Felicia2010-05-27 09:47:49
QUOTE (Zallafar @ May 27 2010, 05:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could this have been during double XP Tuesday? And it's GMT Tuesday, not your Tuesday.
I automatically adjust my thinking to account for GMT in Lusternia. Midnight GMT is 8 PM my time.
Nevertheless, at this point it seems likely that I didn't do any influencing at all on Wednesday (or that if I did, I didn't monitor my XP gain that day), and that I'm actually thinking of Tuesday, at which time I'd probably forgotten it was Double XP day. That would be a neat fit for the numbers involved, since without Truefavour, I'd be getting ~0.08%, and ~0.08% +100% = ~0.16%.
So, I'd thought that 0.16% was the quantity of experience I'd receive from those denizens on any normal day.
Gregori2010-05-27 10:17:34
Truefavours don't increase your experience gain. They give you an amount of experience, based on how long the truefavour lasted, when they wear off.
Veyrzhul2010-05-27 10:45:28
- Alters your skills, with the amount in each skill dependent on the God
doing the favouring or disfavour.
- Gives xp or takes away some xp when it ends.
- Gives an xp bonus or malus to all xp gained.
- Alters your skills, with the amount in each skill dependent on the God
doing the favouring or disfavour.
- Gives xp or takes away some xp when it ends.
- Gives an xp bonus or malus to all xp gained.
Felicia2010-05-27 10:47:47
QUOTE (Gregori @ May 27 2010, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Truefavours don't increase your experience gain. They give you an amount of experience, based on how long the truefavour lasted, when they wear off.
Talan told me that Truefavour increases experience gain by 15%, and I'm fairly sure she's correct.
You may be thinking of Divine Highfavour. Highfavour gives you experience when it wears off.
Edit: And yeah, as Veyrzhul just indicated, Highfavours also increase experience gain (I read about them recently, since Viravain appeared and granted it to a number of Glomdorians).
Unknown2010-05-27 10:47:57
Judgmental people will judge!

Saran2010-05-27 10:49:21
QUOTE (Felicia @ May 27 2010, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Talan told me that Truefavour increases experience gain by 15%, and I'm fairly sure she's correct.
According to the help files you are right and Gregori is wrong. (We'll ignore that line about the high favour in the quoted post

Unknown2010-05-27 20:16:35
Got bored and zimoru-ed my little Belenus, and he turned out various disappointing shades of blue. Stopped trying when he landed on pure white, figuring it was a better thing than blue to stop on. Now forcing him to eat different things in a hope that I'll get him back to something as cute as he was next try. I'm sorry, my fat opal baby! I was bored...

Kiradawea2010-05-28 00:54:06
Why must the fink attendants be on such a totally different timer than all the other nice little finks?
Dynami2010-05-28 01:34:03
Warrior combat is so confusing... 

Everiine2010-05-28 01:42:41
QUOTE (Dynami @ May 27 2010, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Warrior combat is so confusing... 

You tried to look at Maneuvers, didn't you

Dynami2010-05-28 01:45:38
QUOTE (Everiine @ May 27 2010, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You tried to look at Maneuvers, didn't you

I still don't understand what the "takes the lower affliction from the list" concept is!
Everiine2010-05-28 01:53:32
QUOTE (Dynami @ May 27 2010, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still don't understand what the "takes the lower affliction from the list" concept is!
The best example is Bonecrusher-- you can have a maneuver whose only affliction is Knockdown. That way, even if the person is at Critical wounds, and you hit them, it will block out the higher afflictions and just do Knockdown instead.
I think.
Razenth2010-05-28 03:46:43
Lets say you want to stab someone. They're at crit wounds. If you stab someone at crit wounds, you can do X, Y, and Z. But you really only want to do X. Y and Z suck and don't mesh with your strat. But let's say X is med wound aff, and Y and Z is a crit wound aff. In the old days, you'd just have to suck it and hope you get X instead of Y or Z. With manuevers, you can set up a manuever with only X on the list, so if you ever stab someone with med or above wounds, you will only have a chance of getting X, instead of getting X, Y, or Z.
Unknown2010-05-28 03:51:31
All maneuvers does is make you unable to score a 'higher' level wound than the one you specify. There's no reason not to include wounds 'lower' in level than the one you're aiming for.
Dynami2010-05-28 04:22:58
Not to derail this thread or anything, but...
What if I made a maneuver with only one critical level affliction and used that against someone with critical level wounds. Would said affliction be guaranteed to happen?
What if I made a maneuver with only one critical level affliction and used that against someone with critical level wounds. Would said affliction be guaranteed to happen?
Unknown2010-05-28 04:32:29
No, it's all RNG. Of course the more critical the part is, the higher chance, i.e. pretty much guaranteed, but 100% guaranteed? I'd say no.
Esano2010-05-28 04:34:07
No. In fact, there's no point in making a maneuver with only a critical level aff (although there's a point to including a critical level aff in other maneuvers).
Each time you attack someone, you do wounds. Then a number is rolled, the range based on the amount of wounds they have. Depending on this number, you'll do a certain aff.
What maneuvers do is this: it checks if your roll is sufficient to perform one of the afflictions on your maneuver. If not, you perform the normal affliction for that roll. What this lets you do is prioritize lower-level afflictions over higher ones: you still cannot perform a higher level affliction when you would normally have performed a lower one.
Each time you attack someone, you do wounds. Then a number is rolled, the range based on the amount of wounds they have. Depending on this number, you'll do a certain aff.
What maneuvers do is this: it checks if your roll is sufficient to perform one of the afflictions on your maneuver. If not, you perform the normal affliction for that roll. What this lets you do is prioritize lower-level afflictions over higher ones: you still cannot perform a higher level affliction when you would normally have performed a lower one.
Rael2010-05-28 06:07:38
I have not tended to a novice in a long time and have forgotten how crazy the planar task is. What are they supposed to learn?
Felicia2010-05-28 06:38:08
QUOTE (Rael @ May 28 2010, 02:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have not tended to a novice in a long time and have forgotten how crazy the planar task is. What are they supposed to learn?
They're supposed to gain a beginning knowledge of planar travel and an inkling of how the various different planes are connected. The task sets the groundwork (by requiring travel); the rest is up to player helpers.
This is a woefully inadequate system, since 9 times out of 10 their player helper rushes the novice in and out of various areas to get the task done as quickly as possible, and the novice learns nothing. My own experience was like that.
Razenth2010-05-28 06:55:31
I thought the goal of the task was to have the novice interact with their org.