Heroes of Newerth (Beta Keys)

by Desitrus

Back to The Real World.

Zenon2009-09-04 23:51:22
I'd like to try it, if anyone has a key left.
Unknown2009-09-06 02:32:17
Related thread... you don't see any more Jelaludin or Winnae the Puissant because I got into the League of Legends beta!

I -love- this game. The art style and sound effects are hilarious and it's like DotA pre-denial emphasis, and I always hated creep denying. My summoner is level 8!

If anyone else is playing the LoL beta or wants to find me when it goes live my name on there is "Rainbow Dragon". content.gif
Shiri2009-09-06 04:03:15
The art style is hideous and only makes the crippling interface and client issues even worse, making me completely unable to appreciate any gameplay improvements. sad.gif

Had a few fun games with Shamarah and Silferras yesterday, won a 4v5 and a 5v5 (lost a 3.5v5 though). Silferras' electrician works a lot better when playing with people who actually know how to gank, apparently!
Azula2009-09-16 09:56:57
Can I get a key too please?



Gelo2009-09-17 18:33:22
anyone have any keys left?


I'll be your new friend biggrin.gif
Kaalak2009-09-17 21:00:03

I have three beta keys left.

If you are interested PM me your email so I know you still need a key and I will make a decision by Friday or Saturday at the latest.

No Balitards allowed. tongue.gif

Kaalak2009-09-17 21:13:28
Yes that's right Bali. I see you lurking!
Unknown2009-09-17 22:18:48
lol, dork smile.gif

wasnt I the one who sent you a key in the first place?
Kaalak2009-09-17 22:25:19

But I do remember you dancing around Naked waving it in front of me barf.gif

Anyway. Three keys for grabs.

Work on your Pudge dude.
Unknown2009-09-17 22:50:46
Wat? I hate pudge. I never play pudge.

Whats your name there, ho?
Shamarah2009-09-18 00:53:55
Bali's a noob, he picks Magebane FFS, probably a bottom 5 hero

(of course I was doing pretty noob in our game too for the first bit, it was better later though)
Unknown2009-09-18 00:56:38
OMG! You had more deaths than me as MAGMUS!

I had to pick magebane, it was him, pudge, or some other shitty hero I didn't like. I wanted to trade for Voodoo Jest but our teammate picked so quick. We won didn't we? ALSO MAGEBANE SCALES WELL! AND STUFF!

Quit giving me a hard time, I'm sensitive
Shamarah2009-09-18 01:35:51
Of course I had more deaths than you, you were MAGEBANE, you have BLINK tongue.gif
Unknown2009-09-18 01:49:23
Unknown2009-09-18 01:58:48
Let's have a game together soon. laugh.gif
Shamarah2009-09-18 03:51:24
I'm getting better at Valk, this makes me happy...
Shiri2009-09-18 04:41:52
Yeah, let's have a 5v5 or something sometime.
Desitrus2009-09-18 04:45:24
New magebane is pretty sick.
Azula2009-09-18 14:32:52
A key please? Anyone?
Kaalak2009-09-19 05:58:49
Invites sent to Azula and Gero. Out of invites.
