Races in Streamlining

by Malarious

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Malarious2009-09-20 10:06:21
I didnt want it forgotten that races play a large part in streamlining.


When you try to adjust things you should assume its at the peak of pontential for everything. The warrior damage/streamlining for instance means when you look at warrior damage you probably arent talking about faeling, but if you look at fast afflictions with major effects a faeling becomes intense. Mugwumps USED to mean you had to base all skills on a Mugwump using them, this isnt true anymore.

But that sounds like balance, not streamlining!
Streamlining is making things flow to form. If the flow is always really fast you have to adjust one way (faeling), if its really slow thats another way (tae'dae). I believe most of the races are fairly decent with only a few exceptions, but races would NOT take long to adjust at this point. The main issues were mugwumps are far too easy to kill nowadays so no one wants to use them, some races having no weaknesses but nice strengths, and I am sure some other specifics can be pointed out.

I will have a bit on streamlining for support, but keep these in mind. Dont base your streamlining on a race no one will use. I would any thoughts on other effects of races on streamlining, where to adjust, and any other considerations people need to have.