Unknown2011-02-16 03:56:37
Who was the guy with the forum signature about bringing Magnagoran themes to the bedroom? It was something like "thy beauty hangs about the like light around the moon, PITIFUL WORM."
Seraku2011-02-16 04:34:58
Probably morvior.
Unknown2011-02-16 04:35:09
Xinemus, obviously.
Neos2011-02-16 05:07:37
QUOTE (Shulamit @ Feb 15 2011, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
design patterns tailoring
design request number for cartelname
design newnumber appearance theappearance
design newnumber dropped thedropped
design newnumber examined (nexus opens a new window for the examined)
design newnumber makecartel (if you want it private)
design newnumber submit
New number being the five digit code you get once you request a unique design using design request patternnumber for cartel.
design patterns tailoring
design request number for cartelname
design newnumber appearance theappearance
design newnumber dropped thedropped
design newnumber examined (nexus opens a new window for the examined)
design newnumber makecartel (if you want it private)
design newnumber submit
New number being the five digit code you get once you request a unique design using design request patternnumber for cartel.
This was a trying experience for me on submitting my first design as a TM EVAR, due to several different things, but it turned out nice and the design was ready in the morning.
Shulamit2011-02-16 05:26:56
I had help, and book designs only have three fields to fill, so. My first cooking design was a bit weird. and the whole changing types. Which I forgot to add
design newnumber type newtype
So you can change a platter to gourmet, eh? Was weird. And I usually forget to use designedby. I'm just not use to it.
design newnumber type newtype
So you can change a platter to gourmet, eh? Was weird. And I usually forget to use designedby. I'm just not use to it.
Unknown2011-02-16 06:54:54
So I think I read somewhere that momentum decreases 7 seconds after you gain it. But if you do a combo within 7 seconds, yet build no momentum because you missed the attacks, will your momentum drop or just stay the same? And how do moves that prevent a gain in momentum factor into this?
Unknown2011-02-16 19:30:00
Also, do we have golf in Lusternia? Because how would you describe a golf cap without golf... 

Lorelai2011-02-16 20:08:52
Looking for a tradeskill that is fun and not very expensive to have fun with. Lucrative tradeskill would be nice but not necessary. I was looking at cooking but it seems there are two trade artifacts related to it. Would I eventually have to invest in both if I saved the credits? Which one first, the spatula or the silver spoon? Bookbinding was another option, but how difficult is it to obtain magic ink? I'm not swimming in credits and whatever I get is bought with the in game currency. Transing any tradeskill is on the backburner for now as well :/ but I would like to pick something!
Unknown2011-02-16 20:13:47
QUOTE (Jello @ Feb 16 2011, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, do we have golf in Lusternia? Because how would you describe a golf cap without golf... 

Lusternia doesn't have sports, it has carefully monitored carnage.
Ssaliss2011-02-16 20:15:04
As far as I've understood it, both bookbinding and cooking is rather low on profit. I can't say how fun they are, given that I've never tried them. You could try alchemy though; it's generally needed, and the gloves that go with it aren't really needed. Plus, the customers provide both kegs and herbs most of the time (and if they don't, just tell them you only deal with people who bring their own stash).
Lendren2011-02-16 20:16:20
QUOTE (Lorelai @ Feb 16 2011, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Which one first, the spatula or the silver spoon?
You won't need the spoon; spoons are for eaters, not cookers.
Shulamit2011-02-16 21:03:02
I like bookbinding, and say it's fun. I'm constantly broke though. As for magic ink, so many of us bookbinders have quills, if you need one, someone would likely lend it to you.
Daraius2011-02-16 21:24:54
QUOTE (Lorelai @ Feb 16 2011, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looking for a tradeskill that is fun and not very expensive to have fun with. Lucrative tradeskill would be nice but not necessary. I was looking at cooking but it seems there are two trade artifacts related to it. Would I eventually have to invest in both if I saved the credits? Which one first, the spatula or the silver spoon? Bookbinding was another option, but how difficult is it to obtain magic ink? I'm not swimming in credits and whatever I get is bought with the in game currency. Transing any tradeskill is on the backburner for now as well :/ but I would like to pick something!
Origami and stationery and chops have made bookbinding a whole lot more fun, I think. I have a lot of fun with actionorigami alone (as some Shevats will tell you), which is low in the skill. Never tried getting a commission on chops, though. As I understand it, the bookbinder gets a little kick-back for those. I doubt you'll be making a ton of money as bookbinder, but you'll be able to make plenty of cheap, useful stuff that people want. (plus books) (oh, and sorcelglass!)
Lorelai2011-02-16 21:50:37
QUOTE (Ssaliss @ Feb 16 2011, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As far as I've understood it, both bookbinding and cooking is rather low on profit. I can't say how fun they are, given that I've never tried them. You could try alchemy though; it's generally needed, and the gloves that go with it aren't really needed. Plus, the customers provide both kegs and herbs most of the time (and if they don't, just tell them you only deal with people who bring their own stash).
I was very disappointed to note that as a Celestine I was unable to learn the Alchemy trade! It was something I had looked up originally before I started playing and when I discovered in game that it wasn't an option for my archetype I was very sad

QUOTE (Lendren @ Feb 16 2011, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You won't need the spoon; spoons are for eaters, not cookers.
Ah that does make sense! Thanks for your input.
QUOTE (Shulamit @ Feb 16 2011, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like bookbinding, and say it's fun. I'm constantly broke though. As for magic ink, so many of us bookbinders have quills, if you need one, someone would likely lend it to you.
The one thing I worry over is that my usual playing times only include less than a handful of people around. Plus I would feel badly badgering someone for a quill!
QUOTE (Daraius @ Feb 16 2011, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Origami and stationery and chops have made bookbinding a whole lot more fun, I think. I have a lot of fun with actionorigami alone (as some Shevats will tell you), which is low in the skill. Never tried getting a commission on chops, though. As I understand it, the bookbinder gets a little kick-back for those. I doubt you'll be making a ton of money as bookbinder, but you'll be able to make plenty of cheap, useful stuff that people want. (plus books) (oh, and sorcelglass!)
Thanks for the information. Origami folds still confuse me a little but it's nice to know they can be useful.
Thanks everyone for your insight. I think I am leaning closer towards Bookbinding and will probably pursue that once I have the credit stash.
Unknown2011-02-16 23:09:32
Just don't do tailoring... the length your items last is tied to skill level, so you really want to be trans if you're going to do it.
Unknown2011-02-16 23:11:45
QUOTE (Lorelai @ Feb 16 2011, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looking for a tradeskill that is fun and not very expensive to have fun with. Lucrative tradeskill would be nice but not necessary. I was looking at cooking but it seems there are two trade artifacts related to it. Would I eventually have to invest in both if I saved the credits? Which one first, the spatula or the silver spoon? Bookbinding was another option, but how difficult is it to obtain magic ink? I'm not swimming in credits and whatever I get is bought with the in game currency. Transing any tradeskill is on the backburner for now as well :/ but I would like to pick something!
I love cooking! Get the spatula if you're going to get any, and in the mean time you could borrow mine.
Lendren2011-02-17 00:07:14
QUOTE (Jello @ Feb 16 2011, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just don't do tailoring... the length your items last is tied to skill level, so you really want to be trans if you're going to do it.
That's true for all the crafting tradeskills.
Sylphas2011-02-17 00:13:25
QUOTE (Daraius @ Feb 16 2011, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Origami and stationery and chops have made bookbinding a whole lot more fun, I think. I have a lot of fun with actionorigami alone (as some Shevats will tell you), which is low in the skill. Never tried getting a commission on chops, though. As I understand it, the bookbinder gets a little kick-back for those. I doubt you'll be making a ton of money as bookbinder, but you'll be able to make plenty of cheap, useful stuff that people want. (plus books) (oh, and sorcelglass!)
By a little kickback, Daraius means you get 20% of the cost of the certificate, i.e. 50k for personal seals and 100k for organizational seals. It's decent money if you can get the work, even if Serenwilde made me refund theirs.
Unknown2011-02-17 00:29:33
QUOTE (Lendren @ Feb 17 2011, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's true for all the crafting tradeskills.
Well, some crafting skills give items that are meant to be expended, so the duration is not as big of a deal.
Moriana2011-02-17 00:30:27
QUOTE (Lorelai @ Feb 16 2011, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looking for a tradeskill that is fun and not very expensive to have fun with. Lucrative tradeskill would be nice but not necessary. I was looking at cooking but it seems there are two trade artifacts related to it. Would I eventually have to invest in both if I saved the credits? Which one first, the spatula or the silver spoon? Bookbinding was another option, but how difficult is it to obtain magic ink? I'm not swimming in credits and whatever I get is bought with the in game currency. Transing any tradeskill is on the backburner for now as well :/ but I would like to pick something!
I always loved being a cook, which to me always seemed like the most unique tradecraft in Lusternia (because you get to design the consumed, taste, and smell of the food as well as its appearance) and can also be surprisingly profitable if you own or have access to a shop. The commodities are usually plentiful and not very expensive, which is another advantage (though I remember grain fluctuating in price a lot). At low levels of the skill, I always enjoyed the "bribe people with delicious food" aspect, and the transcendent skill lets you host herofetes, which was always a great way to get members of your org to come together, even if it was just for a little while. The spatula is useful, especially if you're working for a shop or filling out large orders, but I don't think it's essential.
Bookbinding does look like fun, too, though, so that's a good choice too. I especially love the singing action-origami, though I too usually have problems telling which type of origami does what.