Kaia2009-12-18 06:38:01
One more, because he keeps making me laugh..
You look thoughtful and say, "I would consider it a very lovely present if you were to find our first child."
You say, "It doesn't need to happen right away, so don't feel pressured."
Ser Shuyin, Savant of Swords exclaims, "Okay!"
Ser Shuyin, Savant of Swords exclaims, "I will find us a child!"
You nod your head emphatically.
"Good!" you enthuse.
(Shadowmaze): Shuyin says, "You there, do you have parents?"
(Shadowmaze): You say, "Ignore him."
You look thoughtful and say, "I would consider it a very lovely present if you were to find our first child."
You say, "It doesn't need to happen right away, so don't feel pressured."
Ser Shuyin, Savant of Swords exclaims, "Okay!"
Ser Shuyin, Savant of Swords exclaims, "I will find us a child!"
You nod your head emphatically.
"Good!" you enthuse.
(Shadowmaze): Shuyin says, "You there, do you have parents?"
(Shadowmaze): You say, "Ignore him."
Ardmore2009-12-18 14:40:02
>.> Oh that Shuyin.
Unknown2009-12-19 22:06:46
This is when the thing about Hallifax is going on...
(Magnagora): Hanzo says, "I want to fight!"
(Magnagora): Hanzo says, "How do I get there."
(Magnagora): Munsia says, "Click your heels together and say I want to die five times."
(Magnagora): Vaun says, "Hehe."
(Magnagora): Yurika says, "Doubt it'll work like that."
Apprentice Hanzo clicks his heels together, and say "I want to die." three time.
(Magnagora): Hanzo says, "How do I get there."
(Magnagora): Munsia says, "Click your heels together and say I want to die five times."
(Magnagora): Vaun says, "Hehe."
(Magnagora): Yurika says, "Doubt it'll work like that."
Apprentice Hanzo clicks his heels together, and say "I want to die." three time.
Urazial2009-12-20 00:01:54
Lahler has been slaughtered by the awesome might of the energies released from
the return of Gaudiguch.
You see the death occur at before the Portal of Fate.
Kialkarkea Diodorus shouts, "IT IS FRED."
the return of Gaudiguch.
You see the death occur at before the Portal of Fate.
Kialkarkea Diodorus shouts, "IT IS FRED."
Mihewi2009-12-20 00:14:29
With all the context and everything, that shout just made me laugh amazingly hard. Hard enough that I will have to love Kialkarkea from this point forward.
Shaddus2009-12-20 01:16:59
Dapper Dashro backroom.
Two dracnari composed of sand are here, captured in some final moment of
You see a single exit leading northwest.
4720h, 4860m, 2700e, 10p, esSilrxk<>-|Safe|
orly dracnari
Arching your eyebrow and cocking your head at two dracnari composed of sand, you
exclaim, "Oh really?!"
Two dracnari composed of sand crumbles beneath your touch, long lengths of
scathingly hot desert sand running between your fingers.
You say, "Oops?"
Two dracnari composed of sand are here, captured in some final moment of
You see a single exit leading northwest.
4720h, 4860m, 2700e, 10p, esSilrxk<
orly dracnari
Arching your eyebrow and cocking your head at two dracnari composed of sand, you
exclaim, "Oh really?!"
Two dracnari composed of sand crumbles beneath your touch, long lengths of
scathingly hot desert sand running between your fingers.
You say, "Oops?"
I ruin everything

Casilu2009-12-20 01:17:56
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Dec 19 2009, 05:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I ruin everything

I killed like... five glass Lucidians and Trill.
Lawliet2009-12-20 01:25:07
(Celest): Lorina says, "Kialkarkea is about to pee himself in excitement."
Casilu2009-12-20 01:26:02
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Dec 19 2009, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(Celest): Lorina says, "Kialkarkea is about to pee himself in excitement."
You're like... twenty minutes too late for that.
Unknown2009-12-20 01:31:11
Scuchidira Tliwx shouts, "Empress Sheia, get your arse to Gaudiguch NOW!"
Unknown2009-12-20 02:17:24
You tentatively stick out your tongue and lick a cranberry-studded dai cookie.
A quick nibble of the tender cookie reveals a tantalising raspberry flavour
A quick nibble of the tender cookie reveals a tantalising raspberry flavour
I know I probably should be spelling-error that. But it makes me confused, and giggley..
Casilu2009-12-20 02:18:41
QUOTE (Pectus Dawneye @ Dec 19 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know I probably should be spelling-error that. But it makes me confused, and giggley..
You seem very easily amused.

Unknown2009-12-20 02:19:24
QUOTE (casilu @ Dec 19 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You seem very easily amused. 

You know I am. It's why you love me so much
Casilu2009-12-20 02:21:25
QUOTE (Pectus Dawneye @ Dec 19 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know I am. It's why you love me so much
Who are you?
Shaddus2009-12-20 02:57:29
QUOTE (Urazial @ Dec 19 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lahler has been slaughtered by the awesome might of the energies released from
the return of Gaudiguch.
You see the death occur at before the Portal of Fate.
Kialkarkea Diodorus shouts, "IT IS FRED."
the return of Gaudiguch.
You see the death occur at before the Portal of Fate.
Kialkarkea Diodorus shouts, "IT IS FRED."
Did anyone else think a certain janitor had showed up again?
Unknown2009-12-20 06:24:04
(Serenwilde): Sarrasri says, "The 'empress' asked us to help with the demands."
(Serenwilde): Sarrasri says, "To which she was politely declined."
(Serenwilde): Nejii says, "Sod that."
(Serenwilde): Sarrasri says, "To which she was politely declined."
(Serenwilde): Nejii says, "Sod that."
Unknown2009-12-20 06:49:51
(CLAN: Aiyana says, "He asked me how to get someone out of a peaced area. I say..."
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
The eyes of Kaalak go briefly out of focus.
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Aiyana says, "You tell Postulant Kaalak Mittani, "1. Cookies. Lots of them, pie as well.""
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
The eyes of Kaalak go briefly out of focus.
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Aiyana says, "You tell Postulant Kaalak Mittani, "2. Find a woman. Have her strip, tease, then lure him elsewhere. If he is gay, get a man instead.""
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Aiyana says, "I think I need sleep."
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Dynami says, "..."
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
Postulant Kaalak Mittani says, "Dynami, care to join us on a hunt?"
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
The eyes of Kaalak go briefly out of focus.
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Aiyana says, "You tell Postulant Kaalak Mittani, "1. Cookies. Lots of them, pie as well.""
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
The eyes of Kaalak go briefly out of focus.
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Aiyana says, "You tell Postulant Kaalak Mittani, "2. Find a woman. Have her strip, tease, then lure him elsewhere. If he is gay, get a man instead.""
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Aiyana says, "I think I need sleep."
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
(CLAN): Dynami says, "..."
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
Postulant Kaalak Mittani says, "Dynami, care to join us on a hunt?"
3150h, 670m, 2625e, 10p, 13400en, 15350w ex-
O..okay. Glad Dynami could be of use!
Annd also!
Aiyana tells you, "Dearest wonderful Pectus of the beautiful west, mayest I procure the usage of thine spatula, as to convince an irritable and childish oaf of a husband to leavest me alone about the demons encased within bread?"
Dynami2009-12-20 06:51:54
Thul2009-12-20 09:29:46
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
Laughing deeply, Ironbeard the Magnanimous proclaims, "Happy Anniversary, Scuchidira!"
Laughing deeply, Ironbeard the Magnanimous proclaims, "Happy Anniversary, Scuchidira!"
Kaalak2009-12-20 09:45:06
Lehki puts an arnica bud into the Eternal Flame.
An arnica bud burns within the Eternal Flame, turning to ash as it is incinerated.
Raeri pats Lehki in a friendly manner.
Lehki shrugs helplessly.
Raeri Stormcrow says, "I put it in before it started burning things."
Ecclesiar Arix Carthan says, "Someone put a weed in there."
Ecclesiar Arix Carthan says, "This has potential."
An arnica bud burns within the Eternal Flame, turning to ash as it is incinerated.
Raeri pats Lehki in a friendly manner.
Lehki shrugs helplessly.
Raeri Stormcrow says, "I put it in before it started burning things."
Ecclesiar Arix Carthan says, "Someone put a weed in there."
Ecclesiar Arix Carthan says, "This has potential."