Ayden2010-07-12 18:43:49
Well, if you look at the geography of Lusternia, Gaudiguch and the Skarch Desert are technically outside of the Basin...
Jack2010-07-12 18:43:51
QUOTE (arnold @ Jul 12 2010, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so what do you guys think the new communes' racial affinity will be?
Furrikin or tae'dae or both for Ackleberry. Prooobably aslaran for Jojobo, assuming it comes out at all. I can't really see it, though.
Unknown2010-07-12 18:44:42
QUOTE (Noola @ Jul 12 2010, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, in the distant future, when they come out, I imagine it'll be Furrikin and Tae'dae for Ackleberry and Jojobo would be Aslarans.
yeah I figured tae'dae and furrikin will have to stick together. I hope they do make it like that.
Lehki2010-07-12 18:45:02
EDIT: Ninja'd like 3 times, nvm.
Kante2010-07-12 19:49:10
If aslaran is the spec race for Jojobo, it's going to be the mudsex capitol.
Sylphas2010-07-12 20:48:06
QUOTE (Kante @ Jul 12 2010, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If aslaran is the spec race for Jojobo, it's going to be the mudsex capitol.
It would give the Loboshigaru crowd in Seren a run for their money, that's for sure.
I would SO SAD if Ackleberry is Tae'dae spec only and not furrikin. Must be both!
Unknown2010-07-12 20:49:34
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Jul 12 2010, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It would give the Loboshigaru crowd in Seren a run for their money, that's for sure.
I would SO SAD if Ackleberry is Tae'dae spec only and not furrikin. Must be both!
I would SO SAD if Ackleberry is Tae'dae spec only and not furrikin. Must be both!
I don't see why it would just be one or the other. Hallifax has two spec races.
Noola2010-07-12 20:50:47
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Jul 12 2010, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It would give the Loboshigaru crowd in Seren a run for their money, that's for sure.
I would SO SAD if Ackleberry is Tae'dae spec only and not furrikin. Must be both!
I would SO SAD if Ackleberry is Tae'dae spec only and not furrikin. Must be both!
I don't see why it couldn't be both. Hallifax got both Lucidian and Trill and Ackleberry seemed just as heavy into the duality as they did. Plus the Gods that sharded into Furrikin and Tae'dae were best buds too right? Like the ones that sharded into Lucidians and Trills were lovers.
Makes sense.
Sylphas2010-07-12 20:54:02
People have still been saying it could be either or, and I want to squash that. There's no question in my mind it will be both, now that Hallifax has done it.
Unknown2010-07-12 20:55:34
I want an Ithaqua for Lusternia with Great Spirit Wolf as one of its totem spirits so I can have Wolf Druids and Loboshigaru as a spec race and WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLF. 
(It's not happening, I know.)

(It's not happening, I know.)
Kiradawea2010-07-12 21:34:55
Honestly, every 'kin I've talked to seems intent on making sure that Ackleberry will be hard-line. Lake has already proven to be pretty awesome, and in histories and events and such, furrikin are always shown as competent and/or plain awesome.
Ackleberry really seems to me to be the kind of forest that is nice and easy to get along with, but the moment you cross them, which pretty much all the basin has done by this point, they're gonna make it so that you wish you were never born.
Ackleberry really seems to me to be the kind of forest that is nice and easy to get along with, but the moment you cross them, which pretty much all the basin has done by this point, they're gonna make it so that you wish you were never born.
Nienla2010-07-12 21:40:01
Mistdancers and Solardancers, go.
(I would join Jojobo, just sayin')
(I would join Jojobo, just sayin')
Xenthos2010-07-12 22:09:22
QUOTE (Eventru @ Jul 12 2010, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've always loved Maeve and her desire for all of the Great Spirits to get along - it's so tragic, at least to me. I know players hate her, but trying to imagine an entity who's very fibre of being is composed of things that hate each other is just. I don't know. Tragic! I mean, imagine if your body parts were sentient, and you're walking around, and your kidneys started kicking the crap out of your stomach or bladder or something. Couldn't be pleasant!
When my appendix did this, the authorities decided that it was not playing nicely and needed to be separated from the others.
Unfortunately, it did not survive the process.
Lendren2010-07-12 22:14:09
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jul 12 2010, 08:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And unfortunately those stereotypes are really hard to break. There was a Spin the Bottle game going on at the nexus once that I tried to break up, and people looked at me dumbfounded and responded with "Why shouldn't I be allowed to do this?" They were honestly confused why I was asking them to make out elsewhere. That kind of ingrained thinking is really hard to break.
To be fair, I was actually part of that incident, and I stand by being so. Because it was more about dancing than kissing, but that's not really the point. What it was really about was a dose of joy that the commune was in even more desperate need of on that particular day than it usually does, and that's saying a lot. A few people were grumpier because of it, and a lot more people came away motivated and enthusiastic after starting the day totally dispirited. If I remember right, a few hours later there was a hugely successful defense against the same raiders that had crushed and dispirited everyone an hour before those games, too, so it worked. It had to be public because its intended effect was public.
Even if not having joy and playfulness at Mother would eliminate the stereotype (and it wouldn't, we could all glower and eat babies 24/7 and they'd still call us snugglers), there are times when it's just absolutely worth it anyway. Morale is, after all, Serenwilde's biggest problem, bigger even than the "communication" boondoggle.
So in conclusion, pointless snuggling by people who treat the commune as a mixed singles bar: bad. Morale-raising levity that gets enthusiasm into people who've lost it, and who'll use it for the good of the commune: good.
Everiine2010-07-12 22:21:57
QUOTE (Lendren @ Jul 12 2010, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be fair, I was actually part of that incident, and I stand by being so. Because it was more about dancing than kissing, but that's not really the point.
You must have been there at a different time than I was. I walked in on full-on making out.
Lendren2010-07-12 22:36:04
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jul 12 2010, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You must have been there at a different time than I was. I walked in on full-on making out.
Maybe it was a different incident then.
Sylphas2010-07-12 22:36:35
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jul 12 2010, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You must have been there at a different time than I was. I walked in on full-on making out.
Times like that are when I love my pooka.
Unknown2010-07-12 22:39:34
QUOTE (Elostian @ Jul 12 2010, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can sort of picture fain as the Dark Lord of Sylvanian Families...
Yes. Perfect combination.
Yes. Perfect combination.
Oh sure it's cute and cuddly on the outside. The locals will welcome you with open arms,
"Here have some of our honey"
"Oh, there's no need to tell your family where you are. Just stay the night and leave in the morning."
So you get lured in, not noticing the small things:
The constant, pained smiles of the locals, their insistence on serving you honey, the strange light-headed feeling you start to feel...
Then BAM! You wake up strapped to an altar, surrounded by hooded figures and a knife dangling above your chest.
And, in his new bear-skin robes, the lord of the Ackleberry just watches with a grin as the knife comes down.
Lehki2010-07-12 22:56:42
QUOTE (Taraj @ Jul 12 2010, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh sure it's cute and cuddly on the outside. The locals will welcome you with open arms,
"Here have some of our honey"
"Oh, there's no need to tell your family where you are. Just stay the night and leave in the morning."
So you get lured in, not noticing the small things:
The constant, pained smiles of the locals, their insistence on serving you honey, the strange light-headed feeling you start to feel...
Then BAM! You wake up strapped to an altar, surrounded by hooded figures and a knife dangling above your chest.
And, in his new bear-skin robes, the lord of the Ackleberry just watches with a grin as the knife comes down.
"Here have some of our honey"
"Oh, there's no need to tell your family where you are. Just stay the night and leave in the morning."
So you get lured in, not noticing the small things:
The constant, pained smiles of the locals, their insistence on serving you honey, the strange light-headed feeling you start to feel...
Then BAM! You wake up strapped to an altar, surrounded by hooded figures and a knife dangling above your chest.
And, in his new bear-skin robes, the lord of the Ackleberry just watches with a grin as the knife comes down.
Aerotan2010-07-13 07:51:00
My main curiousity with Jojobo was just how much backlash from the Tainting of Sun there is in the Sundancers. They could easily run the gamut from "Yes, we know Sun is loopy, we're working on it." to "BY tHE LIGhT OF THE THiRd DAwN i WILL INcINERaTe YOuR INTeStINES aS A TrIBUtE TO ThE GloRIoUS SUN!"
Of course, either way will be very interesting to be opposed to the inevitable squad of rabid squirrel-bears mauling your kneecaps off, smearing the stumps with honey, and letting the ants have what's left of you. See, I picture Ackle being not so much the Hundred Acre Wood as the forest where Ranger Smith is packing a semiautomatic elephant gun, and has Batman, Vin Diesel, and Chuck Norris to back him up. And they still don't leave sight of the road. You walk by there and see, not the heads of Shuyin, Celina, and Sidd, but the heads of Lhiannan, Luna, and Grand Pride (Or whatever the name of one of Lion's Aspects is).
Of course, either way will be very interesting to be opposed to the inevitable squad of rabid squirrel-bears mauling your kneecaps off, smearing the stumps with honey, and letting the ants have what's left of you. See, I picture Ackle being not so much the Hundred Acre Wood as the forest where Ranger Smith is packing a semiautomatic elephant gun, and has Batman, Vin Diesel, and Chuck Norris to back him up. And they still don't leave sight of the road. You walk by there and see, not the heads of Shuyin, Celina, and Sidd, but the heads of Lhiannan, Luna, and Grand Pride (Or whatever the name of one of Lion's Aspects is).