Xavius2010-04-16 06:26:50
QUOTE (Shulamit @ Apr 16 2010, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I object too, if only cause if it sucks, then why have I been designing for it for so long? 

There is a real answer for this, but it's many pages long. I hope you'll forgive me for not feeling like typing up why design can matter for low-consumption, low-utility things in ways that don't exist for high-consumption, high-utility things.
EDIT: But for some self-guided pondering, why do brewmeisters want access to cartel designs for their brews, but don't care that they can't customize their health potions?
Jayden2010-04-16 06:42:07
QUOTE (Xavius @ Apr 16 2010, 06:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is a real answer for this, but it's many pages long. I hope you'll forgive me for not feeling like typing up why design can matter for low-consumption, low-utility things in ways that don't exist for high-consumption, high-utility things.
EDIT: But for some self-guided pondering, why do brewmeisters want access to cartel designs for their brews, but don't care that they can't customize their health potions?
EDIT: But for some self-guided pondering, why do brewmeisters want access to cartel designs for their brews, but don't care that they can't customize their health potions?
Health makes me money! Tea is pretty!
Yay I can learn tinkering and be a brewmeister!
Xiel2010-04-16 06:45:04
I wouldn't mind if we can customize health potions
And I wouldn't mind if organizational trademasters got to keep their position until they get replaced by an election, since I'm thinking this just booted about 3 of the 5 Glom cartel TM's from the office.
Besides that though, I ABSOLUTELY adore this.

And I wouldn't mind if organizational trademasters got to keep their position until they get replaced by an election, since I'm thinking this just booted about 3 of the 5 Glom cartel TM's from the office.
Besides that though, I ABSOLUTELY adore this.

Kaalak2010-04-16 07:25:53
Zallafar2010-04-16 07:41:39
QUOTE (Zallafar @ Apr 15 2010, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In case anyone else is trying to decide whether to trans LowMagic or HighMagic with that refund from the Magic skill, here's the summary I worked up to help me decide.
Circle = Pentagram
Red = Malkuth
Nullify = Void
Summer = Tipheret
Green = Gedulah
Indigo = Chockmah
Violet = Kether
Orange - temporarily halve hunger increases
Spring - strip a defense
Yellow - increase constitution
Blue - keep conversations private
Autumn - increase experience
Winter - make a blizzard
Serpent - unbreakable shield
Yesod - invisible (and shrouded?)
Netzach - increase charisma
Hod - cure 2 mental afflictions
Hexagram - bring down flyers and climbers
Geburah - increases strength
Binah - lower opponent's constitution
Greatpentagram - unbreakable room barrier
Circle = Pentagram
Red = Malkuth
Nullify = Void
Summer = Tipheret
Green = Gedulah
Indigo = Chockmah
Violet = Kether
Orange - temporarily halve hunger increases
Spring - strip a defense
Yellow - increase constitution
Blue - keep conversations private
Autumn - increase experience
Winter - make a blizzard
Serpent - unbreakable shield
Yesod - invisible (and shrouded?)
Netzach - increase charisma
Hod - cure 2 mental afflictions
Hexagram - bring down flyers and climbers
Geburah - increases strength
Binah - lower opponent's constitution
Greatpentagram - unbreakable room barrier
So, in addtion:
LowMagic, can learn Herbs, Poisons, and bards can learn Alchemy + Brewmeister
HighMagic, bards can learn Enchantment + Tinkering
EDIT: removed Lorecraft
Veyrzhul2010-04-16 07:41:44
Now we only need to be able to make artifacts 'dormant' instead trading them in, and the guildhopping can go through the roof... :*
Good change(s), though, wish the skillflex part had happened just a tad earlier.
edit: okay the artifact thing is stupid without a partial refund while they're dormant, so it's not quite the same, but still!
Good change(s), though, wish the skillflex part had happened just a tad earlier.
edit: okay the artifact thing is stupid without a partial refund while they're dormant, so it's not quite the same, but still!
Eventru2010-04-16 08:05:28
QUOTE (Zallafar @ Apr 16 2010, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, in addtion:
LowMagic, can learn Herbs, Poisons, and bards can learn Alchemy + Lorecraft or Brewmeister
HighMagic, bards can learn Enchantment + Tinkering
LowMagic, can learn Herbs, Poisons, and bards can learn Alchemy + Lorecraft or Brewmeister
HighMagic, bards can learn Enchantment + Tinkering
Bards cannot learn lorecraft, that's druid/wicca only.
Zallafar2010-04-16 08:21:04
QUOTE (Eventru @ Apr 16 2010, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bards cannot learn lorecraft, that's druid/wicca only.
Ah, OK, thanks.
@Lendren: the wiki could be updated to make this clear.
Shiri2010-04-16 09:55:30
Another great change.
Now all we need is some skillchoices for monks and bards. Preferably one we can swap harmony out for. I have some ideas...
EDIT: In all seriousness though, I may actually have to use this one on my tradeskills, hrm.
Now all we need is some skillchoices for monks and bards. Preferably one we can swap harmony out for. I have some ideas...

EDIT: In all seriousness though, I may actually have to use this one on my tradeskills, hrm.
Saran2010-04-16 10:10:58
It's bad that I have the option to switch to artisan again because I have a cartel, but every other trade except maybe cooking seems like a better option
Roark2010-04-16 10:30:40
QUOTE (Saran @ Apr 15 2010, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does the permanent forget work on dormant skills? Might people helpful for people who can't/don't want to activate a skill but still want to lose it
And no confirmation. We never needed one before. It's just the same as the old FORGET.
Roark2010-04-16 10:33:17
I saw some speculation on why Magic was dumped. We thought Lusternia would be more attractive if it cost fewer lessons to go omni-trans. And since people may want to have lessons to try out skillflex, doing both at the same time seemed to fit well since dumping Magic gave you those lessons.
Kiradawea2010-04-16 10:40:42
Dumping magic was good. It didn't really give you anything except a passive bonus to resist magic. Which isn't all that hot. Thanks.
(Obligatory suggestion of mixing Resilience and Combat here)
(Obligatory suggestion of mixing Resilience and Combat here)
Ssaliss2010-04-16 10:43:08
And Planar and Discipline as well, kplzthx.
Doman2010-04-16 10:44:56
Do Dormant skills affect might? If not, should they?
Ssaliss2010-04-16 10:54:53
Hmm. I'd assume they won't, and I'd even argue that they shouldn't, based on the fact that they cannot be used. Any reason they should be counted?
Rika2010-04-16 10:58:45
Ragniliff is still about equal to my might, so I'll assume it doesn't. 

Unknown2010-04-16 11:00:57
It does not.
Xenthos2010-04-16 11:28:10
QUOTE (roark @ Apr 16 2010, 06:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And no confirmation. We never needed one before. It's just the same as the old FORGET.
And no confirmation. We never needed one before. It's just the same as the old FORGET.
But before you didn't have people typing out FORGET *Skill*, whereas now you have them typing it out more.
I'm pretty sure someone is going to do the wrong one at some point.

Confirmation for the permanent side of things would be nice, really, just in case.
Everiine2010-04-16 11:50:41
Except now you to type out PERMANENT in addition as well, and if you can take the time to spell it right, you won't need confirmation.