Daraius2010-07-08 02:53:41
This is immediately after Daraius got his age rewound by 20 years and began what I hope will be a significant transformation. I know it's like the most mundane series of things ever, but I totally wasn't expecting all the attention and it made me feel real speshul. The lunatic fringe will be interested in this sort of thing. Kudos and thanks to Aloysha and Orventa. 
Edited for your convenience! You can pretend you were right there, observing for SCIENCE.

Edited for your convenience! You can pretend you were right there, observing for SCIENCE.
Orventa ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Aloysha gives Daraius the once over.
Aloysha flashes Daraius a joyous smile.
Daraius says, "Well. I can't say I was expecting a flood of memories all at once."
Aloysha nods his head in agreement.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Do you notice anything unusual?"
Daraius rubs his head.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Any odd feelings?"
Daraius looks confused and says, "Yeah, but it's hard to put words to it. I feel like me, but not like me."
Aloysha nods his head at Daraius.
Amenuensis Orventa walks around to get a better view, looking up now and then as she writes.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Understandable. Similar sensations have been noted before in other deageing procedures."
Daraius says, "Is that so?"
Daraius pauses for a second in contemplation.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa smiles and says, "Would you mind walking in a straight line towards me? I'd like to see how your motor functions are working."
Aloysha nods his head in agreement.
Daraius says, "Ah, sure. That sounds simple enough."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Alot of people feel a little odd afterwards."
Daraius turns towards Orventa, holds his arms out wide, and begins walking forward, one foot ahead of the other.
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
"Good!" Orventa enthuses.
Daraius's tail twitches from side to side erratically and he pretends to stumble.
Orventa sticks her tongue out and says 'Ack.'
Daraius says, "Just kidding."
Aloysha chuckles long and heartily.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Want to test the other physical responses?"
Daraius gives Aloysha the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Try to touch your nose with one finger, yah?"
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Daraius tilts his head curiously.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "It's to check your coordination."
Amenuensis Orventa quitely flips to another page in her notepad.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet places his index finger onto the tip of his nose.
Daraius says to Aloysha, "Very good."
Daraius closes his eyes and taps the tip of his muzzle expertly.
Daraius says, "There's nothing to it."
Aloysha chuckles long and heartily.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Stand on one foot?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Well, paw."
Daraius lifts his foot and manages to stand on one leg, using his tail to maintain balance.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Do you have some medical diagnostic equipment? I think temprature, pulse and blood presure would be useful data."
Daraius says, "I feel like I've done this before."
Aloysha nods his head at you.
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Standard medical check up stuff. I assume you've had them before?"
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Yes, let me just get everything set up."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "We'll check in with your doctor to get your previous results, if that is so. Compare them, yah?"
Daraius says, "Er... Maybe one of the doctors in the collegium has something on me. Do they examine new citizens as they pass through? I don't remember."
Amenuensis Orventa disappears into one of the adjacent rooms. Not long after she reappears, wheeling a cart before her.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Usually so. Trouble recalling?"
Aloysha ponders Daraius thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "If you haven't, I can put in a request to have it done when you are citizened."
Amenuensis Orventa pulls out a nearby chair and wheels it over to Aloysha and Daraius.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Ah, wonderful!"
Orventa smiles softly.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Are you a medical student, by any chance?"
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Daraius, if you would make yourself comfortable?"
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Daraius says, "It's hard to say. I don't know if I was a citizen of Hallifax when I was this age the first time. Any records in the university would be from age twenty-three or so."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Yes, I am."
Daraius looks around for any kind of comfortable surface.
Amenuensis Orventa wheels the chair closer.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "We want records from a while before you were deaged, yah? So those would be perfect."
Daraius takes a seat and settles in.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Thank you! Could I see one of your arms please?"
Daraius holds out his left arm.
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet looks around in the cart for a thermometer and a stethescope.
"Ahah!" Aloysha exclaims triumphantly.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet hands the equipment over to Orventa.
Amenuensis Orventa gently takes Daraius' arm. She nods in gratitude to Aloysha and quickly dons the stethescope. She presses it to his inner arm, listening.
Orventa ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Daraius whispers, "What's the news, doc?"
Amenuensis Orventa smiles and says, "Pulse is normal!"
Daraius wipes the back of his hand across his forehead in relief.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet gets out the sphygmomanometer and puts it on your arm.
Eyes widening, Daraius says, "What in the world is that?"
Amenuensis Orventa nods to the thermometer then to Aloysha. "Comrade, would you mind putting that in his mouth?"
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet places a thermometer under Daraius' tongue and hands the hand pump on the pressure meter to Orventa.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "It measures blood pressure."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Thank you."
His speech slurred by the object in his mouth, Daraius says, "They haven't asked me to take anything off yet, thankfully."
Aloysha utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Don't talk, you'll throw off the results."
Daraius remains conspicuously silent.
Amenuensis Orventa firmly straps the sphygmomanometer around Daraius' arm and presses the pump with quick, efficient squeezes.
Amenuensis Orventa readjusts her stethescope.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet notes down Daraius' temprature with a slight "Mhmmm."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet removes the thermometer.
Daraius sticks out his tongue repeatedly, as if trying to get rid of a bad taste.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Temprature is thirty-seven."
Amenuensis Orventa watches the clock for a few more moments before releasing the pump, allowing the band to deflate.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Blood pressure is slightly elevated, but not out of normal parameters for a young one as he."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius says, "Oh good."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Recording the numbers for the record?"
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet gets out a magnifying glass and looks into Daraius' eyes.
Amenuensis Orventa removes the band from around Daraius' arm, setting the sphygmomanometer aside on the cart. She picks up her notepad and continues her notes.
Daraius asks, "What color are they?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Brown, comrade."
Daraius says, "Lovely."
Orventa smiles softly.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Check the breathing, I suppose?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Cough once."
Daraius looks confused and says, "Oh please, clearly I can breathe."
Aloysha tilts his head and listens intently to Daraius.
Daraius says, "Oh fine."
Daraius coughs softly.
Aloysha ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Once more?"
Daraius coughs softly.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius say, "It's for science."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "No sign of defects."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Daraius would you mind if I listened to your lungs? I just want to make sure, beyond the coughing."
Daraius says, "As long as my lungs get to stay inside my body while you do that."
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Of course."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "For now, yah?"
Aloysha utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Daraius bares his teeth at Aloysha.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Lift your shirt for me, please?"
Daraius removes a black cotton shirt.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "I promise not to take advantage of you."
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Daraius says, "Thank you, Doctor."
Daraius says, "I am young and impressionable."
Daraius looks at his scrawny arms and torso in dismay.
Amenuensis Orventa breathes on the end of her stethescope to warm it up, then places it against his ribs.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Breathe deeply in..."
Daraius takes a deep breath.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "..and out..."
Daraius exhales slowly.
Amenuensis Orventa moves to his other side. "Again.. in..
Daraius inhales through his nose.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Breathe for me through your mouth please, no nose."
Daraius exhales, then takes another deep breath through his mouth.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Very good. And out.."
Daraius exhales slowly.
Amenuensis Orventa removes the stethescope and nods.
Daraius places his hands over his chest in a vain attempt to appear decent.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Your lungs are very healthy. Thank you."
Daraius says, "My kind are blessed with robust bodies. I think that's something I say all the time, or will say when I'm older."
Comprehension flashes across Aloysha's face.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Eye chart and a hearing test?"
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Daraius rubs his head.
Daraius says, "Can I put my shirt on?"
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Of course!"
Aloysha arrives from the northwest.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius slips into a crisp, long-sleeved white shirt.
Daraius looks undecided and says, "Oh, well that shirt will do, I guess."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Would you like something to drink before we continue?"
Daraius says, "No thanks. I feel all right still."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet places the eye chart up on a nearby wall and measures out three meters with a meter stick.
"Good!" Orventa enthuses.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "I couldn't find the device for the ear test."
Aloysha shrugs helplessly.
Amenuensis Orventa gestures to Aloysha and the vision chart. "Stand please, and go towards the end of the meter stick?"
Amenuensis Orventa says to Aloysha, "That is fine."
Daraius gets to his feet and takes his place at the appropriate spot.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "As I understand it, you used specticles when you were older?"
Daraius says, "I would have, if anyone was selling them, but instead I got by squinting sometimes."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Lets see if the deaging has corrected that."
Amenuensis Orventa takes her quill from its resting spot behind her ear and jots down something.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Aloysha, "Would you be able to administer this test? I'd like to flesh out my documentation."
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Thank you, Comrade."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "You'll simply have to read the letters on the eye chart. Start with the first line?"
Daraius nods his head at Aloysha.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Should have one letter."
Daraius says, "Of course!"
Daraius says, "E."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet notes down whether or not it is correct.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Next line?"
Daraius says, "P, T."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Fourth line? Has four letters."
Daraius says, "X, L, J, N."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet makes another note on the clipboard.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Sixth line."
Daraius regards the chart evenly.
Amenuensis Orventa glances up from her writing, quickly and quietly crossing to the other side of the room.
Daraius says, "D, M, um... F, G, T, R."
Aloysha nods his head at Daraius.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "And the eighth."
Glancing at Aloysha, Daraius says, "No squinting, right?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Try not to."
Daraius says, "Y, O, A, er... E, W, H... I."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "All done."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Vision is twenty twenty. Got the middle part of the last line off. There wasn't an A or an O on it."
Daraius strides up to the chart and peers at it closely.
Daraius looks skeptical and says, "Right you are."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Perfectly healthy vision, though. I only know what's on it because I have a copy on the clipboard."
Orventa leaves to the northwest.
Orventa arrives from the northwest.
Daraius looks over the whole chart carefully, as if committing it to memory.
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Comrade Orventa would like to do sleep analysis at some point. Does this sound agreeable?"
Daraius says, "Well. I guess I could force myself to sleep. Haven't tried it in a while."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Now, or give him some time to get used to the new body?"
Amenuensis Orventa says, "I believe we could give him some time to get acclimated, yes."
Daraius wipes the back of his hand across his head in relief as he mutters, "Whew."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Aloysha, "If I could see your notes later, Comrade?"
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Orventa's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Daraius says, "I'll be keeping my own notes too, for what it's worth. My mother asked me to keep records of any breakthroughs or mundane observations over the course of the experiment."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius says, "You know how sometimes you smell something familiar, and that makes you remember something from a long time ago?"
Aloysha nods his head at Daraius.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Yes, scent is one of the most powerful senses linked to memory recall."
Daraius says, "I'm hoping some things... scents, or places, or I don't know what... I'm hoping I'll be at the right place at the right time to remember what I'm supposed to remember."
Daraius says, "If that makes any sense."
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa flips through her notepad before closing it with a soft 'snap'. She tucks it into her coat pocket for later review.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet finishes up writing in his notes.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "I cannot think of anything else that needs tested."
Daraius's tail sways rhythmically as he looks around the room.
Aloysha gives Daraius the once over.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "I'll check in with the University."
Aloysha gives the world a smart salute.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "What say we give him a month or so? Then perform the sleep analysis."
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Daraius nods his head at Orventa.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Sounds fine to me. Daraius?"
Aloysha gives the world a smart salute.
Daraius says, "Yes."
Aloysha leaves to the northeast.
Orventa gives the world a smart salute.
Aloysha gives Daraius the once over.
Aloysha flashes Daraius a joyous smile.
Daraius says, "Well. I can't say I was expecting a flood of memories all at once."
Aloysha nods his head in agreement.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Do you notice anything unusual?"
Daraius rubs his head.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Any odd feelings?"
Daraius looks confused and says, "Yeah, but it's hard to put words to it. I feel like me, but not like me."
Aloysha nods his head at Daraius.
Amenuensis Orventa walks around to get a better view, looking up now and then as she writes.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Understandable. Similar sensations have been noted before in other deageing procedures."
Daraius says, "Is that so?"
Daraius pauses for a second in contemplation.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa smiles and says, "Would you mind walking in a straight line towards me? I'd like to see how your motor functions are working."
Aloysha nods his head in agreement.
Daraius says, "Ah, sure. That sounds simple enough."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Alot of people feel a little odd afterwards."
Daraius turns towards Orventa, holds his arms out wide, and begins walking forward, one foot ahead of the other.
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
"Good!" Orventa enthuses.
Daraius's tail twitches from side to side erratically and he pretends to stumble.
Orventa sticks her tongue out and says 'Ack.'
Daraius says, "Just kidding."
Aloysha chuckles long and heartily.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Want to test the other physical responses?"
Daraius gives Aloysha the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Try to touch your nose with one finger, yah?"
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Daraius tilts his head curiously.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "It's to check your coordination."
Amenuensis Orventa quitely flips to another page in her notepad.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet places his index finger onto the tip of his nose.
Daraius says to Aloysha, "Very good."
Daraius closes his eyes and taps the tip of his muzzle expertly.
Daraius says, "There's nothing to it."
Aloysha chuckles long and heartily.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Stand on one foot?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Well, paw."
Daraius lifts his foot and manages to stand on one leg, using his tail to maintain balance.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Do you have some medical diagnostic equipment? I think temprature, pulse and blood presure would be useful data."
Daraius says, "I feel like I've done this before."
Aloysha nods his head at you.
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Standard medical check up stuff. I assume you've had them before?"
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Yes, let me just get everything set up."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "We'll check in with your doctor to get your previous results, if that is so. Compare them, yah?"
Daraius says, "Er... Maybe one of the doctors in the collegium has something on me. Do they examine new citizens as they pass through? I don't remember."
Amenuensis Orventa disappears into one of the adjacent rooms. Not long after she reappears, wheeling a cart before her.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Usually so. Trouble recalling?"
Aloysha ponders Daraius thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "If you haven't, I can put in a request to have it done when you are citizened."
Amenuensis Orventa pulls out a nearby chair and wheels it over to Aloysha and Daraius.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Ah, wonderful!"
Orventa smiles softly.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Are you a medical student, by any chance?"
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Daraius, if you would make yourself comfortable?"
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Daraius says, "It's hard to say. I don't know if I was a citizen of Hallifax when I was this age the first time. Any records in the university would be from age twenty-three or so."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Yes, I am."
Daraius looks around for any kind of comfortable surface.
Amenuensis Orventa wheels the chair closer.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "We want records from a while before you were deaged, yah? So those would be perfect."
Daraius takes a seat and settles in.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Thank you! Could I see one of your arms please?"
Daraius holds out his left arm.
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet looks around in the cart for a thermometer and a stethescope.
"Ahah!" Aloysha exclaims triumphantly.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet hands the equipment over to Orventa.
Amenuensis Orventa gently takes Daraius' arm. She nods in gratitude to Aloysha and quickly dons the stethescope. She presses it to his inner arm, listening.
Orventa ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Daraius whispers, "What's the news, doc?"
Amenuensis Orventa smiles and says, "Pulse is normal!"
Daraius wipes the back of his hand across his forehead in relief.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet gets out the sphygmomanometer and puts it on your arm.
Eyes widening, Daraius says, "What in the world is that?"
Amenuensis Orventa nods to the thermometer then to Aloysha. "Comrade, would you mind putting that in his mouth?"
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet places a thermometer under Daraius' tongue and hands the hand pump on the pressure meter to Orventa.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "It measures blood pressure."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Thank you."
His speech slurred by the object in his mouth, Daraius says, "They haven't asked me to take anything off yet, thankfully."
Aloysha utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Don't talk, you'll throw off the results."
Daraius remains conspicuously silent.
Amenuensis Orventa firmly straps the sphygmomanometer around Daraius' arm and presses the pump with quick, efficient squeezes.
Amenuensis Orventa readjusts her stethescope.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet notes down Daraius' temprature with a slight "Mhmmm."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet removes the thermometer.
Daraius sticks out his tongue repeatedly, as if trying to get rid of a bad taste.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Temprature is thirty-seven."
Amenuensis Orventa watches the clock for a few more moments before releasing the pump, allowing the band to deflate.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Blood pressure is slightly elevated, but not out of normal parameters for a young one as he."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius says, "Oh good."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Recording the numbers for the record?"
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet gets out a magnifying glass and looks into Daraius' eyes.
Amenuensis Orventa removes the band from around Daraius' arm, setting the sphygmomanometer aside on the cart. She picks up her notepad and continues her notes.
Daraius asks, "What color are they?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Brown, comrade."
Daraius says, "Lovely."
Orventa smiles softly.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Check the breathing, I suppose?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Cough once."
Daraius looks confused and says, "Oh please, clearly I can breathe."
Aloysha tilts his head and listens intently to Daraius.
Daraius says, "Oh fine."
Daraius coughs softly.
Aloysha ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Once more?"
Daraius coughs softly.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius say, "It's for science."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "No sign of defects."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Daraius would you mind if I listened to your lungs? I just want to make sure, beyond the coughing."
Daraius says, "As long as my lungs get to stay inside my body while you do that."
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Of course."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "For now, yah?"
Aloysha utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Daraius bares his teeth at Aloysha.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Lift your shirt for me, please?"
Daraius removes a black cotton shirt.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "I promise not to take advantage of you."
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Daraius says, "Thank you, Doctor."
Daraius says, "I am young and impressionable."
Daraius looks at his scrawny arms and torso in dismay.
Amenuensis Orventa breathes on the end of her stethescope to warm it up, then places it against his ribs.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Breathe deeply in..."
Daraius takes a deep breath.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "..and out..."
Daraius exhales slowly.
Amenuensis Orventa moves to his other side. "Again.. in..
Daraius inhales through his nose.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Breathe for me through your mouth please, no nose."
Daraius exhales, then takes another deep breath through his mouth.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Very good. And out.."
Daraius exhales slowly.
Amenuensis Orventa removes the stethescope and nods.
Daraius places his hands over his chest in a vain attempt to appear decent.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Your lungs are very healthy. Thank you."
Daraius says, "My kind are blessed with robust bodies. I think that's something I say all the time, or will say when I'm older."
Comprehension flashes across Aloysha's face.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Eye chart and a hearing test?"
Orventa nods her head at Aloysha.
Daraius rubs his head.
Daraius says, "Can I put my shirt on?"
Amenuensis Orventa says to Daraius, "Of course!"
Aloysha arrives from the northwest.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius slips into a crisp, long-sleeved white shirt.
Daraius looks undecided and says, "Oh, well that shirt will do, I guess."
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Would you like something to drink before we continue?"
Daraius says, "No thanks. I feel all right still."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet places the eye chart up on a nearby wall and measures out three meters with a meter stick.
"Good!" Orventa enthuses.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "I couldn't find the device for the ear test."
Aloysha shrugs helplessly.
Amenuensis Orventa gestures to Aloysha and the vision chart. "Stand please, and go towards the end of the meter stick?"
Amenuensis Orventa says to Aloysha, "That is fine."
Daraius gets to his feet and takes his place at the appropriate spot.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "As I understand it, you used specticles when you were older?"
Daraius says, "I would have, if anyone was selling them, but instead I got by squinting sometimes."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Lets see if the deaging has corrected that."
Amenuensis Orventa takes her quill from its resting spot behind her ear and jots down something.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Aloysha, "Would you be able to administer this test? I'd like to flesh out my documentation."
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Thank you, Comrade."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "You'll simply have to read the letters on the eye chart. Start with the first line?"
Daraius nods his head at Aloysha.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Should have one letter."
Daraius says, "Of course!"
Daraius says, "E."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet notes down whether or not it is correct.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Next line?"
Daraius says, "P, T."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Fourth line? Has four letters."
Daraius says, "X, L, J, N."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet makes another note on the clipboard.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Sixth line."
Daraius regards the chart evenly.
Amenuensis Orventa glances up from her writing, quickly and quietly crossing to the other side of the room.
Daraius says, "D, M, um... F, G, T, R."
Aloysha nods his head at Daraius.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "And the eighth."
Glancing at Aloysha, Daraius says, "No squinting, right?"
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Try not to."
Daraius says, "Y, O, A, er... E, W, H... I."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "All done."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Vision is twenty twenty. Got the middle part of the last line off. There wasn't an A or an O on it."
Daraius strides up to the chart and peers at it closely.
Daraius looks skeptical and says, "Right you are."
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Perfectly healthy vision, though. I only know what's on it because I have a copy on the clipboard."
Orventa leaves to the northwest.
Orventa arrives from the northwest.
Daraius looks over the whole chart carefully, as if committing it to memory.
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Daraius, "Comrade Orventa would like to do sleep analysis at some point. Does this sound agreeable?"
Daraius says, "Well. I guess I could force myself to sleep. Haven't tried it in a while."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says to Orventa, "Now, or give him some time to get used to the new body?"
Amenuensis Orventa says, "I believe we could give him some time to get acclimated, yes."
Daraius wipes the back of his hand across his head in relief as he mutters, "Whew."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa says to Aloysha, "If I could see your notes later, Comrade?"
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Orventa's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Daraius says, "I'll be keeping my own notes too, for what it's worth. My mother asked me to keep records of any breakthroughs or mundane observations over the course of the experiment."
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Daraius says, "You know how sometimes you smell something familiar, and that makes you remember something from a long time ago?"
Aloysha nods his head at Daraius.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "Yes, scent is one of the most powerful senses linked to memory recall."
Daraius says, "I'm hoping some things... scents, or places, or I don't know what... I'm hoping I'll be at the right place at the right time to remember what I'm supposed to remember."
Daraius says, "If that makes any sense."
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Aloysha nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa flips through her notepad before closing it with a soft 'snap'. She tucks it into her coat pocket for later review.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet finishes up writing in his notes.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "I cannot think of anything else that needs tested."
Daraius's tail sways rhythmically as he looks around the room.
Aloysha gives Daraius the once over.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "I'll check in with the University."
Aloysha gives the world a smart salute.
Amenuensis Orventa says, "What say we give him a month or so? Then perform the sleep analysis."
Aloysha nods his head at Orventa.
Daraius nods his head at Orventa.
Peacekeeper Aloysha La'Saet says, "Sounds fine to me. Daraius?"
Aloysha gives the world a smart salute.
Daraius says, "Yes."
Aloysha leaves to the northeast.
Orventa gives the world a smart salute.
Unknown2010-07-08 04:32:20
D'awwww. For lack of a better word, Daraius was cute adorable in that log.
Does he have to be that shy when he's shirtless? I mean, he's got fur after all.
I like how suitably medical this was. It fits Hallifax well, from an outsider's point-of-view.

I like how suitably medical this was. It fits Hallifax well, from an outsider's point-of-view.
Shaddus2010-07-08 06:19:28
What, no finger test?
Nihmriel2010-07-08 09:01:05
That was really well played out. This is an intriguing storyline for Daraius, and I'm liking the transformation so far. And yes... Daraius is definitely showing signs of becoming completely adorable.
Ileein2010-07-08 11:05:25

Llesvelt2010-07-08 11:09:54
Love the log, beautiful!
I'd love to see more of those situations.
I'd love to see more of those situations.
Daraius2010-07-08 13:02:14
QUOTE (Denust @ Jul 8 2010, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does he have to be that shy when he's shirtless? I mean, he's got fur after all.
Old Daraius would never be caught without a shirt on, but young Daraius is probably just embarrassed about his scrawniness. Also, Junior Fellow Wila happened to log in at that very moment in that room. Nobody wants dingo nipples to be the first thing they see when they wake up. Right?

QUOTE (Llesvelt @ Jul 8 2010, 07:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd love to see more of those situations.
Well, there's that sleep analysis to look forward to!
Unknown2010-07-08 16:47:39
It's a good log, but I must point out, Lusternia uses Fahrenheit. At least Forecast does.