Gregori2009-10-26 15:41:10
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Oct 26 2009, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...what? You are just pulling up counter-arguments out of the air. I'm saying that you should be able to, in a full day of gameplay, RP and help kids and go bash. Pulling up one of your usual sarcastic strawmans makes no sense. I am not in any way saying that you should get xp for doing non-bashing things, nor am I attempting to complain about astral giving penalties.
PLEASE actually read what I'm posting. I'm suggesting we lift the OOC-based emotes from the penalty. This would both enrich the actual insanity affliction, as people would be more evidently insane, and not well as allow us interaction with others without having our RP (and their's) broken every 30 seconds by a dumb emote that has nothing to do with a fantasy game.
PLEASE actually read what I'm posting. I'm suggesting we lift the OOC-based emotes from the penalty. This would both enrich the actual insanity affliction, as people would be more evidently insane, and not well as allow us interaction with others without having our RP (and their's) broken every 30 seconds by a dumb emote that has nothing to do with a fantasy game.
Actually, you said why should you have to make a choice between the two. Pointing out the stupidity of that statement is not a strawman.
You also came here complaining about the lack of ability to interact, with the 'OOC emotes' issue as a sidebar complaint. When your initial complaint was beat down you rallied behind your statement of 'no no I only care about OOC emotes!' yet still slid in with the lack of interaction forced upon you by insanity.
This whole complaint is stupid. First, again, the mechanic works, whether you ignore the mechanic or find a way to work with it like everyone else has is your choice. Second, as Vendetta pointed out, arguing emotes as OOC is pretty retarded in and of itself when the game of Lusternia is based around many different themes and parodies of what could be classed OOC. Making none of it OOc, because that is the 'fantasy world' of Lusternia.
Unknown2009-10-26 15:45:01
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Oct 26 2009, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was under the impression Lusternia was one of the more RP-focused of the IRE muds. That's what I heard through the grapevine, at least. Maybe I'm just entirely off-base here for thinking that.
It is, perhaps, a consequence of how Lusternia was shaped to have mass appeal in some ways, and limited in others. Personally, I find the Star Trek vibes given off by certain mobs and aetherspace in general to be significantly more OOC than something like "duh", but others take it in fine. I've lived to accept it and deal with it for the sake of my own enjoyment of the game.
Sometimes your own RP just doesn't quite fit with what is decided as permissible as a whole, which can happen often, given how amorphous the game can be.
Unknown2009-10-26 15:46:15
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Oct 26 2009, 04:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know this topic has been discussed before:
Quite simply, insanity, in its current iteration, is a pointless mechanic. It doesn't slow down bashing on astral at all (I simply triple all my commands when I am insane), nor does it stop anything when you are back on prime, except for interaction with other players. I've been bashing in astral for hours, going just as fast at highly neurotic as I go at completely sane.
However, when I finish bashing, I have to avoid others. The emotes it makes me do are absurd, with most of them bordering on OOC inane. That's not in my character's roleplay, and I find it very weird that the game itself creates a situation where you have to avoid other players and avoid roleplay. Is there any chance that the effects of astral can be changed to something that doesn't encourage us to idle afk for hours, avoiding interaction with others?
Quite simply, insanity, in its current iteration, is a pointless mechanic. It doesn't slow down bashing on astral at all (I simply triple all my commands when I am insane), nor does it stop anything when you are back on prime, except for interaction with other players. I've been bashing in astral for hours, going just as fast at highly neurotic as I go at completely sane.
However, when I finish bashing, I have to avoid others. The emotes it makes me do are absurd, with most of them bordering on OOC inane. That's not in my character's roleplay, and I find it very weird that the game itself creates a situation where you have to avoid other players and avoid roleplay. Is there any chance that the effects of astral can be changed to something that doesn't encourage us to idle afk for hours, avoiding interaction with others?
This was my very first post, and what I've been saying the entire time.
Quite simply, when I'm insane, I feel all sense of immersion broken because I'm constantly doing stupid crap.
Harkux2009-10-26 15:47:51
There are plenty of other places to bash at high levels that aren't Astral.
Unknown2009-10-26 15:51:41
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Oct 26 2009, 10:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quite simply, when I'm insane, I feel all sense of immersion broken because I'm constantly doing stupid crap.
See, now you might want to be careful. This doesn't sound like you voicing a complaint so much as your character.
This isn't something that only affects you. If anyone else wants to bash astral, they too will need to become insane, no matter how goofy/stoic/stern/amicable/arrogant/cowardly/quiet/loud they may otherwise be. It is as inevitable as a love potion tic forcing you to lust after Narsrim or Talkan or Gregori. Immersion doesn't need to break simply because you find yourself out of control.
Gregori2009-10-26 15:51:42
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Oct 26 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quite simply, when I'm insane, I feel all sense of immersion broken because I'm constantly doing stupid crap.
So what you are saying is... if you bash astral too long, you get insane to a point where you are doing stupid crap, and you don't like it, so they should make it so you don't do stupid crap, because you can't figure out for yourself that you should maybe... not bash astral for as long as you are to avoid the stupid crap.
BTW, insane people do stupid crap. It's one of the reasons they are called... insane. They do things that are not within the social norm, including completely off the wall rants, raves, and fondling themselves in public places. If your RP is to not act like that, then the solution is obvious. Stay off Astral.
Unknown2009-10-26 15:54:07
By stupid crap, I mean emotes like those cited. Ones which are taken from pop culture memes and 4chan and other dumb stuff like that. If I want that stuff, there are IRC channels, and OOC clans.
Harkux2009-10-26 15:56:19
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Oct 26 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By stupid crap, I mean emotes like those cited. Ones which are taken from pop culture memes and 4chan and other dumb stuff like that. If I want that stuff, there are IRC channels, and OOC clans. a whole lot of other stuff in the game is...?
Lendren2009-10-26 16:56:53
In my opinion, the problem isn't insanity, it's those emotes. They shouldn't be. And if they weren't, then it'd make some sense that "the time you can't roleplay" is the price of how long you bash astral, because you could roleplay one thing, being insane. That there's a lot of other things that shouldn't be there doesn't really make any one thing that shouldn't be there all right. But a lot of people like those borderline-OOC things and they're never going to go away. Look on the bright side, there's less of them than in some places.
Unknown2009-10-26 17:34:03
I've read other people's complaints about the emotes gotten during insanity as well, and I think Talan suggested an artifact called the "Straightjacket of " that still hinders your commands but also keeps you from doing the emotes, so instead, it just looks like you're (insanely) straining to do something.
Shiri2009-10-26 18:26:28
Insanity mainly punishes you for doing things that AREN'T Astral until you've sat pointlessly in a manse a while. This seems somehow suboptimal.
Merik2009-10-26 18:36:59
Some of the emotes insanity makes you do are completely retarded. I imagine being insane would be things like muttering to yourself, general paranoia, that kind of thing.
But most of the emotes are things you'd expect to see when stupid and have very little to do with insanity.
But most of the emotes are things you'd expect to see when stupid and have very little to do with insanity.
Unknown2009-10-26 18:44:51
There are so many forms of insanity, friends. 

Estarra2009-10-26 18:56:34
We can definitely increase the detrimental effects of insanity if they aren't stopping people from staying in astral forever.
Unknown2009-10-26 18:59:18
I think astral is fine, though everyone could probably use less nippletwisting.
Merik2009-10-26 18:59:31
That's really not a problem. Sure, you could stomp the denizens just fine while insane by doing #5 attack, #5 sip health, but you're boned if any little newb jumps you while that insane.
Unknown2009-10-26 19:02:59
Lendren put it nicely, yo. It's not really insanity that's an issue (well, it could be, but argue that elsewhere, Jack), it's more that a large portion of emotes do not really belong. Or, I suppose, if some people really, really enjoy using those emotes, then simply remove them from the list of emotes that insanity triggers. You can make insanity a limiting factor (canceling commands and sending emotes like doom or noooo) without it ruining immersion entirely.
(Whether or not immersion even exists in Lusternia. ARGUED ELSEWHERE.)
(Whether or not immersion even exists in Lusternia. ARGUED ELSEWHERE.)
Estarra2009-10-26 19:38:15
I don't have a strong opinion either way about the insanity emotes, except to find the argument that you don't like people seeing you insane as a bit silly because you SHOULDN'T want to be seen as insane. (I mean, you should be eating boogers and drooling, not being cool and want to show off your insanity.) Whether or not the emotes disrupt your "immersion" seems to me to be very subjective. I could give you reasons for each of the emotes to be perfectly in-character for an insane person.
However, as I said, I don't have strong feelings about it. If you guys come up with 20 alternative emotes in this thread, we'd be happy to consider substituting that for the current emotes you get while insane.
However, as I said, I don't have strong feelings about it. If you guys come up with 20 alternative emotes in this thread, we'd be happy to consider substituting that for the current emotes you get while insane.
Tervic2009-10-26 19:44:03
The white-text ones that everyone else sees when you get the tells about a vial wanting to slither up against your insides. I think they usually say something like "$person drools on a piece of lint." or something like that. Those are cool, especially since they only ever come up with someone suffering insanity, but they look so... insane!
Flap, frown, hiss, yodel, stresscrack, squeak, doomed, paranoia, are all good, "insane" emotes in my opinion.
That's what, 8 normal emotes and all of the currently existing insane-exclusive ones.
Flap, frown, hiss, yodel, stresscrack, squeak, doomed, paranoia, are all good, "insane" emotes in my opinion.
That's what, 8 normal emotes and all of the currently existing insane-exclusive ones.
Casilu2009-10-26 19:48:30
Twitch, tic, toe.