Tweets 2

by Eventru

Back to Common Grounds.

Aoife2010-07-21 22:38:46
QUOTE (Furien @ Jul 21 2010, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(temporary derail)

Shops come up for sale with absolutely no warning for 80k when I'm utterly broke (guard influencing), and they get scooped up within the day.

There goes my last chance to get a shop of my own that isn't being sold millions of gold overpriced. What the $&@!, man. sad.gif

(Some asshat in Gaudi better get shrubbed REAL SOON)

Your anxiety is unnecessary.
Rodngar2010-07-21 22:39:20
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2010, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who had the bright idea to take cavefishers... and make them 1) Stronger, 2) Undead, 3) Give Paralysis, 4) Web, and 5) Clump up even more than normal fishers?


As if I needed more reasons to avoid the already terribly dull bashing in IRE, this happens.
Unknown2010-07-21 22:44:19
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 22 2010, 12:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who had the bright idea to take cavefishers... and make them 1) Stronger, 2) Undead, 3) Give Paralysis, 4) Web, and 5) Clump up even more than normal fishers?


QFT. Now I no longer feel as bad about taking five minutes fighting two of them when they keep me permawebbed/paralysed/with every limb broken.
Razenth2010-07-21 22:44:44
Better call in the Celestines and quicken/radiance them to death.
Thul2010-07-21 22:45:31
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2010, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who had the bright idea to take cavefishers... and make them 1) Stronger, 2) Undead, 3) Give Paralysis, 4) Web, and 5) Clump up even more than normal fishers?


Someone who hates people, likes tears, and has been paying attention to all the hate-causing and tear-making that fishers caused.
Xenthos2010-07-21 22:45:35
QUOTE (Brahms @ Jul 21 2010, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QFT. Now I no longer feel as bad about taking five minutes fighting two of them when they keep me permawebbed/paralysed/with every limb broken.

Well, my tweet's more about the clumps of 4+ than the ones of two/three, but still. tongue.gif
Unknown2010-07-21 22:47:28
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 22 2010, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, my tweet's more about the clumps of 4+ than the ones of two/three, but still. tongue.gif

I didn't say I felt good, but better. I still suck pretty bad. biggrin.gif
Aubrey2010-07-21 22:47:42
QUOTE (Aliod @ Jul 21 2010, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't expect restraint, I would expect common sense, meaning my hopes of finding that in great quantities would be on par with me spreading butter on toast with a chainsaw.

That's your first mistake.
Eventru2010-07-21 22:48:14
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2010, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who had the bright idea to take cavefishers... and make them 1) Stronger, 2) Undead, 3) Give Paralysis, 4) Web, and 5) Clump up even more than normal fishers?


suspicious.gif Such genius was not my doing. I am envious of the thought, though. Good news is Celestines can kill them quicker with Radiance! confused.gif
Xenthos2010-07-21 22:50:38
QUOTE (Eventru @ Jul 21 2010, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
suspicious.gif Such genius was not my doing. I am envious of the thought, though. Good news is Celestines can kill them quicker with Radiance! confused.gif

Killing them isn't the problem, it's the permanent-webbing that's a problem.

As such, Crow actually has an advantage hunting the things; bonenose and spiderweb. 45 corpses of these fishers do not lie!

... that does not change that it is annoying as heck. ohmy.gif
Ixion2010-07-21 22:51:30
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2010, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, my tweet's more about the clumps of 4+ than the ones of two/three, but still. tongue.gif

Bring a friend maybe? It's very much doable solo, though.
Unknown2010-07-21 22:52:37
Good thing I never bash Undervault. dry.gif

It'll take a miracle for me to get 80 in any reasonable amount of time, never mind Demi. Then again, I gave up on Demi two RL years ago. I'll settle for the no sleeping/eating perk.

QUOTE (Eventru @ Jul 21 2010, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Such genius was not my doing.

Ileein2010-07-21 22:56:49
As I was just commenting to Arel, normal cave fishers are horrific enough, but mutant undead paralyzing cave fishers? Clearly the universe has no sense of poise, dignity, or restraint, and has the sense of humor of a five-year-old. D:
Xenthos2010-07-21 22:58:11
QUOTE (Ixion @ Jul 21 2010, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bring a friend maybe? It's very much doable solo, though.

Oh, I know. I killed them all just to get at the little sisters they were protecting. >:(
Unknown2010-07-21 23:08:46
QUOTE (Ileein @ Jul 21 2010, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Clearly the universe has no sense of poise, dignity, or restraint, and has the sense of humor of a five-year-old. D:

Yes yes, exactly! This is how you can tell when things are entirely Eventru's fault, like when that invincible denizen knock-off of a Dragonlance character was running around Magnagora spewing 3k+ damage fireballs faster than Yrael could yell "FIREBALL!" tongue.gif
Aubrey2010-07-21 23:13:19
QUOTE (Denust @ Jul 21 2010, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It'll take a miracle for me to get 80 in any reasonable amount of time, never mind Demi. Then again, I gave up on Demi two RL years ago. I'll settle for the no sleeping/eating perk.

I don't even remember getting 80. Titan snuck up on me. I wasn't trying for any particular goal after 80. And now I'm specifically trying not to get demi anytime soon...
Kante2010-07-21 23:15:23
For the first time in a long time, Magnagora has made me want to beat my head against a wall and logout immediately.
Unknown2010-07-21 23:21:01
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Jul 21 2010, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't even remember getting 80. Titan snuck up on me. I wasn't trying for any particular goal after 80. And now I'm specifically trying not to get demi anytime soon...

I'm sorry that I'm so bad at every aspect of this game. losewings.gif

And yeah, I don't think I'd want to lose Conglutination either. There's no way I could bash enough essence to offset all the inevitable deaths. Unless you're trying to avoid demi for other reasons. suspicious.gif
Chalcedony2010-07-21 23:44:19
QUOTE (thisismydisplayname @ Jul 21 2010, 06:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I hate you.

QUOTE (Demetrios @ Jul 21 2010, 06:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can't blame her. The men interested in Chalce are terrible, terrible people.

Indeed. They're all men. :/
Razenth2010-07-21 23:50:32
I know some women who could use brides... happy.gif

... though now that I think about it, they're either Halli or Celestian sad.gif