Gregori2010-06-28 20:48:17
QUOTE (Narrative @ Jun 28 2010, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It has nothing to do with the truth. Its just that every time I see you post, you're being rude. You can "speak the truth" without being rude--and it is something I'm sure you know how to do in real life.
You obviously do not know me in real life.
Unknown2010-06-28 20:50:43
QUOTE (Gregori @ Jun 28 2010, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Everyone knew that you would be the only one to vote for you. Of those in the Founders I am not even sure which of them would say otherwise.
You realize he's done less then me, right? I spent the past 4 months making designs(Y'know, those things we have cartels for?). He joined Gaudi, bloodbonded, went inactive for 4 months, logged back in when he heard there was an event, contested, didn't even bother to make a newspost, and won by a landslide.
Gregori2010-06-28 20:55:38
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jun 28 2010, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You realize he's done less then me, right? I spent the past 4 months making designs(Y'know, those things we have cartels for?). He joined Gaudi, bloodbonded, went inactive for 4 months, logged back in when he heard there was an event, contested, didn't even bother to make a newspost, and won by a landslide.
Uh, he was on everyday and doing things. Also, if you want to get right into it, whoopy big deal you made designs. You did nothing for the city, nothing to show people you were a leader, nothing to help the guild pre-guild, like I dunno.. gather entities, hell your election post vomit even said "I have started in the last few days to care for the fleshpots and entities." Great.. you started something that everyone else has been doing for 6 months! Good job wanna be GM!! The ONLY thing you did is sat at the nexus chanting "Kialkarkea for Grand Cipher". 90% of the random newbs who joined the guild were a better candidate than you.
Lekius2010-06-28 20:57:56
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jun 28 2010, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You realize he's done less then me, right? I spent the past 4 months making designs(Y'know, those things we have cartels for?). He joined Gaudi, bloodbonded, went inactive for 4 months, logged back in when he heard there was an event, contested, didn't even bother to make a newspost, and won by a landslide.
That's not entirely true. While yes I went inactive for a while, it's because I was working on high school. I'm weird in that I prioritize real life before virtual life. I'm sorry that I won by a landslide- I honestly felt awful about it. I haven't done much in terms of actively going out to bash/quest/influence/revolt whatever but that's cause coming back from my real life everything had decayed and I was left with very little to help me do much and not much drive. I didn't bother to make a newspost because I honestly didn't see the point, this being the FIRST elections. No one else posted asking which each person would do for the position - in fact the only one to ask, Karistan, didn't post. He went out and asked me and I hope he asked you.
I'm sorry Kialkarkea, I really am.
EDIT: And I'm sorry for Gregori, he's just antsy today, I guess.
Gregori2010-06-28 21:00:49
Don't apologise for me!
Noola2010-06-28 21:02:38
So. Um. Does this mean that I can make my novice alts for the new guilds now? 

Mihewi2010-06-28 21:07:09
QUOTE (Noola @ Jun 28 2010, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So. Um. Does this mean that I can make my novice alts for the new guilds now? 

I don't think you can join from the introduction yet, but there are at least people around now who can induct.
Come stare at us and our fancy frog blobs. @_@
Noola2010-06-28 21:08:34
QUOTE (Mihewi @ Jun 28 2010, 04:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think you can join from the introduction yet, but there are at least people around now who can induct.
Come stare at us and our fancy frog blobs. @_@
Come stare at us and our fancy frog blobs. @_@
I want a brand new novice, I'll wait until I can join from the intro. But, I'm excited to stare at fancy frog blobs!

Gregori2010-06-28 21:08:55
QUOTE (Mihewi @ Jun 28 2010, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think you can join from the introduction yet, but there are at least people around now who can induct.
Come stare at us and our fancy frog blobs. @_@
Come stare at us and our fancy frog blobs. @_@
Imma toadstomp your ribbachi
Nienla2010-06-28 21:13:54
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jun 28 2010, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You realize he's done less then me, right? I spent the past 4 months making designs(Y'know, those things we have cartels for?). He joined Gaudi, bloodbonded, went inactive for 4 months, logged back in when he heard there was an event, contested, didn't even bother to make a newspost, and won by a landslide.
While I understand that you're obviously upset. Ranting on the Forums about this and about you should have obviously won does not work in your favour, nor does it prove anything except that you should not have gotten the position to the people that didn't vote for you.
EDIT: Besides, it's not the end of the world. You can still become Grand Cipher. If the whole reason you wanted Grand Cipher was because of some silly, 'I GOT IT FIRST' honours line than that's really silly.
Kante2010-06-28 21:19:03
Finally have my gauntlets!
Unknown2010-06-28 21:24:17
I really want Aeromancer GM but I only want it to do one thing and then I figured people would be annoyed that I was GM for all of 4-5 hours. 

Diamondais2010-06-28 21:27:43
QUOTE (Nienla @ Jun 28 2010, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
EDIT: Besides, it's not the end of the world. You can still become Grand Cipher. If the whole reason you wanted Grand Cipher was because of some silly, 'I GOT IT FIRST' honours line than that's really silly.
Would have to agree, this is the most critical time of the guild that decides how it's going to act. Don't forget, just because you didn't get Grand Cipher doesn't mean you still can't have a say! Most people are willing to make those who contest with them Secretary so that they can either learn, or have enough clout to get things going.
I'd actually consider Secretary a far better position than GM, having been one several times, more freedom, less people to bother you about annoying things.
Unknown2010-06-28 21:29:29
QUOTE (diamondais @ Jun 28 2010, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd actually consider Secretary a far better position than GM, having been one several times, more freedom, less people to bother you about annoying things.
Pfh, maybe if you're a responsible GM. The secret is to find yourself a Janalon and then just nod along when people talk to you.
Diamondais2010-06-28 21:32:45
QUOTE (Salvation @ Jun 28 2010, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pfh, maybe if you're a responsible GM. The secret is to find yourself a Janalon and then just nod along when people talk to you.
But.. But.. I can't do this. I must be responsible.

Unknown2010-06-28 21:36:10
Pretty tasty Illuminati drama right from the get go. This is promising.
Nienla2010-06-28 21:39:23
QUOTE (Sojiro @ Jun 28 2010, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pretty tasty Illuminati drama right from the get go. This is promising.
Unlike you getting any kind of growth spurt. Ohohoho.
Shedrin2010-06-28 21:41:39
QUOTE (Salvation @ Jun 28 2010, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really want Aeromancer GM but I only want it to do one thing and then I figured people would be annoyed that I was GM for all of 4-5 hours. 

You can talk to me and I might implement it.
Gregori2010-06-28 21:44:38
QUOTE (Sojiro @ Jun 28 2010, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pretty tasty Illuminati drama right from the get go. This is promising.
It's gaudiguch, did you honestly expect less?
Aliod2010-06-28 21:45:35
*Runs for Grand Duke*