Faymar2010-07-13 08:28:31
I didn't follow this thread from the start. Is this thread hypothetical or the admins are going to release Ackleberry/Jojobo forests soon? Because I remember an admin (I think Lord Eventru, I might be wrong) clearly stating that they are working on releasing the other guilds in the Gaudiguch/Hallifax right now.
Esano2010-07-13 08:38:29
Unknown2010-07-13 08:42:25
QUOTE (Aerotan @ Jul 13 2010, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My main curiousity with Jojobo was just how much backlash from the Tainting of Sun there is in the Sundancers. They could easily run the gamut from "Yes, we know Sun is loopy, we're working on it." to "BY tHE LIGhT OF THE THiRd DAwN i WILL INcINERaTe YOuR INTeStINES aS A TrIBUtE TO ThE GloRIoUS SUN!"
Of course, either way will be very interesting to be opposed to the inevitable squad of rabid squirrel-bears mauling your kneecaps off, smearing the stumps with honey, and letting the ants have what's left of you. See, I picture Ackle being not so much the Hundred Acre Wood as the forest where Ranger Smith is packing a semiautomatic elephant gun, and has Batman, Vin Diesel, and Chuck Norris to back him up. And they still don't leave sight of the road. You walk by there and see, not the heads of Shuyin, Celina, and Sidd, but the heads of Lhiannan, Luna, and Grand Pride (Or whatever the name of one of Lion's Aspects is).
Of course, either way will be very interesting to be opposed to the inevitable squad of rabid squirrel-bears mauling your kneecaps off, smearing the stumps with honey, and letting the ants have what's left of you. See, I picture Ackle being not so much the Hundred Acre Wood as the forest where Ranger Smith is packing a semiautomatic elephant gun, and has Batman, Vin Diesel, and Chuck Norris to back him up. And they still don't leave sight of the road. You walk by there and see, not the heads of Shuyin, Celina, and Sidd, but the heads of Lhiannan, Luna, and Grand Pride (Or whatever the name of one of Lion's Aspects is).
I think it's a very interesting point, because unlike Night and the shadowdancers, Sun was 1. tainted from before there were sundancers. and 2. Sun is asleep, and always was as far as mortal races are concerned.
Does that mean that the original sundancers were already as/more/less tainted as the current shadowdancers?
Thul2010-07-13 09:52:35
Taint's unique to Kethuru, apparently. While other races/places/stuff have been affected by Soulless, I think we've been told that it's only Kethuru's touch that's really "Taint." All the same, Sun is Not Well.
I hope this means that Sun wiccans are frigging crazy. Lion druids and Sun wiccans (assuming that's how it goes... I think I read something about Sun druids) might have an entertaining relationship going. Lion might actually still be sane, after all.
"Yes dear, that's nice, now put down the torches..."
"But you can do that with this coloring book instead... look, see? I've even got this pretty orange crayon."
I hope this means that Sun wiccans are frigging crazy. Lion druids and Sun wiccans (assuming that's how it goes... I think I read something about Sun druids) might have an entertaining relationship going. Lion might actually still be sane, after all.
"Yes dear, that's nice, now put down the torches..."
"But you can do that with this coloring book instead... look, see? I've even got this pretty orange crayon."
Faymar2010-07-13 10:14:58
Thank you, Esano.
Yes, Sun is not Tainted, Sun is corrupted by the soulless essence, like Lord Fain, Morgfyre, Orchlachmar, Blooredi who created Spirit Scorpion (actually that isn't proven yet in the Elder God books, but the other gods suspect him), or Malmydia who restored Krokano's sight after Crazen ate his eyes (and ate tiny chunks of his essence in the process).
Read parts of the history because I'm so bad with names, heh.
QUOTE (Thul @ Jul 13 2010, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Taint's unique to Kethuru, apparently. While other races/places/stuff have been affected by Soulless, I think we've been told that it's only Kethuru's touch that's really "Taint." All the same, Sun is Not Well.
I hope this means that Sun wiccans are frigging crazy. Lion druids and Sun wiccans (assuming that's how it goes... I think I read something about Sun druids) might have an entertaining relationship going. Lion might actually still be sane, after all.
"Yes dear, that's nice, now put down the torches..."
"But you can do that with this coloring book instead... look, see? I've even got this pretty orange crayon."
I hope this means that Sun wiccans are frigging crazy. Lion druids and Sun wiccans (assuming that's how it goes... I think I read something about Sun druids) might have an entertaining relationship going. Lion might actually still be sane, after all.
"Yes dear, that's nice, now put down the torches..."
"But you can do that with this coloring book instead... look, see? I've even got this pretty orange crayon."
Yes, Sun is not Tainted, Sun is corrupted by the soulless essence, like Lord Fain, Morgfyre, Orchlachmar, Blooredi who created Spirit Scorpion (actually that isn't proven yet in the Elder God books, but the other gods suspect him), or Malmydia who restored Krokano's sight after Crazen ate his eyes (and ate tiny chunks of his essence in the process).
Read parts of the history because I'm so bad with names, heh.
Siam2010-07-13 10:37:41
It's super effective!
There has never been a Sun Coven since Sun has been asleep since the Elder Wars. (Book of Aslarn, I think?)
It's super effective!
There has never been a Sun Coven since Sun has been asleep since the Elder Wars. (Book of Aslarn, I think?)
Lendren2010-07-13 10:45:27
That doesn't mean that wherever Jojobo is, they're not doing it right now. Doesn't even matter if Sun ignores them; religions based around Gods who don't answer are rather the norm in human history, after all.
Unknown2010-07-13 10:53:56
I laffed at Thul's short story.
Also, with all this talk on histories, I feel it prudent to start the call for a new Elder Wars Book. Yespls. Please?
Also, with all this talk on histories, I feel it prudent to start the call for a new Elder Wars Book. Yespls. Please?
Esano2010-07-13 11:02:38
QUOTE (thisismydisplayname @ Jul 13 2010, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's super effective!
There has never been a Sun Coven since Sun has been asleep since the Elder Wars. (Book of Aslarn, I think?)
It's super effective!
There has never been a Sun Coven since Sun has been asleep since the Elder Wars. (Book of Aslarn, I think?)
Despite him being "asleep", he was "awake" enough to torment Night with his fae for the Nocht introduction event.
Unknown2010-07-13 11:16:52
QUOTE (Esano @ Jul 13 2010, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Despite him being "asleep", he was "awake" enough to torment Night with his fae for the Nocht introduction event.
I actually perked up during that event; I thought it would release Jojobo/Ackleberry.

Ileein2010-07-13 11:36:04
QUOTE (Alacardael! @ Jul 13 2010, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I laffed at Thul's short story.
Also, with all this talk on histories, I feel it prudent to start the call for a new Elder Wars Book. Yespls. Please?
Also, with all this talk on histories, I feel it prudent to start the call for a new Elder Wars Book. Yespls. Please?
Yespls. I might actually get a chance to use this Divine language reading thingy in Bookbinding.
Faymar2010-07-13 12:00:58
QUOTE (Alacardael! @ Jul 13 2010, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I laffed at Thul's short story.
Also, with all this talk on histories, I feel it prudent to start the call for a new Elder Wars Book. Yespls. Please?
Also, with all this talk on histories, I feel it prudent to start the call for a new Elder Wars Book. Yespls. Please?
I would really like a new Elder Wars Book.
Eventru2010-07-13 12:39:32
Completely on my own supposition, I think it's safe to suspect Sun's thousand year sleep is over. Certainly, it's been a thousand years and more since the foundation of the Celestine Empire (almost a thousand years since the end of the Taint Wars!), and the Vernal Wars probably raged for thousands of years, and who knows how long between the Elder War's end and the Vernal War's start.
Though, who knows - they wiped Sun's memory, so who knows what he's like now, or if he's free (they'd said they were going to physically bind him to the sun, as well).
Well, I do. Estarra and I were talking about it a couple weeks back - and I think it's safe to say that Spirit Sun is completely HAHAHAHA and will be taking the fore soon when made you look! made you look ! made you look ! P.S., VOTE FOR LUSTERNIA! INCREASED PLAYERBASE MEANS INCREASED LIKELIHOOD OF ACKLEBERRY AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE. EXCITIN', HUH? made you look ! made you look ! made you look ! .
I'm really excited! Estarra also said she's planning on releasing the next Elder Wars book come You better have voted, but If you didn't, Ashtorath's to gut you like a trout!
Though, who knows - they wiped Sun's memory, so who knows what he's like now, or if he's free (they'd said they were going to physically bind him to the sun, as well).
Well, I do. Estarra and I were talking about it a couple weeks back - and I think it's safe to say that Spirit Sun is completely HAHAHAHA and will be taking the fore soon when made you look! made you look ! made you look ! P.S., VOTE FOR LUSTERNIA! INCREASED PLAYERBASE MEANS INCREASED LIKELIHOOD OF ACKLEBERRY AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE. EXCITIN', HUH? made you look ! made you look ! made you look ! .
I'm really excited! Estarra also said she's planning on releasing the next Elder Wars book come You better have voted, but If you didn't, Ashtorath's to gut you like a trout!

Siam2010-07-13 12:40:34
QUOTE (Esano @ Jul 13 2010, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Despite him being "asleep", he was "awake" enough to torment Night with his fae for the Nocht introduction event.
He was just sleeptormenting.

Janalon2010-07-13 12:52:32
Speculation about Hallifax/Gaudiguch/Ackleberry monk weapon specializations.
Based on representation of races in their respective collegiums, I already anticipate that illithoid will be the Gaudiguch monk spec race, and kephera to Hallifax. Wonder if that means Gaudi will have stealth and Halli harmony. Would almost like to see another type of secondary skill shared between the two.
Thoughts on Ackleberry and Hallifax monks? Can you imagine an Ackleberry furrikin spec monk? Would need to see some stats tweaked to be sure. Jojobo aslaran spec monk makes a great amount of sense. If it comes down to illithoid / kepheran lines, I could see Ackleberry going kepheran and Jojobo illithoid.
If both the Gaudi/Halli and Ackle/Jojobo axes (plural axis) continue with illithoid stealth / kepheran harmony, I'd love to see another tertiary monk skill developed. Again, just fun speculation.
Based on representation of races in their respective collegiums, I already anticipate that illithoid will be the Gaudiguch monk spec race, and kephera to Hallifax. Wonder if that means Gaudi will have stealth and Halli harmony. Would almost like to see another type of secondary skill shared between the two.
Thoughts on Ackleberry and Hallifax monks? Can you imagine an Ackleberry furrikin spec monk? Would need to see some stats tweaked to be sure. Jojobo aslaran spec monk makes a great amount of sense. If it comes down to illithoid / kepheran lines, I could see Ackleberry going kepheran and Jojobo illithoid.
If both the Gaudi/Halli and Ackle/Jojobo axes (plural axis) continue with illithoid stealth / kepheran harmony, I'd love to see another tertiary monk skill developed. Again, just fun speculation.
Shishi2010-07-13 13:22:05
QUOTE (Thul @ Jul 12 2010, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One thing I'm curious about is if they'd release Ackleberry on its own... they really couldn't bring out Halli and Gaudi separately due to story, but Jojobo is both outside the Basin (and therefore the realm of interest) and has only the barest hints of development at all. It'd go against the "no neutral orgs" thing, but then I don't know anyone who can't possibly wait for Jojobo to come out. And I suppose it's not unprecedented... Serenwilde didn't have Glomdoring for a while.
Aside from Nienla I don't either. It'd be cool to see a nifty event with Jojobo spearheading some craziness that gets some more people pumped about Jojobo and to a lesser extent Ackleberry, (Since most people have been talking about joining that for forever) like with a quest like Hallifax and Gaudiguch had.
Kio2010-07-13 16:20:46
Eventru. I really do love to hate loving you.
Ayden2010-07-13 18:55:39
QUOTE (Janalon @ Jul 13 2010, 05:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speculation about Hallifax/Gaudiguch/Ackleberry monk weapon specializations.
Based on representation of races in their respective collegiums, I already anticipate that illithoid will be the Gaudiguch monk spec race, and kephera to Hallifax. Wonder if that means Gaudi will have stealth and Halli harmony. Would almost like to see another type of secondary skill shared between the two.
Thoughts on Ackleberry and Hallifax monks? Can you imagine an Ackleberry furrikin spec monk? Would need to see some stats tweaked to be sure. Jojobo aslaran spec monk makes a great amount of sense. If it comes down to illithoid / kepheran lines, I could see Ackleberry going kepheran and Jojobo illithoid.
If both the Gaudi/Halli and Ackle/Jojobo axes (plural axis) continue with illithoid stealth / kepheran harmony, I'd love to see another tertiary monk skill developed. Again, just fun speculation.
Based on representation of races in their respective collegiums, I already anticipate that illithoid will be the Gaudiguch monk spec race, and kephera to Hallifax. Wonder if that means Gaudi will have stealth and Halli harmony. Would almost like to see another type of secondary skill shared between the two.
Thoughts on Ackleberry and Hallifax monks? Can you imagine an Ackleberry furrikin spec monk? Would need to see some stats tweaked to be sure. Jojobo aslaran spec monk makes a great amount of sense. If it comes down to illithoid / kepheran lines, I could see Ackleberry going kepheran and Jojobo illithoid.
If both the Gaudi/Halli and Ackle/Jojobo axes (plural axis) continue with illithoid stealth / kepheran harmony, I'd love to see another tertiary monk skill developed. Again, just fun speculation.
Hallifax monks! War fans FTW!
Unknown2010-07-13 19:12:42
QUOTE (Ayden @ Jul 13 2010, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hallifax monks! War fans FTW!
Along with the Hallifax bards:

Ssaliss2010-07-13 19:18:32
QUOTE (Taraj @ Jul 13 2010, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Along with the Hallifax bards:

Hallibards will so sing the Music of the Spheres.