Munsia2010-02-15 00:35:52
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
A sea trout tells you, "Krokani breath! I hate your grandmother."
6783h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>- {92.910000000003}
Aliod stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
6783h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>- {92.944000000003}
A mass of tentacles smacks Aliod with a thick tentacle, covering him in slime.
6783h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>- {92.971999999994}
You bleed 37 health.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>- {92.993000000002}
You gag a bit as Aliod's stink wafts over you.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>- {93.013000000006}
A biting wind howls throughout the Astrosphere of Capricorn, leaving behind cold shivering shadows that whip and howl in the air.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>- {93.034}
Marsali has been torn to shreds by a hulking three-horned bull.
You see the death occur at a lifeless plaza.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>- {93.062999999995}
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>- {94.585999999996}
(Peashooter): Lekius (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Go Ceren!"
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>- {94.619000000006}
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {94.653000000006}
A mass of tentacles smacks Aliod with a thick tentacle, covering him in slime.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {94.675000000003}
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.235000000001}
(Jhagar): Veracruz (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yell glory be to Magnagora when he gets it."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.270999999993}
(Jhagar): Marie (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.293999999994}
(Peashooter): Solanis says, "YESSSSSSSSS."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.320000000007}
(Jhagar): Ruiku says, "They're at taurus btw."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.342999999993}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.513000000006}
Aliod begins to tumble towards the west.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.532000000007}
(Jhagar): Silvanus says, "Ceruyin here you come!!"
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.816000000006}
You must first stand up before you can do that.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.835000000006}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.937000000005}
You must first stand up before you can do that.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.956999999995}
Urazial takes a drink from an opal vial.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {95.971000000005}
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>- {96.058999999994}
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>- {96.073999999993}
Urazial stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>- {96.093999999997}
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>- {96.289000000004}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>- {96.320000000007}
You may be healed by a scroll again.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>- {96.349000000002}
You feel the Id channel open again.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>- {96.373999999996}
Ralanbek cuddles up to your soul.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>- {96.392000000007}
Aliod maniacally swoons towards empty air.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>- {96.411999999997}
Urazial empties out an opal vial into his mouth.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>- {96.432000000001}
You carefully pinch the esophagus of Urazial.
Urazial coughs and splutters.
7020h, 7935m, 7948e, 10p, 27900en, 30431w esSlrxkd<>- {96.462}
You telekinetically take hold of the heart of Urazial and squeeze.
Urazial clutches his chest, and an ugly vein throbs on his temple.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>- {96.487999999998}
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>- {96.664000000004}
You hear a series of sickening crunches as a mass of tentacles grabs Aliod, hoists him into the air, and squeezes.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>- {96.683000000005}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>- {96.702999999994}
You create a telekinetic ring of force around the throat of Urazial and viciously make it contract.
Urazial puts a hand to his throat as his eyes bulge out and tongue extrudes.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.731}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.807000000001}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.830000000002}
You hobble around like an old man.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.850999999995}
Aliod eats a sparkleberry.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.870999999999}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.885999999999}
You drum your fingers impatiently.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.952000000005}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.971999999994}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {96.990000000005}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.012000000002}
A pair of leather leggings cuddles up to your mind.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.025999999998}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.039000000004}
Aliod takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.058000000005}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.077999999994}
Asira tells you, "Please don't be mad at Ona."
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.099000000002}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.116999999998}
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.138000000006}
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.156000000003}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.169999999998}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.188999999998}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.222999999998}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.240999999995}
Urazial dribbles upon his armpit.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.259999999995}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.282999999996}
A large, hairy solifugid tells you, "Have you seen my brother?"
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.301999999996}
An emerald vial slithers around your soul.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.315000000002}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.332999999999}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.354999999996}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.373999999996}
An absent-minded student tells you, "Fool! Please don't be mad at your left elbow."
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.394}
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.415999999997}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.429000000004}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.447}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.467000000004}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.489000000001}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.502999999997}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.520999999993}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.539000000004}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.561000000002}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.580000000002}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.599000000002}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.622000000003}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.634999999995}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.653000000006}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.671000000002}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.694000000003}
A marsh tuber rubs up against your brain.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.710000000006}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.728000000003}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.823000000004}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.849000000002}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.865000000005}
You fidget impatiently.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.884000000005}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.904999999999}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.928}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.942999999999}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.957999999999}
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.971999999994}
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {97.993000000002}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.013000000006}
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.032000000007}
Urazial's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Urazial tilts his head and caws, the sound piercing the air. The raucous cawing of crows rises up in a dreadful symphony from all around you.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.054999999993}
Ceren ascends towards divinity!
A shimmering curtain of multi-coloured light surrounds you for an instant as your wounds are healed by divine intervention.
** The Divine Ascension has ended! **
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.085999999996}
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.190000000002}
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.275999999998}
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.577000000005}
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.713000000003}
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {98.809999999998}
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>- {99.092000000004}
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30347w elrxkd<>- {99.304000000004}
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30347w elrxkd<>- {99.392000000007}
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30347w elrxkd<>- {99.679000000004}
Urazial suddenly scoops up the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi super choke Urazial here
psi id throatlock Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
dissolve Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
A sea trout tells you, "Krokani breath! I hate your grandmother."
6783h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>-
Aliod stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
6783h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>-
A mass of tentacles smacks Aliod with a thick tentacle, covering him in slime.
6783h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>-
You bleed 37 health.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30449w eSlrxkdp<>-
You gag a bit as Aliod's stink wafts over you.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>-
A biting wind howls throughout the Astrosphere of Capricorn, leaving behind cold shivering shadows that whip and howl in the air.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>-
Marsali has been torn to shreds by a hulking three-horned bull.
You see the death occur at a lifeless plaza.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>-
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>-
(Peashooter): Lekius (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Go Ceren!"
6746h, 7935m, 8046e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w eSlrxkdp<>-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
A mass of tentacles smacks Aliod with a thick tentacle, covering him in slime.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
(Jhagar): Veracruz (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yell glory be to Magnagora when he gets it."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
(Jhagar): Marie (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
(Peashooter): Solanis says, "YESSSSSSSSS."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
(Jhagar): Ruiku says, "They're at taurus btw."
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30465w esSlrxkdp<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
Aliod begins to tumble towards the west.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
(Jhagar): Silvanus says, "Ceruyin here you come!!"
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
You must first stand up before you can do that.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
You must first stand up before you can do that.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
Urazial takes a drink from an opal vial.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkdp<>-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>-
Urazial stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>-
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>-
You may be healed by a scroll again.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSlrxkd<>-
You feel the Id channel open again.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>-
Ralanbek cuddles up to your soul.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>-
Aliod maniacally swoons towards empty air.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>-
Urazial empties out an opal vial into his mouth.
7020h, 7935m, 8280e, 10p, 27900en, 30481w esSilrxkd<>-
You carefully pinch the esophagus of Urazial.
Urazial coughs and splutters.
7020h, 7935m, 7948e, 10p, 27900en, 30431w esSlrxkd<>-
You telekinetically take hold of the heart of Urazial and squeeze.
Urazial clutches his chest, and an ugly vein throbs on his temple.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>-
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>-
You hear a series of sickening crunches as a mass of tentacles grabs Aliod, hoists him into the air, and squeezes.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7806e, 10p, 27900en, 30381w eSlrxkd<>-
You create a telekinetic ring of force around the throat of Urazial and viciously make it contract.
Urazial puts a hand to his throat as his eyes bulge out and tongue extrudes.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You hobble around like an old man.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Aliod eats a sparkleberry.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You drum your fingers impatiently.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
A pair of leather leggings cuddles up to your mind.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Aliod takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Asira tells you, "Please don't be mad at Ona."
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Urazial dribbles upon his armpit.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
A large, hairy solifugid tells you, "Have you seen my brother?"
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
An emerald vial slithers around your soul.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
An absent-minded student tells you, "Fool! Please don't be mad at your left elbow."
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Urazial has no aura of protection to dissolve.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
A marsh tuber rubs up against your brain.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You fidget impatiently.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You stand straight up.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
That person has no psionic barrier.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Urazial's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Urazial tilts his head and caws, the sound piercing the air. The raucous cawing of crows rises up in a dreadful symphony from all around you.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Ceren ascends towards divinity!
A shimmering curtain of multi-coloured light surrounds you for an instant as your wounds are healed by divine intervention.
** The Divine Ascension has ended! **
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30331w elrxkd<>-
psi shatter Urazial
psi sub burst Urazial
psi super bodyscan Urazial
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30347w elrxkd<>-
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30347w elrxkd<>-
Your will is suppressed by Divine mandate, making you unable to perform any action.
7020h, 7935m, 7664e, 10p, 27900en, 30347w elrxkd<>-
Urazial suddenly scoops up the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
Razenth2010-02-15 00:36:45
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "No longer like Soll could he pierce the Immanidivinus to attain Divinity, but neither did he die from the energies of Ascension. Kethuru broke the bounds of the Nine Domoth, and now fill in person is alive from the power of them all!"
Sthai2010-02-15 00:37:03
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "No longer
like Soll could he pierce the Immanidivinus to attain Divinity, but neither did
he die from the energies of Ascension. Kethuru broke the bounds of the Nine
Domoth, and now fill in person is alive from the power of them all!"
like Soll could he pierce the Immanidivinus to attain Divinity, but neither did
he die from the energies of Ascension. Kethuru broke the bounds of the Nine
Domoth, and now fill in person is alive from the power of them all!"

Unknown2010-02-15 00:38:23
honours fill in person
There is no such person, I'm afraid.
Arte2010-02-15 00:49:35
You are holding:
...232 corpses of a mound of gibbering eyeballs, 25 corpses of a blob, 238 corpses of a giant dismembered tongue, 271 corpses of a mass of tentacles, the corpse of a sadistic mitran, the corpse of a floating urn, the corpse of a bloated parasite, the corpse of a two-headed eagle.
You offer up 770 corpses to Elostian, the Enigma.
...232 corpses of a mound of gibbering eyeballs, 25 corpses of a blob, 238 corpses of a giant dismembered tongue, 271 corpses of a mass of tentacles, the corpse of a sadistic mitran, the corpse of a floating urn, the corpse of a bloated parasite, the corpse of a two-headed eagle.
You offer up 770 corpses to Elostian, the Enigma.
Kante2010-02-15 00:51:26
Estarra's voice shatters the cosmic equilibrium, "Ceren is no more! Wellcome Fillin the Ascendant of War."
Lehki2010-02-15 00:52:46
QUOTE (Kante @ Feb 14 2010, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Estarra's voice shatters the cosmic equilibrium, "Ceren is no more! Wellcome Fillin the Ascendant of War."
I'm pretty sure that was the most epic moment in Lusternia.
Hyperion2010-02-15 00:56:25
You tell Fillin Valtyros, the Earthen Ire, "Should've gone for Fillyin. You broke the re-naming trend of unnecessary 'y's!"
Fillin tells you, ":censor:, I didn't know y was part of the tradition."
Fillin tells you, "Thought it was just in."
You tell Fillin Valtyros, the Earthen Ire, "Soll = Ilyarin, Sojiro = Shuyin, Xiel = Viynain! It's both.
Fillin tells you, "Sorry
Fillin tells you, ":censor:, I didn't know y was part of the tradition."
Fillin tells you, "Thought it was just in."
You tell Fillin Valtyros, the Earthen Ire, "Soll = Ilyarin, Sojiro = Shuyin, Xiel = Viynain! It's both.

Fillin tells you, "Sorry

Kante2010-02-15 00:59:00
look fillin
He walks with the truefavour of Fain. He walks with the truefavour of Morgfyre. He walks with the truefavour of Estarra. He walks with the truefavour of Maylea. He walks with the strongfavour of Lisaera. He walks with the truefavour of Eventru. He walks with the truefavour of Raezon. He walks with the truefavour of Kalikai. He walks with the truefavour of Terentia.
Kiradawea2010-02-15 01:11:16
Trailing cosmic dust in its wake, a glittering high-heeled shoe flies end-over-end across the firmament.
Veyrzhul has been seared to death by the divine flame of Estarra, the Eternal.
You see the death occur at The Captain's cabin.
Veyrzhul has been seared to death by the divine flame of Estarra, the Eternal.
You see the death occur at The Captain's cabin.
Unknown2010-02-15 02:12:57
Krellan spreads his black wings and flaps madly, creating a foul windy squall that whips around him.
The foul wind blows Lehki off to the northwest.
The foul wind blows Sadie off to the down.
The foul wind blows Rhaell off to the southwest.
The foul wind blows Esano off to the northwest.
The foul wind picks you up and hurls you to the northeast.
Twilight baked sands.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Masochist Marie i'Viani is here, shrouded. She wields a twisted staff in her left hand and a barbed greatshield of tortured verses in her right. Dynami Zayah is here, shrouded. He wields a golden amphora-crested steel shield in his left hand and a delicate crystal staff in his right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and gold in each hand.
You see exits leading north and south.
3537h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15499w -
You have recovered equilibrium.
Shamarah has been poisoned by a gargantuan red scorpion.
focus spirit
3537h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15499w e-
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Ilaveuse with love and adoration.
3537h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w e-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Kolm pales and his skin wrinkles, as you become stronger and more hale.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w ex-
I don't quite catch your drift.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w ex-
Korimbu has fallen to the deadly poisons of a floating urn.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w ex-
Dynami has been beaten to a pulp by a blob.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15511w ex-
One more time?
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15511w ex-
Ilaveuse takes a long drag off his pipe.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15511w ex-
Kolm gazes at you with love and adoration.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15517w ex-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Ilaveuse.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Quit trying to confuse me.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm eats a horehound blossom.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
Kolm takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
A cloudy miasma of darkness forms thoughout the atmosphere, releasing a rain of slithering slime.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
You ponder the situation.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
Ceren sobs at a small bug.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
You've baffled me!
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
Ilaveuse gazes at Ceren with love and adoration.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
Marie stares into her cupped hands.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
say this is akward.
You say, "This is akward."
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15549w ex-
Clarification is in order.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15549w ex-
Rhaell has been torn to shreds by a monstrous lobstrosity.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15549w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15555w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15555w ex-
Ceren suddenly shouts, "POOF!" and waits as if expecting something.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15561w ex-
Veyrzhul has been cut down by an emaciated virgin.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15561w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15561w ex-
You gag a bit as Marie's stink wafts over you.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
Please restate.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
Ilyarin has been overcome by the immense electrical force of a floating urn.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and your forehead throbs.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
A tingling sensation ripples over your skin and you begin to sweat profusely.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
You cough as something gets lodged deep in your throat.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and your temple throbs.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
The bones of your left leg suddenly snap.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
You bleed 165 health.
3641h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2964m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15555w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2904m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2844m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2784m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15519w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2724m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15507w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2664m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15495w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2604m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15483w ex-
Ilaveuse gazes at you with love and adoration.
focus body
3641h, 2604m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15489w ex-
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
3641h, 2604m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15489w ex-
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
You slowly hobble south.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and your forehead throbs.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Ceren simpers at his arm.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Ceren jerks forward just as the air comes alive with swirling, multicoloured light.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and blood trickles out of your eye.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Dunes amongst the sand.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 8 corpses of a mound of gibbering eyeballs here. There are 4 corpses of a giant dismembered tongue here. There are 2 corpses of a mass of tentacles here. There are 2 giant dismembered tongues here.
You see exits leading north and southwest.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16568en, 15414w ex-
Rearing up obscenely, a giant dismembered tongue brings its horrible slimy tip down on your face. The world disappears entirely, leaving only a disgusting green.
Rearing up obscenely, a giant dismembered tongue brings its horrible slimy tip down on your face. The world disappears entirely, leaving only a disgusting green.
Harsh winds howl with madness and surge across the astrosphere, causing the air to chill and become as bitterly cold as the night between the stars.
You bleed 384 health.
You feel the muscles in your throat opening up again.
The hundreds of tiny mouths on a giant dismembered tongue open to spit out a gigantic glob of slime, covering you totally and causing unbearable pain as it sears your skin.
Lothringen has been cut down by a mass of tentacles.
A giant dismembered tongue gives you a gigantic lick with its horrible, slimy mass.
aerocast windwalk
You are already walking upon winds.
Elemental lightning rages overhead.
An ominous sense of static momentarily overcomes you just before you are struck by a brilliant bolt of lightning, causing your flesh to burn and sizzle painfully.
Rearing up obscenely, a giant dismembered tongue brings its horrible slimy tip down on your face. The world disappears entirely, leaving only a disgusting green.
You become visible once more.
The corpse of a mass of tentacles falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mound of gibbering eyeballs falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mass of tentacles falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mound of gibbering eyeballs falls out of your inventory.
A swirling force begins to tug at your soul and the world spins around you.
focus spirit
0h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15426w ex-
You are dead and cannot do that.
The foul wind blows Lehki off to the northwest.
The foul wind blows Sadie off to the down.
The foul wind blows Rhaell off to the southwest.
The foul wind blows Esano off to the northwest.
The foul wind picks you up and hurls you to the northeast.
Twilight baked sands.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Masochist Marie i'Viani is here, shrouded. She wields a twisted staff in her left hand and a barbed greatshield of tortured verses in her right. Dynami Zayah is here, shrouded. He wields a golden amphora-crested steel shield in his left hand and a delicate crystal staff in his right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and gold in each hand.
You see exits leading north and south.
3537h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15499w -
You have recovered equilibrium.
Shamarah has been poisoned by a gargantuan red scorpion.
focus spirit
3537h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15499w e-
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Ilaveuse with love and adoration.
3537h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w e-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Kolm pales and his skin wrinkles, as you become stronger and more hale.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w ex-
I don't quite catch your drift.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w ex-
Korimbu has fallen to the deadly poisons of a floating urn.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15505w ex-
Dynami has been beaten to a pulp by a blob.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15511w ex-
One more time?
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15511w ex-
Ilaveuse takes a long drag off his pipe.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15511w ex-
Kolm gazes at you with love and adoration.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15517w ex-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Ilaveuse.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Quit trying to confuse me.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
Kolm eats a horehound blossom.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
Kolm takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
A cloudy miasma of darkness forms thoughout the atmosphere, releasing a rain of slithering slime.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
You ponder the situation.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
Ceren sobs at a small bug.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
You've baffled me!
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15537w ex-
Ilaveuse gazes at Ceren with love and adoration.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
Marie stares into her cupped hands.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
say this is akward.
You say, "This is akward."
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15549w ex-
Clarification is in order.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15549w ex-
Rhaell has been torn to shreds by a monstrous lobstrosity.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15549w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15555w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15555w ex-
Ceren suddenly shouts, "POOF!" and waits as if expecting something.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15561w ex-
Veyrzhul has been cut down by an emaciated virgin.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15561w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15561w ex-
You gag a bit as Marie's stink wafts over you.
focus spirit
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
Please restate.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
Ilyarin has been overcome by the immense electrical force of a floating urn.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and your forehead throbs.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
A tingling sensation ripples over your skin and you begin to sweat profusely.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
You cough as something gets lodged deep in your throat.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and your temple throbs.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
The bones of your left leg suddenly snap.
3806h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
You bleed 165 health.
3641h, 3024m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15567w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2964m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15555w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2904m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15543w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2844m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15531w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2784m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15519w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2724m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15507w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2664m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15495w ex-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3641h, 2604m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15483w ex-
Ilaveuse gazes at you with love and adoration.
focus body
3641h, 2604m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15489w ex-
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
3641h, 2604m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15489w ex-
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Ceren jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
You slowly hobble south.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and your forehead throbs.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Ceren simpers at his arm.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Ceren jerks forward just as the air comes alive with swirling, multicoloured light.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
A sharp pain erupts in your chest, and blood trickles out of your eye.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15414w ex-
Dunes amongst the sand.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 8 corpses of a mound of gibbering eyeballs here. There are 4 corpses of a giant dismembered tongue here. There are 2 corpses of a mass of tentacles here. There are 2 giant dismembered tongues here.
You see exits leading north and southwest.
3641h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16568en, 15414w ex-
Rearing up obscenely, a giant dismembered tongue brings its horrible slimy tip down on your face. The world disappears entirely, leaving only a disgusting green.
Rearing up obscenely, a giant dismembered tongue brings its horrible slimy tip down on your face. The world disappears entirely, leaving only a disgusting green.
Harsh winds howl with madness and surge across the astrosphere, causing the air to chill and become as bitterly cold as the night between the stars.
You bleed 384 health.
You feel the muscles in your throat opening up again.
The hundreds of tiny mouths on a giant dismembered tongue open to spit out a gigantic glob of slime, covering you totally and causing unbearable pain as it sears your skin.
Lothringen has been cut down by a mass of tentacles.
A giant dismembered tongue gives you a gigantic lick with its horrible, slimy mass.
aerocast windwalk
You are already walking upon winds.
Elemental lightning rages overhead.
An ominous sense of static momentarily overcomes you just before you are struck by a brilliant bolt of lightning, causing your flesh to burn and sizzle painfully.
Rearing up obscenely, a giant dismembered tongue brings its horrible slimy tip down on your face. The world disappears entirely, leaving only a disgusting green.
You become visible once more.
The corpse of a mass of tentacles falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a giant dismembered tongue falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mound of gibbering eyeballs falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mass of tentacles falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a mound of gibbering eyeballs falls out of your inventory.
A swirling force begins to tug at your soul and the world spins around you.
focus spirit
0h, 2354m, 3072e, 10p, 16570en, 15426w ex-
You are dead and cannot do that.
This actually made me laugh. I decided I'd try to help, and I was renedered totally inoperable by the spam. Everything stops, and I realize "Oh, hey, I'm standing in the room with everyone that we're fighting." I stand there almost ten seconds, wondering why I wasn't dying. Definitely as akward as they come. Oh well, I'm noncom, what do you expect. Don't judge me.
Lorina2010-02-15 05:25:51
(Market): Reiha says, "If you like Lorina, send her a nice tell."
Razenth tells you, "I like you!"
(Market): You say, "Huh?"
Inagin tells you, "Hate you."
Mirai tells you, "Hi Lorina! This is a nice tell!"
Ayden tells you, "I heart you!"
Razenth tells you, "You are a very nice person."
Reiha says, "I am bored, I am hoping you get nice tells."
Zeyphr has just left you message #220.
Message #220 Sent by: Zeyphr
02/15 05:20 "I hear you're a nice person and you smell pretty, like tulips."
Kelysa tells you, "I'm not really particularly fond of you. I'm going to send you this very ambivalent, slightly hostile, tell. You chowder foot!"
Razenth tells you, "I like you!"
(Market): You say, "Huh?"
Inagin tells you, "Hate you."
Mirai tells you, "Hi Lorina! This is a nice tell!"
Ayden tells you, "I heart you!"
Razenth tells you, "You are a very nice person."
Reiha says, "I am bored, I am hoping you get nice tells."
Zeyphr has just left you message #220.
Message #220 Sent by: Zeyphr
02/15 05:20 "I hear you're a nice person and you smell pretty, like tulips."
Kelysa tells you, "I'm not really particularly fond of you. I'm going to send you this very ambivalent, slightly hostile, tell. You chowder foot!"
What the heck, Reiha!

Anyania2010-02-15 06:29:49
(Gaudiguch): Please welcome Bloodyknife who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new citizen!
Ahh.. Not as funny as Iluvtits who then became Bilililili but still...... ahahhaah
Ahh.. Not as funny as Iluvtits who then became Bilililili but still...... ahahhaah
Unknown2010-02-15 06:34:53
When talking about how many times he died.
(CLAN): Aliod says, "And 90% of those were from the OMGWTFWHYARETHERE500FESIXHERE!?"
(CLAN): Aliod says, "And 90% of those were from the OMGWTFWHYARETHERE500FESIXHERE!?"
How many of us thought the exact thing?
Fania2010-02-15 06:55:42
Completely out of context:
Alluran removes a pair of black durable trousers.
Alluran slips into a pair of black durable trousers.
Chef Alluran, Kitten Fury says, "Want some?"
Alluran slips into a pair of black durable trousers.
Chef Alluran, Kitten Fury says, "Want some?"
Anyania2010-02-15 07:23:27
Kkrelk of the Murder yells, "Any gaudiguchians here?"
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Firebreather, Aliod Feyranti yells, "Not a single one."
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Kkrelk of the Murder yells, "Ive got a newbie here who has been wandering around forever because no one helped him."
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Melville has been suffocated by Fillin Valtyros, the Earthen Ire.
You see the death occur at the Sea of Despair.
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Kkrelk of the Murder yells, "He's a little lost, He could use some help."
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
(Wishes): Ellianshia (from the Aetherways) says, "Heh... Fillin is at it."
---Silly Fillin
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Firebreather, Aliod Feyranti yells, "Not a single one."
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Kkrelk of the Murder yells, "Ive got a newbie here who has been wandering around forever because no one helped him."
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Melville has been suffocated by Fillin Valtyros, the Earthen Ire.
You see the death occur at the Sea of Despair.
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
Kkrelk of the Murder yells, "He's a little lost, He could use some help."
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
(Wishes): Ellianshia (from the Aetherways) says, "Heh... Fillin is at it."
---Silly Fillin
Anyania2010-02-15 07:28:02
look bloodyknife
He is an ordinary human. He is wearing a canvas backpack.
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
You cough softly.
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
whisper to bloodyknife You're naked..
You whisper to Bloodyknife, "You're naked.."
What is it with naked novices?!
He is an ordinary human. He is wearing a canvas backpack.
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
You cough softly.
5317h, 4164m, 3564e, 10p, 21560en, 18800w esSilrxkdb-
whisper to bloodyknife You're naked..
You whisper to Bloodyknife, "You're naked.."
What is it with naked novices?!
Unknown2010-02-15 07:28:13
I would like to vote we deny all quotes from wishes
Do you know the muffinman, the muffinman the muffinman. Do you know the muffinman? He lives on Drury Lane!

Aqua Spout Reiha, The Exalted Muffinman (Female Human Changeling).
Do you know the muffinman, the muffinman the muffinman. Do you know the muffinman? He lives on Drury Lane!
Reiha2010-02-15 08:18:11
You guys are like going to get me kicked out of Celest!
(Market): Krin says, "If you like, you can both read the help market scrolls and
shut up. On a side note selling friendship and happiness."
(Market): Krin says, "If you like, you can both read the help market scrolls and
shut up. On a side note selling friendship and happiness."
Rika2010-02-15 08:27:33
Instructor Arte, Caller of Storms says, "When a man and woman, or a man and a man, or a tae'dae and an illithoid love each other very much, and have properly notarized all of the applicable forms..."