Delay between tells

by Rael

Back to Ideas.

Rael2009-11-29 21:32:45
This is not very common but after a copy and paste, my client (I've experienced this with both Mush and nexus) craps out and explodes, sending hundreds of commands and spamming random people.

Aside from me being a tool and needing to fix my scripts, I think there should be a delay on tells in the same way you can't spam 'say'.

Also I'm very sorry if you were a victim.
Merik2009-11-29 21:43:16
Talan2009-11-29 21:58:53
I would really dislike this. If it's a problem for you, I would suggest you CONFIG NAMETELLS OFF. You'll have to bring yourself into the habit of using TELL (person) (text) instead of just (person) (text), but you'll eliminate all these mistells.
Aerotan2009-11-29 23:31:26
There's also REPLY , and that one catches me a lot when I'm trying to SAY things o answer questions.
Zenon2009-11-30 03:23:23
A significant delay between tells would be annoying, but could the client bug part be fixed by adding something like a .1 second delay after each attempt at TELL (failed or not), so if the client explodes, the spam is cancelled without keeping anyone from using TELL as much as they want?
Rael2009-11-30 14:11:50
I thought this would prevent some abuse because I can't think of any reason why you would need to send tells repeatedly that quickly.

Anyways in hindsight this is pretty stupid and really an issue with the client or player.
Shiri2009-11-30 14:21:53
I find it really annoying when I say something with a word wrong, try to correct myself and it won't let me and then I have to realise it's happened and type it out again. No more!