ongaku2010-07-17 07:56:42
Honestly, I really don't ever plan for - if Ongaku goes to Ackleberry - being a complete hardass about everything. However, should he move there when it comes out, I do plan on him being a bear Druid and being more on the serious side, just because his vision of bears isn't snuggly and cuddly, but great, powerful beasts with sharp teeth, long claws, and thick muscles. While he wouldn't go all Magnagoran on those who acted "snuggly," he definitely wouldn't condone it and would possibly have a stern talking to with those who he found doing it.
Of course, should that happen, he wouldn't be without compassion. He's still a Furrikin, after all.
Even as a Magnagoran, he has a fair amount of compassion (much more than the average Mag at least).
Of course, should that happen, he wouldn't be without compassion. He's still a Furrikin, after all.

Arcanis2010-07-17 08:13:57
okay something I forgot to mention before. The whole thinking that sun and orlachmar were "tainted" seems wrong to me, since "the taint" refers to what Kethuru released and let spread to gain control over all inhabitants of the basin (which didnt work out thanks to gaudi and halli making a big temporal flux or whatever
). So yeah, not everything touched by excoroperditio is "tainted" but more of "changed", like their lifeforce becomes stronger since it is a form of divine energy but more of twisted in a way. Like for example take Sun, first he was more of a pure white spirit about warmth, it even says that the sun was frist a white ball before he was "changed" by the elixir. He then became more of a spirit of burning fire, they even say the sun became a burning ball in the sky. So yeah in the end they arent "tainted" since tainted is touched by what Kethuru released to become his undead minions, they are more of twisted and changed since they were touched by the excoroperditio energy.
That is what I think anyway

That is what I think anyway

Eventru2010-07-17 09:04:05
QUOTE (Arcanis @ Jul 17 2010, 04:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
okay something I forgot to mention before. The whole thinking that sun and orlachmar were "tainted" seems wrong to me, since "the taint" refers to what Kethuru released and let spread to gain control over all inhabitants of the basin (which didnt work out thanks to gaudi and halli making a big temporal flux or whatever
). So yeah, not everything touched by excoroperditio is "tainted" but more of "changed", like their lifeforce becomes stronger since it is a form of divine energy but more of twisted in a way. Like for example take Sun, first he was more of a pure white spirit about warmth, it even says that the sun was frist a white ball before he was "changed" by the elixir. He then became more of a spirit of burning fire, they even say the sun became a burning ball in the sky. So yeah in the end they arent "tainted" since tainted is touched by what Kethuru released to become his undead minions, they are more of twisted and changed since they were touched by the excoroperditio energy.
That is what I think anyway

That is what I think anyway

That's why I differentiate between "tainted" and "Tainted", the former being the consumption of soulless essence and the latter the "injection", as it were, of soulless essence by Kethuru. Though there's definitely an argument to be made that the end result is the same (though given the passage in Clangorum's book about Orlachmar changing after consuming the essence of Volkh, there's also an argument to be made that the change is 'different' based on 'where' the essence came from - though the end result is probably precisely as (I think Volkh) said it would be, no matter the source!). I've my own theories on it, for sure! It'd be interesting to see the discussion carried out ICly.
Unknown2010-07-17 09:07:20
QUOTE (Eventru @ Jul 17 2010, 06:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It wasn't simply destroyed, but everything there was consumed by Zenos' acidic winds - probably ate up all the fae and such that it was consuming, besides.
This gave birth to a creepy mental image. Poor faez

Unknown2010-07-17 20:27:28
So the cities seem to be based on the classic good/evil/chaos/order alignments (Celest/Mag/Gaudi/Halli). I wonder what alignment system the forests will end up being based upon. I don't really see either Jojobo or Ackleberry going Chaos/Order, so I'd suppose the communes are different than the cities in that regard. My guess: Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter, which I think would correspond to Seren/Jojobo/Glom/Ackleberry. What do you guys think?
Lendren2010-07-17 20:58:26
The cities do fit the classic alignments but they also are mapped to the elements, and while there are many ways people line those up with each other, I've never seen the combination Lusternia uses.
I strongly doubt the seasons would be used, because if that were the plan, they would never have built Etherwilde to contain all four the way they did. Seasons as a concept seems pretty solidly established as being more likely associated with Serenwilde than spread out. (Not to say no one else thinks about the seasons or uses the concept, but that others think about water doesn't change that Water's a Celestian thing.)
But if they were, I doubt they'd be aligned like you've done them, because that'd be too obvious.
Generally, I don't think there's going to be nearly as tidy a set of conceptual bases as with the cities.
I strongly doubt the seasons would be used, because if that were the plan, they would never have built Etherwilde to contain all four the way they did. Seasons as a concept seems pretty solidly established as being more likely associated with Serenwilde than spread out. (Not to say no one else thinks about the seasons or uses the concept, but that others think about water doesn't change that Water's a Celestian thing.)
But if they were, I doubt they'd be aligned like you've done them, because that'd be too obvious.
Generally, I don't think there's going to be nearly as tidy a set of conceptual bases as with the cities.
Unknown2010-07-18 06:09:48
Gloriana had the Summer Court. Serenwilde was the wintry northern forest. But no, seasons isn't the theme of the communes. It's always been a bit complicated forming a solid template for the forests.
Sylphas2010-07-18 06:11:12
I miss the seasonal conclaves we had.
Saran2010-07-18 07:04:36
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Jul 18 2010, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I miss the seasonal conclaves we had.
They were awesome, what happened to them

Everiine2010-07-18 16:09:38
QUOTE (Saran @ Jul 18 2010, 03:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They were awesome, what happened to them 

I've only ever heard of the Summer Court, which was before my time. What did they each do?
Shiri2010-07-18 16:22:27
No, the Summer Court is something else entirely. Sylphas is just talking about MD guild structure.
Sylphas2010-07-18 17:03:25
We switched them to the Avatars at some point. Working on getting at least a hint of the seasonal theme back in, but I've been slacking. 

Thul2010-07-18 17:50:20
I got this idea after looking at the Deck of the Fae, but the communes seem to have some elemental ties too. With Ackleberry's obvious Lake being Water, and the Sunfire tree spelling out Jojobo's element, it's not hard to see Glomdoring as the commune of air and darkness. Only real questionable one is Serenwilde, who don't fit badly as Earth out of the four, but I've always remembered them with a lot of flame imagery.
Anyway... Serenwilde had the Winter Court, Gloriana had the Summer. Real question is whether Ackleberry was Spring or Autumn. Spring seems more likely. Glade of Flowers and all.
Anyway... Serenwilde had the Winter Court, Gloriana had the Summer. Real question is whether Ackleberry was Spring or Autumn. Spring seems more likely. Glade of Flowers and all.
Ilyssa2010-07-20 13:04:08
This is a nit off topic now, but I thought someone else had thought of it, but I was wrong. I give you the Great Cactus Spirit:

May you rain needles of death upon your enemies, my friends.

May you rain needles of death upon your enemies, my friends.
Ayden2010-07-20 17:55:53

Togemon! Great Cactus Spirit of ass-kickery!
Nienla2010-07-20 18:45:31

True Cactus Great Spirit would have the moustache.
Edit: Curse you people. Totally making my Avatar a Cactuar now.

Aerotan2010-07-20 19:15:02
QUOTE (Saran @ Jul 16 2010, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...tbh I'd expect to see a marine Maeve first...
I personally think (though I can already feel Eventru getting his "BUT IT'S WRONG!" post typed out) that Lanikai sort of IS an aquatic Maeve type spirit. The only aquatic fae we know of so far are the kelpies, and she seems to have a handle on what they're doing most of the time, and it's undeniable that she's a very, VERY powerful (if a bit crippled, stupid seahorse) being. The only major kink in this is the presence of Jietara and the mutant kelpies.
Ilyssa2010-07-20 20:10:56
Togemon is only Togemon when the watch let's Togemon be Togemon. Otherwise Togemon is a silly little flower. And but of course, we are never EVER allowed to acknowledge any form of life in the desert except Cacti, Cactuars, Roadrunners, the now extinct Coyote, and tumbleweeds, which are in fact a sentient form of life capable of shapeshifting. The only recorded case of such was one a rather benevolent Tumbleweed told us the story of a Dude living in Southern California. This Dude was lazy, even by Californian standards which has to put you in the running for Laziest Dude in the World.
There's nothing shameful about Cactuars. Except for the 1,000 needles. (Trans Totem-spec skill?) >.>
QUOTE (Nienla @ Jul 20 2010, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True Cactus Great Spirit would have the moustache.
Edit: Curse you people. Totally making my Avatar a Cactuar now.
Edit: Curse you people. Totally making my Avatar a Cactuar now.

There's nothing shameful about Cactuars. Except for the 1,000 needles. (Trans Totem-spec skill?) >.>
Aerotan2010-07-20 21:20:12
It'd be kinda weak for a trans skill. I mean, a guaranteed 1000 damage just isn't that impressive for the 10p it would inevitably cost. But it'll still get nerfed, and 500 needles just doesn't have that same ring to it.
Razenth2010-07-20 21:33:19
It'll get buffed to 10000 Needles.