Kiradawea2011-02-15 17:39:44
Try Mount Dio (watch out for ambushes. The beasties there are more wolflike than you'd want), Astral, Muud (but Insanity builds up very fast there), and the Catacombs.
For aetherbubbles, Crumkindivia is good for gold, and Xion is good for experience if you know how to summon elementals. But unless you have a bubblix or construct or flashpoint, it's a long travel just for bashing.
For aetherbubbles, Crumkindivia is good for gold, and Xion is good for experience if you know how to summon elementals. But unless you have a bubblix or construct or flashpoint, it's a long travel just for bashing.
Unknown2011-02-15 17:39:44
QUOTE (Janalon @ Feb 15 2011, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not to start another "where to bash" post, but...
Titan, lobo psymet monk-- feels like I am bashing well below my grade. I mostly farm hunt for gold on prime. UV feels too mindless. Love TBC fishers & gravediggers (decent essence offerings too). Outside abashing and ahunting, what are some decent places to hunt (esp off prime).
Edit: posting this feels redundant, like I've asked this before. Sorry if this is true.
Titan, lobo psymet monk-- feels like I am bashing well below my grade. I mostly farm hunt for gold on prime. UV feels too mindless. Love TBC fishers & gravediggers (decent essence offerings too). Outside abashing and ahunting, what are some decent places to hunt (esp off prime).
Edit: posting this feels redundant, like I've asked this before. Sorry if this is true.
Astral and catacombs. Maybe Muud or Dio.
At this point, I think it's a good idea to ignore exp from time to time and just try and see how much gold you can rake in with an hour's time. It will distract you a bit from eyeing demigod, and will get you another resource you could always use more of. Try competing with yourself! Beat your own best record, etc.
Catacombs in particular would be good for both exp and gold, even after buying new curatives, and don't forget you have access to both awareness and veil if you feel like you might get jumped for whatever reason.
At titan, everything feels slow, really. Don't expect marked improvements with new areas.
Elian2011-02-15 18:00:52
How much would a customized item cost?
Ssaliss2011-02-15 18:01:58
QUOTE (Elian @ Feb 15 2011, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How much would a customized item cost?
50cr-150cr. 50 each for custom desc, permanence and resetting.
Elian2011-02-15 18:02:51
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Feb 15 2011, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
50cr-150cr. 50 each for custom desc, permanence and resetting.
Okay! Thank you.
Calixa2011-02-15 18:10:21
I've been ignoring exp since level 80, really. I have a list of what skills I want to get, and in which order, so I count my progress in credits till next skill. Some days I get just one or two credits together, if I play for longer periods I get six or so.
I've also been tracking progress till level 90, and I imagine when I am Titan I will track progress in bits of 5% or so. It is a shame that the decimal % cannot be fetched from GMCP or it would make it easy to write a little script that tracks how many kills of a particular mob until a certain goal. I know you could probably do it with capturing QSC with a bit more effort.
Questing can also be a nice way to break the monotony, and exploring. And city / guild rank stuff if you are really bored, especially if it comes with more useful privileges. Hunt a bunch of stuff that generates power. Or go back to an easy area and wtfpwn it. I know when I am high enough level I am going to ditch out revenge on those !@#$ cave-fishers (so much hate).
I've also been tracking progress till level 90, and I imagine when I am Titan I will track progress in bits of 5% or so. It is a shame that the decimal % cannot be fetched from GMCP or it would make it easy to write a little script that tracks how many kills of a particular mob until a certain goal. I know you could probably do it with capturing QSC with a bit more effort.
Questing can also be a nice way to break the monotony, and exploring. And city / guild rank stuff if you are really bored, especially if it comes with more useful privileges. Hunt a bunch of stuff that generates power. Or go back to an easy area and wtfpwn it. I know when I am high enough level I am going to ditch out revenge on those !@#$ cave-fishers (so much hate).
Vadi2011-02-15 18:22:57
Achaea's GMCP does give the decimal % :/
Unknown2011-02-15 18:23:46
Once upon a time, exp was tracked without any decimal percents; you would have to wait for the next whole percent to tic over. That was fun.
Diamondais2011-02-15 18:28:43
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Feb 15 2011, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Once upon a time, exp was tracked without any decimal percents; you would have to wait for the next whole percent to tic over. That was fun.
That is something I definitely do not miss.

Unknown2011-02-15 19:42:12
How is it that so many people get custom enter and exit messages these days?
Unknown2011-02-15 19:42:41
Rika2011-02-15 19:44:52
Unknown2011-02-15 19:48:21
An angry cloud of swarming bees partially obscures the arrival of Winnae from the ether.
Unknown2011-02-15 19:56:08
QUOTE (Jello @ Feb 15 2011, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An angry cloud of swarming bees partially obscures the arrival of Winnae from the ether.
Unfortunately, you can't actually customize them. You have to pick from a list.
Lehki2011-02-16 02:10:16
How long do custom pets usually take to go through? And do they ever send you any kind of confirmation/rejection for it? Month and a half since the first email I sent, 2 weeks since I resent it. ):
Xenthos2011-02-16 02:19:47
QUOTE (Lehki @ Feb 15 2011, 09:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How long do custom pets usually take to go through? And do they ever send you any kind of confirmation/rejection for it? Month and a half since the first email I sent, 2 weeks since I resent it. ):
9 months; you cannot rush these things!
(Anywhere from 1 day to never would be the actual answer, though)
Lehki2011-02-16 02:38:07
At least a automated confirmation that the email was received, would be nice. ):
Shulamit2011-02-16 03:34:38
I believe the average time is one week, eh? At least, the people I've talked to, the average is one week. If it takes longer, send them a message again, specially if there's stuff going on like events, eh?
Unknown2011-02-16 03:35:45
Winnae is now head of a tailoring cartel! But how do you submit designs?
Shulamit2011-02-16 03:40:29
design patterns tailoring
design request number for cartelname
design newnumber appearance theappearance
design newnumber dropped thedropped
design newnumber examined (nexus opens a new window for the examined)
design newnumber makecartel (if you want it private)
design newnumber submit
New number being the five digit code you get once you request a unique design using design request patternnumber for cartel.
design patterns tailoring
design request number for cartelname
design newnumber appearance theappearance
design newnumber dropped thedropped
design newnumber examined (nexus opens a new window for the examined)
design newnumber makecartel (if you want it private)
design newnumber submit
New number being the five digit code you get once you request a unique design using design request patternnumber for cartel.