Siam2009-07-16 14:46:16
Well, here's dugan's post:
Just tell us why you could have confirmed Bali. That will clear things up.
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Jul 10 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I really didn't want to do this. I was hoping that the majority would have taken the Shamarah ball and run with it, so I could have stayed more or less in the back. But yes, I do have some proof for my vote. Sham, you claim that you are the 'White Spy' and that you 'are town' ...
I have an ability. I used my ability on Shamarah last night and the reply I got was that Shamarah wins when someone else meets their win condition and that he is still alive.
That really doesn't sound like a win condition someone in the town would have.
I have an ability. I used my ability on Shamarah last night and the reply I got was that Shamarah wins when someone else meets their win condition and that he is still alive.
That really doesn't sound like a win condition someone in the town would have.
QUOTE (rika @ Jul 11 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I couldn't have confirmed Bali as being town, I could have confirmed him as not lying about being Phoenix Wright.
Just tell us why you could have confirmed Bali. That will clear things up.
Shiri2009-07-16 14:48:34
QUOTE (thisismydisplayname @ Jul 16 2009, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm. In that case, I'd like to point out that Dugan also claimed to know someone's win condition(Shamarah) I think. That would mean that Dugan -and- Llandros could investigate from the start, but Llandros claimed to have been roleblocked. The thing is I'm inclined to believe Llandros now because of his latest posts prior to this one. Either Dugan defended Shamarah because they were from the same group. You've also mentioned that dugan was acting less scummy among the four of us whom you listed(me,llandros,dugan and xavius), can you please restate why, again?
The main reason I consider Dugan more townie than the rest of you is that he has actually provided evidence - he called Shamarah out on his survivor condition, thinking it was a scum role due to misinterpretation. Now naturally he COULD still be a scum investigator, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt for now. Llandros WAS roleblocked by Xiran temporarily, so that prevented evidence-gathering, but there's still a mysterious phantom roleclaim going around from night 2 and the Shamarah situation is less easily attributed to collusion than the Shaddus situation we have here, so if we have to choose between the two Llandros is the one I'm going with.
But as mentioned his story is starting to make more sense now so I'm thinking Shaddus or Xavius is next.
Dugan can we get a flavour claim over here, unless you have some kind of qualifier on your role that makes you a non-traditional investigator? It shouldn't hurt you to give it out otherwise.
Noola2009-07-16 14:51:29
Xavius? Sounds good to me!
Vote Xavius
Vote Xavius
Siam2009-07-16 14:53:26
Okay, I get the thing about Dugan.
At least give us a hint of what you can actually do besides your 'I'm town and I don't have any scary powers at all' statement several pages away.
Can you please restate why Xavius is highly likely to be another investigator, please? Thanks.
At least give us a hint of what you can actually do besides your 'I'm town and I don't have any scary powers at all' statement several pages away.
Can you please restate why Xavius is highly likely to be another investigator, please? Thanks.
Shiri2009-07-16 14:56:56
I didn't say he's likely to be another investigator, I said he made hints to that effect: he seemed to knew Silferras didn't target Solanis at night. He then made hints at being a vig later on wrt. Furien, then twice made the claim that vigs don't kill on night 1 (in a day-start game) and ninja'd Diamondais. So there are some mixed signals there.
Guy has somehow managed to be clearly registering on the radar but not getting heavily voted on for a while now, which is a bit dubious on its own.
Guy has somehow managed to be clearly registering on the radar but not getting heavily voted on for a while now, which is a bit dubious on its own.
Shiri2009-07-16 14:57:53
grammar is borked due to tiredness
Shaddus2009-07-16 14:58:31
QUOTE (thisismydisplayname @ Jul 16 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At least give us a hint of what you can actually do besides your 'I'm town and I don't have any scary powers at all' statement several pages away.
At least give us a hint of what you can actually do besides your 'I'm town and I don't have any scary powers at all' statement several pages away.

I can make sure a person is safe. If I say any more my head may very well esplode.
Shaddus2009-07-16 14:59:14
Shiribot, go reboot and come back in 8-10. Mafia game will still be here.
Noola2009-07-16 14:59:48
I've wanted to vote for him forever, but kept getting persuaded it was a bad idea or that someone else was a better target.
No more!
No more!

Siam2009-07-16 15:00:57
QUOTE (Shiri @ Jul 16 2009, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didn't say he's likely to be another investigator, I said he made hints to that effect: he seemed to knew Silferras didn't target Solanis at night. He then made hints at being a vig later on wrt. Furien, then twice made the claim that vigs don't kill on night 1 (in a day-start game) and ninja'd Diamondais. So there are some mixed signals there.
Guy has somehow managed to be clearly registering on the radar but not getting heavily voted on for a while now, which is a bit dubious on its own.
Guy has somehow managed to be clearly registering on the radar but not getting heavily voted on for a while now, which is a bit dubious on its own.
That does sound suspicious. I did intend to give him my FOS, but he's basically the one who posted the 'watch out for massive name claims' thing and that made me think twice. The ninja on diamondais was really something, now that you mentioned it. I think I'll vote for him.
Llandros2009-07-16 15:08:41
I recieved a piece of information about Kira, how or why being besides the point.
I was able to confirm the information by getting her to say her name as the information i recived included things in her background specific to the person she claimed to be. I belive her to be town.
I know shaddus is mello and i belive siam to be near. I'm not 100% positive that shaddus is town though. Some of the information i have on him is ambiguous.
Trust me, i would much rather be able to point out scum as it would go a long way in convincing people to stop trying to lynch me, but i can only say the things i know and to make crap up in the hopes of getting lucky wouldn't be beneficial to the town.
I was able to confirm the information by getting her to say her name as the information i recived included things in her background specific to the person she claimed to be. I belive her to be town.
I know shaddus is mello and i belive siam to be near. I'm not 100% positive that shaddus is town though. Some of the information i have on him is ambiguous.
Trust me, i would much rather be able to point out scum as it would go a long way in convincing people to stop trying to lynch me, but i can only say the things i know and to make crap up in the hopes of getting lucky wouldn't be beneficial to the town.
Kiradawea2009-07-16 15:12:41
QUOTE (Shiri @ Jul 16 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not good enough! One of those people is still very likely to be a scum.
Anyway, about Kira, I mean...we were on her earlier but her excuse was presumably good enough to get a reprieve, only I've totally forgotten what it was. Rika is in a similar boat, and Shaddus, and I think Sabres, so I'm just wondering why you named Kira specifically.
In fact, I do remember why we stopped going after Rika: your abortive investigation post. Clearly that is not good enough and we should reconsider that route, but in any case rather than either Kira or Rika I would rather figure out which of these investigators is legit and which are not.
(Casilu please update the first page
Anyway, about Kira, I mean...we were on her earlier but her excuse was presumably good enough to get a reprieve, only I've totally forgotten what it was. Rika is in a similar boat, and Shaddus, and I think Sabres, so I'm just wondering why you named Kira specifically.
In fact, I do remember why we stopped going after Rika: your abortive investigation post. Clearly that is not good enough and we should reconsider that route, but in any case rather than either Kira or Rika I would rather figure out which of these investigators is legit and which are not.
(Casilu please update the first page

I think the only thing I actually did to remove suspicion from me was reveal that I'm Sakura, the ninja-girl from Naruto. There hasn't been much more about me, except... I believe it was Xikue (don't have time to double-check) who kept raving that I had some kind of power because "I haz kunai".
And seriously Siam. We have been killing scum, or did you forget that we've so far eliminated two SKers, which also explains why there have been relatively few kills as of late. Of course, roleblockers and doctors and jailkeepers may have a hand in that as well, but it may be possible that we aren't looking for scum. Instead, we may be looking for just several SKers, and if so, I don't consider it unlikely that there's a Naruto SKer somewhere out there.
But in the end that may be too much guessing the mod, but I think it can be something to keep in mind. After all, Casilu wanted lots of deaths no?
Siam2009-07-16 15:16:02
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Jul 16 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the only thing I actually did to remove suspicion from me was reveal that I'm Sakura, the ninja-girl from Naruto. There hasn't been much more about me, except... I believe it was Xikue (don't have time to double-check) who kept raving that I had some kind of power because "I haz kunai".
And seriously Siam. We have been killing scum, or did you forget that we've so far eliminated two SKers, which also explains why there have been relatively few kills as of late. Of course, roleblockers and doctors and jailkeepers may have a hand in that as well, but it may be possible that we aren't looking for scum. Instead, we may be looking for just several SKers, and if so, I don't consider it unlikely that there's a Naruto SKer somewhere out there.
But in the end that may be too much guessing the mod, but I think it can be something to keep in mind. After all, Casilu wanted lots of deaths no?
And seriously Siam. We have been killing scum, or did you forget that we've so far eliminated two SKers, which also explains why there have been relatively few kills as of late. Of course, roleblockers and doctors and jailkeepers may have a hand in that as well, but it may be possible that we aren't looking for scum. Instead, we may be looking for just several SKers, and if so, I don't consider it unlikely that there's a Naruto SKer somewhere out there.
But in the end that may be too much guessing the mod, but I think it can be something to keep in mind. After all, Casilu wanted lots of deaths no?
Ah, right. I remember now. But actually, I was under the impression that SK are not meant to be killed(and people ranted about killing SKs several pages back).
Anyway, it's off to bed for me, I have studying to do.
Dugan2009-07-16 15:42:24
QUOTE (Xikue @ Jul 15 2009, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought it would be a good idea to protect Siam last night.
Trying to catch up. Have company up the last two days, so my free time has been limited. I am a bit confusted as to why you decided to protect Siam. You had Dag, who proved himself as town with daykill abilities. You had Shamarah, who was revived. You had me, Shiri ... and you protected Siam .... a possible back-up cop who has to have someone dead before he can investigate because ....
Dugan2009-07-16 16:01:17
QUOTE (Shiri @ Jul 16 2009, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dugan can we get a flavour claim over here, unless you have some kind of qualifier on your role that makes you a non-traditional investigator? It shouldn't hurt you to give it out otherwise.
I, like many others here am from the hidden leaf village. In the anime series, my cousin and I share some similar abilities, but we each developed them slightly differently to suit our own needs.
The scum do have some type of roleblocker, as I was blocked from my target last night.
Noola2009-07-16 16:08:13
Are you talkin about this Hidden Leaf Village? Or is there another one? That was just the first one that came up on a google search.
I have to google every other thing anyone says in this game it seems like. 

Llandros2009-07-16 16:13:40
He's one of the Hyuga's probably either Hinata or Neji
Llandros2009-07-16 16:22:09
It seems reasonable that there could be two investegators with a back up cop in a game with a potentially high body count.
Unknown2009-07-16 16:22:11
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Jul 16 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Trying to catch up. Have company up the last two days, so my free time has been limited. I am a bit confusted as to why you decided to protect Siam. You had Dag, who proved himself as town with daykill abilities. You had Shamarah, who was revived. You had me, Shiri ... and you protected Siam .... a possible back-up cop who has to have someone dead before he can investigate because ....
You forget that I'm a jailkeeper.
Dugan2009-07-16 16:23:20
If you remember back Shiri ...
And, I can also add (since I can't go back and edit) ... my name is also misspelled.
QUOTE (Dugan Diluculo @ Jun 27 2009, 04:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to agree with Shiri on this one and I do believe Solanis's claim. Though I don't really see Kakashi as the doctor type. I am a bit troubled by Xikue and his quick vote on Solanis after his doctor claim. That does kind of bother me. I also am a bit troubled by Aetolian. With this many people starting and how often doctors are in a game, in all probability there is at least one, regardless of a 25% avoidance.
QUOTE (Shiri @ Jul 3 2009, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You assume Kiriwe believe you, Solanis, which we have no way of finding out.
I very much doubt Solanis' ability would just not work on me, @Dugan.
I very much doubt Solanis' ability would just not work on me, @Dugan.
And, I can also add (since I can't go back and edit) ... my name is also misspelled.