Selskia2009-10-15 04:17:49
Oh, Selskia.
She started out as this sweet little thing, a faeling raised by the commune as a whole so she was friendly to all, naive to most of the evils of the world, and thus very, very peace-oriented. Playful and with a great curiosity for the world, an explorer of sorts.
Well, at least I managed to keep the playful bit. Her naivety has been largely shattered, and while she is curious about the world, she's not so interested in seeing it all anymore. No, she's more interested in knowing it all, and knowing who has done what, and how things are run. I never had any intention of getting her into politics and the sociology of it all, but given that she was adopted by Aiyana and Gregori, it's pretty hard to avoid.
I also intended to play her older, mature. Instead, she's having a second childhood at 30-something, crying to her mum when she's scared and being generally cute.
The peace-oriented thing lasted a while. Though, after many events, it's sort of morphed into a focus on the truth and how it overrides all notions of good and evil, and how, of course, the Serenwilde is right. Nature, natural way of things, Taint leads to delusions, etc. One version of the 'truth'. Parental influences are making her a bit more zealot-y than I had intended, but she maintains an open mind, at least so she can try to see into the truth of matters from all sides before judging them accordingly.
She still won't kill (partly because her player fails at killing other people), and she's no longer unsettled by the fighting that happens. She's just come to accept that it is a way of nature, for fights to occur, and there's not much she can do except cheer for the side she's on. So she helps. And gives blessings that the Serenwilde will hopefully overcome the delusion that the taint/cities cause people to have, even if the means of convincing is via killing.
She started out as this sweet little thing, a faeling raised by the commune as a whole so she was friendly to all, naive to most of the evils of the world, and thus very, very peace-oriented. Playful and with a great curiosity for the world, an explorer of sorts.
Well, at least I managed to keep the playful bit. Her naivety has been largely shattered, and while she is curious about the world, she's not so interested in seeing it all anymore. No, she's more interested in knowing it all, and knowing who has done what, and how things are run. I never had any intention of getting her into politics and the sociology of it all, but given that she was adopted by Aiyana and Gregori, it's pretty hard to avoid.
I also intended to play her older, mature. Instead, she's having a second childhood at 30-something, crying to her mum when she's scared and being generally cute.
The peace-oriented thing lasted a while. Though, after many events, it's sort of morphed into a focus on the truth and how it overrides all notions of good and evil, and how, of course, the Serenwilde is right. Nature, natural way of things, Taint leads to delusions, etc. One version of the 'truth'. Parental influences are making her a bit more zealot-y than I had intended, but she maintains an open mind, at least so she can try to see into the truth of matters from all sides before judging them accordingly.
She still won't kill (partly because her player fails at killing other people), and she's no longer unsettled by the fighting that happens. She's just come to accept that it is a way of nature, for fights to occur, and there's not much she can do except cheer for the side she's on. So she helps. And gives blessings that the Serenwilde will hopefully overcome the delusion that the taint/cities cause people to have, even if the means of convincing is via killing.
Golgothura2009-10-15 05:13:54

I'm not exactly sure how I wanted Golgothura to start out. Deciding on the race is always a big part of any character I devise, and, having one previously in Glomdoring, I knew the stipulations against kephera citizens in the Forest... so I thought "Well, that'd be interesting."

At first, Golgothura felt quite alone, her being the only kephera in Glomdoring to my knowledge. She'd be warned of the stigma, but hadn't really experience any keph-bashing. I think it was Alacardael that spoke highly of Sadhyra, and so I thought I'd seek her out. Apparently, she had been sleeping a while, so when the opportunity arose, Golgothura introduced herself.
Having practically no significant RP with my previous character, Golgothura's interactions with Sadhyra* have been leaving me a smidge wheezy. Though she might take them in silence, the Anti-Keph slurs amuse her somewhat. She worries too much that she passes by unnoticed. This may lead to her being somewhat obnoxious when she can help it. Poor baby.
Apart from Hive business with Sadhyra, a bit of scheming with Ishant, nagging her mentor relentlessly, and small talks with Shadowbound, Golgothura doesn't get a chance to interact with her Commune mates much, or at least as much and in the ways she would like. Everything seems a little... sterile in Glom. Combat is apparently bangin', but she's thinks herself waaaaayyyyy too smoosh-able to be of any use in that area. She tries to make herself useful by the research and development of various Shadowdancery things, crafting designs, as well as working toward Hivestuffs. ((We should rename Math 105 to "Lusty Design 105"))
Overall, Golgothura's learned quickly that nothing is just given to you. You just need to reach and hope you find it.
(This just in!)
Marina tells you, "I want to see your work published within the year. No exceptions. If you want to write about witchcraft and magic, I expect fantastic and irrefutable facts from you."
Find it... or else.

<3 <3 <3
* (

Unknown2009-10-15 16:40:14
mhmm what could I say about my person? Well He is my oldest person I have kept and really am shocked at what I do with him. At first he was just to be a one go type thing that would last a month or so but somehow it is on year 2 moving to year 3. Heh some long month.
My first idea with him was to be a cold heartless statue and yet now he is more of a warm soul within Magnagora who is a sec and soon to be GA with the Nihilists if all goes well. I still want to get him (and myself) to write books for the city and guild yet so far he has become a so so teacher and such.
I fail at keeping Reginaldus in anyones book of who to remember. He is not a fighter by any means and just a so-so person when it comes to anything else. Nariah ended up as his mother but really that is the only family I see for him. Wish I had brothers or sisters for him that kept awake but I do hear he does have a brother who just never really met with him ic or ooc >.>
Where do I see him going? I am not sure really. Not real sure what the people think of him on who I do hang around with but it seems he will take office for the guild and hope that will last awhile and not go into a bad thing. So odds are he will just be a voice for young people and stay who is he now until I get bored but something tells me Nariah won't let me just quit with him or do some other random thing.
mhmm what could I say about my person? Well He is my oldest person I have kept and really am shocked at what I do with him. At first he was just to be a one go type thing that would last a month or so but somehow it is on year 2 moving to year 3. Heh some long month.
My first idea with him was to be a cold heartless statue and yet now he is more of a warm soul within Magnagora who is a sec and soon to be GA with the Nihilists if all goes well. I still want to get him (and myself) to write books for the city and guild yet so far he has become a so so teacher and such.
I fail at keeping Reginaldus in anyones book of who to remember. He is not a fighter by any means and just a so-so person when it comes to anything else. Nariah ended up as his mother but really that is the only family I see for him. Wish I had brothers or sisters for him that kept awake but I do hear he does have a brother who just never really met with him ic or ooc >.>
Where do I see him going? I am not sure really. Not real sure what the people think of him on who I do hang around with but it seems he will take office for the guild and hope that will last awhile and not go into a bad thing. So odds are he will just be a voice for young people and stay who is he now until I get bored but something tells me Nariah won't let me just quit with him or do some other random thing.
Fern2009-10-15 16:51:59
Let's see...
I made Fern to be a kind, innocent, child-like furrikin, full of wonder at the world and everything in it. To give her some personality quirks, I made her vegetarian as a necessity (meat doesn't agree with her.) However, this small aspect of her personality started to take over the entire way I roleplayed her, and now she's heading in the direction of "wacko animal rights hippie"
I also intended to be, if not an excellent combatant, then a decent defender, but as I fail at combat in general, that's not really happening.
Her child-like qualities went from being cute to annoying, however, as she's really jealous of anybody she perceives as receiving more attention from her mother than herself, especially siblings. With the recent ressurection of White Hart, however, she has taken it upon herself to rededicate herself to what she feels is truly important. Hopefully, if I can do this properly, she'll start on a path to being a sort of, "wise woman in the woods," but we'll see.
I made Fern to be a kind, innocent, child-like furrikin, full of wonder at the world and everything in it. To give her some personality quirks, I made her vegetarian as a necessity (meat doesn't agree with her.) However, this small aspect of her personality started to take over the entire way I roleplayed her, and now she's heading in the direction of "wacko animal rights hippie"
I also intended to be, if not an excellent combatant, then a decent defender, but as I fail at combat in general, that's not really happening.
Her child-like qualities went from being cute to annoying, however, as she's really jealous of anybody she perceives as receiving more attention from her mother than herself, especially siblings. With the recent ressurection of White Hart, however, she has taken it upon herself to rededicate herself to what she feels is truly important. Hopefully, if I can do this properly, she'll start on a path to being a sort of, "wise woman in the woods," but we'll see.
Unknown2009-10-15 19:47:54
QUOTE (Fern @ Oct 15 2009, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She's like Haliyzin! Haliyzin grew up going between Estelbar and the Tolborolla Valley, so she generally doesn't like to eat meat, and she's really picky with what she hunts (she needs to have a really good reason to kill something). Sometimes, regardless of whether her commune controls either city, she'll sneak into Acknor, steal all their chickens running around, and take them to Estelber where they'll be safe.

She's quite bouncy and energetic for a glomdoring faeling, compared to the NPC ones I've looked at, but she's very loyal to glom and flitters around falling in love with all the creepy crawlies, and sometimes she'll bonk her head on a lamp or two (silkmoth faeling). I can't figure out right now if she'd go back to the Ackleberry Forest if the commune ever came back, since her family claims to come from there. She might just insist on trying to get the forests on good terms.
She turned out more or less how I expected her to, except that she's a faeling now instead of a furrikin. I did write into her history why she started out of the portal as a furrikin though--because she got addled and swamped with bad memories in Estelbar that made her seek out the Fates in the first place, and thought she was one.
Unknown2010-03-02 05:07:31
Hmm. Marina has had a very large transition from where she started out to where she is now, I believe.
She started out very family orientated, basically being the mother hen of all of the misfits that came her way. She was also head-strong and rather tempermental (no comments from the peanut gallery please). After she was thrown from Serenwilde, she took on a very gnostic approach to life, which was heavily influenced by Lacostian and Suhnaye. She kind of took on a very "Buddhism meets lusternia". After she joined Glom, she turned from her "let's all get along" attitude towards a more "Glom or nothing". Now, she's taken on the whole role of the "oracle" of the shadows, old, brittle, and quiet.
Her actions, as of right now, are all based off of portents and predictions. She can seem a bit pushy and a bit "Do it or else", but she means well. She can also seem a bit aloof and cold, due to her desire to keep her friends at arm's length and her enemies at athame's reach. As a mentor, she's seen only one of her proteges really take off (Talan), and she constantly watches her just to make sure she doesn't screw up like Marina did way too often in her younger years. As for everyone else in Glomdoring, Marina really doesn't care about their dealings or going-ons. She believes herself to be steadfast in Glomdoring's history and has no plans on leaving Glom in the least, near or distant future. Her only desire, really, is to see the Night Coven rule Glomdoring once again, as it did with Shayle. She doesn't think Crow is a lesser spirit by any means, but she does think that Mother Night's power should be the leading spiritual force. During her reign as Queen of the Night, she tried her hardest to bring the presence of the Night Coven into both the Shadow Court and into Magnagora ("savages should be ruled by a stiff hand; either they fall before us in blood or kneel before us and accept us as their masters" was her thought on Mag).
That's it. Sorry if this is a bit long.
She started out very family orientated, basically being the mother hen of all of the misfits that came her way. She was also head-strong and rather tempermental (no comments from the peanut gallery please). After she was thrown from Serenwilde, she took on a very gnostic approach to life, which was heavily influenced by Lacostian and Suhnaye. She kind of took on a very "Buddhism meets lusternia". After she joined Glom, she turned from her "let's all get along" attitude towards a more "Glom or nothing". Now, she's taken on the whole role of the "oracle" of the shadows, old, brittle, and quiet.
Her actions, as of right now, are all based off of portents and predictions. She can seem a bit pushy and a bit "Do it or else", but she means well. She can also seem a bit aloof and cold, due to her desire to keep her friends at arm's length and her enemies at athame's reach. As a mentor, she's seen only one of her proteges really take off (Talan), and she constantly watches her just to make sure she doesn't screw up like Marina did way too often in her younger years. As for everyone else in Glomdoring, Marina really doesn't care about their dealings or going-ons. She believes herself to be steadfast in Glomdoring's history and has no plans on leaving Glom in the least, near or distant future. Her only desire, really, is to see the Night Coven rule Glomdoring once again, as it did with Shayle. She doesn't think Crow is a lesser spirit by any means, but she does think that Mother Night's power should be the leading spiritual force. During her reign as Queen of the Night, she tried her hardest to bring the presence of the Night Coven into both the Shadow Court and into Magnagora ("savages should be ruled by a stiff hand; either they fall before us in blood or kneel before us and accept us as their masters" was her thought on Mag).
That's it. Sorry if this is a bit long.
ongaku2010-03-02 09:19:27
Ongaku started out as an excuse to try the Bard class. >.> Nothing pre-defined about him.
He has since turned into a crazy, Tainted furball who eats anything, has a silly southern-like accent, and loves Morgfyre and his kids. He's a very family-oriented person and is, honestly, probably way too sweet to be Magnagoran.
He has since turned into a crazy, Tainted furball who eats anything, has a silly southern-like accent, and loves Morgfyre and his kids. He's a very family-oriented person and is, honestly, probably way too sweet to be Magnagoran.
Rii2010-03-03 03:57:24
Kkrelk was always meant to be an outsider. He felt embittered towards the world, and Wanted to watch it burn. He started out in Magnagora, But then quit very fast. He moved to glomdoring, Not realizing how uncommon they were there. He, Being the Sad and angry person he is, Thought they didnt want him there because He was somewhat crazy, So Jazella convinced him to go to celest. He felt more of a misfit there, And Returned to glomdoring. Now he must go through a daily struggle not to become attached or befriended to anyone, While doing so.
Seraku2010-03-04 19:06:20
Seraku.. Oh where to start. Started off as a quiet guy, very shy and reserved. Eventually he found his sister Draca and founded the Oujinari, consisting of other brothers and sisters. His only real mother figure was Shaylene- his mentor, who was one of the few people to actually pay attention to him in his early years in the Ninjakari. Eventually his best friend Rusakon kinda broke him out of his shell, and got him to decide to start looking for a significant other, but he was met with heart-break after heart break (most of his mates suiciding without so much as a goodbye). After this happened about 6 times he found Zasha through Arimisia and is happily married to her/him.
Seraku doesn't really fit into the whole Mag atmosphere, he's kinda too nice to everyone (well except for trill and especially Lucidians). He's the typical over-protective father, and kinda nosey in their buisness (stealth eavesdropping ftw). He hasn't changed much over the years, aside from being a little more forgetful.
Only real issue I have with Seraku's RP is im kinda backed into a wall here, I cant really change his RP around too much because he's a very stable-minded person, even after most of his friends and family going inactive or suiciding.
Seraku doesn't really fit into the whole Mag atmosphere, he's kinda too nice to everyone (well except for trill and especially Lucidians). He's the typical over-protective father, and kinda nosey in their buisness (stealth eavesdropping ftw). He hasn't changed much over the years, aside from being a little more forgetful.
Only real issue I have with Seraku's RP is im kinda backed into a wall here, I cant really change his RP around too much because he's a very stable-minded person, even after most of his friends and family going inactive or suiciding.
Golgothura2010-03-04 22:00:58
Seraku doesn't really fit into the whole Mag atmosphere...
I wouldn't say converting people is my style, but since you've sat in my living room and have known the scent of my coffee, I feel obligated.
Nienla2010-03-05 01:20:29
Uh. Nienla.
Nienla is probably known for only because of the trademark Nienlipse. Which is essentially an incomplete ellipse before she speaks most of the time:
"..Blah blah blah."
I don't know why I do it. I think it was mostly involuntary on my end until someone pointed it out to me and I just stuck with it. Oh well.
Nienla is probably known for only because of the trademark Nienlipse. Which is essentially an incomplete ellipse before she speaks most of the time:
"..Blah blah blah."
I don't know why I do it. I think it was mostly involuntary on my end until someone pointed it out to me and I just stuck with it. Oh well.
Sylphas2010-03-05 01:22:01
QUOTE (Nienla @ Mar 4 2010, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uh. Nienla.
Nienla is probably known for only because of the trademark Nienlipse. Which is essentially an incomplete ellipse before she speaks most of the time:
"..Blah blah blah."
I don't know why I do it. I think it was mostly involuntary on my end until someone pointed it out to me and I just stuck with it. Oh well.
Nienla is probably known for only because of the trademark Nienlipse. Which is essentially an incomplete ellipse before she speaks most of the time:
"..Blah blah blah."
I don't know why I do it. I think it was mostly involuntary on my end until someone pointed it out to me and I just stuck with it. Oh well.
THOSE DRIVE ME NUTS. At least use all three.

Nienla2010-03-05 01:25:39
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Mar 4 2010, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
THOSE DRIVE ME NUTS. At least use all three. 

Simimi2010-03-05 01:26:53
Simimi started as an excuse to try out Celest and the guardian class, as my Hexen Moondancer main was getting kind of boring and I really wasn't feeling the whole forest thing. At the time I couldn't talk to anyone, and my English was about garbage.
I went Dracnari after reading a forum thread about how their defense against fire would end up being super useful and would make an awesome Celest roleplay personae. I went with it, and chose Celestian as my class randomly, as in, a coin flip. I recall finding great people who were amazing to talk with. Lyreth and Qaletaqa specifically. I recall my guild novice exam consisting of myself answering the question of "What is Light?" with "Light is good fortune, and we give a fortune to others, so they can have also a good fortune!" or something like this...
At some point something happened between Rhysus and Simimi, I forget what but there should be a forum thread about it somewhere... anyway, he gripped at Simimi for having bad common, and I admit to crying about it OOCLY. I went out that evening a paid for English lessons. They paid off quickly, and were the best decision I ever made during my adolescent years, I should formally thank the player behind Rhysus for hooking me up with a future...
Armed with the ability to express myself, I found myself pushed/led into a teaching role, since the guild needed people to teach. I recall going from Gr1/2 to 10 or something when being made undersec to work with Qaletaqa's later trned down "Seitch" system for guild organization (which I still like/think was a good idea at the time...) I found I took to that role very well.
Raziela spoke to Simimi a few times, and Lady Isune came to her and told her it was her destiny to grow up, and lead the people of Celest, and return the Deep Blue Cathedral to glory. I took to that like wings to a faeling and that was what I/She did for ever. Still miss being a Celestine, even now.
Eventually bought credits, transed a few things, got in on the ground floor of the Tahtetso (but was dismayed that the people had basically agreed on who would get what line ahead of time), wrote a bunch of scrolls and stuff to be published but never was (still have it on my HDD...) and eventually went Paladin for some reason I am even still not sure of.
Simimi became the person, I think, that I never wanted to be. I have a problem with time keeping OOCLY, and I know I vanish randomly, for odd period, because of work or school or married life. I think people stopped trusting her (and by extension, myself) to do anything/be useful. That gets to me sometimes, because that is not how I want to be seen OOCLY, or how I want her to be seen. I think I still owe Pharamon some hammers even... o.O
As for the future, I am looking for a direction for her. I have much, much, much more fun on an alt, and I find she has nothing to do. Most everyone I used to talk to/play with is gone/suicided/went to Glom/Halli/Gaudi/Mag... Feel free to message me with suggestions/ideas for what I can do with her... Considering dropping forging/mallet for something else... etc. Don't tell me cometoglom, I am in glom, you just dun know it! (OOCLY I love Glom, amazing people there in Xenthos/Mihiwi/Marina/Celina/Janalon/Marsali/toomanytolist...)
Simimi is old, and she feels it. Her future is as much of a toss up as her beginning. Anything could happen!
I went Dracnari after reading a forum thread about how their defense against fire would end up being super useful and would make an awesome Celest roleplay personae. I went with it, and chose Celestian as my class randomly, as in, a coin flip. I recall finding great people who were amazing to talk with. Lyreth and Qaletaqa specifically. I recall my guild novice exam consisting of myself answering the question of "What is Light?" with "Light is good fortune, and we give a fortune to others, so they can have also a good fortune!" or something like this...
At some point something happened between Rhysus and Simimi, I forget what but there should be a forum thread about it somewhere... anyway, he gripped at Simimi for having bad common, and I admit to crying about it OOCLY. I went out that evening a paid for English lessons. They paid off quickly, and were the best decision I ever made during my adolescent years, I should formally thank the player behind Rhysus for hooking me up with a future...
Armed with the ability to express myself, I found myself pushed/led into a teaching role, since the guild needed people to teach. I recall going from Gr1/2 to 10 or something when being made undersec to work with Qaletaqa's later trned down "Seitch" system for guild organization (which I still like/think was a good idea at the time...) I found I took to that role very well.
Raziela spoke to Simimi a few times, and Lady Isune came to her and told her it was her destiny to grow up, and lead the people of Celest, and return the Deep Blue Cathedral to glory. I took to that like wings to a faeling and that was what I/She did for ever. Still miss being a Celestine, even now.
Eventually bought credits, transed a few things, got in on the ground floor of the Tahtetso (but was dismayed that the people had basically agreed on who would get what line ahead of time), wrote a bunch of scrolls and stuff to be published but never was (still have it on my HDD...) and eventually went Paladin for some reason I am even still not sure of.
Simimi became the person, I think, that I never wanted to be. I have a problem with time keeping OOCLY, and I know I vanish randomly, for odd period, because of work or school or married life. I think people stopped trusting her (and by extension, myself) to do anything/be useful. That gets to me sometimes, because that is not how I want to be seen OOCLY, or how I want her to be seen. I think I still owe Pharamon some hammers even... o.O
As for the future, I am looking for a direction for her. I have much, much, much more fun on an alt, and I find she has nothing to do. Most everyone I used to talk to/play with is gone/suicided/went to Glom/Halli/Gaudi/Mag... Feel free to message me with suggestions/ideas for what I can do with her... Considering dropping forging/mallet for something else... etc. Don't tell me cometoglom, I am in glom, you just dun know it! (OOCLY I love Glom, amazing people there in Xenthos/Mihiwi/Marina/Celina/Janalon/Marsali/toomanytolist...)
Simimi is old, and she feels it. Her future is as much of a toss up as her beginning. Anything could happen!
Seraku2010-03-05 05:38:18
@simimi come to Gaudi when I move Seraku over! I wont be suiciding ever.
Selverad2010-03-05 07:03:17
Camerick started off as a way to explore non-combat possibilities, as a bard, bookbinder, and writer.
He became a semi-prominent member of the Harbingers, my highest ranking (guild -and- commune) character in any IRE game ever, and even wrote a few songs and stories, and designed some furniture.
Right now, he's a barely-equipped former Undersecretary who has barely any idea what's going on in the Basin, and barely remembers how to fight. Looking to fix that, since I need to do -something- to build up money again (it took pretty much my entire hibernation fund to get robes and lyre, and I've got enough left for a few vials.)
He became a semi-prominent member of the Harbingers, my highest ranking (guild -and- commune) character in any IRE game ever, and even wrote a few songs and stories, and designed some furniture.
Right now, he's a barely-equipped former Undersecretary who has barely any idea what's going on in the Basin, and barely remembers how to fight. Looking to fix that, since I need to do -something- to build up money again (it took pretty much my entire hibernation fund to get robes and lyre, and I've got enough left for a few vials.)
Selverad2010-03-05 07:03:36
Edited for Double Post.
ongaku2010-03-05 12:42:06
QUOTE (Golgothura @ Mar 4 2010, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wouldn't say converting people is my style, but since you've sat in my living room and have known the scent of my coffee, I feel obligated.
Seraku's destined for Gaudiguch. No Glom! I don't wanna not be able to see my son-in-law. >:(
Ileein2010-03-05 16:44:49
I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go with Ileein. So I started him off as a law-and-order crazy Trill in Hallifax, and that's pretty much where he is now.
When I managed to work some real texture into his concept, I started to weave elements of a stereotypical Trill personality (passionate, emotional, even whimsical) into his relatively stolid, scientist personality. This was with the idea that even though he was influenced heavily by his lucidian family, thus his love of science and logic, he still approaches subjects that interests him with whimsy and passion. You should get him started on the subject of solid air or architecture; he'll talk your ears off. A dream he had of Trillillial painting the sky with Isune completely stunned him and started him thinking about his Trill heritage, so hopefully there'll be more of that worked in. (And if he ever gets romantic there'll be something there, too! But nothing yet.

Unknown2010-03-05 20:32:28
*pokes head in*
Xikue was my first Lusternian. She was supposed to be a scholarly Aquamancer. But fighting with demesnes looked interesting.
Xiran was supposed to be a combatant druid. Serious. Idolized Shorlen.
Then she de-evolved into a squeaky thing with lots of friends and mentors and Talnaras. And Fae. <3 It was fun developing her mischievous side.
Xikue was my first Lusternian. She was supposed to be a scholarly Aquamancer. But fighting with demesnes looked interesting.
Xiran was supposed to be a combatant druid. Serious. Idolized Shorlen.
Then she de-evolved into a squeaky thing with lots of friends and mentors and Talnaras. And Fae. <3 It was fun developing her mischievous side.