Harkux2009-09-19 16:43:55
Aiyana started off as a mess-around alt. I intended to poke around Glomdoring and see what it was like, since I was bored of Harkux after having moved her to Celest, then back to Serenwilde, and had no idea what to do. It was something new, a new start, and I picked the Blacktalon of all guilds because I had an interest in the roleplay behind Crow. I had killed his Aspects enough times as Harkux, why not learn about the people that defended him and followed his teachings?
...And so I started and pottered along as a little faeling Blacktalon. I decided I didn't like Faeling, after dying a couple hundred thousand times, and didn't want that, so I went Furrikin (Which wasn't much better), and this gave me the enjoyability of being a fluffy little critter with an almost childish mentality.
It was at, about that point, I began to hash out Aiyana and her little quirks and actions and making her atleast a shade of a somewhat legitimate character. Such quirks would be along the lines of the love of merian flesh (in fishcakes in particular, though when she moved to Serenwilde she stopped eating merian all together and moved onto a less-personish alternative), often leaping before looking, being easily frustrated and upset, an annoying habit of clicking her tongue, and a great comfort-attachment to her totemic crow. I also decided that, to make her a character that could be taken seriously, she had moments of seriousness as well.
Talking to some people, it was decided that she'd be scooped up by the Inseira family. Aiyana never really got to know Myrkr, but during her time in Glomdoring, it was the familial attachment to Eliron and Urazial that actually tempted me into continue playing Aiyana and pushing Harkux to the backburner. I finally had my passion back for playing.
She started off, I believe, well in the Blacktalon, becoming a secretary, the head of a new nest that Mikalia had started, and taking my first wary steps into real druid combat. It was also around this time, when I used to actively bash for levels, that Aiyana met Gregori and had an odd little infatuation with someone she never met (Dreamform used to be an awesome RP tool before it became bugged!)
Eventually, drama went down where I chose to quit the Blacktalon and just leave rather than deal with the impending landslide that was coming and hopped to Serenwilde and the Hartstone. From there, she joined Lisaera's order, learned how to fight actively as I transed out her skills, and became more hard-formed into being the character she is today as her personality changed from fluid and ambiguous to the stern, sometimes-level-headded hardass she is today.
Despite the fact I had many characters before...all-in-all, Aiyana was my first success. First level 80, first successful combatant, first guildmaster character, first character to actually be active in an order, ect. I enjoyed (and still do enjoy) her more than I have any other character I've played in any MUD.
...And so I started and pottered along as a little faeling Blacktalon. I decided I didn't like Faeling, after dying a couple hundred thousand times, and didn't want that, so I went Furrikin (Which wasn't much better), and this gave me the enjoyability of being a fluffy little critter with an almost childish mentality.
It was at, about that point, I began to hash out Aiyana and her little quirks and actions and making her atleast a shade of a somewhat legitimate character. Such quirks would be along the lines of the love of merian flesh (in fishcakes in particular, though when she moved to Serenwilde she stopped eating merian all together and moved onto a less-personish alternative), often leaping before looking, being easily frustrated and upset, an annoying habit of clicking her tongue, and a great comfort-attachment to her totemic crow. I also decided that, to make her a character that could be taken seriously, she had moments of seriousness as well.
Talking to some people, it was decided that she'd be scooped up by the Inseira family. Aiyana never really got to know Myrkr, but during her time in Glomdoring, it was the familial attachment to Eliron and Urazial that actually tempted me into continue playing Aiyana and pushing Harkux to the backburner. I finally had my passion back for playing.
She started off, I believe, well in the Blacktalon, becoming a secretary, the head of a new nest that Mikalia had started, and taking my first wary steps into real druid combat. It was also around this time, when I used to actively bash for levels, that Aiyana met Gregori and had an odd little infatuation with someone she never met (Dreamform used to be an awesome RP tool before it became bugged!)
Eventually, drama went down where I chose to quit the Blacktalon and just leave rather than deal with the impending landslide that was coming and hopped to Serenwilde and the Hartstone. From there, she joined Lisaera's order, learned how to fight actively as I transed out her skills, and became more hard-formed into being the character she is today as her personality changed from fluid and ambiguous to the stern, sometimes-level-headded hardass she is today.
Despite the fact I had many characters before...all-in-all, Aiyana was my first success. First level 80, first successful combatant, first guildmaster character, first character to actually be active in an order, ect. I enjoyed (and still do enjoy) her more than I have any other character I've played in any MUD.
Tervic2009-09-19 18:16:00
QUOTE (Harkux @ Sep 19 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Despite the fact I had many characters before...all-in-all, Aiyana was my first success. First level 80, first successful combatant, first guildmaster character, first character to actually be active in an order, ect. I enjoyed (and still do enjoy) her more than I have any other character I've played in any MUD.
Wow. I really don't know how I could ever go through multiple characters. And I am kind of noticing a trend that the most frequently played characters have their roots in "just messing around".
Ashteru2009-09-23 00:50:43
Heh, I will prolly hash this out more. This is an interesting topic.
Basically, Ash was my very first MUD Character, and I was just pretty confused at the start. I was really stupid the first year or so, but I was like 16 or so when I started.
As I grew up, Ash grew up and I'd like to think I managed to make him a somewhat cool character. After a year or so, I decided Ash had to get serious, after just drifting around in Mag and Celest.
After I put him into Seren and met the first two people I ever talked oocly with (Jack and Raeri, Ash's then sister) it all started to go up. I learned fighting and coding from Gregori and Soll and really liked it. So I went on, reinvented Ash into a free spirit and just went around wherever I wanted to, it fit Ash and it satisfied my curiosity. Then came Glom and I played Ash as a kind of serious character for a time. Had some RP and all that yada, dark and foresty and stuff, but decided it wasn't for me. Really, I am emberassed to say that, but Ash was always kind of a reflection of me in the game. Basically, mini-me. *g*
The most fun I had playing Ash was during his prime, when he was brash, abrasive, doing and believing what he wanted but still being extremly devoted to Elo. He had a few important positions, he had a large family, lots of friends, basically a great life.
In the end though, I mean, before Ash basically "suicided", I think I had him at the point I wanted him to be. A usually grouchy elder guy who still has a little jock in him and was a ladies man until he found Sadhyra and basically was content. After Saddy left for Aetolia, Arel, Saaga, Synl, Ex, Elo and a few others came around less and less, basically all my old guys very rarely around, I just lost interest in the game myself. But as I said, I think he was a pretty well rounded character in the end, and I had a lot of fun with him, that's why I'll never regret putting as much money into Lusty as I did.
Hm, this turned out longer than I thought at first. I might add some more when I have slept though, it's kinda late.
Basically, Ash was my very first MUD Character, and I was just pretty confused at the start. I was really stupid the first year or so, but I was like 16 or so when I started.
As I grew up, Ash grew up and I'd like to think I managed to make him a somewhat cool character. After a year or so, I decided Ash had to get serious, after just drifting around in Mag and Celest.
After I put him into Seren and met the first two people I ever talked oocly with (Jack and Raeri, Ash's then sister) it all started to go up. I learned fighting and coding from Gregori and Soll and really liked it. So I went on, reinvented Ash into a free spirit and just went around wherever I wanted to, it fit Ash and it satisfied my curiosity. Then came Glom and I played Ash as a kind of serious character for a time. Had some RP and all that yada, dark and foresty and stuff, but decided it wasn't for me. Really, I am emberassed to say that, but Ash was always kind of a reflection of me in the game. Basically, mini-me. *g*
The most fun I had playing Ash was during his prime, when he was brash, abrasive, doing and believing what he wanted but still being extremly devoted to Elo. He had a few important positions, he had a large family, lots of friends, basically a great life.
In the end though, I mean, before Ash basically "suicided", I think I had him at the point I wanted him to be. A usually grouchy elder guy who still has a little jock in him and was a ladies man until he found Sadhyra and basically was content. After Saddy left for Aetolia, Arel, Saaga, Synl, Ex, Elo and a few others came around less and less, basically all my old guys very rarely around, I just lost interest in the game myself. But as I said, I think he was a pretty well rounded character in the end, and I had a lot of fun with him, that's why I'll never regret putting as much money into Lusty as I did.
Hm, this turned out longer than I thought at first. I might add some more when I have slept though, it's kinda late.
Luciden2009-09-23 02:10:28
It's funny that I stumbled across this thread, since I was just thinking about Luciden the other day.
I suppose it's "safe" now to admit my very first character was named Laith (I'm sorry for deserting you, Barrin, I've always felt horrible about that, and I still do to this day.. and hello Kante and Ashteru). Laith was a rather innocent person, a reflection of myself (at the time), actually. Though, I wouldn't call her a failed character, after a while, I began to want to experience rp, and so, Luciden was created.
Originally, I wanted Luciden to be a hard-ass, no-mercy, cold-blooded killer (lol, I know, right?), especially hating Celest. A viscanti with elfen heritage (look at her ears), she would always relate to and show mercy to Serenwilders and elfen merely because of her heritage. She was to rise in political status, city and guild ranks.. and, I had a small dream to become the first Warlady, though I never shared it until now.
So when the d'Murani family wanted her, she said yes, it was a perfect way to help her reach her own goals.
One by one dreams or ideals of who Luciden would be either crumbled due to one reason or another, or changed along the way as I changed (afterall, I made her when I was 15 or 16, now I'm 20.) The idea of her becoming a cold-blooded killer dropped when she became unable to really kill anyone because Nexus sucks for combat. She did rise in political status, city and guild rank briefly. She stayed true to showing mercy to Serenwilde. And she stayed with being a hard-ass for a while, but as I changed, so did she. Luciden became softer, and had friends in Celest.
I reinvented Luciden a bit after my first surgery; a while later, she opened Le Jardin du Paradise because I thought the idea was cool and that it would make a different, interesting rp, I was also interested in the Moulin Rouge concept. I didn't stop to think that people would judge who I am as a person (because like most, I do speak oocly to people) according to how she acted, even if we weren't alike. And, it's odd, the more people judged me, the more I pushed Luciden over the top, she became moody, slightly eccentric, loud, obnoxious, and took on an odd need to defend "the under dog".
Well.. this is much longer than I intended.
I suppose it's "safe" now to admit my very first character was named Laith (I'm sorry for deserting you, Barrin, I've always felt horrible about that, and I still do to this day.. and hello Kante and Ashteru). Laith was a rather innocent person, a reflection of myself (at the time), actually. Though, I wouldn't call her a failed character, after a while, I began to want to experience rp, and so, Luciden was created.
Originally, I wanted Luciden to be a hard-ass, no-mercy, cold-blooded killer (lol, I know, right?), especially hating Celest. A viscanti with elfen heritage (look at her ears), she would always relate to and show mercy to Serenwilders and elfen merely because of her heritage. She was to rise in political status, city and guild ranks.. and, I had a small dream to become the first Warlady, though I never shared it until now.
So when the d'Murani family wanted her, she said yes, it was a perfect way to help her reach her own goals.
One by one dreams or ideals of who Luciden would be either crumbled due to one reason or another, or changed along the way as I changed (afterall, I made her when I was 15 or 16, now I'm 20.) The idea of her becoming a cold-blooded killer dropped when she became unable to really kill anyone because Nexus sucks for combat. She did rise in political status, city and guild rank briefly. She stayed true to showing mercy to Serenwilde. And she stayed with being a hard-ass for a while, but as I changed, so did she. Luciden became softer, and had friends in Celest.
I reinvented Luciden a bit after my first surgery; a while later, she opened Le Jardin du Paradise because I thought the idea was cool and that it would make a different, interesting rp, I was also interested in the Moulin Rouge concept. I didn't stop to think that people would judge who I am as a person (because like most, I do speak oocly to people) according to how she acted, even if we weren't alike. And, it's odd, the more people judged me, the more I pushed Luciden over the top, she became moody, slightly eccentric, loud, obnoxious, and took on an odd need to defend "the under dog".
Well.. this is much longer than I intended.
Unknown2009-09-23 02:23:09
QUOTE (Ashteru @ Sep 22 2009, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In the end though, I mean, before Ash basically "suicided", I think I had him at the point I wanted him to be. A usually grouchy elder guy who still has a little jock in him and was a ladies man until he found Sadhyra and basically was content. After Saddy left for Aetolia, Arel, Saaga, Synl, Ex, Elo and a few others came around less and less, basically all my old guys very rarely around, I just lost interest in the game myself. But as I said, I think he was a pretty well rounded character in the end, and I had a lot of fun with him, that's why I'll never regret putting as much money into Lusty as I did.
Man, I do miss the old people. Except for Arel, bastard that he was.
Kante2009-09-23 02:34:53
QUOTE (luciden @ Sep 22 2009, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That all just reminds me of how stupid I was when I was playing Kante.

Mihewi2009-09-23 02:43:06
/guilty admission
My first character was an elfen Serenwilder who smiled at everything, liked bunnies and cake, and romped/squealed/giggled/ran around in circles/did every detestable thing the typical newbie Serenwilder could possibly do. In a row. In two minute intervals. For most of the day.
But that was years ago. I was young. And brand new to the world of roleplaying/gaming in general. Don't hate me.
/guilty admission
My first character was an elfen Serenwilder who smiled at everything, liked bunnies and cake, and romped/squealed/giggled/ran around in circles/did every detestable thing the typical newbie Serenwilder could possibly do. In a row. In two minute intervals. For most of the day.
But that was years ago. I was young. And brand new to the world of roleplaying/gaming in general. Don't hate me.
/guilty admission
Ashteru2009-09-23 07:39:17
QUOTE (Kante @ Sep 23 2009, 03:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That all just reminds me of how stupid I was when I was playing Kante. 

Wait. Waitwaitwaitwait. Weren't you the Wakabi guy?

Ashteru2009-09-23 07:40:22
QUOTE (luciden @ Sep 23 2009, 03:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suppose it's "safe" now to admit my very first character was named Laith (I'm sorry for deserting you, Barrin, I've always felt horrible about that, and I still do to this day.. and hello Kante and Ashteru). Laith was a rather innocent person, a reflection of myself (at the time), actually. Though, I wouldn't call her a failed character, after a while, I began to want to experience rp, and so, Luciden was created.
Heh, I remember! Was nice for a time but then it kind of faded out, I can't remember why though.
Kante2009-09-23 12:19:48
QUOTE (Ashteru @ Sep 23 2009, 03:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait. Waitwaitwaitwait. Weren't you the Wakabi guy? 

I don't remember anything about Wakabi. But, I did give him the surname Shizomoru. Kante was during my ZOMG ANIME phase...when I was like 14 or 15.
Luciden2009-09-23 14:41:24
QUOTE (Ashteru @ Sep 23 2009, 03:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heh, I remember! Was nice for a time but then it kind of faded out, I can't remember why though.
Was it because someone caught us Mudsexing in .. was it the cave of harmony?

Then they posted it on the forums somewhere, the funnies, perhaps?
And I think we had an ooc arguement.

Edit: And, I believe Kante was the one who insisted he was a sorcerer or something.
Oh, and Ash- Remember when Laith beat Ashteru up in the Newton Caverns?

Kante2009-09-23 18:52:10
QUOTE (luciden @ Sep 23 2009, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Was it because someone caught us Mudsexing in .. was it the cave of harmony?
Then they posted it on the forums somewhere, the funnies, perhaps?
And I think we had an ooc arguement.
Edit: And, I believe Kante was the one who insisted he was a sorcerer or something.
Oh, and Ash- Remember when Laith beat Ashteru up in the Newton Caverns?

Then they posted it on the forums somewhere, the funnies, perhaps?
And I think we had an ooc arguement.

Edit: And, I believe Kante was the one who insisted he was a sorcerer or something.
Oh, and Ash- Remember when Laith beat Ashteru up in the Newton Caverns?

I don't recall us doing that...nor do I recall a sorcerer bit.
Kante was a Serenguard.
Luciden2009-09-23 21:58:28
QUOTE (Kante @ Sep 23 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't recall us doing that...nor do I recall a sorcerer bit.
Kante was a Serenguard.
Kante was a Serenguard.
uh, I'll clarify. This portion was for Ashteru:
"Was it because someone caught us Mudsexing in .. was it the cave of harmony?
Then they posted it on the forums somewhere, the funnies, perhaps?
And I think we had an ooc arguement."
(Happened before Laith and Kante met)
And, sorry Kante, I think I accidently attached the sorcerer thing to you, but it belongs on someone else.

Kante2009-09-24 00:57:23
QUOTE (luciden @ Sep 23 2009, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
uh, I'll clarify. This portion was for Ashteru:
"Was it because someone caught us Mudsexing in .. was it the cave of harmony?
Then they posted it on the forums somewhere, the funnies, perhaps?
And I think we had an ooc arguement."
(Happened before Laith and Kante met)
And, sorry Kante, I think I accidently attached the sorcerer thing to you, but it belongs on someone else.
"Was it because someone caught us Mudsexing in .. was it the cave of harmony?
Then they posted it on the forums somewhere, the funnies, perhaps?
And I think we had an ooc arguement."
(Happened before Laith and Kante met)
And, sorry Kante, I think I accidently attached the sorcerer thing to you, but it belongs on someone else.

The bit with Ash makes the incident even more hilarious, imo.
Ashteru2009-09-24 13:18:20
can't some things just be forgotten. >:(
Reiha2009-09-24 14:35:09
QUOTE (Ashteru @ Sep 24 2009, 06:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can't some things just be forgotten. >:(
Hey there baby, I suffer from amnesia. Do I come here often?
Luciden2009-09-24 15:31:01
QUOTE (Ashteru @ Sep 24 2009, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can't some things just be forgotten. >:(
Why would I want to forget something like that?

Unknown2009-09-24 17:37:28
When I came from Achaea...I carried over my main's char name from there. No clue why, just wasn't feeling up to thinking of another one. Celeris. I had heard that Lusternia was more centered around roleplay and not as much pvp. I intended to start her out as a good, pious little Celestine, but that soon failed and I got bored. She's been through many ups and downs and most of them I NEVER plan. Such as kicking Munsia out of Celest (which was fun <3 Munsia) and moving to Serenwilde, joining the Hartstone and then leaving for the Spiritsingers and THEN back to Celest.
I never start out with a clear reason for my characters, except for maybe Lianara.
Lia's my hardcore Glom loyalist, I planned her to be that way. For her, it's Glomdoring or nothing. I chose faeling because I wanted her to be a shadowcaster faeling, which imho is excellent RP, but not a lot of people take the time to do so.
I don't really have much to say, I just go where the winds blow!
I never start out with a clear reason for my characters, except for maybe Lianara.
Lia's my hardcore Glom loyalist, I planned her to be that way. For her, it's Glomdoring or nothing. I chose faeling because I wanted her to be a shadowcaster faeling, which imho is excellent RP, but not a lot of people take the time to do so.
I don't really have much to say, I just go where the winds blow!

Dugan2009-09-24 17:41:10
I always wanted him to be obscure, cold, indifferent ... almost like a snob. Mostly anti-social and keeping mostly to himself.
I always wanted him to be obscure, cold, indifferent ... almost like a snob. Mostly anti-social and keeping mostly to himself.
Unknown2009-10-15 02:40:05
Haliyzin's very loyal to the Glomdoring and to anyone whom she forms a familial bond with, but... I'm having so much fun roleplaying amnesia that didn't quite go away with the concussion she got falling out of the air. I even turned config mapview off, because I'm completely useless without it! 
And she's not going into that other forest! There's no way! She'll get eaten! She doesn't know WHY people keep telling her she lives there!
Just a temporary thing, but it's lots and lots of fun. Also, "Amnesia? I forget how to cure amnesia."

And she's not going into that other forest! There's no way! She'll get eaten! She doesn't know WHY people keep telling her she lives there!
Just a temporary thing, but it's lots and lots of fun. Also, "Amnesia? I forget how to cure amnesia."