happy.....really!!!
We are happy.....really!!!

I can't even begin to formulate a post nice enough to point out all the things you said that are wrong, so instead, I'll just say this:
Akraasiel2010-05-17 21:28:05
I plan to pursue it ICly. I just never felt the need to do it before now. No other org Akraasiel had ever been a part of stripped him of his surname.
And I apologize you you Gregori, I didn't mean to irritate you. I needed an outlet to vent. I do approve of attempts to try to make Gaudiguch a better place. Even if Kalin and Akraasiel have philosophical differences. I didn't mean to make my original comments so pointed, but again, I was frustrated, my apologies.
Here's to hoping I can get together the funds and a clan large enough to apply for the new status!
And I apologize you you Gregori, I didn't mean to irritate you. I needed an outlet to vent. I do approve of attempts to try to make Gaudiguch a better place. Even if Kalin and Akraasiel have philosophical differences. I didn't mean to make my original comments so pointed, but again, I was frustrated, my apologies.
Here's to hoping I can get together the funds and a clan large enough to apply for the new status!
Eventru2010-05-17 21:28:47
Hey. Shoe. It's coming down. Stop.
Noola2010-05-17 21:29:29
All of this is making me want to make a Gaudi alt, then being like really polite and hardworking and when someone tries to tell me that I should be lazy and anarchic, I'll yell at them to quit stepping on my freedom to be productive! 

Gregori2010-05-17 21:31:35
QUOTE (Noola @ May 17 2010, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All of this is making me want to make a Gaudi alt, then being like really polite and hardworking and when someone tries to tell me that I should be lazy and anarchic, I'll yell at them to quit stepping on my freedom to be productive! 

You always brighten my day <3