ongaku2010-04-19 05:55:08
I had a feeling Winnae the Puissant = Winnie the Pooh. ^^
I really like Winnae the way he is. The fact that he's NOT actually big and tough makes it all the greater when he talks about how mighty and puissant he is.
And Ongaku adores him (though Ongaku has a big heart for Tae'dae, but I think Ongaku would like him regardless). For that matter, if you weren't bloodbonding with Munsia, Ongaku would ask Winnae to bloodbond with him.
I really like Winnae the way he is. The fact that he's NOT actually big and tough makes it all the greater when he talks about how mighty and puissant he is.

Nariah2010-04-19 15:29:25
Ongaku is a furrikin. Furrikin, furrikin, furrikin. Bold choice in Magnagora.
Despite the obvious inferiority of his species, he has done really well in Magnagora and has earned a spot among the 'worthy enough for their race' furrikins there (Feyrll, Rattusk, etc). Nariah loves pushing his buttons, he's almost irresistable as far as teasing him goes. He should take it as a compliment since, despite being Aiakon Furrikin Hatred™ bred, she's not trying to make shoes or kegs out of him. On top of that, he was smart enough, like Rattusk, to get himself into a noble Magnagoran Great House which she much approves of. He's also done a phenomenal job helping the Minister of Power once upon a time, thus proving his usefulness.

Despite the obvious inferiority of his species, he has done really well in Magnagora and has earned a spot among the 'worthy enough for their race' furrikins there (Feyrll, Rattusk, etc). Nariah loves pushing his buttons, he's almost irresistable as far as teasing him goes. He should take it as a compliment since, despite being Aiakon Furrikin Hatred™ bred, she's not trying to make shoes or kegs out of him. On top of that, he was smart enough, like Rattusk, to get himself into a noble Magnagoran Great House which she much approves of. He's also done a phenomenal job helping the Minister of Power once upon a time, thus proving his usefulness.

Lillie2010-04-19 17:37:31
As odd as it may seem, Lillie was meant to be even more shy, timid, and afraid of everything than he actually turned out to be. Originally I wanted him to be in Glom and live in a vicious cycle as a bumbling, cross-dressing, hardly-able-to-talk-for-fear-of-someone-finding-out-his-big-secret-somehow sort of person.
As I played him, though, I realized that even he would have the sense to leave Glom because of how much he was being mistreated and ridiculed there (except by a certain someone who I wish I could've kept RPing with - you know who you are), and so he went to Serenwilde. Slowly but surely his self-esteem is building up, but it seems that every time it reaches a certain point it gets dashed to the ground, typically because of some misconception or insecurity of Lillie's.
It's really a lot of fun, even if it might not sound like it.
As I played him, though, I realized that even he would have the sense to leave Glom because of how much he was being mistreated and ridiculed there (except by a certain someone who I wish I could've kept RPing with - you know who you are), and so he went to Serenwilde. Slowly but surely his self-esteem is building up, but it seems that every time it reaches a certain point it gets dashed to the ground, typically because of some misconception or insecurity of Lillie's.
It's really a lot of fun, even if it might not sound like it.

ongaku2010-04-20 08:17:29
QUOTE (Nariah @ Apr 19 2010, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ongaku is a furrikin. Furrikin, furrikin, furrikin. Bold choice in Magnagora.
Despite the obvious inferiority of his species, he has done really well in Magnagora and has earned a spot among the 'worthy enough for their race' furrikins there (Feyrll, Rattusk, etc). Nariah loves pushing his buttons, he's almost irresistable as far as teasing him goes. He should take it as a compliment since, despite being Aiakon Furrikin Hatred™ bred, she's not trying to make shoes or kegs out of him. On top of that, he was smart enough, like Rattusk, to get himself into a noble Magnagoran Great House which she much approves of. He's also done a phenomenal job helping the Minister of Power once upon a time, thus proving his usefulness.

Despite the obvious inferiority of his species, he has done really well in Magnagora and has earned a spot among the 'worthy enough for their race' furrikins there (Feyrll, Rattusk, etc). Nariah loves pushing his buttons, he's almost irresistable as far as teasing him goes. He should take it as a compliment since, despite being Aiakon Furrikin Hatred™ bred, she's not trying to make shoes or kegs out of him. On top of that, he was smart enough, like Rattusk, to get himself into a noble Magnagoran Great House which she much approves of. He's also done a phenomenal job helping the Minister of Power once upon a time, thus proving his usefulness.

Can I just say that you used to scare the living daylights out of me, Nariah? Seriously, freaked me right the

Oh, and he didn't panic when Morvior told him, "You'll do well. Or I'll skin you alive and eat your eyeballs." His response was, "I'll take 'at as a compliment, thanks!" XD So he's getting better!
Shishi2010-04-20 15:22:10
Shishi was my first character here that I really played. I didn't know anything, I don't think I had a health potion until I was like level 30. I was totally new, didn't know what RP was really, and kept to myself. Eventually the ebonguard were just to brotherly and awesome and I started hanging out with people and getting in competitions with exeryte about who could get to 100 faster (I lost by a large margin) and I loved hanging out with a lot of the old people who used to be there, whose names I can't even remember anymore. I taught novices like crazy and had a lot of fun doing it, sometimes 5 at a time. We had a whole undersecretary army and were proud of it. He still wears the plate set that his section of the ebonguard won and got designed. He became a nice Igasho who would help anyone, to a little odd old Igasho who would still help anyone but forgets what he's doing a lot due to a bump on the head because he was really bored as a rogue with nobody to talk too. He still can't remember what he did to get the bump, I know it's all Exeryte or Bashara's fault.
Daem was a product having had a shadowdancer before and liking it, and Shishi being in a place that wasn't very fun for me. I created him to be a get away character, no clear purpose really. He bashed his way to 70 before Shayle forced him to start getting out of novicehood. A lot of Daem's early character came from interactions with Shayle, and how she pulled him aside and made him feel important for the shadowdancers, and suggested ways for him to help the Glomdoring, and the Shadowdancers. This turned him very Glomcentric but in a way that is different. He cared for Glomdoring but he doesn't always accept the way leaders promote it. He saw how proper and tidy Shayle was and wanted to become more like her. He became very vain. His main goal was always to be champion, because I had gotten into combat and started getting decent at it after I started this character.
His run at leadership after the guild pretty much went all crazy after Shayle left gave him a lot of experience and insight and he blames himself for being inexperienced that he was unable to hold the guild together when it was becoming sterile. He became champion and realized his dream (3 or 4 times I can't remember) and relationships took place, he left for a bit and came back. After he came back he was starting to become mature and thinking about leadership and what is best for the coven and decided he'd help, and could make a difference. He came back took back champion state and then met Valonah. Valonah turned into his highest love, over Glomdoring and the Shadowdancers and all the things he came back to do fell to the side.
He's a fae-loving, free willed, very opinionated shadowdancer who thinks he could run things better but doesn't want too. He loves his fae, he buried all the ones corpses others killed in a special spot, and has never attacked a moon lady, or avatar of the moon, though he has attended a raid or two, but only touched Serens, never the moon. He respects her as a wiccan and believes that fae should have their way in deciding where they would like to go, whether to Moon, Night, or staying in Faethorn. He had an experience with Lisaera once praising him for being quick to kill a faeslayer, and it's affected his judgement on it.
He is utterly devoted to Valonah now, and everything else falls to the side for her. He would like to become a family man, and he's become the old shadowdancer in the corner with an opinion nobody really listens too but he is darned sure to speak his mind about the issue. He still believes that leadership is doing it all wrong and he could make it better, he just doesn't want too. He has been engaged for the second time for almost a real life year, and is expecting a wedding soon and wants to rebuild a family that will help make the shadowdancers and the Glomdoring better, perhaps not by taking it over, but just putting a little of his own blood and ideas out there will help somehow.
Daem was a product having had a shadowdancer before and liking it, and Shishi being in a place that wasn't very fun for me. I created him to be a get away character, no clear purpose really. He bashed his way to 70 before Shayle forced him to start getting out of novicehood. A lot of Daem's early character came from interactions with Shayle, and how she pulled him aside and made him feel important for the shadowdancers, and suggested ways for him to help the Glomdoring, and the Shadowdancers. This turned him very Glomcentric but in a way that is different. He cared for Glomdoring but he doesn't always accept the way leaders promote it. He saw how proper and tidy Shayle was and wanted to become more like her. He became very vain. His main goal was always to be champion, because I had gotten into combat and started getting decent at it after I started this character.
His run at leadership after the guild pretty much went all crazy after Shayle left gave him a lot of experience and insight and he blames himself for being inexperienced that he was unable to hold the guild together when it was becoming sterile. He became champion and realized his dream (3 or 4 times I can't remember) and relationships took place, he left for a bit and came back. After he came back he was starting to become mature and thinking about leadership and what is best for the coven and decided he'd help, and could make a difference. He came back took back champion state and then met Valonah. Valonah turned into his highest love, over Glomdoring and the Shadowdancers and all the things he came back to do fell to the side.
He's a fae-loving, free willed, very opinionated shadowdancer who thinks he could run things better but doesn't want too. He loves his fae, he buried all the ones corpses others killed in a special spot, and has never attacked a moon lady, or avatar of the moon, though he has attended a raid or two, but only touched Serens, never the moon. He respects her as a wiccan and believes that fae should have their way in deciding where they would like to go, whether to Moon, Night, or staying in Faethorn. He had an experience with Lisaera once praising him for being quick to kill a faeslayer, and it's affected his judgement on it.
He is utterly devoted to Valonah now, and everything else falls to the side for her. He would like to become a family man, and he's become the old shadowdancer in the corner with an opinion nobody really listens too but he is darned sure to speak his mind about the issue. He still believes that leadership is doing it all wrong and he could make it better, he just doesn't want too. He has been engaged for the second time for almost a real life year, and is expecting a wedding soon and wants to rebuild a family that will help make the shadowdancers and the Glomdoring better, perhaps not by taking it over, but just putting a little of his own blood and ideas out there will help somehow.
Siam2010-04-20 17:06:52
QUOTE (shishi @ Apr 20 2010, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shishi was my first character here that I really played. I didn't know anything, I don't think I had a health potion until I was like level 30. I was totally new, didn't know what RP was really, and kept to myself. Eventually the ebonguard were just to brotherly and awesome and I started hanging out with people and getting in competitions with exeryte about who could get to 100 faster (I lost by a large margin) and I loved hanging out with a lot of the old people who used to be there, whose names I can't even remember anymore. I taught novices like crazy and had a lot of fun doing it, sometimes 5 at a time. We had a whole undersecretary army and were proud of it. He still wears the plate set that his section of the ebonguard won and got designed. He became a nice Igasho who would help anyone, to a little odd old Igasho who would still help anyone but forgets what he's doing a lot due to a bump on the head because he was really bored as a rogue with nobody to talk too. He still can't remember what he did to get the bump, I know it's all Exeryte or Bashara's fault.
Daem was a product having had a shadowdancer before and liking it, and Shishi being in a place that wasn't very fun for me. I created him to be a get away character, no clear purpose really. He bashed his way to 70 before Shayle forced him to start getting out of novicehood. A lot of Daem's early character came from interactions with Shayle, and how she pulled him aside and made him feel important for the shadowdancers, and suggested ways for him to help the Glomdoring, and the Shadowdancers. This turned him very Glomcentric but in a way that is different. He cared for Glomdoring but he doesn't always accept the way leaders promote it. He saw how proper and tidy Shayle was and wanted to become more like her. He became very vain. His main goal was always to be champion, because I had gotten into combat and started getting decent at it after I started this character.
His run at leadership after the guild pretty much went all crazy after Shayle left gave him a lot of experience and insight and he blames himself for being inexperienced that he was unable to hold the guild together when it was becoming sterile. He became champion and realized his dream (3 or 4 times I can't remember) and relationships took place, he left for a bit and came back. After he came back he was starting to become mature and thinking about leadership and what is best for the coven and decided he'd help, and could make a difference. He came back took back champion state and then met Valonah. Valonah turned into his highest love, over Glomdoring and the Shadowdancers and all the things he came back to do fell to the side.
He's a fae-loving, free willed, very opinionated shadowdancer who thinks he could run things better but doesn't want too. He loves his fae, he buried all the ones corpses others killed in a special spot, and has never attacked a moon lady, or avatar of the moon, though he has attended a raid or two, but only touched Serens, never the moon. He respects her as a wiccan and believes that fae should have their way in deciding where they would like to go, whether to Moon, Night, or staying in Faethorn. He had an experience with Lisaera once praising him for being quick to kill a faeslayer, and it's affected his judgement on it.
He is utterly devoted to Valonah now, and everything else falls to the side for her. He would like to become a family man, and he's become the old shadowdancer in the corner with an opinion nobody really listens too but he is darned sure to speak his mind about the issue. He still believes that leadership is doing it all wrong and he could make it better, he just doesn't want too. He has been engaged for the second time for almost a real life year, and is expecting a wedding soon and wants to rebuild a family that will help make the shadowdancers and the Glomdoring better, perhaps not by taking it over, but just putting a little of his own blood and ideas out there will help somehow.
Daem was a product having had a shadowdancer before and liking it, and Shishi being in a place that wasn't very fun for me. I created him to be a get away character, no clear purpose really. He bashed his way to 70 before Shayle forced him to start getting out of novicehood. A lot of Daem's early character came from interactions with Shayle, and how she pulled him aside and made him feel important for the shadowdancers, and suggested ways for him to help the Glomdoring, and the Shadowdancers. This turned him very Glomcentric but in a way that is different. He cared for Glomdoring but he doesn't always accept the way leaders promote it. He saw how proper and tidy Shayle was and wanted to become more like her. He became very vain. His main goal was always to be champion, because I had gotten into combat and started getting decent at it after I started this character.
His run at leadership after the guild pretty much went all crazy after Shayle left gave him a lot of experience and insight and he blames himself for being inexperienced that he was unable to hold the guild together when it was becoming sterile. He became champion and realized his dream (3 or 4 times I can't remember) and relationships took place, he left for a bit and came back. After he came back he was starting to become mature and thinking about leadership and what is best for the coven and decided he'd help, and could make a difference. He came back took back champion state and then met Valonah. Valonah turned into his highest love, over Glomdoring and the Shadowdancers and all the things he came back to do fell to the side.
He's a fae-loving, free willed, very opinionated shadowdancer who thinks he could run things better but doesn't want too. He loves his fae, he buried all the ones corpses others killed in a special spot, and has never attacked a moon lady, or avatar of the moon, though he has attended a raid or two, but only touched Serens, never the moon. He respects her as a wiccan and believes that fae should have their way in deciding where they would like to go, whether to Moon, Night, or staying in Faethorn. He had an experience with Lisaera once praising him for being quick to kill a faeslayer, and it's affected his judgement on it.
He is utterly devoted to Valonah now, and everything else falls to the side for her. He would like to become a family man, and he's become the old shadowdancer in the corner with an opinion nobody really listens too but he is darned sure to speak his mind about the issue. He still believes that leadership is doing it all wrong and he could make it better, he just doesn't want too. He has been engaged for the second time for almost a real life year, and is expecting a wedding soon and wants to rebuild a family that will help make the shadowdancers and the Glomdoring better, perhaps not by taking it over, but just putting a little of his own blood and ideas out there will help somehow.
You forgot about age, birthdays, and ice cream!

Shishi2010-04-20 17:24:16
QUOTE (thisismydisplayname @ Apr 20 2010, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You forgot about age, birthdays, and ice cream! 

Those just happen because people love Valonah and it just happens to be my birthday.
Siam2010-04-20 17:26:31
QUOTE (shishi @ Apr 21 2010, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Those just happen because people love Valonah and it just happens to be my birthday.
Remember the last time it happened? It wasn't your birthday! Clearly there's a conspiracy! But we

Casilu2010-04-20 20:30:18
QUOTE (shishi @ Apr 20 2010, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want to respond but not have people scroll any more.
You better stay devoted to Val. Oh you better...
Unknown2010-04-21 00:08:00
Val and Daem are never online anyway. :/
Shishi2010-04-21 00:58:43
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Apr 20 2010, 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Val and Daem are never online anyway. :/
that's what you think, we are good at hiding.
Unknown2010-04-21 02:20:15
QUOTE (shishi @ Apr 20 2010, 08:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's what you think, we are good at hiding.
It's not nice to hide from friends so much they think that you died in a car accident and nobody said anything.

Shishi2010-04-21 04:33:02
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Apr 20 2010, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not nice to hide from friends so much they think that you died in a car accident and nobody said anything. 

Sorry, but it's quite the contrary, we are really awesome

Unknown2010-04-21 14:45:26
Winnae is very lucky to have a secret admirer. So awesome! Check this out!
You cease wielding a painting of Winnae at the Megalith in your left hand.
5700h, 3123m, 5540e, 10p ex-give painting to nariah
You give a painting of Winnae at the Megalith to Countess Nariah d'Vanecu, Prophet of Damnation.
5700h, 3123m, 5540e, 10p ex-"Winnae has secret admirer
You say, "Winnae has secret admirer."
5700h, 3194m, 5540e, 10p ex-
Countess Nariah d'Vanecu, Prophet of Damnation chuckles darkly.
5700h, 3194m, 5540e, 10p ex-
Nariah places a painting of Winnae at the Megalith against the wall, raising it a little higher, then moving it a little to the left, and then lowering it a bit.
After fussing at it for some time, she finally affixes it to the wall, exhibiting it for all to see.
5700h, 3265m, 5540e, 10p ex-p painting
Thick, oily paint covers this canvas, rendering a scene from the heart of the Engine. Dominating the center of the painting is a huge stone obelisk, covered in glowing runes. Around it, billowing clouds of smoke mask the background, save for the silhouettes of harsh, angular structures and shadowy figures. In the foreground kneels a hulking tae'dae clad in thick plate armour, his bare head pressed against the cracked earth. The ground around him leaks black oil which clings to the great bear's fur.
It has 253 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 37 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of ((anonymous!
5700h, 3123m, 5540e, 10p ex-give painting to nariah
You give a painting of Winnae at the Megalith to Countess Nariah d'Vanecu, Prophet of Damnation.
5700h, 3123m, 5540e, 10p ex-"Winnae has secret admirer
You say, "Winnae has secret admirer."
5700h, 3194m, 5540e, 10p ex-
Countess Nariah d'Vanecu, Prophet of Damnation chuckles darkly.
5700h, 3194m, 5540e, 10p ex-
Nariah places a painting of Winnae at the Megalith against the wall, raising it a little higher, then moving it a little to the left, and then lowering it a bit.
After fussing at it for some time, she finally affixes it to the wall, exhibiting it for all to see.
5700h, 3265m, 5540e, 10p ex-p painting
Thick, oily paint covers this canvas, rendering a scene from the heart of the Engine. Dominating the center of the painting is a huge stone obelisk, covered in glowing runes. Around it, billowing clouds of smoke mask the background, save for the silhouettes of harsh, angular structures and shadowy figures. In the foreground kneels a hulking tae'dae clad in thick plate armour, his bare head pressed against the cracked earth. The ground around him leaks black oil which clings to the great bear's fur.
It has 253 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 37 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of ((anonymous!

Rael2010-05-01 06:58:17
This is neither here nor there, but I think it's an interesting story nonetheless. I always have strange thoughts when it's late and need sleep.
The story of Rael
I joined Lusternia some time in 07. Previously I had been mudding for many years but never saw the need to try a commercial mud when so many fine and excellent muds were available for free. Rael in 07 was a joke character and I did not have plans to stick around. I started off female, (my motto was "Rael != female") picked the worse class and race combination possible and I continue to suffer from my poor decisions to this day. I didn't buy credits and probably would have been wiped from inactivity had I not been gifted a free sex change and completed the Newton honours quests. It was a big deal at the time and I worked very hard for those 2 lines, so for two years I intermittently logged in once every 3 months or so, and miraculously survived death by pwipe.
The last year of my coursework was mostly boring, so some time before the September of 09 I decided to implement my own mud as a hobby project, but before I decided to attempt this non-trivial undertaking I needed to do some research and see how much better commercial muds were compared to your typical homebrew mud. In some sense I was like the Terminator; I paid $150 as seed money, tried to learn as much as I could about IRE, and like the thousands who I imagine precede me hoped to do a better job. But things didn't work out as expected because like a bad movie I fell in love with the game.
Actually it wasn't until this week (or just today really) that I am beginning to understand why people are willing to invest so much money and time into their characters. In the interim period between my final final exam and job interviews next week I created an alt, RP'd it up, met some amazing people and just had a really good time. For one week I had all the time in the world, forgot about deadlines, and chose to simply sit down and enjoy the game. It's taken longer than it should have but I think I am starting to get it. Fantasy and make believe is neither silly or stupid but can be lots of fun and it's the rich content and imagination that makes Lusternia different from the other muds I have tried. From strictly a dollars perspective it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but depending on the time you spend IG and the satisfaction you derive, you can get a lot of bang out for your buck especially compared to any number of things like cell phone plans, vacation, eating out, console games, spending a night out and many other things I pay a lot for but don't enjoy much.
Rael hasn't developed much as a character mostly because I haven't spent any time thinking about him in that light. In fact I just wrote my first description today because I wanted to meet someone and needed to look impressive. (or at the very least not look like a tool) So in some sense I'm only now beginning to decide where I want to fit in game. Do I want to immerse myself and put in the time and effort needed make the transition from casual player and join the Glom gang? Do I want to write a custom system/learn to fight, become a super griefer and destroy Narsrim in revenge? Do I want to foster my creativity, RP, and writing skills (all things I struggle with but enjoy immensely) by studying bardics and practice writing literature of my own? Do I want to focus on work and make lots of money IRL so I can collect lots of shinies and support Lusternia in a small way financially? Do I want to bring mudding technology out of the 1990's and up to new millennium by contributing to Mudlet? Do I really want to spend any more time on a hobby that none of my friends can understand or appreciate and inevitably alienate those around me? Every minute I spend here is time I could spend elsewhere doing something 'useful'. Can I just relax and enjoy the game?
The story of Rael
I joined Lusternia some time in 07. Previously I had been mudding for many years but never saw the need to try a commercial mud when so many fine and excellent muds were available for free. Rael in 07 was a joke character and I did not have plans to stick around. I started off female, (my motto was "Rael != female") picked the worse class and race combination possible and I continue to suffer from my poor decisions to this day. I didn't buy credits and probably would have been wiped from inactivity had I not been gifted a free sex change and completed the Newton honours quests. It was a big deal at the time and I worked very hard for those 2 lines, so for two years I intermittently logged in once every 3 months or so, and miraculously survived death by pwipe.
The last year of my coursework was mostly boring, so some time before the September of 09 I decided to implement my own mud as a hobby project, but before I decided to attempt this non-trivial undertaking I needed to do some research and see how much better commercial muds were compared to your typical homebrew mud. In some sense I was like the Terminator; I paid $150 as seed money, tried to learn as much as I could about IRE, and like the thousands who I imagine precede me hoped to do a better job. But things didn't work out as expected because like a bad movie I fell in love with the game.
Actually it wasn't until this week (or just today really) that I am beginning to understand why people are willing to invest so much money and time into their characters. In the interim period between my final final exam and job interviews next week I created an alt, RP'd it up, met some amazing people and just had a really good time. For one week I had all the time in the world, forgot about deadlines, and chose to simply sit down and enjoy the game. It's taken longer than it should have but I think I am starting to get it. Fantasy and make believe is neither silly or stupid but can be lots of fun and it's the rich content and imagination that makes Lusternia different from the other muds I have tried. From strictly a dollars perspective it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but depending on the time you spend IG and the satisfaction you derive, you can get a lot of bang out for your buck especially compared to any number of things like cell phone plans, vacation, eating out, console games, spending a night out and many other things I pay a lot for but don't enjoy much.
Rael hasn't developed much as a character mostly because I haven't spent any time thinking about him in that light. In fact I just wrote my first description today because I wanted to meet someone and needed to look impressive. (or at the very least not look like a tool) So in some sense I'm only now beginning to decide where I want to fit in game. Do I want to immerse myself and put in the time and effort needed make the transition from casual player and join the Glom gang? Do I want to write a custom system/learn to fight, become a super griefer and destroy Narsrim in revenge? Do I want to foster my creativity, RP, and writing skills (all things I struggle with but enjoy immensely) by studying bardics and practice writing literature of my own? Do I want to focus on work and make lots of money IRL so I can collect lots of shinies and support Lusternia in a small way financially? Do I want to bring mudding technology out of the 1990's and up to new millennium by contributing to Mudlet? Do I really want to spend any more time on a hobby that none of my friends can understand or appreciate and inevitably alienate those around me? Every minute I spend here is time I could spend elsewhere doing something 'useful'. Can I just relax and enjoy the game?
Unknown2010-05-02 17:55:51
I have a character dilemma with Winnae. As everyone who knows him knows, he's a real tae'dae's tae'dae. But, tae'dae don't fight too good, and Winnae is in a champion election. From talking to people, it sounds like he has a chance of winning, at which point I would need to put some real effort into PvP stuff. This would quite possibly mean not being a tae'dae anymore, but I'm concerned about what this would do to Winnae's RP. So I am coming to the forum for opinions.
To improve his combat ability without hampering his RP too much, should Winnae:
1. Turn into a bear furrikin and just claim he's a tae'dae. Furrikin probably don't make great warriors, but since it's largely about your speed and dex these days, it'd probably be better than tae'dae?
2. Buy a cameo of the changeling. This would not only be costly, but he wouldn't really be a tae'dae anymore either
3. Just go orclach or something. Maybe pretend to be part tae'dae part orclach, or something lame like that
4. Buy a weapon rune package and stay tae'dae, at which point he'd probably be on par with (or close to) some other race even as a tae'dae.
To improve his combat ability without hampering his RP too much, should Winnae:
1. Turn into a bear furrikin and just claim he's a tae'dae. Furrikin probably don't make great warriors, but since it's largely about your speed and dex these days, it'd probably be better than tae'dae?
2. Buy a cameo of the changeling. This would not only be costly, but he wouldn't really be a tae'dae anymore either

3. Just go orclach or something. Maybe pretend to be part tae'dae part orclach, or something lame like that

4. Buy a weapon rune package and stay tae'dae, at which point he'd probably be on par with (or close to) some other race even as a tae'dae.
Acrune2010-05-02 18:08:25
Stay Tae'dae, you don't actually have to be good to be champ. Its more important that you teach others in your guild to do better than it is for you to be the best of the best.
Everiine2010-05-02 19:20:42
Stay Tae'dae. That is at the heart of who Winnae is. And honestly, if he comes in swinging away and doesn't do much good, he can just boast anyway. I think you would have great fun being Champion Winnae as a Tae'dae.
Unknown2010-05-02 20:18:29
Yeah, you guys are right
I'll make it work somehow!

Unknown2010-05-02 21:09:21
My creepy RP has started to upset people, and it may make me unpopular.