Unknown2009-08-14 00:38:14
I have a vague feeling that it got shifted down to 100 power instead of raising everyone else up because there needs to be some form of incentive for going back to good old fashioned Taint vs Light and Moon/Hart vs Wyrd.
Unknown2009-08-14 08:29:43
100p per is perfectly fine given that communes get 100p per DL/Sup corpse turned into a globe and shoved into the nexus. If anything, why it hasn't been changed until now is the odd part! Everything should be similar.
No idea on why that's suddenly not the case, but I personally shoved in a globe into our nexus and saw powerlog register 100 power gained in the past.
No idea on why that's suddenly not the case, but I personally shoved in a globe into our nexus and saw powerlog register 100 power gained in the past.
Eventru2009-08-14 11:15:08
QUOTE (Sojiro @ Aug 14 2009, 04:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
100p per is perfectly fine given that communes get 100p per DL/Sup corpse turned into a globe and shoved into the nexus. If anything, why it hasn't been changed until now is the odd part! Everything should be similar.
No idea on why that's suddenly not the case, but I personally shoved in a globe into our nexus and saw powerlog register 100 power gained in the past.
No idea on why that's suddenly not the case, but I personally shoved in a globe into our nexus and saw powerlog register 100 power gained in the past.
If you could tell me -how- you got the globe, that'd be grand. Because I'm quite convinced it's impossible - as, at a glance, every globe of shadowy essence stuffed into your nexus from a Supernal/Demon Lord will cause a lot of problems.
Edit: To expound, the only globe of shadowy essence you should be able to get should be from killing Moon Avatars. And the same for everyone else - communes should only be able to convert the opposing Commune's Avatar, the cities the opposing half-formed. Gorgulu's the only instance of a cross, too my knowledge. If there's a means that goes against the above statements, we need to know - if it's not a bug fine, however it's going to cause a lot of bugs until a (annoyingly painful) fix is applied, of this I'm quite certain. If we can avoid that, it'd be grand.
Desitrus2009-08-14 18:17:02
QUOTE (Eventru @ Aug 14 2009, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you could tell me -how- you got the globe, that'd be grand. Because I'm quite convinced it's impossible - as, at a glance, every globe of shadowy essence stuffed into your nexus from a Supernal/Demon Lord will cause a lot of problems.
Edit: To expound, the only globe of shadowy essence you should be able to get should be from killing Moon Avatars. And the same for everyone else - communes should only be able to convert the opposing Commune's Avatar, the cities the opposing half-formed. Gorgulu's the only instance of a cross, too my knowledge. If there's a means that goes against the above statements, we need to know - if it's not a bug fine, however it's going to cause a lot of bugs until a (annoyingly painful) fix is applied, of this I'm quite certain. If we can avoid that, it'd be grand.
Edit: To expound, the only globe of shadowy essence you should be able to get should be from killing Moon Avatars. And the same for everyone else - communes should only be able to convert the opposing Commune's Avatar, the cities the opposing half-formed. Gorgulu's the only instance of a cross, too my knowledge. If there's a means that goes against the above statements, we need to know - if it's not a bug fine, however it's going to cause a lot of bugs until a (annoyingly painful) fix is applied, of this I'm quite certain. If we can avoid that, it'd be grand.
I wasn't there for it, and you said you checked the scripts for it on our Avatars, but did you check the Wyrdling's script?
Xiel2009-08-15 01:56:58
People are incorrect in that the 100p globe ONLY appears for the conversion of a Moon/Night Avatar to the opposing commune. As it stands, communes have no way to actually convert Supernals/DL's without the hai'Gloh - which only ends up taking one of these beings for conversion. This disparity is something which I personally find confusing and wouldn't mind at all in being corrected so that singular communes can actually take actions against a singular city without affecting both - a fact which the cities can do to the communes but not vice versa.
Go go new quest mechanics for communes.
Go go new quest mechanics for communes.
Esano2009-08-15 02:01:14
QUOTE (Xiel @ Aug 15 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People are incorrect in that the 100p globe ONLY appears for the conversion of a Moon/Night Avatar to the opposing commune. As it stands, communes have no way to actually convert Supernals/DL's without the hai'Gloh - which only ends up taking one of these beings for conversion. This disparity is something which I personally find confusing and wouldn't mind at all in being corrected so that singular communes can actually take actions against a singular city without affecting both - a fact which the cities can do to the communes but not vice versa.
Go go new quest mechanics for communes.
Go go new quest mechanics for communes.
You said people are incorrect, then go on to agree with them (which is a bit odd - typo?) by saying "communes have no way" - unless you're saying that they can turn them to globes but can't use them to attack.
And only Magnagora can use Avatars, not Celest - Raziela just hugs them as per usual.
Xenthos2009-08-15 02:05:14
QUOTE (Esano @ Aug 14 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You said people are incorrect, then go on to agree with them (which is a bit odd - typo?) by saying "communes have no way" - unless you're saying that they can turn them to globes but can't use them to attack.
And only Magnagora can use Avatars, not Celest - Raziela just hugs them as per usual.
And only Magnagora can use Avatars, not Celest - Raziela just hugs them as per usual.
It looks like you didn't quite read it. He says we have no way except the Hai'Gloh which converts just one.
Razenth2009-08-15 02:18:15
Do we at least get a cherub out of it?
Damadreas2009-08-15 02:21:32
So confused... is there some sort of compendium of knowledge about this crap?
Unknown2009-08-15 02:29:25
No, unfortunately. We're kind of left to figure out things for ourselves, much like with how ladies/daughters repop.
Eventru2009-08-15 02:48:33
QUOTE (Desitrus @ Aug 14 2009, 02:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wasn't there for it, and you said you checked the scripts for it on our Avatars, but did you check the Wyrdling's script?
I did, and the Moonfalls. Neither will convert globes into globes (nor will any supernal or DL) - they'll just make little balls of shadowy/silvery essence.
Vathael2009-08-15 02:49:34
I think turning in avatars should be more than turning in sups/dls for the simple fact that there are more sups/dls to turn in than avatars.
Damadreas2009-08-15 02:49:38
Well, I mean for the most part outside of the recent News posts in Glomdoring, I know next to jack about -any- of these different things. Never at anypoint has anything in Faethorn been really explained to me that much, nor the Night bubble, nor anywhere else and my efforts to find any meaningful information are pretty much naught. I'm getting up in circle enough and generally active enough that I feel a certain obligation and expectancy of myself to help and be useful with all of these such things and situations but I simply can't because I don't know crap, and frankly nobody takes the time to explain any of this to newcomers. Or in my case, much has changed in my own dormancy and everything I had gotten used to and understood is no longer in place. (Constructs etc.)
Diamondais2009-08-15 02:51:52
Most stuff is left at "Figure it out on your own damn time"
Eventru2009-08-15 02:55:53
QUOTE (Xiel @ Aug 14 2009, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People are incorrect in that the 100p globe ONLY appears for the conversion of a Moon/Night Avatar to the opposing commune. As it stands, communes have no way to actually convert Supernals/DL's without the hai'Gloh - which only ends up taking one of these beings for conversion. This disparity is something which I personally find confusing and wouldn't mind at all in being corrected so that singular communes can actually take actions against a singular city without affecting both - a fact which the cities can do to the communes but not vice versa.
Go go new quest mechanics for communes.
Go go new quest mechanics for communes.
I think I understand what your saying - that the rumours of Krellan/Shuyin converting supernals into shadowy globes are false. The only current means of city/commune conflict is the hai'Gloh/XI setup. I wouldn't really consider Gorgulu a 'conflict quest', given he doesn't actually do anything conflicty (except give Magnagora a now meager some of power and a slight boost to fae income, which I believe has a cap).
And you should be specific - only Magnagora has this. Celest has no equivalent, nor do any of the communes for a return means. The perceived 'disparity' is, again, the result of an event that took place quite some time ago - early on in Lusternia's days. When player actions beget events, often times they have long-lasting effects - Gorgulu eating avatar-fae is one of them, as are the hai'Gloh/XI quests. Perhaps someday, in the future, some other means will result - unfortunately, Estarra took my crystal ball to Vegas, because hers was broken.
Edited for clarity.
And as a second edit and an after thought, that event with Gorgulu and the Moon Avatars so long ago ended on a fairly ominous note, as I remember! It went to show that the melding of ethereal and cosmic energies was a Bad Thing, and giving Gorgulu so much of Moon's essence drove him, well, I'd say crazy but that's like stabbing an angry off bull and claiming it made him mad!
Furien2009-08-15 03:01:40
The only way I'm understanding this, and I do vaguely recall a 100-power sum SOMEWHERE along the line, is probably from the days of Celenwilde. Convert a Demon Lord at Celenwilde-controlled Celestia, one of the Serens runs off with the globe for 100 power for their commune.
Eventru2009-08-15 03:35:42
Again, rumors. The more and more it goes on, the more and more I look at the scripts and the more assured I am that it's not true.
I keep looking again and again, thinking I've made some mistake, however I sat on a test server earlier and ran through it on my own, going through every possibility - even though I know the scripting refuses to allow it to happen - and it still doesn't happen/work. So I think you've all simply been mistaken, and whenever you've seen 100p, it's been from an opposing avatar's corpse. Krellan himself tried to convert the essence of a dead supernal/demon lord via the wyrdling, and I remember him filing a bug that it came out little, 1p shadowy essence. As the script dictates it should have.
The code does not lie. Even if it likes to mislead me sometimes.
I keep looking again and again, thinking I've made some mistake, however I sat on a test server earlier and ran through it on my own, going through every possibility - even though I know the scripting refuses to allow it to happen - and it still doesn't happen/work. So I think you've all simply been mistaken, and whenever you've seen 100p, it's been from an opposing avatar's corpse. Krellan himself tried to convert the essence of a dead supernal/demon lord via the wyrdling, and I remember him filing a bug that it came out little, 1p shadowy essence. As the script dictates it should have.
The code does not lie. Even if it likes to mislead me sometimes.
Furien2009-08-15 03:41:24
In my instance, I was thinking that the DL is converted via the Supernals, and a Forestal person takes the resulting globe and just sticks it in their nexus. Is that not possible?
Eventru2009-08-15 03:48:06
QUOTE (Furien @ Aug 14 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In my instance, I was thinking that the DL is converted via the Supernals, and a Forestal person takes the resulting globe and just sticks it in their nexus. Is that not possible?
Nope. It only accepts globes if they're the right kind. I've just quadruple checked every nexus.
Unknown2009-08-16 04:04:01
QUOTE (Damadreas @ Aug 14 2009, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I mean for the most part outside of the recent News posts in Glomdoring, I know next to jack about -any- of these different things. Never at anypoint has anything in Faethorn been really explained to me that much, nor the Night bubble, nor anywhere else and my efforts to find any meaningful information are pretty much naught. I'm getting up in circle enough and generally active enough that I feel a certain obligation and expectancy of myself to help and be useful with all of these such things and situations but I simply can't because I don't know crap, and frankly nobody takes the time to explain any of this to newcomers. Or in my case, much has changed in my own dormancy and everything I had gotten used to and understood is no longer in place. (Constructs etc.)
The people who know about the important quests are typically too busy to stop and explain them, and they never seem to get posted anywhere in-game for very long... most people learn by tagging along and watching it done firsthand, and doing whatever bits they can on their lonesome. It's frustrating, but having SEKRET KNOWLEDGE is always fun.