Shamarah2010-02-24 21:34:47
QUOTE (Rodngar @ Feb 24 2010, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Make each scrap worth the experience of X amounts of aetherbeasts, with the scraps unable to be given away. That way, you can't farm them and then sell them off or give them to people for ANOTHER XP faucet (one is enough to whine about).
You would need a loop to prevent two ships farming one another, though. Admittedly, the 'EXP lost by a crew piloting the farmed ship' sounds like a determent in itself.
.. this is sounding horrible.
You would need a loop to prevent two ships farming one another, though. Admittedly, the 'EXP lost by a crew piloting the farmed ship' sounds like a determent in itself.
.. this is sounding horrible.
This is why I said to just steal half the exp they've gained recently. Then you can't farm each other because it's a zero-sum game.
Rodngar2010-02-24 21:40:49
Make it so!
Xenthos2010-02-24 22:29:24
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Feb 24 2010, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it's a bug that you can do this, actually. Not 100% sure, though.
That would not be a bug. Ascend works from anywhere, you just can't tesseract back to anywhere.
If you couldn't ascend out of the end of Muud, it would really suck.

Atellus2010-02-24 22:48:26
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Feb 24 2010, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you couldn't ascend out of the end of Muud, it would really suck. 

I used my pyramid for this all the time before I was a demi

On topic, I am not sure pvp needs to have incentives added to it for it to be used. You just have to make it accessible (no one tries to kill me in muud for the corpses I might drop). So why is there not very much (any?) aetherspace pvp at the moment?
Is it just too much effort to crew a ship to go on patrol for enemy ships? Is the issue that aetaherspace is so big that it just takes too long to track anyone down? Is basic ship combat not mechanically viable (too easy to run, etc)?
I am not against having rewards for pvp, I just want to understand what the current issues are first.
Unknown2010-02-24 23:05:36
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Feb 24 2010, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That would not be a bug. Ascend works from anywhere, you just can't tesseract back to anywhere.
If you couldn't ascend out of the end of Muud, it would really suck.
If you couldn't ascend out of the end of Muud, it would really suck.

I'm referring mostly to ascending from an undocked aethership, but aetherbubbles might count, too. Other continents and planes should be fine, though.
Xenthos2010-02-24 23:09:13
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Feb 24 2010, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm referring mostly to ascending from an undocked aethership, but aetherbubbles might count, too. Other continents and planes should be fine, though.
No, it wouldn't; Muud is (as far as teleportation goes) the same as an aetherbubble, Limbo, Spirit plane, etc. They're all "not known planes" so you can't teleport to them (otherwise we would be able to teleport to aetherbubbles from the Havens still).
You can ascend to the Havens from the non-standard Planes. This includes ships and bubbles.
Xenthos2010-02-24 23:22:10
Also; can vortexes please be made to spawn? 
I've been flying for nearly a full hour now.
There is a huge swarm of aetherbeasts following me.

I've been flying for nearly a full hour now.
There is a huge swarm of aetherbeasts following me.

Ixchilgal2010-02-25 00:47:45
Griefers don't grief people who can fight back. Griefers go for people who can't do anything about it, and will probably die before help can arrive.
In aetherspace, it's unlikely that help will arrive. But on the other hand, even a blind monkey can fight a ship-to-ship battle in aetherspace if they have even a basic system. In fact, it mostly comes down to who the better pilot and empath is. And are you going to bet on the guys who occasionally come into aetherspace to stir up trouble on being the better pilots/empaths? Or are you going to bank on the guys who do nothing but zoom around for 8 hours a day?
All it takes is a halfway decent empath system, and a pilot who's paying attention, and there's really no reason you should ever die to being jumped in aetherspace. Ever.
The only time you can justify dying to another ship in aetherspace is if it shoots you when you're already almost dead anyways...or if you have to go to a specific location (such as an aetherbubble), and the other ship was there first and already trapped the area up with shockwaves and the like.
In aetherspace, it's unlikely that help will arrive. But on the other hand, even a blind monkey can fight a ship-to-ship battle in aetherspace if they have even a basic system. In fact, it mostly comes down to who the better pilot and empath is. And are you going to bet on the guys who occasionally come into aetherspace to stir up trouble on being the better pilots/empaths? Or are you going to bank on the guys who do nothing but zoom around for 8 hours a day?
All it takes is a halfway decent empath system, and a pilot who's paying attention, and there's really no reason you should ever die to being jumped in aetherspace. Ever.
The only time you can justify dying to another ship in aetherspace is if it shoots you when you're already almost dead anyways...or if you have to go to a specific location (such as an aetherbubble), and the other ship was there first and already trapped the area up with shockwaves and the like.
Lehki2010-02-25 00:58:55
QUOTE (Ixchilgal @ Feb 24 2010, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Griefers don't grief people who can fight back. Griefers go for people who can't do anything about it, and will probably die before help can arrive.
In aetherspace, it's unlikely that help will arrive. But on the other hand, even a blind monkey can fight a ship-to-ship battle in aetherspace if they have even a basic system. In fact, it mostly comes down to who the better pilot and empath is. And are you going to bet on the guys who occasionally come into aetherspace to stir up trouble on being the better pilots/empaths? Or are you going to bank on the guys who do nothing but zoom around for 8 hours a day?
All it takes is a halfway decent empath system, and a pilot who's paying attention, and there's really no reason you should ever die to being jumped in aetherspace. Ever.
The only time you can justify dying to another ship in aetherspace is if it shoots you when you're already almost dead anyways...or if you have to go to a specific location (such as an aetherbubble), and the other ship was there first and already trapped the area up with shockwaves and the like.
In aetherspace, it's unlikely that help will arrive. But on the other hand, even a blind monkey can fight a ship-to-ship battle in aetherspace if they have even a basic system. In fact, it mostly comes down to who the better pilot and empath is. And are you going to bet on the guys who occasionally come into aetherspace to stir up trouble on being the better pilots/empaths? Or are you going to bank on the guys who do nothing but zoom around for 8 hours a day?
All it takes is a halfway decent empath system, and a pilot who's paying attention, and there's really no reason you should ever die to being jumped in aetherspace. Ever.
The only time you can justify dying to another ship in aetherspace is if it shoots you when you're already almost dead anyways...or if you have to go to a specific location (such as an aetherbubble), and the other ship was there first and already trapped the area up with shockwaves and the like.
Well yeah. That's why there's no PvP in aetherspace. Clearly asking for it means we want changes made to make it more reasonable.
Ixchilgal2010-02-25 01:03:29
QUOTE (Lehki @ Feb 24 2010, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well yeah. That's why there's no PvP in aetherspace. Clearly asking for it means we want changes made to make it more reasonable.
I propose allowing one turret for every 10 rooms the ship has. Yes, I'm proposing that Deepnight have space for about 15 turrets.
Because I want a Death Star.
Although, if they do that, they should replace Grid Song with something that isn't completely useless. Like CombatAnalysis. Which gives you detailed information about an enemy ship, like how many turrets they have, what modules are damaged, etc.
Razenth2010-02-25 01:15:20
What's Song even do?
Ssaliss2010-02-25 01:18:46
QUOTE (Razenth @ Feb 25 2010, 02:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's Song even do?
According to the Wiki:
The Algontherine Song will send out a hail of distress to other empaths that may be within reach of you.
Ixchilgal2010-02-25 01:19:53
It's a distress call, blowing 3 power to call for assistance.
Nevermind that if the Empath has balance to do that, they don't need help. And even if they did need help, a ship wouldn't arrive in time to be able to offer assistance. And even if a ship -did- arrive fast enough to offer assistance...aside from shooting things some more, there's not much they can do. And in all probability, the arriving ship would shoot the ship that called for help, because that's just the way things roll in Lusternia.
Nevermind that if the Empath has balance to do that, they don't need help. And even if they did need help, a ship wouldn't arrive in time to be able to offer assistance. And even if a ship -did- arrive fast enough to offer assistance...aside from shooting things some more, there's not much they can do. And in all probability, the arriving ship would shoot the ship that called for help, because that's just the way things roll in Lusternia.
Anisu2010-02-25 01:24:34
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Feb 25 2010, 02:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According to the Wiki:
The Algontherine Song will send out a hail of distress to other empaths that may be within reach of you.
The Algontherine Song will send out a hail of distress to other empaths that may be within reach of you.
so does CLT help when you are planarbonded and it does not require balance or power
Kharaen2010-02-25 01:29:41
This is weird:
Seems to detect corpses as well? Be sure to pick up corpses, or the empath'll be confused.
Empath grid.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A small paved path leads past a large hemlock hedge that encloses this small circular garden. The center of this garden exists out of a small pond surrounded by lush green grass. The path leads to just before the pond where a terrace has been made containing a single rocking chair placed facing the pond. A twilight blue rose, a midnight black rose, a striped orchid, a midnight black rose, a striped orchid, a pink carnation, a twilight blue rose, a bright yellow rose, a delicate iris, a midnight black rose, a purple tulip, and a pink carnation blossom within a beautiful, lush garden. A plain rocker constructed of mahogany stands here. Vivid red filigree decorates the jade chest sitting open here. Flashing with energy, the empathic grid stretches from floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall. A winged direwolf cub lounges here, his tongue lolling comically and eyes sparkling with mischief. There are 2 corpses of an aetheretic slivven here.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
(Ship): You say, "Hah, it finds dead ones?"
"chair67140" the command chair 105% / no damage
"turret4658" a battle turret 115% / no damage
"turret10271" a battle turret 115% / no damage
"turret32846" a battle turret 115% / no damage
"orb26040" a shield orb 50% / no damage
"ramhead94291" a bulky ramhead 100% / no damage
"grid46390" the empathic grid 100% / no damage PARASITE!
"cube94435" a cloaking cube 100% / no damage
"collector71557" an energy collector 100% / no damage
"collector183726" an energy collector 100% / no damage
"aetherhold7551" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold22083" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold75455" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold118422" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold123519" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A small paved path leads past a large hemlock hedge that encloses this small circular garden. The center of this garden exists out of a small pond surrounded by lush green grass. The path leads to just before the pond where a terrace has been made containing a single rocking chair placed facing the pond. A twilight blue rose, a midnight black rose, a striped orchid, a midnight black rose, a striped orchid, a pink carnation, a twilight blue rose, a bright yellow rose, a delicate iris, a midnight black rose, a purple tulip, and a pink carnation blossom within a beautiful, lush garden. A plain rocker constructed of mahogany stands here. Vivid red filigree decorates the jade chest sitting open here. Flashing with energy, the empathic grid stretches from floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall. A winged direwolf cub lounges here, his tongue lolling comically and eyes sparkling with mischief. There are 2 corpses of an aetheretic slivven here.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
(Ship): You say, "Hah, it finds dead ones?"
"chair67140" the command chair 105% / no damage
"turret4658" a battle turret 115% / no damage
"turret10271" a battle turret 115% / no damage
"turret32846" a battle turret 115% / no damage
"orb26040" a shield orb 50% / no damage
"ramhead94291" a bulky ramhead 100% / no damage
"grid46390" the empathic grid 100% / no damage PARASITE!
"cube94435" a cloaking cube 100% / no damage
"collector71557" an energy collector 100% / no damage
"collector183726" an energy collector 100% / no damage
"aetherhold7551" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold22083" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold75455" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold118422" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
"aetherhold123519" an aetherhold 100% / no damage
Seems to detect corpses as well? Be sure to pick up corpses, or the empath'll be confused.
Kharaen2010-02-25 01:52:57
And why are there absolutely no vortexes? This is kind of ridiculous.
Ellianshia2010-02-25 02:01:47
QUOTE (Kharaen d'Attai @ Feb 24 2010, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And why are there absolutely no vortexes? This is kind of ridiculous.
Indeed, just spent roughly an hour and a half trying to spawn a vortex to no avail. I understand the whole... ship getting hit roughly 20 times during that period and spawning 5 slivven (25% anyone?), but I seriously did not enjoy the whole thing where we just spent so much time during double XP day for nothing. A trans skill that's just pretty much going down the drain due to the changes.
Razenth2010-02-25 02:15:06
Spawned... 7 in first minute
And use forcefield people. Seriously.

Lehki2010-02-25 02:20:39
There's some bugs with vortexes spawning in certain types of aether terrain apparently, so if you're having problems with it, bug it.
Estarra2010-02-25 02:22:20
What environments are having issues spawning vortexes? I can tweak those numbers. Keep in mind that there is a maximum number of vortexes that can be spawned in an environment per game day. This is how it's -always- worked, but since vortexes didn't decay there was always an overabundance of them. Note that we are going to extend the life of vortexes so they don't decay so fast. We've also been tweaking how often the slivven drain modules and the actual attacks that slivven do.
Keep giving us constructive feedback and we'll continue to tweak to make sure we strike a happy balance!
Keep giving us constructive feedback and we'll continue to tweak to make sure we strike a happy balance!