Noola2010-05-26 03:16:19
QUOTE (Sylphas @ May 25 2010, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love how one person gets to decide that Serenwilde can't aetherhunt tonight, because she's bored, and her fun is more important than ours.
Say no?
Sylphas2010-05-26 03:19:21
QUOTE (Noola @ May 25 2010, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Say no?
And let all the Ladies die while the entire leadership of the Moondancers aetherhunts and ignores it?
Rika2010-05-26 07:02:47
You'd think people would at least try to hide the fact that they are selling the city sale credits on the market.
ongaku2010-05-26 07:11:11
QUOTE (rika @ May 26 2010, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You'd think people would at least try to hide the fact that they are selling the city sale credits on the market.
That would be far too intelligent a move.

Unknown2010-05-26 14:16:57
QUOTE (Sylphas @ May 25 2010, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love how one person gets to decide that Serenwilde can't aetherhunt tonight, because she's bored, and her fun is more important than ours.
It's kind of unavoidable, and you just need to roll with the punches and get back out if you really want to. I can't count the number of times Glom has stopped just to get to Etherglom and have the raider run off immediately.
Lehki2010-05-26 15:00:55
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ May 26 2010, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's kind of unavoidable, and you just need to roll with the punches and get back out if you really want to. I can't count the number of times Glom has stopped just to get to Etherglom and have the raider run off immediately.
Do your raiders have a habit of coming back within the next ten minutes, repeatedly, over an extended time?
Nienla2010-05-26 15:09:34
QUOTE (Lehki @ May 26 2010, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do your raiders have a habit of coming back within the next ten minutes, repeatedly, over an extended time?
Yes, actually. We just kill them though.
Lendren2010-05-26 15:16:12
QUOTE (Sylphas @ May 25 2010, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love how one person gets to decide that Serenwilde can't aetherhunt tonight, because she's bored, and her fun is more important than ours.
Well, that's Lusternia. It's always been that way; it's just that for most of Lusternia's history, there were rarely people who consistently abused it, or those that did usually got bored after a while. But the possibility of that abuse has always existed since day one.
Little by little, or maybe big by big these days, player-on-player courtesies, and care about the newbies and the state of the game, are falling away, and everyone's happy to justify their part in it by pointing to someone else who also does it so they have to be just as bad to keep up. Either the players or the admins need to wake up soon, and stop imagining this is just a few people irritated or tired, but a serious, endemic, fundamental problem.
Sylphas2010-05-26 16:10:16
I don't think there's an easy way to fix it beyond common courtesy, though. Something like "Have I 'raided' in the last hour? If yes, go do something else."
Lendren2010-05-26 16:29:59
You're right, but built-in, time-limited avenues of conflict have seemed to help a lot in the past.
The other thing I miss is when Faethorn used to be the universal "if you feel like fighting, go hang out there and someone will appear" place, where there was just enough RP pretext that the "I want to fight" crowd could feel like it mattered, but not so much that everyone else had to be obligated to care. It's a shame this interfered with the fae-influence things, but that was a small price to pay for having the Faethorn spit-valve pressure-release system. That went away when the borders between Faethorn and Etherwilde/Etherglom went from impregnable to indefensible.
The other thing I miss is when Faethorn used to be the universal "if you feel like fighting, go hang out there and someone will appear" place, where there was just enough RP pretext that the "I want to fight" crowd could feel like it mattered, but not so much that everyone else had to be obligated to care. It's a shame this interfered with the fae-influence things, but that was a small price to pay for having the Faethorn spit-valve pressure-release system. That went away when the borders between Faethorn and Etherwilde/Etherglom went from impregnable to indefensible.
Sylphas2010-05-26 16:36:38
And the fact that now if you try to fight 1v1, it turns into a 5v1 almost immediately.
Lendren2010-05-26 16:37:44
I think that's more a symptom than a cause, myself.
Nienla2010-05-26 16:38:22
QUOTE (Lendren @ May 26 2010, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're right, but built-in, time-limited avenues of conflict have seemed to help a lot in the past.
The other thing I miss is when Faethorn used to be the universal "if you feel like fighting, go hang out there and someone will appear" place, where there was just enough RP pretext that the "I want to fight" crowd could feel like it mattered, but not so much that everyone else had to be obligated to care. It's a shame this interfered with the fae-influence things, but that was a small price to pay for having the Faethorn spit-valve pressure-release system. That went away when the borders between Faethorn and Etherwilde/Etherglom went from impregnable to indefensible.
The other thing I miss is when Faethorn used to be the universal "if you feel like fighting, go hang out there and someone will appear" place, where there was just enough RP pretext that the "I want to fight" crowd could feel like it mattered, but not so much that everyone else had to be obligated to care. It's a shame this interfered with the fae-influence things, but that was a small price to pay for having the Faethorn spit-valve pressure-release system. That went away when the borders between Faethorn and Etherwilde/Etherglom went from impregnable to indefensible.
Again, I reiterate that the issue is the lack of actual meaningful conflict between organizations now. With the disappearance of Nexus World battles, Smob raids becoming near impossible, and the fact that raiding Cosmic Planes does absolutely nothing to cities. All Glom is really left with is to raid Serenwilde. It's the only organization where raiding still has a purpose or a goal. No one wants to raid a Cosmic Plane for some -2 power demons when the threat of losing 2 million essence hangs over your head. Especially considering demons just repop. In fact, Magnagora technically has no reason to defend Nil aside from roleplay purposes. They can easily mitigate the loss from demons with essence, and with raiding smobs being so difficult, we can only really manage to kill one before Magnagora locks down the entire Plane. Oh, plus the fact that even if we do kill one, there's now four elemental planes. Heh.
Krellan2010-05-26 16:52:29
hold your horses there, I destroy demons for that -1 power daily. It stacks up
Nienla2010-05-26 16:54:13
QUOTE (Krellan @ May 26 2010, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hold your horses there, I destroy demons for that -1 power daily. It stacks up
Until Magnagora just goes on essence collection and completely mitigates your raid with a noticable gain.

Sylphas2010-05-26 17:04:16
QUOTE (Nienla @ May 26 2010, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Until Magnagora just goes on essence collection and completely mitigates your raid with a noticable gain. 

So what do you want? Demons that are worth -100 power or more each, so it's a noticable grind to get back what one bored demigod can do in a few minutes? You're asking for the annoying raids to turn into really, really annoying raids. And complaining that you can only get one demon lord before they lock it down, and that it's easier to raise? I honestly have no clue what logic occurs in your brain right now.
Nienla2010-05-26 17:05:23
QUOTE (Sylphas @ May 26 2010, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So what do you want? Demons that are worth -100 power or more each, so it's a noticable grind to get back what one bored demigod can do in a few minutes? You're asking for the annoying raids to turn into really, really annoying raids. And complaining that you can only get one demon lord before they lock it down, and that it's easier to raise? I honestly have no clue what logic occurs in your brain right now.
No. I'm asking for raids to serve a purpose. There was kind of a sixth sense that most players had of, "Okay. We just killed their Avatars. Let's lay off of Serenwilde for awhile." that doesn't exist anymore since Ladies are easy to bring back. (and even if we managed it somehow, Avatars as well)
EDIT: Not to mention, Risk heavily, HEAVILY outweighs reward as of right now.
Xenthos2010-05-26 17:11:09
QUOTE (Lehki @ May 26 2010, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do your raiders have a habit of coming back within the next ten minutes, repeatedly, over an extended time?
Erm... yes? When you get in the mood, this is exactly what you do. Admittedly, not recently, but you've been known to take this path.
Tedd does the same thing too until we kill him and he prays a couple of times, then he stops for the day. He'll start it again the next day though!
(Not that I'm pretending this justifies anything because it doesn't, but when you yourself are one of those people who can-- and do-- do this, I'm kind of surprised you even bothered to ask the question)
Eventru2010-05-26 17:12:02
This topic needs to change, promptly. You're welcome to start up a thread with suggestions for meaningful conflict.
Sylphas2010-05-26 17:15:02
QUOTE (Nienla @ May 26 2010, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
EDIT: Not to mention, Risk heavily, HEAVILY outweighs reward as of right now.
No it doesn't, or you'd stay the hell out of enemy territory. If you were hitting villages, at least, you'd have a point, but you guys have stopped that. Killing things in our temples and raiding Ladies is almost pointless. You say the risk outweighs the reward, but your actions say the opposite.
It really almost sounds like you're saying, "When we could drop an Avatar and make them work for hours and hours to raise it, I didn't have to pop in every 10 minutes to waste their time. Now that it doesn't take as long to recover, I'm forced to raid more to use up the same amount of their time." Otherwise, what does it matter how many elemental planes there are now, or how many demon lords you can kill in one go, or if demons and angels repop on their own?