Archives of Lusternian Lore

by Lendren

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Lendren2011-08-28 14:18:25
Some chat in my guild's OOC clan reminded me it's a good time for a few notes about the wiki.
  • If you think there should be more information on the Skills page for your guild skills (or any other), please just write me some text for the green-box notes. We're not being intentionally incomplete; we just don't have people contributing stuff, and I don't know about your skills enough to write informedly.
  • The same goes for all the pages, except in those cases, what I really need is people to volunteer to work on the site. I can't spare the time to maintain them all. We need volunteers to do any page you see that isn't already being maintained -- basically anything but Skills and Quests.
  • And that reminds me, let's all thank Talan for doing such a great job with the Quests pages. I don't remember to thank her enough.
  • If anyone wants to work on one of the pages, I have some limited access to getting the answers about how things work. So that's an upside to working on it -- for you and for everyone else.
  • If you're interested, just forum-PM me and let me know what pages you want to work on.
(If you do that in the next couple of days and I don't respond immediately, don't worry, I'm probably not rejecting your application, I'm just having tea with a guest named Irene.)
Unknown2011-08-28 14:20:49
Hi, I'm still around - I haven't logged in in ages, and I'm sorry about that. But I realize I need a new hobby to occupy my time. So maybe I'll give updating this another go. I still have a bunch of half-finished files done on my laptop, I just never got around to updating the wiki; school really got in the way.