Unknown2009-08-18 17:53:46
While there are 16 alive, and Zynna had 8 votes (16 would need 9), Shaddus is frozen and completely unable to act. This may be the reason Kira counts 15 participants since... well, there are really only 15 participating. In case Zynna is still alive, Ayisdra's continued chain of abrupt actions is making me like him less and less. Abrupt actions will only get town in trouble (even if they are done by town).
Unknown2009-08-19 01:47:14
Was not expecting that. Uhm. *checking sign up thread* I guess I can see how the Star is the doctor, but I'm not entirely convinced of your role and alignment yet. Unvote: Zynna but keeping FoS on you.
Unknown2009-08-19 05:46:03
QUOTE (Zynna)
What do you want more than a roleclaim?
Details? 'I'm a doctor' doesn't cut it for me, but already there are people unvoting on that basis. Can we get a nameclaim, and whatever other flavour that you have?
Kiradawea2009-08-19 06:15:57
"For both I and my people have been sold to be perished, killed and extinct, Was there ever only just to be slaves and slavewomen we were sold, then I should not have said anything. Then would not our misery be something to bother the king with."
Book of Ester, chapter 7 verse 4.
Vote count
Zynna: 8 (Xavius, Dugan, Salvation, Xikue, Rika, Ilyarin, Furien, Ayisdra)
That's a lynch!
Book of Ester, chapter 7 verse 4.
Vote count
Zynna: 8 (Xavius, Dugan, Salvation, Xikue, Rika, Ilyarin, Furien, Ayisdra)
That's a lynch!
Kiradawea2009-08-19 06:30:36
Twilight falls once more and the group gathers around Zynna whom they all wonder may be one of the antagonist. With the threath of nightfall rapidly approaching, people start pointing her out as the one who will get removed today. Things get increasingly heated up, until Aysidra place a last vote. People are in an outrage at this, doing everything but what's effective to stop it, much to the amusement of Maab and Tristar who arrive to carry off Zynna in one of their crystals.
Zynna was Esther
Once more, night falls, leaving the group in soft silence. A beam of white light shines up from the north, momentarily sending a rush of air through the garden. It also seems Shaddus has finally thawed out of his icy prison.
It is now Night 3.
Zynna was Esther
You are Esther.

Card: Star
"For how shall I bear to see the misfortune that should else befall my people? How shall I endure to see my heirtage perish?"
The queen of the Persian Empire who saved the Jews from Haman and his plan to have them killed after Mordecai refused to bow before the prince. Your courage and faith has been penned into the books of history, and thus you are chosen to be here as a heroine.
You win with the town.
Protector: Your courage protected the jews from death. So too will your courage protect your new friends from elimination. Each night, you may choose someone to protect from elimination by sending me a message that states “Protect: (person)â€.

Card: Star
"For how shall I bear to see the misfortune that should else befall my people? How shall I endure to see my heirtage perish?"
The queen of the Persian Empire who saved the Jews from Haman and his plan to have them killed after Mordecai refused to bow before the prince. Your courage and faith has been penned into the books of history, and thus you are chosen to be here as a heroine.
You win with the town.
Protector: Your courage protected the jews from death. So too will your courage protect your new friends from elimination. Each night, you may choose someone to protect from elimination by sending me a message that states “Protect: (person)â€.
Once more, night falls, leaving the group in soft silence. A beam of white light shines up from the north, momentarily sending a rush of air through the garden. It also seems Shaddus has finally thawed out of his icy prison.
It is now Night 3.
Kiradawea2009-08-19 06:32:03
(Joy. You guys lynched the only one who bothered to send me long, interesting, RPish PMs. I hope you're happy.
Send in the night actions!

Send in the night actions!
Zynna2009-08-19 13:09:23

Unknown2009-08-19 14:59:00
Arix2009-08-19 15:20:11
tee hee
Llandros2009-08-19 15:30:41
Llandros2009-08-20 17:36:04
I can has moar mafia now?
Ilyarin2009-08-20 19:46:04
It must be the morrow by now! 

Kiradawea2009-08-20 19:52:54
Voivoi. You're right. Where did all the nightactions go? Let day arrive.
Kiradawea2009-08-20 20:03:16
Dawn arrives on soft feet, sending rays of bright light cascading across the sky, illuminating every corner of the garden as the group gathers again to see what has transpired during the night. As they do a quick headcount, they find that Ayisdra is missing. A quick search reveals Ayisdra lying on the ground and whimpering softly in pain. Someone has beaten her up quite badly, to the point where she can no longer participate.
Ayisdra was Paula
Maab and Tristar come to carry the young girl away, leaving the group to again decide just what they should do in this current situation.
Welcome to Day 4
With 14 players, it's 8 to lynch.
Ayisdra was Paula
You are Paula

Card: Magician
“I knew you'd come.â€
You are Paula, the hero from Earthbound, and the one who destroyed Giygas through your purity. By praying, you managed to unify the whole planet to one cause, to defeat Giygas. The goodness became too much for Giygax who was a creature of hatred and cruelty. You have the courage to stand serene against overwhelming odds. For that, you are a hero.
You win with the town.
PK: No, it doesn't stand for player killing. You have three psionic abilities, and each can be used once. PK Thunder, which will randomly eliminate someone and end the day. PK Freeze, which will role-block someone until dusk/dawn and finally PK Fire which will allow you to double-vote.

Card: Magician
“I knew you'd come.â€
You are Paula, the hero from Earthbound, and the one who destroyed Giygas through your purity. By praying, you managed to unify the whole planet to one cause, to defeat Giygas. The goodness became too much for Giygax who was a creature of hatred and cruelty. You have the courage to stand serene against overwhelming odds. For that, you are a hero.
You win with the town.
PK: No, it doesn't stand for player killing. You have three psionic abilities, and each can be used once. PK Thunder, which will randomly eliminate someone and end the day. PK Freeze, which will role-block someone until dusk/dawn and finally PK Fire which will allow you to double-vote.
Maab and Tristar come to carry the young girl away, leaving the group to again decide just what they should do in this current situation.
Welcome to Day 4
With 14 players, it's 8 to lynch.
Unknown2009-08-20 23:10:07
Has it been noted that Diamondais asked to be replaced? It just seems that there's nobody interested in the game any more, heh.
Shaddus2009-08-20 23:52:43
Alright, so someone iced Ayisdra (hah, I made a funny). Ahem. Last day sucked, I wanted to speak up so frigging badly.
Unknown2009-08-21 00:48:39
._. I need to stop killing the doctor in these games.
Unknown2009-08-21 19:06:56
Are we still playing?
Have we gotten any actual proof on Furien? We've had him live like 4 days now because he said that he'd prove himself to be pro-town sooner (rather than the proverbial later), but as far as I know, we're still relying on his word. Which isn't exactly the best evidence in mafia.
Are we still playing?

Have we gotten any actual proof on Furien? We've had him live like 4 days now because he said that he'd prove himself to be pro-town sooner (rather than the proverbial later), but as far as I know, we're still relying on his word. Which isn't exactly the best evidence in mafia.
Diamondais2009-08-21 19:13:50
I think my request was missed, and honestly, I read the game but I don't care. 

Daganev2009-08-21 19:30:32
This is deperessing. This is one of the setups I've liked the most so far. become interested people!