Unknown2009-06-26 01:11:53
QUOTE (Zynna @ Jun 25 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know about any of the games here, but I saw on mafiawiki that scum can sometimes have a daykill, often 1 or 2 shot, in an assassins role.
I have sixteen day abilities, one of which I've already used. Felt I should point that out.
There's nothing in my role that says I can't say what the phrases are, either, so if anyone is curious, I can list them off.
Xavius2009-06-26 02:11:28
QUOTE (Myrkr @ Jun 25 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have sixteen day abilities, one of which I've already used. Felt I should point that out.
There's nothing in my role that says I can't say what the phrases are, either, so if anyone is curious, I can list them off.
There's nothing in my role that says I can't say what the phrases are, either, so if anyone is curious, I can list them off.
You can't use corn!
I'm a bit baffled at this train here. I think you should all look back at Bali's post and ask if that's really scum behavior. Yes, I did make a joke about SK's. Yes, I kinda meant it--if the SK is going to be killing townies anyways, maybe he could off the less helpful or lurky ones so that the better ones can find the mafia, which in turn improves the SK's chance to avoid a mafia kill himself. Win-win. Yes, I voted no lynch. No, I did not ask a single other person to vote no lynch. Would you really like a roleclaim on account of that? That's silly, and I don't think anyone would have agreed with that line of reasoning if Bali wasn't being so noisy this game. Independent thought is a good thing, people. It's not just a good thing in forum games.
I mean, alternatively, we can all stop trying to analyze posts, because that seems like a great reason to lynch on day one. You talk about lynching lurkers and then make an active effort to lynch people who contribute to the discussion.

Unknown2009-06-26 02:24:56
QUOTE (Xavius @ Jun 25 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can't use corn!
Yes, that is one of the phrases I can use. No, I have no idea what it does. But if it has anything to do with the show, you seem to know, and let us know too so that we're not all in the dark.

Zynna2009-06-26 02:32:58
Between Mrykr, Xavius, and Solanis, who seem to be the three main targets thus far, I'm currently ordering them in my head in order of suspicion Solanis, Mrykr, and Xavius.
I haven't seen anything particularly scummy about Xavius yet. Myrkr was my main target, but I find her recent responses plausible (although I'm still somewhat bothered by the inconsistent explanations of the near-kill on Shiri and if she's not more cautious with her powers, she could do the town more harm than good). But I find Solanis' statement that he can't find anything to comment about yet puzzling, especially given past involvement. So I'm going to vote for him so he speaks up and shares his mind with us!
Vote: Solanis
I haven't seen anything particularly scummy about Xavius yet. Myrkr was my main target, but I find her recent responses plausible (although I'm still somewhat bothered by the inconsistent explanations of the near-kill on Shiri and if she's not more cautious with her powers, she could do the town more harm than good). But I find Solanis' statement that he can't find anything to comment about yet puzzling, especially given past involvement. So I'm going to vote for him so he speaks up and shares his mind with us!
Vote: Solanis
Shamarah2009-06-26 02:33:10
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 25 2009, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It matters that it differs from your normal policy of "go after the person who suggests a no lynch"
I only go after people who are legitimately suggesting it. It's pretty clear that Xavius's vote was not entirely serious; he is a good enough mafia player that he knows better than to seriously do a day 1 no lynch.
Also, I find that no lynch really isn't often a scum tell. Experienced players know not to do it and newbies are more likely to do it as town than as scum; through their bright newbie eyes, they see "we lynch nobody, or we lynch someone who is probably an innocent" and pick the seemingly logical (but obviously fallacious) choice to lynch nobody. By contrast, newbie scum generally want to see as many people lynched as possible and don't understand why a no lynch would in fact benefit them. Generally, when I go after someone for suggesting it, I'm mostly just correcting them on basic mafia theory. I can't even remember the last time I actually lynched someone for suggesting a no lynch.
Shamarah2009-06-26 02:35:58
QUOTE (Solanis @ Jun 25 2009, 08:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If we're lynching a lurker, I'm in favour of lynching thisismydisplayname.
Why him in particular?
Shamarah2009-06-26 02:42:38
Both Konton and AllergictoSabres have contributed absolutely nothing of value. Why pick thisismydisplayname over either of them?
AllergictoSabres 3
rika 3
Kiriwe y'Kaliath 2
Konton 1
rika 3
Kiriwe y'Kaliath 2
Konton 1
Both Konton and AllergictoSabres have contributed absolutely nothing of value. Why pick thisismydisplayname over either of them?
Shiri2009-06-26 02:59:43
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 25 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has there ever been a scum with daykill abilities?
Yes. In a game run by Casilu, Silferras was Dirty Harry and tried to shoot me.
All these people trying to say "guessing the mod does not go far with Casilu at the helm" are either scummy (trying to kill a town tactic for figuring stuff out) or naive. Just because Casilu doesn't necessarily follow the same rules as every other mafia game doesn't mean there isn't A) a distinctive scum theme of some kind (last time it was "heroes"), and or

For example, in a normal game with 3 mafia, 7 townies, a doctor and an investigator, a 25% nightkill resist would be a huge benefit for the town. Is Casilu the kind of terrible mod who would make an obviously imbalanced game like this? No? Then we can learn something from this rule about the setup - that there is some factor in the game that contributes to the scum not being completely hamstrung - for example, more scum groups than usual, or more overpowered scum abilities than usual. There are some finer details that it is dangerous to guess, but it is nonetheless worthwhile to try, we just need to not base our assumptions on them too heavily and watch for people trying to force us to rely on specific ones.
I am not particularly convinced either Xavius, Myrkr or Balizar are scum. Solanis is a maybe for the following reason:
I'm as always in favour of going after lurkers. I am prepared to give Allergic and Displayname a 1-day headstart since this is their first game though. Is this Konton's first game if we don't count Myrkr's oncoming bullet train?
And I'm just leaving this note in here to remind myself: I don't like Alianna in this game, it felt like she was trying to rolefish earlier.
Shiri2009-06-26 03:01:12
I will however, register a WTF about Myrkr's 16 abilities. What the hell. If you have that many the fact you rolled daykill is highly dubious. Unless they're all daykill due to the character role.
Xavius2009-06-26 03:12:50
QUOTE (Myrkr @ Jun 25 2009, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, that is one of the phrases I can use. No, I have no idea what it does. But if it has anything to do with the show, you seem to know, and let us know too so that we're not all in the dark. 

QUOTE (Shiri @ Jun 25 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will however, register a WTF about Myrkr's 16 abilities. What the hell. If you have that many the fact you rolled daykill is highly dubious. Unless they're all daykill due to the character role.
QUOTE (Xavius @ Jun 24 2009, 01:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Corn kills. Like, everything this guy does kills. Especially since the spider didn't kill you, you might very well be a flavorful 16-shot daykiller.
Aerotan2009-06-26 03:14:11
Given the odd doctor, that's entirely probable. Though I could see "My ass has eaten my hand" as a dodge, if Myrkr has that one. I'm curious as to what her list entails, but almost afraid to ask for it since that could make her a scum target, if she's not already.
Of course, with sixteen one-shot powers, at least one of them a confirmed daykill, she could be a pseudo-dayvig/SK or something too...
Of course, with sixteen one-shot powers, at least one of them a confirmed daykill, she could be a pseudo-dayvig/SK or something too...
Furien2009-06-26 03:16:26
I'm going to have to echo what others have said- Xavius is not sincerely asking that we not lynch anyone. It was sarcasm. Just as his 'Dear SK, please make a few strategic kills, love Xavius' deal was more of a 'Holy crap, wise up people' than it was 'I'm obviously working in tandem with some anti-town body.' If it was the latter, why the hell would anyone with brains post that way?
kiriwe2009-06-26 03:49:43
tbh, im rather bored by this game already, and if possible, i'd like to be replaced. i can't muster the energy to actually play this time. sorry
Unknown2009-06-26 05:30:31
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Jun 26 2009, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why him in particular?
In this post, I first said I didn't like thisismydisplayname (aka Siam).
Siam has eight posts. But none of them have been helpful or have any content either. He joined the Myrkr bandwagon, then unvoted when it started to die. He re-voted, then unvoted when Kira mentioned him.
Sure it's his first game. But you don't have to tell us 2-3 times (I thought three, can only find two).
Unknown2009-06-26 07:11:28
He's asking why you picked him over Konton or AllergictoSabres, both of whom have contributed very little so far, and are both also on their first games (if I recall correctly). How do your arguments against Siam not apply against the other two, and why does he seem more suspicious to you despite this?
Siam2009-06-26 09:26:28
QUOTE (Silferras @ Jun 26 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He's asking why you picked him over Konton or AllergictoSabres, both of whom have contributed very little so far, and are both also on their first games (if I recall correctly). How do your arguments against Siam not apply against the other two, and why does he seem more suspicious to you despite this?
He hates me

Anyway, regarding this:
QUOTE (Solanis @ Jun 24 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll probably be accused of deflecting attention, but whatever. Siam's two posts.
A vote. An unvote. Not to mention we're NOT SUPPOSED TO EDIT. Siam jumps on the bandwagon, then later unvotes when it starts to die. There are worse lurkers than me. Rika hasn't even posted yet.
vote thisismydisplayname
A vote. An unvote. Not to mention we're NOT SUPPOSED TO EDIT. Siam jumps on the bandwagon, then later unvotes when it starts to die. There are worse lurkers than me. Rika hasn't even posted yet.
vote thisismydisplayname
Had I not edited(read: made it bold) would my vote be counted? Casilu emphasized having the votes in BOLD more than editing them, which I did only to make my vote during that time valid. As you can see, that was my first post here and it was done before I thought of reading a few pages back and saw the rules. It should be noted that the first rule that caught my eye was the one requiring the votes to be written in bold and after I hyperventilated, I edited my vote to have it in bold and then reread the rules.
Unknown2009-06-26 10:57:54
Yeah, the editing bit is fine, if it wasn't, I'm sure the bigger people would have already called for you to be modkilled or something.
Well. Neither Konton nor Sabres jumped onto the Myrkr bandwagon.
QUOTE (Silferras @ Jun 26 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He's asking why you picked him over Konton or AllergictoSabres, both of whom have contributed very little so far, and are both also on their first games (if I recall correctly). How do your arguments against Siam not apply against the other two, and why does he seem more suspicious to you despite this?
Well. Neither Konton nor Sabres jumped onto the Myrkr bandwagon.
Unknown2009-06-26 12:16:23
I don't get it. How does that make him more suspicious, especially since we haven't, either conclusively or otherwise, cleared Myrkr as either town or scum yet?
Zynna2009-06-26 12:17:35
QUOTE (Solanis @ Jun 26 2009, 05:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well. Neither Konton nor Sabres jumped onto the Myrkr bandwagon.
If anything, that should have pushed them ahead of your list, past Siam. What Myrkr did (putting aside for the moment whether she knew what she was doing) was not normal behavior and certainly suspicious! Attempting a ninja lynch on day one? So their votes make sense.
Siam2009-06-26 12:20:39
QUOTE (Solanis @ Jun 26 2009, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, the editing bit is fine, if it wasn't, I'm sure the bigger people would have already called for you to be modkilled or something.
Well. Neither Konton nor Sabres jumped onto the Myrkr bandwagon.
Well. Neither Konton nor Sabres jumped onto the Myrkr bandwagon.
Ahem, is the editing really fine?

The 'bigger people' don't seem to think of it as something that merits a modkill and should they believe otherwise, they would've called for a modkill several pages and posts ago, so why point it out?
Regarding the bandwagon thing, you can tell from my posts that I was a little edgy and a bit excited as to how things would work out and looking back now, they were really rather poor decisions, given that the game (as how I see it) is supposed to be about keen observation, a bit of trusting your gut feelings, and subsequently making a decision. Having thus realized this now as I write this, I'll be refraining from joining the bandwagon and try to see how things are, and hopefully, I get to enjoy and make the most out of this first Mafia game more than I do currently!