Lendren2009-10-02 17:13:40
Talan's been working on the quests page, and there's a huge amount to do. And that's a particularly difficult page to work on because you have to know all the quests, or go find them out. I'm sure she'd be glad of anyone sending her text for any entries that aren't there yet.
Speaking of, Alacardael is working on the city, commune, and guild pages; Elryn (Avaer) is working on the aetherspace pages; Nott is working on gods; and Aiyana (Harkux) is working on the races. So if you have particular topics you want to contribute stuff on, you can contact the appropriate person directly.
Speaking of, Alacardael is working on the city, commune, and guild pages; Elryn (Avaer) is working on the aetherspace pages; Nott is working on gods; and Aiyana (Harkux) is working on the races. So if you have particular topics you want to contribute stuff on, you can contact the appropriate person directly.
Zallafar2009-10-03 06:59:37
OMG look at that huge Defenses page.
Defenses I noticed that are missing: acquisitio, charismatic aura, hyperventilate, illusory self, insomnia, invisible, kafe, kingdom, levitate, limber, magical shield, malkuth, mercy, metawake, netzach, nightsight, perfection, rebounding, selfishness, quicksilver, third eye, water breathe, water walk.
I have the lines from def for each of these if you need them.
Defenses I noticed that are missing: acquisitio, charismatic aura, hyperventilate, illusory self, insomnia, invisible, kafe, kingdom, levitate, limber, magical shield, malkuth, mercy, metawake, netzach, nightsight, perfection, rebounding, selfishness, quicksilver, third eye, water breathe, water walk.
I have the lines from def for each of these if you need them.
Lendren2009-10-03 10:31:35
The Defenses page is barely half done. There's a lot more than those not yet added.
Aerotan2009-10-05 15:34:35
Is someone working on the defenses page, so we can send them PMs Messages, and Tells about it till their head pops?
Lendren2009-10-05 15:41:38
Someone (me) is working on it, but no, please don't spam me with defenses you know aren't there yet. Whatever you have is a drop in the bucket: the list I got is complete and I'm only halfway through it. (Though if you have corrections for the ones already there, by all means send me those.)
Estarra2009-10-05 17:04:46
I must say, the Lore Team is doing a fantastic job!
Keep up the great work, guys!

Keep up the great work, guys!

Lendren2009-10-07 12:16:28
Got another batch of defenses up. Currently we have 253, and I'm about 2/3 done. When the list is complete I'm going to try to think of ways to organize it.
Konton2009-10-07 18:55:58
Here's a question will there ever be a section that covers past events? I know things get covered in the news but it's not as in-depth as I'd like it, of course the way I'd like it I'd have been there.
But maybe it could be a way to do some quick research on the past without having to go through hundreds of posts to find the single event you want to refresh your self wish. Although if this doesn't happen it's not like it'd be a big deal, just had to satisfy my curiosity with this question.
P.S. Great work on it so far in my book.

P.S. Great work on it so far in my book.
Lendren2009-10-07 19:03:27
That's quite unlikely simply because no one is likely to put in the huge amount of work to create and maintain something like that. Which means the Events posts are about all we have. We could capture those for easier searching, though... hmmm.
Llandros2009-10-07 19:07:13
QUOTE (Lendren @ Oct 7 2009, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's quite unlikely simply because no one is likely to put in the huge amount of work to create and maintain something like that. Which means the Events posts are about all we have. We could capture those for easier searching, though... hmmm.
That would be a good idea, also an update/bug fix historical file would be really helpful too
Edit, also a listing of artifacts and dingbat items.
Zallafar2009-10-07 21:54:04
QUOTE (Lendren @ Oct 7 2009, 05:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got another batch of defenses up. Currently we have 253, and I'm about 2/3 done. When the list is complete I'm going to try to think of ways to organize it.
You could use the same structure you have for skills. Plus a group for non-skillset defenses, like fire and frost.
Lendren2009-10-07 22:11:53
QUOTE (Zallafar @ Oct 7 2009, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You could use the same structure you have for skills. Plus a group for non-skillset defenses, like fire and frost.
That's the most obvious one, but I don't think it'll work. The exceptions would nearly outnumber the ones that fit.
QUOTE (Llandros @ Oct 7 2009, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit, also a listing of artifacts and dingbat items.
We're not going to be repeating help files, bits of the web site, etc. since that just adds work to maintain but no benefit. What would be the point of a list of artifacts?
Lendren2009-10-20 01:10:25
The Defenses page is now complete. 304 defenses are listed.
Lendren2009-10-22 20:18:17
Anyone interested in helping to make a definitive, complete, and current afflictions triggers line, including symptom and cure lines? Forren's old list is a great start, but someone needs to find what's out of date or missing. Any of you system developers want to contribute to the cause since you already have most of them? Get in touch with me.
Estarra2009-10-22 21:00:17
Just wanted to say what a fantastic job you guys are doing on the wiki!
Affliction lines would be a great boon for many--I hope people help out with maintaining that!
Affliction lines would be a great boon for many--I hope people help out with maintaining that!
Unknown2009-10-23 21:18:40
Why isn't this on the main site?
Zallafar2009-10-24 03:36:56
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Oct 23 2009, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why isn't this on the main site?
One distinction seems to be that the main site is staff maintained and the wiki is player maintained. And the afflictions are going to be provided by players rather than an admin.
Unless your question is really why doesn't the administration just publish all the affliction lines, instead of making us players try to round them all up?
Esano2009-10-24 04:30:59
I think what he means is more along the lines of "why is there no link to this from the main site?". Because there isn't.
Saran2009-10-24 09:00:51
... hover over help... "lusternia lore wiki" option?
Esano2009-10-24 09:41:28
Hey, so there is. I was looking under the "player resources" section.