Rodngar2010-07-02 19:25:39
QUOTE (Harkux @ Jul 2 2010, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Don't take that to mean I don't love the Illuminati - in fact, right now, I'd probably say they're my favorite class. It's just that I'd have been totally interested in the Institute schtick instead of Aeromantic Engineering (oh, also, I learned my lesson about mixing me and demesnes

Shulamit2010-07-02 19:29:20
I like time stuff. Hell, I watch science channel, and understand what they're saying (most of the time) about time, and how atoms work, and stuff...
But then I get asked to make up a, working theory, and stuff. One, want what? A working theory which is going to be impossible for me to test, but you want to know how I'm going to test it? And you tell me I can make stuff up, but...Lord Lyreth says not to now, I have to figure out some way to make it so I didn't lie in game, and yet still figure out why books don't decay. Using time magic. Cause it's all my little brain could think of in five seconds.
And my knowledge of the reading of the histories would appear to be old, since I don't remember most of the taint wars stuff that used to be there.
I'll be sitting at the matrix at gr1 cr1, dun mind me while I design stuff
But then I get asked to make up a, working theory, and stuff. One, want what? A working theory which is going to be impossible for me to test, but you want to know how I'm going to test it? And you tell me I can make stuff up, but...Lord Lyreth says not to now, I have to figure out some way to make it so I didn't lie in game, and yet still figure out why books don't decay. Using time magic. Cause it's all my little brain could think of in five seconds.
And my knowledge of the reading of the histories would appear to be old, since I don't remember most of the taint wars stuff that used to be there.
I'll be sitting at the matrix at gr1 cr1, dun mind me while I design stuff

Xavius2010-07-02 19:36:24
QUOTE (Harkux @ Jul 2 2010, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I figured I'd fit in better with Hallifax, once upon a time...then I saw what actually happened with each org, and it became a very, very easy choice. You should smile because Gaudiguch isn't as sluggish as Hallifax, not be sad because people like some of the ideas behind Hallifax, but not enough to justify giving up the awesomeness that is Gaudi.
Rodngar2010-07-02 19:38:40
QUOTE (Xavius @ Jul 2 2010, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I figured I'd fit in better with Hallifax, once upon a time...then I saw what actually happened with each org, and it became a very, very easy choice. You should smile because Gaudiguch isn't as sluggish as Hallifax, not be sad because people like some of the ideas behind Hallifax, but not enough to justify giving up the awesomeness that is Gaudi.
In another dimension, I wouldn't mind the fact that Hallifax requires pretty much everything I hate as advancement reqs. I remember why I left, and I had really good reason for it. Gaudiguch seems to have my kind of 'no frills, earn your way' kind of attitude I've tried to institute everywhere I go in IRE.
Arel2010-07-02 19:57:56
This conversation is kind of disheartening. We have a nice little rant fest because of an advancement requirement that wasn't clearly worded that said essentially "make up something involving time" translated to "you must know calculus" to "perform an entire experiment for GR1". Then we are all happy when went to Gaudiguch because Hallifax is teh lamezorz and actually wants to RP according to how the city has been explained to us through events and the histories. Really?
Ileein2010-07-02 20:02:02
"Make up" OOCly != "make up" ICly. Just saying.
Gregori2010-07-02 20:04:30
QUOTE (Arel @ Jul 2 2010, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This conversation is kind of disheartening. We have a nice little rant fest because of an advancement requirement that wasn't clearly worded that said essentially "make up something involving time" translated to "you must know calculus" to "perform an entire experiment for GR1". Then we are all happy when went to Gaudiguch because Hallifax is teh lamezorz and actually wants to RP according to how the city has been explained to us through events and the histories. Really?
Don't be disheartened. Remember Gaudiguch is home to more drama-ho people than any other city... though we are slowly culling them out of the city as they cross the line too far. If I was really tyrannical and a total dictator as they like to say I would just be like "ok all you people... bye" Sadly I have to wait fore them to mess up... luckily drama-hos always do.
Noola2010-07-02 20:06:03
Yeah, it's my fault. I'm sorry. I was in a pissy mood cause I should have just left work when my boss said I could and I decided to try to be all responsible and stuff and got frustrated over something not working like it's supposed to and not being able to figure out why.
Normally, I just ignore advancement reqs I can't meet and am happy doing whatever I can/want to, but math is always a little bit of a touchy subject for me because it seriously makes me feel like Cletus the Slackjawed Yokel when I try to do anything more complicated than adding short columns of small numbers together and I don't like feeling that way.
But, like I said, normally I just say, "Oh well, I'll still have fun doing this or that and ingore that not-fun thing altogether." But my bad mood + the idea of someone wanting to make me do math (even if there wouldn't be any math, just the idea of math is bad enough and no one was saying, "Don't worry, there's not going to be any math needed.) = pissy me and so I started an argument that need not have been.
I feel bad about it now.
Cause I do actually like Hallifax! And I love the idea of a 100% sciency guild! And the idea of time stuff is awesome! I didn't mean to contribute to a Hallifax sux mindset.
Normally, I just ignore advancement reqs I can't meet and am happy doing whatever I can/want to, but math is always a little bit of a touchy subject for me because it seriously makes me feel like Cletus the Slackjawed Yokel when I try to do anything more complicated than adding short columns of small numbers together and I don't like feeling that way.
But, like I said, normally I just say, "Oh well, I'll still have fun doing this or that and ingore that not-fun thing altogether." But my bad mood + the idea of someone wanting to make me do math (even if there wouldn't be any math, just the idea of math is bad enough and no one was saying, "Don't worry, there's not going to be any math needed.) = pissy me and so I started an argument that need not have been.
I feel bad about it now.

Cause I do actually like Hallifax! And I love the idea of a 100% sciency guild! And the idea of time stuff is awesome! I didn't mean to contribute to a Hallifax sux mindset.

Eventru2010-07-03 02:19:44
I think it bears mentioning, the Institute's major 'thing' was time and time magic - but that wasn't their only thing.
Several of the city's researchers go on about various projects that they work on and what their research projects focus on - they've also a history of working with solar energy and that sort of thing (lucidians regenerate during the daytime outdoors, and also look at how the Arthar'rt Observatory charges its machine for its experiments). They're a scientific research institute, so really, I could see an argument being made that a thesis on the digestive track and why trill fart is as valuable as a theory on why time flies while you're having fun.
Just my opinion, however.
Several of the city's researchers go on about various projects that they work on and what their research projects focus on - they've also a history of working with solar energy and that sort of thing (lucidians regenerate during the daytime outdoors, and also look at how the Arthar'rt Observatory charges its machine for its experiments). They're a scientific research institute, so really, I could see an argument being made that a thesis on the digestive track and why trill fart is as valuable as a theory on why time flies while you're having fun.
Just my opinion, however.

Okin2010-07-03 02:37:43
Just throwing in my two cents (I haven't made an Institute alt... yet
) but it looked like a lot of the bad feelings came from a word like 'testable'. As I understand the reqs, you don't have to test the theory, it just has to be falisifiable, i.e. able to be proved wrong, somehow. So, I could come up with a theory like "The planes are on top of one another, not wrapped around each other like layers. So, if every person worked on taking as much as they could carry up to the Astral Plane, over and over, until we had our whole civilisation up there, and had essentially emptied the Basin, the cosmos would get top-heavy and fall over, and then gravity would go sideways." Obviously I'm never going to actually be able to test that, but it's falsifiable in the sense that if we did do that, we would get a definite answer: the cosmos would either topple, or it wouldn't.
I could have misunderstood the Institute reqs, though. Maybe you do have to test a theory, especially later. I'm just saying that a testable theory != testing a theory.

I could have misunderstood the Institute reqs, though. Maybe you do have to test a theory, especially later. I'm just saying that a testable theory != testing a theory.
Arel2010-07-03 02:54:02
QUOTE (Okin @ Jul 2 2010, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just throwing in my two cents (I haven't made an Institute alt... yet
) but it looked like a lot of the bad feelings came from a word like 'testable'. As I understand the reqs, you don't have to test the theory, it just has to be falisifiable, i.e. able to be proved wrong, somehow. So, I could come up with a theory like "The planes are on top of one another, not wrapped around each other like layers. So, if every person worked on taking as much as they could carry up to the Astral Plane, over and over, until we had our whole civilisation up there, and had essentially emptied the Basin, the cosmos would get top-heavy and fall over, and then gravity would go sideways." Obviously I'm never going to actually be able to test that, but it's falsifiable in the sense that if we did do that, we would get a definite answer: the cosmos would either topple, or it wouldn't.
I could have misunderstood the Institute reqs, though. Maybe you do have to test a theory, especially later. I'm just saying that a testable theory != testing a theory.

I could have misunderstood the Institute reqs, though. Maybe you do have to test a theory, especially later. I'm just saying that a testable theory != testing a theory.
No, no, no, Okin. You are supposed to complain about these things, not logic your way through them. Shame on you!
Ileein2010-07-03 03:01:15
Ding ding ding. With logic like that, you'd get my 'advancement' stamp. So make an Institute alt! 

Unknown2010-07-03 03:12:40
Eep. I didn't mean to make complainy either. I freakin' love Hallifax stuff! I'm just, you know, well. I guess a little stupid.
Totally a personal issue. Not...not anything else's issue. I am going to stop myself here before I type out two pages worth of repetitive, panicky apology, as I am known to do.

Xavius2010-07-03 05:08:10
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jul 2 2010, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Eep. I didn't mean to make complainy either. I freakin' love Hallifax stuff! I'm just, you know, well. I guess a little stupid.
Totally a personal issue. Not...not anything else's issue. I am going to stop myself here before I type out two pages worth of repetitive, panicky apology, as I am known to do.

Unknown2010-07-03 05:18:22
Shaddus2010-07-03 06:27:07
Basically in the Institute and Hallifax you have to BS your way into looking smart, and that's how you get along.
Unknown2010-07-03 06:31:43
At least in Gaudi no one can call you on BS beliefs--because we all literally have the ability to create our own realities. So if I say the sky is green, then it totally is for my character. No need to prove jack. 

Unknown2010-07-03 06:49:12
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jul 3 2010, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Basically in the Institute and Hallifax you have to BS your way into looking smart, and that's how you get along.
I do just fine in Hallifax being Phoebus, and I don't BS her to be smart at all. She just sits around and drinks tea (and plots her eventual world takeover) and says some nonsense now and again. 's all good.

Finnley2010-07-03 07:07:11
I think Eventru's comment about the many facets (see what I did there?
) of the Institute is worth heavily considering. Finnley is working on medical stuff with the hopes of becoming a Medical Doctor through the Institute. There's a lot of rp to be had in something you ARE interested in and it's fairly easy to tie it into the time stuff. Remeber that not all research projects or experiments have immediate effects. Think about the world as a whole and look at something that is observable over time. Nothing may ever come of your theory but the idea of the institute is to "Take no one's word for it." For example, Finn is going to propose that the institute needs to observe those who have been aged through Aeonics for physiological and anatomical side-effects. From an OOC standpoint it's highly unlikely that anything will ever happen to them but looking at it from an in character point of view, it's a huge concern that should be documented.
Hallifax is very much a niche that a lot of people aren't going to enjoy. I do like the challenge of coming up with experiments and research as well as making them into something that I can pull others into. It's overall what YOU make of it and I personally don't find the advancement requirements of a scientific society to be inappropriate if they include something scientific. (Trying to encourage the Institute Guild Leaders) The big thing to remember is that everything that occurs in life in general, OOC or IC, has a touch of science that can be gleaned from it. So, use your creativity and creatively... well, make stuff up!
*inserts 2 cents*

Hallifax is very much a niche that a lot of people aren't going to enjoy. I do like the challenge of coming up with experiments and research as well as making them into something that I can pull others into. It's overall what YOU make of it and I personally don't find the advancement requirements of a scientific society to be inappropriate if they include something scientific. (Trying to encourage the Institute Guild Leaders) The big thing to remember is that everything that occurs in life in general, OOC or IC, has a touch of science that can be gleaned from it. So, use your creativity and creatively... well, make stuff up!
*inserts 2 cents*
Azula2010-07-03 10:18:49
Big Question: Do Crystals or Flesh Summons suffer certain penalties when they are in the opposing Cosmic Planes? And if they do not, shouldn't they be? I know it would be harsh for them to poof the way angels and demons do, but are they perhaps disabled while on opposing planes?